[MF] The last time I fucked my flatmate’s crush

Read the previous parts:

[MF] My third experience with my flatmate’s gorgeous crush. from gonewildstories

I contemplated whether or not to write about my last time with Lisa because it’s not as long or interesting a story. But I just find it so enjoyable writing about it that I had to.

After the last time I was pretty disappointed and realised that nothing substantial was ever going to happen between us. We were still friends but would never be more than that.

Anyway, Fred and I used to have a large stock of beers and other drinks at our place that we would acquire over time from some older friends, as we were not of legal drinking age yet. Some of our close friends knew this and would often buy drinks from us.

One time Lisa was headed out to some college function and wanted to swing passed our place earlier in the day to grab a few drinks to bring along with her later. She organised it with Fred but I was the only one home when she arrived.

I opened the door and saw she was wearing black sweat pants and a tight white tank top, had her hair in a messy bun and no had discernible makeup on. She clearly hadn’t had time to get ready yet today and she seemed a bit flustered. She still looked ridiculously hot. Her lack of bra and the outline of her nipples through her top helped with that.

L: “Hey! Just here to grab those drinks.”

Me: “Yeah, sure thing, I’ll grab them.”

I went into the kitchen to grab them, not expecting Lisa to follow me.

Me: “Uh, here you go. Enjoy.”

Lisa: “Cool, thanks!”

She grabbed the six pack off me but kept facing me. There was an awkward silence. She lingered, staring at me, like she was expecting me to say something else.

Me: “What? Aren’t you in a hurry or something?”

L: “I think I can spare a few minutes.”

She dropped the cans, jumped towards me and started sucking my face. I was definitely not expecting this. We’d never even really flirted while we were sober and suddenly we were making out? Whatever, I’m not complaining.

I realised I had no idea when Fred was coming home and would have preferred it if we weren’t making out in our kitchen when he did. I grabbed Lisa by the hand and walked to my bedroom, locking the door behind us. We continued aggressively making out and she slipped her hand down the front of my shorts and grabbed a firm hold of my already fully erect cock. She started rubbing it quite hard. I returned the favour, stuck my hand in her panties and started rubbing her clit. It was slipperier than a bar of soap.

We stood there, hands in each other’s pants and heavily breathing into each other’s mouths, no longer with enough focus to kiss properly. We must have looked so silly if anyone were watching. Her breaths turned into moans as she stopped rubbing my cock. She was now too distracted to keep going. I walked her over to the bed and sat her down, still vigoursly rubbing her clit. Suddenly she squeezed her legs together, trapping my fingers, and let out a shriek as she came.

L: “Fuck yes, I needed that.”

Me: “Anytime.”

L: “Sit down.”

I followed her instructions. She took her sweatpants and underpants off but left her top on. She reached down my shorts and pulled out my cock, leaving all my clothes still on. I was expecting her to go down on me but then she started climbing on top.

Me: “Wait, I’ve got condoms!”

Lisa: “Ugh, give up with the condoms already.”

She sat down on my cock and pushed it in. We were both sitting up straight on the edge of the bed, her on top, similar to the first time we fucked.

Me: “Oh my god, fuuuuck.”

I moaned loudly. As usual she felt so fucking good. She wrapped her arms around my head for leverage, pushing my face into her chest, and started bouncing on me. I desperately wanted to suck on her sweet nipples again but her top was in the way and there wasn’t much I could do about it. I settled for squeezing and stroking her perfect assShe clearly hadn’t showered yet that day as I could smell her BO but it was such a turn on. I couldn’t get enough of this girl.

After my usual less than a minute, my time had come. I felt my cock getting ready to erupt. In this weird position she had me in I had no leverage or control. So as I started cumming I began to stand up, picking her up with me, still bouncing on my cock. Once I was in a half standing/half squatting position I began pounding at her.

Me: “Fuck, fuck, fuuuck!”

I shot my load in her and sat back down with her still on top. I was a bit out of breath. She kissed my cheek and then got up off me. Some of my cum dripped out of her and onto my shorts.

Me: “God, that was so good. Why don’t we do this more often?”

Lisa shrugged.

It could have just been my post sex euphoria but I couldn’t help myself and blurted out:

Me: “Lisa, I think I really like you.”

She turned to face me, looking a bit concerned, and said:

L: “I think we’re just better off as friends. I’m really sorry.”

I was super embarrassed.

Me: “Yeah, I figured. Don’t worry about it.”

We smiled at each other. Lisa finished cleaning up and putting her pants back on. She walked out of my room, grabbed her drinks and walked towards the door.

L: “Thanks for the fuck… and the drinks. I’ll catch you later.”

And that was that. Like I said in an earlier post, we’ve stayed friendly up until today but that was it for sex with Lisa. She won our little game, she got me to admit I liked her. Conquest completed.

There was one time a few years later that we caught up at a birthday party. I was dating another girl at the time, who wasn’t there. Seemingly out of nowhere Lisa started being flirty with me again, as though she was trying to see if she could get me to cheat. I held my nerve and didn’t crack, but it was tough.

The end, I guess.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/h0s096/mf_the_last_time_i_fucked_my_flatmates_crush

1 comment

  1. Dang. How hard did she try to get you to cheat?

    It’s almost adorable how much she insisted on taking you bare, but she probably does that with every guy.

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