My [M] memories of Squishy [F] – A twitter friend who liked aggressive sex, became a sexting partner and engaged me in multiple IRL trysts. PART 4

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 5](

Squishy was unusual in the respect that she didn’t keep her address a secret. She lived in a historic neighborhood with really big houses that were over a century old. Her house was her absolute pride and joy, and she tweeted a lot about how she knew she was extremely fortunate to have been able to afford her house. I think she was able to afford it because of a combination of factors. I think she came from a family with a bit of affluence, first of all. (Some of her pictures as a little kid were of her on a horse doing show-jumping) Also, she previously worked for a very large financial institution, and her (ex?) husband did as well. I’m still not clear on that situation because her first husband didn’t seem completely out of her life, but at the same time, nothing about that house seemed to indicate any kind of male presence. When I knew her she was self-employed as a freelance writer and worked from home without any set hours. She tweeted a lot about gardening, jogging, and her renovation/interior decorating projects.

I wasn’t nearly as open as Squishy was to everyone in our twitter group, but I was totally aware of where she lived in relation to myself. She only lived about 45 minutes away from my place. My house is in a pretty nice area of a neighboring town, but most people wouldn’t call it the rich area. My career is in the social services, so my living was a bit more modest. My ex was a paramedic, so we did ok and were comfortable.

I conveyed to Squishy that I knew where she lived, and that I wasn’t too far from her. I didn’t do it like a fucking creep, though. Sometimes she’d tweet about a bar or restaurant she had visited (because, bless her heart, she was also the kind of girl who liked to take pictures of the food she’d order) and one time I sent her a non-sexy DM that dropped some information. I said something like: “Hey, I saw that pic of you at ________. I’ve got a coworker who said it was great as well. I wanted to try it sometime, but what’s the parking situation like down there?” I expected her to be more surprised that the guy she was sending nudes to just revealed that he lived nearby, but all she said was something along the lines of “Oh wow! You’re local too? That’s awesome! Yeah, don’t worry, there’s really cheap parking one block away from the restaurant etc etc etc…..”

You’re probably wondering when I decided to hook things up IRL. Let me preface that with a few comments…. I definitely felt guilty about cheating at the time, but since my ex and I split Ive learned that she had been cheating on me with the guy she’s currently with for some time before Squishy sent her first pics. I’m not saying that’s any excuse, but all the moral wrestling matches I engaged in with my conscience aren’t really the memories I want to refresh, and I doubt you’d find them at all interesting, so I’ll leave them out of these stories. But let me just set your mind at ease that my shitty behavior didn’t result in me breaking my ex’s heart. We were evidently both pretty good at being cheaters because I had absolutely no idea that she was cheating on me before our marriage ended, and she still has no idea about what I got up to with Squishy.

One day Squishy was outside on her back patio with her dogs and she posted some pics of herself in her bathing suit on her main twitter feed, since it was hot out. Those pics turned me on a little bit. One thing notable about her backyard was that it was fenced off from the backyards of four other neighbors. It was a weird, twisty set of streets that made up her neighborhood and it was a bit hilly, so despite having a tall fence, two of the other houses could have a pretty good view of her yard because they were at a higher elevation. but not I sent her a DM saying something like:

Me: “If I was over there right now I’d make sure your neighbors knew they knew just what kind of girl you are.”

Her: “And how would you do that?”

Me: “I’d put you on all fours on that lounge chair, first of all.”

Her: “Oh no!”

Me: “Then I’d start groping that nice little ass of yours, all arched in the air like that in full view of your neighbors. They’re looking down into your yard from their second story windows, aren’t they?”

Her: “Nope not right now. Nobody is home.”

Me: “Bullshit. They’re home. And if I was there they’d definitely be at their windows because they’d be listening to you telling them about what a little whore you are.”

Her: “Me?”

Me: “Yes. By that point I’d have unlaced your swimsuit bottoms and I’d stroking your pussy. And I’d force you to to tell them how dirty you are”

Her: (Yessssss this is hot…. keep going…..)

Her: “What would I have to say?”

(I stepped out of the game for a second to ask her neighbors’ names, but she didn’t know the people she shared a fence with, so we just took a second to make some fictional ones)

Me: You’d say “Mr Smith! Mr Smith! My name is Squishy, and I’m a dirty little slut. I deserve a good fucking! I’m about to take my punishment, sir!”

Her: “And then you’d fuck me right there?”

Me: “No, then you’d have to get the Wilson’s attention. You tell ME what you’d say.”

Her: “Mr and Mrs Wilson! I’m sorry you have to live next to a nasty, dirty bitch. I’m sorry you need to see me punished!”

Me: “I’d pull my fingers out of that wet cunt of yours and I’d make you taste them. Then I’d point your ass toward your neighbors and spread your asshole wide for them.”

I continued on like this for a while but she interrupted the story with a hot set of pics. I forgot to mention that I had also sent her a few DMs saying that she looked really pretty in those pictures she posted to her main feed, and that it was too bad I couldn’t see that nice round ass of hers. Well, she had gone inside and decided to give me a little show. I’ll describe the pic I remember the most:
In this pic she’s lying on her belly but with her ass in the air. She’s taking the selfie with her arm out in front of her face, so I can see her hips and ass from over the top of her head. The thing that I’ve whacked off to a hundred times since then is her eye, though. In the picture, she’s tilted her head so her ass would be clearly seen in the shot, but in the bottom part of the picture i can see half of her face, tilted and giving me a seductive smile. And one of those big brown eyes of hers is just wide and gazing mischievously into the lens, right at me. It was so fucking sexy.

Not immediately, but later that night I sent her a DM saying that all fantasies aside, that last pic of hers absolutely drove me wild and I’d love it if she’d give some serious thought to the idea of me coming over there and getting my actual hands on her some time. I was gearing up to make a convincing case for how much pleasure I could give her.

I could see she was typing a longer than usual reply, so I felt a bit worried that she was explaining how meeting IRL would be out of the question. It turns out I needn’t have worried. She wrote a bunch of stuff about how she would have begged me to come over and get down to some real fucking a long time ago but she didn’t want me to feel pressured if I was planning on trying to salvage things with my wife. She said she was absolutely ready to go, as long as I was ok with not making any claims on her just because we were enjoying a good time. She said she was done dealing with guys who thought fucking was a license to be possessive. In a later conversation she also specified that we could only do this if I could ensure I kept my wife off her doorstep. I gave her my sincere reassurances on both these points.

I was so excited. We had discussed our sex lives before and so she knew that my wife was not into anal and that I had never tried it before. She said it takes a bit of prep, but she loved taking it in the ass and she hoped that I would let her be the one to introduce me to the joys of ass-fucking.

There was a lot more discussion about serious matters, both emotional and logistical, but I won’t bore you with all that. In part 5 I’ll tell you about the first time we met IRL.


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