Five horny entrepreneurs, plus ‘seeding’ bonuses, equals a fucking good time…[MFFFF, Harem, Preg, Rough]

***Jan 19, 2055***


*Arisa was much warmer than I was expecting. Mars has a surface temperature of -60 degrees centigrade. The tunnels have pumped in heat, so that is nice. Geothermal energy was a real benefit to our settlement.*

*My team in the agricultural wing had worked in the dome for several weeks. We brought seedlings from Earth and over ninety-five percent survived the trip. Quade, our de-facto leader, said we need to get the UV backup running in case of a dust storm. I am inclined to agree. A total mission failure due to crop loss would be quite embarrassing.*

*Although living in close proximity to the crops and each other, the modular walls underground have been nice. The dome is the only part of our settlement above ground. The rest is contained in a single eleven-hundred square foot room. Our first step was to eliminate the walls in our living spaces. It is quite reminiscent to my time in university. Everyone has their own bedroom, but we share two bathrooms and a common living space and kitchen. We all get along famously.*

“*Is this some kind of joke?*” a sentence was shouted from behind me in the living room.

Xi was looking at her tablet on the couch and I dropped down beside her.

“What? News from Earth, or Arisa?”

Xi turned to me.

“It’s an official ‘Fox Life’ brief!” she announced.

Roberta exited her room and joined us in the common area.

“What’s it say?”

“Typical announcement bullshit,” Xi sighed, “but here at the bottom it says, ‘*Did you know about the fraternization bonuses? Arisa is humanity’s premiere up-and-coming settlement on Mars. Any individuals who contribute to population growth will receive triple food, water, and printing credits. Send a message to Faroe Price in Human Resources if you plan to contribute or are already in the process of doing so with co-workers.*”

“That—um—” Roberta paused. “Are they saying what I think they’re saying?”

“Makes sense,” I sighed. “They want us to get pregnant and have lots of babies. Did you wonder why the female to male staff ratio is approximately three to one?”

“You think it was purposeful?” Xi gasped, sitting back.

“Sweet, darling,” I smiled, placing a hand on her cheek. “You are so innocent. Apparently, Fox Life and Robotics would like to change that.”

“This is sexist!” She barked back. “How can they honestly give bonuses to people just for getting pregnant. What about the men, in fairness? What about non-binary individuals? How is that not discriminatory?”

I shook my head.

“Read the brief, ma chère,” I urged, pulling the tablet back to her face. “It says, *’Any individuals who contribute…*’ Admittedly a contribution of sperm isn’t much, but I believe the implication is that—”

“Men get extra credits too. Or anyone who ‘contributes,’ regardless of sex.” Roberta groaned. “Fuck, this is weird.”

“Why is it strange?” I asked, shrugging my shoulders. “Did you really think they would allow colonists to journey to Mars and *not* expect them to have babies in order to grow the settlement?”

“Blech!” Xi grumbled. “That really freaks me out.”

I raised an eyebrow.

“You like the girls then? That explains your looks while I shower.”

Xi reddened a bit.

“No,” she spoke softly. “It’s not—That’s not what we’re talking about anyway! Point is, if I don’t get knocked up, I can only shower for five minutes a day, whereas if one of you gets seeded—”

“Wow,” Roberta groaned.

“You get to take your time and then come out to a king-sized breakfast!” Xi finished.

“What are we talkin about?” Quade asked as he jogged down the stairs with soil coating his muscular forearms. “What’d I miss?”


Something to know about me is that I was never one to waste time. When they announced the Mars astronaut colonization program, I signed up in the first three minutes. I had nothing against Earth, but I’ve always been adventurous.

I waited until the middle of the night. I didn’t want to cause drama in our little home. The door hissed as I tiptoed across the cold polished stone floor in my bare feet. Felicia was sitting in the corner of the couch. She roused as I snuck down the line of doors. She gave me the dirtiest look as I reached Quade’s door.

