The Essential Free Use Receptionist [MF, free-use, oral, exh, Mdom]

The elevator doors opened and I trudged out. Of all the times for them to work on my internet access, they chose the middle of a pandemic, and now I had to risk my health by driving into the office. At least I’d be alone. “I’m not even supposed to be here today,” I quoted to myself.

“I wish you weren’t,” came an unexpected response. I looked over to the reception desk and saw Shiho at her laptop, not even deigning to look up at me.

“Oh. Good. The Office Sunshine is still here even in these trying times. You’re what passes for essential these days, huh?”

“More essential than you are. What do you even do here, again?”

“Lots of stuff. Write reports. Send reports. Babysit morons who don’t understand how data works. Harass receptionists. I’m busy.”

“Too busy to annoy me?” she asked, suddenly cheerful.

“Never. When something’s important, you make time for it.”

She sighed deeply. “Lucky me.”

I smiled and waved to her as I passed through the doors to the office itself. “See you later, Sunshine!”

“Not if I see you first,” she called musically after me.

I walked through the empty columns and rows of cubicles. It felt eerie being the only one there, like I was a post-apocalyptic survivor who had made a lot of poor choices about what skills would be most useful after the collapse of society. The lights came on one group at a time as I walked into the field of vision of their motion detectors. Was I really the only one here? I walked a quick lap to confirm that yes, it was just Shiho and me alone here today.

I went to my desk and waited for my computer to boot up. I wasn’t sure what, if anything, I had done to earn Shiho’s ire. I certainly didn’t remember any disastrous first impressions. And yet her treatment of me always left me feeling as though she viewed me as the dirt beneath her shoes. Even my attempts at dessert bribery were met with withering criticisms on how I could have done better, or sarcastic compliments, such as how I had done such a great job creating a dessert for dieters, since no one would want to have seconds. Funny, I had to admit, but I really wish she’d just take the stick out of her ass one of these days. Maybe fuck herself with it until she eased up a bit…

The morning passed uneventfully. Morons needed babysitting. Morons got babysat. Requests came in. Requests went out. All things I much rather would have been doing at home in pajamas with either a game or some porn on my personal computer to liven things up a bit. I squirmed in my chair. I would definitely rather have some porn in the background. After a few weeks of working alone at home, I suspected I had Pavlovian conditioned my cock to expect some personal attention every morning. Even now it tingled in my boxers, halfway to a full erection, impossible to simply ignore.

Well, did I have to ignore it? I stood up and looked around, meerkat-style. I was still alone. I sat back and leaned back in my chair, getting out my phone and searching for something good. My thoughts found their way to Shiho. Despite her personality, I couldn’t deny her physical attractiveness. That demure face that belied her feistiness that bordered, sometimes on the far side, on bitchiness. The way her pencil skirt clung to her hips and ass. Her blouse that gaped at the buttons as it struggled to contain her tits that bounced so beautifully as she stormed past me. Her dark brown, crescent eyes that so frequently narrowed in a glare in my direction. Those plump lips that looked good even in a sneer.

I searched for a video about Japanese office women and found something that looked good, stroking my cock through my pants as it began, losing myself in the fantasy, watching blushing, buxom beauties brazenly baring their bewitchingly bouncing breasts to boisterous businessmen. I quickly grew to a full erection, and the friction of my hand through fabric no longer satisfied by craving. I unzipped my pants and took out my manhood, taking a moment to admire its girth and shining, thick head before wrapping my trembling hand around it.

I couldn’t suppress a grin from the transgressive delight of openly masturbating in the office. My cock positively buzzed in pleasure, aching for a release that I knew wasn’t far distant as I stroked my hand up and down its long shaft, twisting my hand, pumping quickly. I was close. I closed my eyes and slowed my pace, steadily caressing my shaft, fingers brushing below my head, as I deftly guided myself to an explosive climax. Ecstasy swelled inside me, growing, growing, ready to burst into orgasm.

“Fucking Christ, are you kidding me?” Shiho asked just as I passed the point of no return. I opened my eyes and saw her standing next to me, glaring at my cock with a sneer of disdain on her face. I pulled my hand off my cock, but it was too late to stop myself from cumming while my cock flailed helplessly, too shocked to cover myself up, frozen as both of us watched its frantic spasms as my cum spurted wildly onto my pants and the floor.