Felicia didn’t object verbally, or even say a word, but I knew exactly what she was thinking. The announcement had been broadcast at ten AM. Within fifteen hours, I was already fantasizing about what I’d spend the extra credits on.
I knocked again, standing awkwardly in my slip before the slightly older woman. She sighed and rolled her eyes. Felicia went back to reading.

“Fleur,” Quade’s grainy Texas drawl muttered as he answered the door in his boxers. “It’s the middle of the night. What’s up?”

“I’ve got an urgent matter to discuss with you, Quade,” I replied, leaning my chest slightly forward. “Can I come in a moment?”

*If I’m lucky,* I thought with a smirk.

He grunted in frustration at his interrupted sleep and walked away from the door. He slid down onto his bed.

“Leave the door open,” he mumbled. “I don’t want people thinking any funny—”

The door hissed shut as I ran my wrist along the inner panel.

I dragged the thin straps off my shoulders and shrugged my nightgown to the ground. The man looked at me as though I was insane.

“Hey, Fleur, what the fuck are you doing?”

“You don’t find me attractive, Quade?” I asked.

“I mean—” He chuckled.

I was twenty-nine. We had all been training for the astronaut program, so we were in the best shape of our lives. My toned but slender frame looked about as good as it ever had. I stepped closer to him.

“You ever fucked a French girl?”

“Ah, hmm,” He laughed, scooting back on the bed. “Fleur, of course you’re—a beautiful and smart lady. I really value your worth on the team. It might be for the best for us to discuss—”

“You are adorable, you know that?” I asked. “It’s such an American thing. A beautiful woman is marching toward you, begging to be taken raw and fucked ‘til morning, and you’re trying to talk her out of it.”

“Well—” he blushed in embarrassment. His nervous chuckles were a huge turn-on.

“You know what a tease you are?” I asked. “I see you walk straight from the shower to your room, covering only your—longhorn, and I see all those abs. How did you get *so* many abs?”

“Guess just good genes,” He smiled, still looking away. I watched him steal a glance at my chest. He quickly looked to my eyes to see if I’d noticed.

I had.

“Quade, I’m here for you. If you want to touch them, you can,” I whispered.

Apparently offering tits was all I needed to do. His resistance seemed to melt as both hands reached out and groped my chest. His rough hands were gentle as he played with my nipples and squeezed my breasts.

“Triple everything,” I moaned, kissing his neck. “a French girl to fuck nightly who will treat you like a king, and someone other than your left hand touching your cock. How is this not a win-win?”

He exhaled and shook his head.

“We play by my rules, alright? You ask permission before you go trying to tell anyone about our—agreement. I think the others would need a bit of time to adjust to the news.”

“Fair,” I nodded.

“I like—” he looked ashamed. “Some weird stuff. I’ve always wanted to try the weird stuff, but good Christian Texans weren’t very open to it. If you’re gonna be gettin’ with me, I wanna fuck you how I want.”

I bit my lip and raised my eyebrows.

“Darling,” I exhaled, “There is not much I have ever said no to. As long as you promise to finish inside me tonight, you can do whatever you like.”

He was willing before. Those words got him excited.

“Ah!” I giggled. “I see everything *is* bigger in Texas, no?”

“How bout you suck it, then?” he asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

I thought he would never ask. He moved to take off his boxers and I swatted his hand away. It was my time to shine. I knelt down between his legs and ran both of my hands up his shorts.

“Jesus!” he groaned as one of my hands groped his ass and another stroked his balls.

He raised his hips, begging me with his eyes to pull down his boxers and suck. I needed a sizable finish. I’d to tease him for a bit first. I pushed on his knees and he scooted back on the narrow bed, making room for me at the foot.

“You need me to take these—” he asked again, pointing to his only remaining clothes.

“I’m quite capable,” I replied, crawling up to his face and planting a deep kiss on his lips. I dropped my hand underneath his shorts and stroked while we made out. His tongue dipped into my mouth and I shut my lips slightly to suck on it. He let out a darling little moan and twitched in my grip.

I kissed down his neck and across his collarbone, groping his arms and feeling a new warmth run between my legs. Transferring soil and lifting water tanks was hard work. It left his muscles absolutely ripped, more so than they already were during training. I kissed and bit playfully all across his sexy chest as I made my way downward. As my lips met his abs, I looked up to him.

“Mon Dieu,” I gasped. “They are like stone! Are you forcing them to be that hard?”

I was getting too turned on to hide my sexual hunger as I worshipped his midsection. I kissed and licked the most toned abdomen I’d ever seen and lost a bit of control. I flipped his dick out of his waistband and began stroking it as I spent a bit more time fondling his scrumptious core. I just wanted to give them a hug. I wrapped my left arm around to his full ass and gripped it.

“No!” I smiled, feeling his muscular glutes. “C’est impossible!”

I tapped his hips, prompting him to flip. He resisted.

“If you turn over, I’ll take off your clothes,” I bribed.

He groaned in frustration, but acquiesced. As he did, I trembled with excitement. I was a simple woman. I was a sucker for abs, but I *loved* a good ass. I salivated like a bitch in heat as I reached for his waistband. My breathing was rapid. I’d felt the toned muscles, but I had to see for myself. No one was *this* sexy.

I lowered his boxers and felt as though my last safeguards as a powerful lover and independent woman had been shattered. I giggled at first. It was the greatest thing I’d ever seen. He was nervous, flexing just a tad, but he was far more filled out than many women I’d been with. It was all over. I couldn’t help myself. I fell down between his legs and peppered it with kisses as I ran a finger from just below his sack up his cock and turned it downward.

He groaned as my thumb worked up near the tip but jerked as I turned it to get a better grip.

“That’s not a good angle,” he spoke into the bed.

I laughed. He was so innocent. No woman had ever played with him like this. I was thrilled to change that.

I pressed his left hip and elevated his right slightly.

“Stay there. You will like this,” I smiled.

I used my left hand to fondle his tight balls while my right worked his cock. It was then that I leaned down and licked.

“Whoa!” he bucked. “Watch your— I don’t—um, do that.”

“Not yet, darling,” I laughed. “Maybe next time.”

I leaned in close to his ear and stroked his ass with my nails as I writhed against him.

“Feel that?” I asked. “Feel how excited you have made me? You ready to finish?”

He tossed me off him and my back rolled onto the bed. God above he was so strong.

“Nah, fuck that,” he grumbled. “You been so kind to me. I’m not gonna finish without you.”

He straddled my face and leaned down between my legs.

“Maybe not as innocent as I—” my speech was stifled as he flipped his cock down into my mouth.

It was delicious. He was already slickened by my teasing and he slid down my throat with ease. I couldn’t get enough. His tongue’s assault forced me to grind against him. I was losing control. I was getting close. I had enough restraint to grab his delectable ass with both hands and pull him deeper into my throat. He began to thrust with his powerful core, and I struggled to breathe. It was the most pleasant suffocation I’d ever experienced.

I was being pummeled into the bed. I never would have imagined him being able to deliver such punishing force sexually. He seemed so meek. My head began to swim as I held back the impossibly high tide of my orgasm. My legs shook. I wanted to finish with him inside me. As I neared blacking out from air loss, I tapped his hips in a panic. He withdrew and I couldn’t help a few coughs as I took much needed air into my lungs. I took long deep breaths and felt him crawl atop me.

“Fleur, you alright babe?” his concern was adorable.

I was still close.

“Fuck me, please! I’m so close, darling.”

He had *the* sexiest wicked smile I could have ever imagined an American farmboy sporting.