I raised my eyes and met hers. She huffed. “Can’t you at least use the bathroom, you pervert?” Her cheeks glowed red. “Did you bring a lunch today, Tiny?”

“Uh, n-no,” I stammered. My wilting cock still lay outside of my pants, glazed with cum, quickly shrinking.

She tossed a menu at my chest. “Pick something for lunch. Company’s paying.”

I hurriedly browsed the menu under her withering gaze, all too aware of my exposed vulnerability. “Cuban sandwich looks good. With chips and a drink. Please.”

I offered the menu back to her, but she stepped back and put out her hands to keep me at a safe distance. “You keep it, Sir Cumsalot. And clean yourself up before lunch gets here.” She turned on her heels and stomped away. My heart raced in my chest. I tucked my cock back into my pants and went to the bathroom to clean up and think.

I couldn’t believe I had gotten caught masturbating like that. I had been so focused on my own pleasure I hadn’t even heard her approach. And to have jizzed like that right in front of her, too. She’d never think of me as anything but a pervert. What if she told everyone? I was going to have to find a new job. My teeth tingled. My face burnt with shame. I could forget about ever getting a reference from here. “Yeah, Daniel was a great employee when he wasn’t compulsively masturbating at his desk like a horny monkey.” I splashed my face with cold water and dried off. On the way back to my desk, I contemplated the best way to beg Shiho to keep this a secret between us and what sort of largesse I’d have to offer her.

I sat down and went to unlock my computer when I noticed a blank page on my keyboard. I turned it over. I read it. I read it again. I thought for a few minutes and walked over to the reception desk and dropped it in front of Shiho.

“Did you write this?”

“I did.”

“Signed and notarized?”

She looked up at me. “I’m a notary public. Got a problem with it?”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes, I’m really a notar-”

“I mean the letter.”

“Yes,” she replied. “Deadly.” She looked me in the eyes and spoke aloud the words from her letter, already engraved into my brain. “I hereby consent to anything you do to me, so long as you don’t ask first.”


She shrugged. “I mean it. Whatever you want, go for it. Just don’t ask first. Somebody has to stop you from jacking off in the office like a horny teenager and it’s not going to be you, apparently.”

I pressed my lips together. It didn’t hurt to try. I leaned forward and flicked her ear. She glared at me, but she didn’t stop me or move away either. Maybe she really meant it. How far could I take this? She’d stop me if she weren’t serious, wouldn’t she? I reached forward again. She typed away as my hands reached towards her chest. My unsteady fingers reached her collarbone. I held my breath.

She didn’t react.

My hand lowered, descending beneath her blouse. I felt the cup of her bra, hesitated, and slid my hand beneath it, waiting for an objection that never came. Her chest swelled and blossomed into soft, plump flesh. She grunted quietly as my hand opened and cupped her breast, my grip tightening around it. Her warm, firm breast filled my hand. Her stiff nipple pressed eagerly against my palm. I gave her a rough squeeze, savoring her tit, taking possession of it.

Her mouth lay flat, but I could see the effort it was taking to keep it that way.

After years of staring at her tits, sneaking peeks when she wasn’t looking, knowing that I’d never get anywhere because of her dislike for me, here I was, grabbing them like I owned them without any regard for her pleasure. Simply selfishly gratifying my own lewd desires with her body, using her like a toy.

“I hope this isn’t the extent of your creativity,” she said after a few minutes of groping.

“Not at all,” I replied, a thought suddenly occurring to me. I undid the buttons of her blue blouse one by one and slipped it off of her. “Nice lingerie. Are you always wearing such fancy underwear at the office?” I asked, admiring the black demi cups, edged with lace, decorated with crimson roses that looked as though they had been carved from the fabric, the stark contrast calling Japanese lacquerware to mind.

“Usually. I dress for myself. It doesn’t matter who else sees it.” I stroked the edges of her cups with my finger, brushing against her soft flesh. I pushed her forward softly and unhooked and removed her bra. She now sat before me completely topless, her full, round breasts bare before me for the first time. Her skin was the color of peach tea, and her breasts hung in the air as though untouched by gravity, perfectly shaped and symmetrical. Her pastel pink nipples stuck out like wild berries, tempting me to taste them, and I’ve never been very good at resisting temptation.

I turned her chair towards me, bent down, grabbed her breast in my hand, and took her nipple into my mouth, swirling my tongue around her areola, her stiffness quickly proving contagious. A moan escaped her lips. I smirked and released her. She glared at me. “Happy?”

“Exceedingly,” I replied, picking up her bra and shirt. “I’m certain the delivery man will be, too. Bring me my sandwich when it arrives, Sunshine.” I walked away as she huffed and puffed, smiling to myself. Work had certainly gotten very interesting.

Not much later, Shiho walked over to my desk, her still-bare breasts jiggling deliciously with each step. “Where’s lunch, D Cups?” I asked, talking directly to her tits. She crossed her arms across her chest.

“I’ve got it in the break room. I was going to take pity on you and asked if you wanted some human interaction for once but if you’re going to be a dick…”

“I’ll be good. You can even have your top back. Afterwards.”

“So immature…you’re just loving this, aren’t you?”

“Who wouldn’t?” She rolled her eyes and walked away. I followed her to the break room.

The entire time we ate, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her breasts. I had never seen a pair so beautiful in person, and the attraction was all the greater knowing I could do anything I wanted to them, her ripe melons mine for the taking. But I let her eat in peace, at least. We even had a civil conversation. Although, quite frankly, so long as I could stare at her big, beautiful tits, I didn’t much mind whether she were civil or not.

“So how did the food delivery go?” I asked, after we had finished eating.

She averted her eyes. “He appeared to be quite happy about it. I don’t think he looked me in the eyes once. Apparently he’s as big a pervert as you are. Maybe you two can be besties and talk about your perversions together,” she suggested.

“Sure. It sounds like we have a lot in common. We can talk about our favorite kinds of tits.”

“Oh? And what makes a tit your favorite?” she asked.

I counted off on my fingers, “Perkiness, shape, and size. The perfect tit needs to be firm, round, and big enough to fill a hand.” I lowered my eyes to chest for a moment. “You’ve got all three.”

She held her hands behind her head and shimmied a bit, her fantastic breasts jiggling back and forth hypnotically. “So these are perfect then?”

“Mhm…” I mumbled, entranced. She laughed.

“God, you’re easy to distract. Just warn me next time you jack off at your desk so I don’t have to see that again.”

“Will do,” I said. “I’ll send you a meeting invite in Outlook.” But I couldn’t help but muse that she only wrote that note after she saw that the first time. Very interesting… As much as I wished I could just spend the day staring at Shiho’s chest, though, I at some point needed to get work done. I had a big, urgent request from a few levels up the chain, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to focus with as alluring an alternative as Shiho’s ample udders. I sighed remorsefully. “Well, I have to get some work done. But if I finish early, I’ll swing by reception.”

“Don’t care.” She held out a hand. “Top.”

“One second.” I stood up and moved behind her, reaching my hands on either side of her neck, and took each breast fully and forcefully in my hands, her plumpness filling my palms. She sighed as I whispered to them, “Don’t worry, this isn’t a goodbye, only a see you later. I’ll miss you, D Cups.” I lingered a few moments longer before standing up and placing her shirt in her hand.


“Na, I’m gonna hold onto it for a while,” I informed her. I walked back to my desk, already planning what else I could do, twirling her lingerie on my finger.

I don’t think I had ever been quite so motivated as I was that afternoon, trying to blow through my work so I could get back to Shiho’s plump breasts, yet every time I managed to complete a new task, another two popped up in my email, hydra-like. By the time I had completed everything urgent, the day had nearly ended.

Shiho herself stood by her desk, putting away her things. “Still here?” Shiho asked with an arched eyebrow. “I thought you usually finished quickly. Oh, no offense. You’re usually out the door long ago by now.”

“Busy day,” I explained, my eyes lingering on her unbound breasts. Her lack of a bra was obvious, her nipples poking through the fabric brazenly, while her massive breasts weighed against her shirt. I leaned in close to those dark brown, crescent eyes, her narrow straight nose, those plump, red lips, and I made a mistake. “How about a kiss goodbye?” I asked.