As his nude form climbed atop me, I was a hundred percent sure. I was done. I felt his chest for a moment as I looked upward at the handsome man. He pounded into me and groaned. I was rolling my hips and moaning as my orgasm took me. He began to thrust deep and slow. I grabbed his ass and lifted my legs to take him as deep as I could manage. He wasn’t the largest man I’d ever been with, but his above-average size was perfect. I could take him all the way without pain and allow him unrestrained access to hammering me to his heart’s content.

I thought he’d finished, but then he flipped me over onto my stomach and dragged my hips upward I knelt on all fours, tongue wagging and ready to be slammed, and he pressed my shoulders to the bed. I felt him slip in slowly and he reached around to grope my tits.

“Fuck me, please!” I begged, feeling both hands retract to my hips.

Then—I felt like I might pass out. I’d admittedly never attached a dildo to a jackhammer and turned it on, but I imagine it might have felt something like what Quade was doing to my poor pussy. I wasn’t even moaning anymore. I sounded like some kind of animal, my voice trembling with each concussive strike of his balls. This was not being sneaky. Even if I hadn’t been moaning like a slut, his hammering was so loud, I was sure he’d wake everyone in the quad.

Between his body, and his power, I thought for sure Fox Life had accidentally invited a Greek god to the training program instead of an AG student. I was sopping wet as he pummeled me into oblivion. I’d never come from that position, but as I felt him stroke my G-spot over and over, I became a quivering sex slave. He was just—so—damn—rough. How could such a sweetie turn into a pneumatic monster when he wanted it?

I heard him getting close and I trilled like a soprano. My ass quaked and I felt myself come harder than I had in years. I stuffed sheets around my face as I moaned loudly. I pressed the pillow to my head as though I were attempting suicide by memory foam, but it wasn’t enough to muffle the utter ecstasy I was in.

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, apparently my orgasm sent him over the edge. He dragged my hips to him, and I felt him twitch inside me. I immediately shot up onto my arms and pressed back, trying to make it as good for him as it was for me. I wiggled my hips and moaned openly, feeling so beyond a care in the world. He groped my perky tits and I squealed in delight. As he fully finished and gave my tight ass a celebratory slap, I collapsed face-down on the bed. He fell with me and remained inside. We both moaned as we hit the bed and forced a final involuntary thrust.

He reached around and grabbed my tits as he leaned in close to my ear.

“You were incredible,” he breathed. “That was the best sex I’ve ever had.”

He playfully bit my ear with his teeth, and I giggled. It was certainly top two for me, but I wasn’t sure the number one spot would ever be unseated. Still, I couldn’t do that to him.

“Me too, darling,” I smiled.

He rolled off me and I felt a stream run down my thigh. I was sure he wouldn’t want a mess like that on his bed. I grabbed a tissue and stood up.

“Where you off to?” he asked.

“I’ll be right back,” I replied. “You made a bit of a mess.”

He smirked. I melted.

“Well, I’m pretty sure everyone knows now,” he began, “so, get your ass back to bed ASAP. I want some morning sex, ya hear?”

I nodded with a wink and pulled my slip back onto my shoulders. Even if I wasn’t already pregnant, the practice was sure going to be a treat.




With Quade and Fleur making eyes at each other for weeks, the rest of us had started to get a bit huffy. It was one thing to go without when everyone around you was also doing so, but hearing the meaty Texan loudly fucking the little bitch nightly was beyond frustrating. I had a wicked idea.

We were at breakfast one morning and Quade was sitting next to Fleur, as always.

“So, Quade,” I began. “You knock her up yet?”

Fleur cleared her throat.

“Uh,” he scratched his head. “How bout we talk more about the nitrogen buildup we’ve been seeing in the soil. Felicia, I want you to get surface samples from all planters today. We need to make sure it’s consistent with the readings we’re getting from the base sensors.”

“Yeah, I can do that,” she nodded.

“So, speaking of seeding,” I tried again.

Xi spoke up this time.