She smirked and pulled away as I leaned in, pushing a solitary finger against my lips. “Uh uh uh, you know the rules. ‘I hereby consent to anything you do to me, so long as you don’t ask first.’ And you asked. So no consent. Ergo, no kisses.”

I hissed through clenched teeth. Damn. I had blundered, but at least it had been a minor piece lost and not something more valuable. Still, I’d have to remember that. “Fine.” I wrapped my arms around her and grabbed her ass with both hands, pulling her tightly against me and my hard cock. She gasped in what I could only assume was awe at its majesty, or perhaps that was merely wishful thinking. Her ass filled my hands as perfectly as I had always assumed it would, round and firm, toned but with a feminine plumpness. “I’ll just say goodbye this way, then. Mmm, these are tight. You must work out.”

“I dance. I swim. Squats don’t hurt, either.” She bit her lip as I massaged her firm cheeks. “Don’t you want to go home? And leave me alone?”

“Not especially. You’re a lot more fun than anything I’ve got there.”

“Sounds like you need a new hobby, then. I’m certain masturbating furiously already takes up so much of your time, but perhaps you could get into building model ships or practicing discretion.”

“But then when would I furiously masturbate?”

“At the office, evidently.” She gently broke off the hug. “Unfortunately, I really must be going or I’ll miss my train. But I’ll be here tomorrow…all day…alone…” she said as she walked over the elevator and pushed the button.

“Maybe I’ll stop by and keep you company.”

The elevator doors opened and she got inside. Just before they closed, she answered. “I wouldn’t entirely hate that.”

I only barely made it home without stroking myself to orgasm through my pants at every red light. My heart still raced as I walked through the door. I could scarcely believe today had happened. I felt as though I must be delusional. But I still had Shiho’s note, signed and notarized. It was real. If I closed my eyes, I could still feel her soft warmth filling my palm. I laid down in bed with some hand lotion and slowly coaxed myself to climax as I daydreamed about what I could do to her tomorrow.

I arrived at the office bright and early the next morning. Shiho was already there, her eyes looking up to the elevators as the door opened, and I’d testify under oath that I saw the barest glimmer of a smile as she recognized me.

“Good morning, Sunshine. Going for easy access today, are we?” I asked her, staring down her top with its deliciously low neckline. I suspected that if she even attempted a jumping jack, she’d pop out entirely.

“Today’s laundry day. I didn’t have anything better to wear. And since no one important or decent or not a pervert is going to see me today, I figured it didn’t really matter.”

I walked behind her and leaned down so we were almost cheek-to-cheek. I slid my hand down into her top and cupped that perfect breast, gently pinching her nipple between my thumb and forefinger. She squeaked. I chuckled. “Say what you want. I know the truth. Your nipples are already hard.”

“The office is freezing,” she said. Her body said otherwise. I was enjoying myself too much to care either way. So long as her zaftig melons were mine to possess and caress, she could say whatever she liked. I took her wrist and guided her hand to my cock, already eagerly straining against my pants, and moved her hand up and down its full length.

“Eww, you’re hard!” she said in disgust as her fingers wrapped around it and squeezed.

“I am. Help me out with it,” I told her.

“Just because you can do anything to me doesn’t mean I’ll do anything to you. Down, boy.” She finally pulled her hand back. “But feel free to help yourself out. I know you’re a pro at that.”

“I suppose I’ll have to.” I pulled down at her plunging neckline and bra until they bared her creamy, round breasts, pushed up by their pressure. “Much better.” I reached down and unzipped my pants slowly, savoring the way her eyes were glued to my lowering zipper. They stayed locked on as I reached into my pants, into my boxers, wrapped my hand around my hard, hot cock, and pulled it out of my open fly.

My heart raced. I had never done anything so bold, so public, as this. I had just whipped my cock out for my coworker, my hard-on right in front of her staring face, bobbing ever so slightly as it pulsated with each heartbeat. I looked from its thick, veined shaft back to Shiho. She crossed her legs and squirmed in her chair a bit. “This is a place of business. Put your dick away, you perverted degenerate.”

“You’re one to talk, D Cups.”

“I was forced into this by a brutish, lewd beast who chose to take advantage of me, thank you very much. What’s your excuse?”

I gripped my shaft and began to slowly pull on it a bit. “Just listening to your advice. Taking care of this myself. You don’t mind, do you?”

“I very much mind. But if you’re going to insist, I guess there isn’t much I can do to stop you.” She turned back to her computer, but she couldn’t stop her eyes from darting back to my cock. As for me, I kept my eyes fixated on her perfect breasts as I stroked just inches away from them. I had always fantasized about such a nonchalant masturbation session, openly using a woman as my spank bank right in front of her. I could scarcely believe it was actually happening. I quickened my pace a bit, sliding my hand up and down my shaft. Shiho breathed heavily, her bosom heaving. Did she already suspect my intentions? I hoped so. I wanted to know that even now, she’d freely let me do what I wanted to her. Or onto her…

“Your tits look fantastic today, Shiho. I’ve never seen a pair so firm and big.”

“Some of us are blessed by genetics. Some of us aren’t, Tiny.”

“Ouch, you wound me.” I didn’t doubt she was simply being her usual gadflyish self. I wasn’t going to make any stallion envious, but I was perfectly happy with the length and girth I had. Besides, no one uninterested would be so compelled to keep darting glances at it. “Besides, size doesn’t matter, it’s what you do with it that counts.”

“Oh, are you mediocre at that, too?” she asked. “Surely a man with any confidence in his abilities in the situation you’ve wormed yourself into would be eager to prove himself. Yet you’ve refrained so far. What’s the problem? Premature ejaculation? Bad in bed? No stamina?”

“You just wait. When I’m good and ready I’ll show you just what I can do.” I knew I couldn’t last much longer at this rate. My hand felt so good on my cock right now. What I wouldn’t give to have hers pulling me to the finish line, instead. Her topless chest, her beautiful face: three tempting targets lay right before me, and all I had to do was keep pumping just a little longer, turn this pleasure growing inside me into a gushing ejaculation. I groaned. I was close. I aimed my cock upwards and pumped my hand hard and tightly.

The glorious bliss of friction transmuted into pure orgasmic ecstasy. My knees buckled, but I stood steady enough to ensure that my first burst of cum landed right onto Shiho’s face, Her eyes closed. A sensual gasp escaped her lips. More of my semen coated her face, landing on her cheek and jaw. As my throbbing pleasure waned, so too did the force of my ejaculation, and my next few spurts reached only her breasts, splattering ivory across her chest, dripping down between her breasts. Her cheeks flushed. Her hand opposite me reached up and grabbed her breast, pinching her nipple.

“You’re a beast! I can’t believe you would cum on an innocent girl like this!” she hissed at me, although her protests lacked much force when she was groping her own breast while saying so.

“I took care of it myself. If you’ve got a problem with it, help next time.”

“This is extortion.”

I wiped the last drop of cum off the tip of my cock against her face. “And don’t you forget it.” I tucked it back into my pants and exhaled deeply. With my biological urges temporarily satiated and my mind clear, I almost felt bad for my forwardness. But I knew she’d stop me if I ever went too far. Wouldn’t she? I wondered how committed she was to this. Could I truly do anything to her, and she’d simply go along with it?

“Don’t bother cleaning that off, or I’ll have to give you a fresh coat,” I warned her, patting her gently on her sticky cheek.

“Monster. Deviant. Pervert. How do you even come up with such sick ideas?” she asked, pulling her clothing up to cover her breasts, yet taking no steps to clean up my cum from her face and chest.

“I’ll make it up to you.”

“Unless you’re planning to quit, I doubt it.” I pulled her chair back from her desk and got down onto my knees beneath it. I grabbed hold of her hips and pulled her towards me. “What are you doing?” she asked as I unzipped her skirt and pulled it down off her legs. Her white panties, decorated with a pink ivy pattern, lay before me.

“Very cute. And I’m sure you know exactly what I’m doing.” I hooked my fingers into the waistband of her adorably innocent panties, as misleading as they were, and slowly slid them off her body, revealing her smooth little cunt, nestled between her soft thighs. Her lips were small but noticeably plump, with a bit of meatiness to her reddened petals that hid so much from my eyes. Her aroma intoxicated. I saw the dew already upon her lips. “You’re wet already, Shiho? Guess I’m not the only pervert…”

“Do you ever shut up?”

“Only when my mouth is full.”