“I keep telling Arisa admin not to send us containers of distilled for the hydroponic section. Maybe you could help with that, Quade? It is a huge waste of time to lower Ph because it will fucking melt our plants in a pressurized tube system where the water can’t self-adjust.

“Can do,” Quade nodded. “In the meantime, could you just pour it into a trough and air it out as an intermediary? The Oxygen and air debris should help to make it a bit more basic, but I know that’s temporary.”

“Good idea,” Xi nodded. “I hadn’t thought of that. I’ll just check Ph before adding it into the closed system.”

“That won’t help the needed Calcium and Magnesium percentages,” Felicia muttered. “Be sure you add a supplement before—”

“Not an idiot, Felicia,” Xi sighed.

“Hey,” Fleur spoke up. “How about we all just take a break? We’re one big happy family, here. Breathe in, and out.”

“Alright,” I stood up and grabbed my tray. “Someone needs to shut her mouth before I sock this hippie bitch. We all know you’re just happy as a clam because you’re getting yours stuffed, so how ‘bout you shut the fuck up and—”

“Roberta!” Quade objected.

Fleur began to tear up.

“Oh, really? Tough-ass Fleur is gonna cry?” I teased, rolling my eyes.

“It’s not a good day!” she sniffed.

“Oh really? Well me neither,” I grunted, rinsing my tray in the sink, and marching to my room. “Anyone needs me, I’m going to the dome.”

I stripped to get ready for the day and sighed. I wasn’t trying to hurt Fleur’s feelings, but it is easy to feel carefree when you’re getting it on the daily from a Texan farmer who’s so cut you could grate cheese on his abs. I was really frustrated. I had to wear earplugs. A girl has needs. Those needs are made worse by the sound of that slutty little Frenchie getting fucked once every twelve hours.

I really didn’t give a fuck. Fleur had been clear that it was a casual thing. Maybe it was time for be to be a bit casual too.

I traded my long work pants for the tiniest tan cargo shorts I had brought. My ass barely fit into them, and definitely didn’t whenever I’d bend over. Fleur thinks she’s hot shit with her skinny little self, but I’ve never had any trouble getting anything I wanted, except an outfit that was built for a girl with a bit more junk in the trunk. I slipped on a white tank top and giggled to myself as I looked in the mirror. If I sneezed too hard, I was sure to bust out on top and bottom. Maybe that’d be enough to get Quade’s attention. Of course, if that didn’t work, I had something printed that I was pretty sure would.

Xi dropped her tray that she was washing as she saw me exit my room.

“Holy shit.”

“Thanks, baby!” I winked as my heels clicked on the stone floor.

“Where’d you even—” she shook her head and gawked like a prairie dog.

“Printer. They aren’t real, but they’re cute, right?”

She couldn’t speak. It was adorable. It was a very good sign of things to come.

As soon as I got upstairs, I saw Felicia taking soil samples. She raised an eyebrow in my direction. I just waved and walked to the test bed that needed to be rotated. Unfortunately, rotating crops meant emptying the soil, adding minerals, getting a good balance for the new crop, and then planting. Finding out how to utilize Martian clay was a pain in my ass. I started scooping with the transfer shovel and realized something right away. It was *way* less sweltering to scoop soil in booty shorts and a tank top than a coverall outfit. Of course, I was sure to get really dirty—if I was lucky.

As I reached the halfway point, I wiped a line of sweat from my forehead. Soil transfer was literally the worst. It was exhausting work, it seemed useless, and there was little reward at the end, as you would have to put a new load back in. I heard a man’s footsteps behind me. I was sure it was Quade. I scooped a new load of soil and raised my leg to the shovel as I scooped. It was totally unneeded, but I wanted to make sure he saw.

The man ran face first into a watering scaffold. I laughed to myself and turned around with as much concern as I could.

“Oh my God! Quade, you alright, hon?”

He looked at me, really looked at me, for the first time in weeks.