“Whatever it takes, then,” she sighed, parting her thighs for me, opening them invitingly wide. “Just remember: kisses are forbidden.”

“Yes, ma’am.” She was serious about the rules if she planned to handicap her own cunnilingus. I’d have to be careful to refrain from asking for anything. The thought of slipping up and losing a chance at this miraculous prize frightened me. And yet, the risk excited me, as did the knowledge that I had to ignore all the rules I had learned about asking, about consent, about respect. I had to take, grab, and seize. It invigorated me with primal, virile energy.

I placed a hand on each of her thighs and leaned forward, letting her yonic scent fill my nostrils. No kissing, hm? I could handle that. Just made things more interesting having a handicap. I started by stroking my thumbs up and down just beyond her lips, warming her up. Her breath quickened. I admit, I yearned to kiss her, to press my lips against hers and slip my tongue between them. And yet, the thrill of knowing that I couldn’t made my cock strain against my clothes. I felt like a caged beast, but one that had tricked its captor into the same cage. I might be constrained, but she was trapped with me.

I slid my hands apart, massaging her inner thighs, grazing my fingernails against her sensitive flesh, just barely touching her. I licked my lips and leaned forward, slowly caressing her intimacy with my warm tongue. She cooed softly. She tasted deliciously tart. I let myself simply lick and savor her flavor for a while, lapping away at her dessert.

I spread her lips apart gently with my fingers and entered her more deeply with my tongue. The phone rang. She held up a finger and hissed, “Stop for a second.”

I did.

Until she picked up the phone and answered with her standard corporate greeting. In my defense, she only asked for a second. As soon as she was trapped on the line, I started back up again. A squeak escaped her mouth before she slapped her hand over it. She glared down at me, but I pretended to be too engrossed in my task to notice. I continued lapping at her lips, licking up her juices, my tongue caressing her clit.

I couldn’t help but feel pride in the cracks I heard in her voice as she attempted to carry on her conversation, the way she stammered and stuttered, having to take breaks to collect herself so she could calmly carry on. Her voice hurried and raced. She pressed the phone against herself so she could gasp and pant. Her body trembled in my grip. All too soon, I heard a hasty, “Goodbye,” from above me. She didn’t even place the phone back into its cradle. She simply tossed it aside and let it swing pendulously from its cord.

“I hate you,” she hissed. She spread her legs and gripped the arms of her chair tightly with both hands, repeating the words as she hyperventilated between each repetition. “I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.”

“You love it,” I countered. I slipped a finger inside her, then two, thrusting into her, pumping away as I kept licking her womanhood. She was slick and open, practically inviting my fingers inside of her. Her quim embraced me lovingly, firmly, warmly. Her head bent down as her breath raced, moans and screams intermingling as they gushed out of her. She quivered and moaned loudly, urgency melting into relief in her voice, lips parted, eyes closed. Her voice faded and only her heavy panting remained. My fingers hastened, penetrating her forcefully and urgently. Her muscles tensed and her smile opened into a gaping semicircle. Her eyelids fluttered, her eyes rolled up into her head. Her body tightened on my fingers, unwilling to let them leave her confines.

She froze.

She took a deep breath and released her grip. I knelt between her legs, panting with her, until we both recovered our breaths. Her nipples poked promiscuously through her top. “I saw your orgasm face, Shiho.”

She crossed her legs and pushed me back with her foot. “Forget you ever saw it,” she ordered me.

I smirked and stood up. “Pretty bossy for someone who just came on my fingers.” I rubbed my fingers together, her juices still moist on me, my fingertips wrinkled from being soaked inside her. “Don’t forget who’s in charge here.”

“You think it’s you?” she asked, eyebrows raised, her lips smirking.

“You think it isn’t?”

She nodded towards my crotch. “You obey your cock, and your cock obeys me.”

“Are you sure about that?” I stepped towards her, our bodies just barely apart from each other. “Why don’t you try telling my cock to go down and see whether that works?”

“I choose not to of my own free will.”

“Mhm…I think we both know that you’re at my mercy, Shiho.” I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. My cock twitched at her presence. Her moisture seeped into my pants. “You’re just aching for more, aren’t you?”

She stepped back. She bumped against her desk. Her exposed pussy betrayed her. “No,” she obviously lied. “I just want to get back to work.”