“Yeah, I just—tripped is all,” he laughed.

*You’re trippin’ alright*, I thought.

“Did you hit your knee?” I asked, massaging his thigh. “Looks like you went down pretty hard.”

“No, it’s, uh—” he rose to a crouched stance and began to pick up seedling cups that had scattered all over the floor. “Just—receptacles.”

“Lucky you hadn’t seeded these yet, right?”

“Right!” he smiled, glancing at my boots.

“You like ‘em?” I asked.

“Oh,” he chuckled, picking up more and setting them on the tray in piles. “Yeah, those are really cute. Where’d you get ‘em?”

“Well,” I shrugged. “They’re not as nice as yours, but I printed them from synthetic leather. It’s harder to tell in black, though, right?”

He looked down again. I could tell he was trying not to stare. What a good guy. I stood up fully and spun around so my ass was facing him.

“You like the backside?” I asked.

“What?” he asked in a panic, inadvertently glancing at my rear end.

“Of the boots!” I giggled, slapping the top of his shoulder.

“*Good grief,*” Felicia groaned from two rows down.

“Oh, yeah, they’re real nice. Got the inlay and everything!” He smiled.

“Thank you!” I replied. “You believe I made the model myself?”

“No way!” He smiled, standing with the tray. “That’s crazy! I didn’t know you were an artist.”

“Oh, well,” I looked down and tried to seem humble. “I don’t know about all that. I dabble. I took a woman’s rain boot and did some cuts right along the top so it would have the same curve as a cowgirl boot. See here?”

I bent over at the hip and traced a finger along the edge of the stitched imitation leather. His jaw dropped for just a second.

“The design was the hardest part,” I shrugged, “But once I got my hands on it—”

I looked straight at him and snapped my fingers.

“—It came real quick.”

His eyes were bugged out as he froze like a deer in the headlights. Speaking of those, his eyes dipped to my high beams for a brief second before looking away. My shirt was moistened with perspiration, and my yellow sports bra showed through. It was my cutest one. It pushed them up and out, and actually made my tits look good. This wasn’t a hard thing to do, but most sports bras for large breasted women seemed to be designed by nuns. The cutest ones were always saved for the lower cup sizes.

His eyes darted back to my cleavage and I smirked.

“Listen, I hate to put you out, but can you give me a hand with some of the new soil? It’s in storage and the bags are *so damn heavy.*”

“Real heavy bags,” he muttered. “Yeah, no, they’re huge.”

I raised an eyebrow.

“I mean, I don’t blame you for wanting help!” He sputtered. “The soil’s really—heavy.”

“Yeah, you said that hon,” I laughed.

I walked ahead of him as I continued talking.

“*Real heavy!*” I tried to imitate his low and slow voice.

As we entered the long and organized storage room, I felt the chill blast me. Seeds were kept at a much lower temperature with humidity control to reduce spoilage. I shivered. He walked in behind me.

I really was frozen as I walked to the back, my breath visible in the air.

“You alright?” he asked.

“Just so *fucking* cold!” I shivered. “This outfit is great for digging, but not for warmth.”

I turned to him with a sexy little thought.

“Hey, you wearing anything under that work jacket?”

He answered slowly.


“Well,” I started. “Since you’re gonna be loading soil for me *like a gentleman*, you’ll be plenty hot. You mind letting me borrow that, so my poor little self doesn’t freeze?”

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

“Ye—” he stopped mid-word. “Yeah, yeah. No that’s fine. Hold up.”

He unzipped the jacket and I think I just about died. Fleur was the luckiest little thing I’d ever seen to have had exclusive dicking rights from that body for a solid month. I was pretty sure her copyright was just about done, though, by the way Quade’s resolve seemed to be crumbling before my eyes. He handed me the jacket and I slipped in a sleeve, stepping close to his chest. I ran my hands up his arms and yelped as I reached his biceps and triceps.

“Boy you are kidding me!” I smiled. “What the fuck are these?”

“Hah,” he scratched his neck. “I should probably start loading the—”

“Fuck—me!” I hinted. “I never felt anything like these. Look at this! I can’t even get both hands around *one* of your arms!”

“Yeah,” He nodded, trying to push past me, “Good genes.”

“And an assload of working out and manual labor,” I smiled, stepping in his way again as I slipped my other arm into the jacket that seemed like an oversized winter coat. I spoke quietly as I continued. “I got a question.”

He swallowed again, trying not to look down my shirt.

“Can I feel your core? That looks—” I stared at the abs that were so perfect, they bulged out through the tight tank top. “I just—your arms were so hard. I wanna see if that’s hard too.”

“It is,” he mumbled, finally pushing by me.

Quade sure wasn’t lying, the man tried to hide it by turning sideways.

As he loaded the bags of soil into the garden cart, I zipped up the jacket. I loved the warmth from his body. I was addicted to the smell of his cologne as I sniffed the collar. I had another bad idea. If I were a man, this next move would definitely be called sexual harassment. It could with me too, but I was pretty sure he liked my ass in a truly special way. I stepped just out of sight and quietly slipped my little shorts down. I lowered them over my thighs, rocking my hips, and then carefully stepped out of my boots. I dropped the shorts and thong, then I slipped the boots back on and stuffed the clothing behind a few tomato seedlings.

When I emerged, I watched that man load the last two bags and I swear to you, I just about came right there. All I could think of was that I weighed just a bit more than a couple of those 80-pound bags, and he lifted two like it was nothing. I’d always wanted standing sex, but it’s damn athletic. That sexy farmboy was a hell of a lot better than any athlete I’d ever seen, though. As he dusted off his hands, I stepped just ahead of him and dragged mine up the sturdy metal shelving, causing the bottom of my ass to pop out of the jacket.

Watching the gears turn in his mind was adorable. I could almost hear him think.

“*Wait a minute. Were her shorts that short before? I think so, but damn. Jacket is still rising. Is she still wearing shorts? Holy shit, she’s not wearing shorts!*”

His jaw fell as he silently ogled my ass.

“You wanna give it a spank and see what a thick girl feels like?”

“Oh—” he mumbled as I dragged the jacket a bit higher, fully revealing my pride and joy. “That’s—mighty kind—but no?”

“You didn’t sound sure just now, hon.”

“No,” he repeated, almost as shaky as before. I turned to face him and showed off a tiny strip of pubic hair and a fit stomach. I didn’t have abs, but my belly was tight. His mouth was drier than the barren Martian surface as I sauntered closer. He was trying to behave, bless his heart. “I really—”

“Wanna see a magic trick?” I asked.

“O—kay?” he replied, finally shivering.

I let the jacket drop back down and saw him unintentionally frown. It only spurred me on. I drew my arms inside the jacket and did some creative movement. I stepped out of my boots and my bare feet hit the frozen floor. As they did, I rolled the remnant of my tank top and bra down over my ass and let it drop to my feet.

“Ta da!” I laughed, showing off.

Quade did the math in his head about what I had to be wearing under his jacket.

“Fuck,” he breathed, snapping to his senses, “Listen, Fleur and I—”

“Are casual,” I finished. “She’s only said it about fifty times. I think she doesn’t wanna commit to any kind of exclusive relationship. I don’t see why not. Either way, that means that you can do what you want.”

I bent over against the bare metal shelf at the end of the secluded hall and raised the jacket, facing my best assets toward him.

“See anything you want to do?”

The innocent farmboy had clearly been corrupted. He shook his head and stomped toward me. I watched over my shoulder as one of his palms rose into the air. He brought it back down with a loud slap and I jerked, letting out a little moan for him.

“Damn, Quade,” I laughed. “Show me how you really feel.”