I stepped forward. She had nowhere to go. “That’s too bad,” I whispered, caressing her cheek, down her neck to her collarbone. My hand went down her neckline. I wasn’t nearly so gentle this time. I pulled at it roughly. It burst open, buttons scattering. She gasped. Lucky for her, her bra clasped at the front. I undid it and pulled it away from her delicious, firm tits. I squeezed both roughly before turning her over. I pushed her onto the desk, her soft chest against the hard wood. Her round, firm ass curved sensuously like ripe fruit beneath my hands, her pale flesh just crying out for a tinge of pink. I rubbed her ass before pulling my hand back and delivering a firm spank to a shocked by delighted gasp.

I unzipped my pants and took out my revitalized cock, already ready and raring to go another round. I held it in my hand and probed against her dewed lips, caressing her with my swollen tip. She raised her ass in the air, offering herself to me without a spoken word. I took a deep breath, and guided myself into her, her delicate, pink petals opening for me. She hummed softly as I slowly slid myself deeply into her.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I said.

“Me neither. You’re awful,” she spat.

I started to withdraw. “I can stop if you really mind.”

She turned back to look at me. “You’re terrible! You’d force yourself on me and not even finish? You’re keeping that cock inside me until I say so or so help me. I am not ending a six month dry spell with a two pump chump and you had better last longer than you did jacking off, Quickdraw.”

I chuckled. “Six months?”

“Oh, shut up and either fuck me or go fuck yourself. I don’t care which.”

“Well, since you asked so politely.” I held her hips in my hands and did as she said, slowly at first, exploring her insides with my cock, savoring the intimate tightness of her pussy, this sudden surprise that a mere twenty-four hours ago would have sounded impossible had you asked me.

“Harder,” she demanded. I forced myself into her more deeply with each thrust, pushing her into the table, her breasts brushing against the wood, her head threatening to knock down her monitor, her hands gripping the edges tightly for leverage. We reeked of sex. The table squeaked. There’d be no hiding our deed if we were caught now. Harder I pumped, harder I thrust, my cock aching for every inch to be enveloped by her cunt.

A sudden, unwelcome thought made me slow my pace. “You’re on birth control, right?”

“I guess we’ll find out in nine months, won’t we?”

“I know you’re messing with me.” She wouldn’t invite me to cum inside her without birth control…would she?

“What do you think of the name Vivian? I’ve always liked it,” she added.

I spanked her ass hard and wrapped her hair around my hand and pulled. A part of me didn’t care whether she were joking or not. I was running purely on instinct now, and my instincts were commanding me to cum inside this tight, warm, fertile cunt. I didn’t intend to disobey.

She moaned loudly as I aggressed. She must have been wanting this the entire time. Her entire plan had been to be taken and ravished from the start. She really was in charge, wasn’t she? I thrust my cock hard inside her. Her tight warmth surrounded me, enveloped me, with each thrust I made, filling my body with ecstasy, flooding me with a torrent that would soon overwhelm me and force me to surrender to her body and fill her with my essence.

We were both moaning loudly, primally, like beasts. Had the office not been empty, everyone would have heard us. I almost wished they could. I wanted everyone to know that I was making Shiho mine, marking her ass with my hand, claiming her womb with my cum. The intense ecstasy grew until the pressure became too much and it ignited, exploding inside me. I gripped her hips as I shuddered, my cock spasming inside her. I felt my cum gushing into her, filling her pussy until it dripped out of her onto the floor. Still, I thrust, wringing every last iota of pleasure from my orgasm inside her, craving more of it, unable to be satisfied by any finite amount.

But slowly, that all subsided. Everything was quiet, except for our intermingled breaths.

She lay on the desk, exhausted, quivering, wet. I slowly pulled my cock out of her, her body gripping me tightly until I was free. I gave her a last, appreciative spank on her right cheek. “So, the deal is I can do anything I want to you, right?” She mumbled something that sounded affirmative into her keyboard. “Good. In that case, I’m taking you out tonight. Nori rolls after work.” I tucked my cock into my boxers and zipped up. “It’s a date.”



  1. OMG that was wonderful! Hot as hell, funny, and well written. Going to look for your other stories for sure.

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