And boy did he. Quade brought both hands down on my ass even harder. This time I didn’t have to moan *for* him. I couldn’t help myself. This only intensified as I felt his tongue run up my clit.

“Fuck!” I called out. I wasn’t expecting that. It was a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.

He slipped a pair of fingers inside of my *extremely* ready pussy. That man even curled them in the right direction while I was bent upside down. That’s not very common. In fact, it was the only time a man had ever gone after my G-spot right when I cornered ‘em for a quickie.

That dutiful man worked with all the devotion I’d seen him pour into the crops. Now it was time to seed. He sucked my clit into his mouth delicately and kept licking.

“Oh my God!” I screamed. Between that and the fingering, I wasn’t long for the world. “No, no, stop! I’m gonna come. I want you inside me when I come!”

He must be part machine for how fast he dropped his pants and rammed into me. I usually come pretty fast, it’s true, but because of his rapid transition, and the surprise of feeling his dick for the first time, I came *hard* after the third or fourth thrust. He kept an even, but not relentless, pace as I eased over the edge, but as the rolling, pulsing, orgasm continued, I wanted more.

“Just **fuck** me farmboy!” I shouted out like a crazed sex-hungry maniac.

And boy did he.

He pounded so fast that the shelves quaked and shook that I was holding onto. I unzipped his jacket and tugged one of my nipples. It was like—I wasn’t even sure where the first orgasm had ended. I just kept moaning and breathing, letting him absolutely ravage me, and it kept feeling like heaven.

That was when he said the sentence I longed to hear.

“Turn the fuck around.”

He eyed me up and down, for the first time. His cock twitched.

“Like it?” I asked.

He grabbed the small of my back with one hand and delivered a powerful spank with his other. I felt a stirring within myself that I didn’t expect so soon. That man *does* things to me. I breathed a request without even thinking about logistics.

“Can you pick me up?”

He smiled.

I have to imagine that as a hard-working man, it must be annoying that no one gets to see your raw, brute-like, strength because the majority of farm workers who do heavy lifting are men. Well, let me just say, he jumped at the chance to show off. He picked me up with the same ease as he had with the soil and I wrapped my legs around him and kissed him, hard. He lowered me just a bit as I held the kiss and sucked his tongue.

He was trying to figure out the maneuver.

“Can you—” he grunted.

“Oh, yeah, baby!” I smiled, reaching down behind my back. It took a little wiggling of his cock, but just like hitting the jackpot—you know it when you do it. His dick slid in all at once and I cried out, looking to the sky.

“Holy shit!” I screamed.

First it was me, tightening my legs over and over, that was directing the show. I wiggled up and down on him, my biggest fantasy being fulfilled, and held a palm to his abs for good measure. My moans were high and quick as I realized that, goddamn it, I might just be able to come a second time.

His groans were getting louder. It was a huge turn on, even more so when he widened my legs and pressed my back to the steel shelf, knocking a few instruments and a length of tubing to the ground.

“Fuck!” I squealed in delight.

He drew back, like a brave knight about to finish his opponent, and began pummeling me. My moans were nonsensical. Things like “*shit, fuckfuckfuck,*” erupted from me as I began to lose touch with reality. Honestly, I don’t even know what he was doing when I came. Sweetie, I was just *beyond*. I just came, and came, and didn’t stop for what felt like five minutes. I hardly even heard him as he roared out like a conquering lion. He pumped inside of me what felt like buckets and brought my face to his. We both were breathing like—well—exhausted farm workers at the end of a shift as the room seemed to rematerialize around us.

I laughed and he joined me. He set me down gently and grabbed my face with both hands. He kissed me sweetly this time. I wrapped an arm around his muscular waist and ran my fingertips up his abs. As his sweaty face smiled and looked back at me, I knew one fact too surely.

I had it bad for this guy.

**Was it as good for you as it was for me? If so, please follow me so you can see more!**

Part 2 (of 3) coming very soon!



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