The Camping Trip 2 of 3 MF/Voyeur

(Thank you all for the wonderful comments and upvotes. Hope you enjoy part 2)

Part 2

It was shortly after 6 when Jim and his friend arrived at our camp. Jeni had dressed similarly to me, but only wore a bikini top over her very tight shorts. When Jim and his friend stepped out of the forestry truck, I saw a look of pure lust cross their faces as they saw us.

Jim eyed Jeni like a fox looks at a chicken and his friend did not try to hide his staring at me.

We introduced ourselves. “Hi, I’m Dave”, he said looking directly into my eyes. I thought I saw myself reflected in the shining pools of ocean blue eyes that looked at me. “I’m Sheri”, I said, noticing that he was holding my hand a little longer that was required for a handshake. He continued to look deeply into my eyes for a few moments and then released my hand.

“You have the most beautiful brown eyes that I have ever seen”, he said. “They almost look gold in the sun, amazing!” “Thank you”, I said, turning away so he could not see I was blushing like a teenager.

Jim and Jeni had already paired off and were sitting around the barbeque pit where four beautiful filet mignon steaks were grilling. I had wondered before we left why Jeni had insisted on packing four steaks. Now I began to see. She had been baiting her trap too.

“Oh, I forgot something”, Jim said and bounded back to the truck. He returned with a gallon of red wine and poured full glasses for each of us. We ate and drank the wine, talking and flirting. I kept coming back to Dave’s eyes. The blue iris seemed to draw me into their depths. I wondered what else might be hidden in the depths of his eyes.

After dinner, as the sun began to drop below the trees, we started the campfire and paired off, each couple sitting on a blanket on different sides of the fire. Jim and Jeni were already necking, totally involved with each other. Dave and I might as well not have been there.

“So, do you like camping”, Dave asked. “I’ve never really camped like this before”, I said. “You know, in a tent, out in the woods”. I flashed him a wicked smile. “But I really like what I’ve seen so far”.

He flashed that mischievous grin I had seen earlier in the day, and without warning leaned forward and kissed me firmly on the mouth. Without thinking, my mouth opened to his and soon our tongues were deeply entangled in each other’s mouths.

We continued our deep kissing for some time, when we heard a noise that caused us to look up, just in time to see Jim and Jeni running off into the forest, blanket in hand. I could hear Jeni giggling as she ran. I knew where they were heading and glanced at Dave. Would he be expecting me to do the same?

He saw the question in my eyes and kissed me gently on the forehead. “No hurries, no worries”, he said.

We continued kissing, arms entwined tightly around each other, when I became aware of a sound coming from the woods in the direction Jim and Jeni had run. “What was that?” I said. “Well”, Dave said with a knowing smile. “Let’s go see”.

We walked a short way into the woods. In the deepening twilight it was getting difficult to see, but my eyes quickly adjusted. We had not gone far, when I heard the sound again. I recognized the sound as a muffled moan. We went a few more steps and I froze in my tracks.

Just ahead were Jim and Jeni. Jim was standing, leaning back against a tree, shorts and underwear around his ankles. Jeni’s fist encircled Jim’s cock at the base, and she was licking the head of his cock with obvious relish.

I drew in a sharp breath, almost a gasp, when Dave grabbed me by the arm and pulled me down behind a small bush. “Shhh”, he said. “You want to watch for a while?”

I had never watched people have sex this close to me except on an occasional porno video. My first reaction was embarrassment, and my second a voyeuristic curiosity that I had never felt before.

“Yes”, I said and blushed, hoping that the growing darkness would hide the color in my face.

I returned my attention to Jim and Jeni. Jeni had now sucked the head of Jim’s cock into her mouth and was slowly drawing it deeper. She pushed her head lower until it reached her fist, and removing her hand, continued until her nose was buried in Jim’s pubic hair. Jim responded with a low grunt followed by an almost animal moan.

Jeni slowly withdrew his cock until only the tip was tightly between her lips and then began to lower her head down again, stopping only when her face was against his hips.

Slowly, Jeni began to increase the speed of her motions until soon she was moving her head like a piston up and down Jim’s cock, his head thrown back, the moan in his throat almost a constant noise.

Watching them, I could feel myself getting excited and my panties began to dampen. I could sense Dave’s presence nearby and wondered if he would touch me.

Suddenly, Jim placed his hands on Jeni’s head and pushed her backwards, making her relinquish her hold on his cock. Moving his hands to her shoulders, he continued to lower her down until she lay on her back on the blanket they had brought.

Reaching to her waist, Jim unbuttoned her tight shorts and slid them down her legs and off of her feet. I saw Jim smile and heard Jeni giggle. I knew that Jim had just discovered that Jeni shaved her pussy hair and never wore panties.

Jim knelt before her, parted her legs, and literally shoved his face into her pussy. The reaction was immediate. Jeni’s head tilted backwards and her eyes closed tightly. Now it was Jeni’s time to moan.

I could see Jim’s head moving between Jeni’s thighs and I could imagine his tongue lashing away at her clit. I shifted position and lost my balance. Falling backwards, I found myself encircled by Dave’s strong arms. I rested comfortably there while I turned my attention back to Jim and Jeni.

It was obvious that Jeni was about to come. Her body was shaking and she had wrapped her legs around Jim’s shoulders. Her hips began to thrust upwards against Jim’s face as I heard a little cry escape from her lips. She began to shudder all over as her orgasm took control. Thrashing under him, Jim continued to lick and suck her pussy.

When her orgasm had passed, I saw Jim kneel between her legs, but Jeni shook her head. “You lie down”, I heard her say.

Jim laid on the blanket, his cock pointing at his face, the head large and bulbous. She straddled him and reached down, grabbed his cock, guiding it into her. Once inside, she sat down hard on his cock, slamming her ass into his hips, and began to grind her crotch against him.

Leaning forward, she grabbed his wrists, and began to ride him. Up, down, back and forth, moving at a fast rhythm. Jeni was completely into fucking this perfect stranger, and I was watching. A thrill went down my spine and I snuggled closer to Dave.

It did not take long until Jeni was coming again. Throwing her head back, she thrust down hard on his prick, holding the down stroke while her orgasm rippled through her body. I could hear little mewing sounds from her as she rocked slowly against him, her orgasm raging.

By now I was very excited. My panties were soaked and I’m sure that Dave could smell the musk rising from my crotch. He was excited too. As I leaned back against him, I could feel his hardness through his shorts. To tease him, I wiggled my ass against his bulge and heard him draw a deep breath.

Jeni dismounted and knelt beside Jim, who got on his knees behind her. Entering her from the rear, Jim began to pound into her with the first stroke. I could hear his hips slapping against her ass. In moments, Jim withdrew and his cock began to spurt all over Jeni’s back, his sperm visible in the growing moonlight like a geyser.

“We’d better go”, Dave whispered in my ear. “They will be heading back this way soon”.

We made our way back to the campfire and stood there, holding each other tight, kissing. I could still feel his erection in his shorts and ground my hips against it. His hands found the opening to my shirt, and he began stroking my breasts through my bandeau top. My nipples hardened immediately. His fingers found them and began to tease them through the fabric.

Jim and Jeni soon reappeared, walking hand in hand, looking somewhat bedraggled, but quite satisfied. Jim whispered something into Jeni’s ear and began to make his way to the truck.

“Tomorrow, I’m off of work”, Dave said. “There is a really cool sunspot observatory near here I would like to show you”. We made plans for him to pick me up the next morning and exchanged one last kiss before he left.

I walked over to where Jeni was standing and we waved as they drove off. “Have fun”, I asked. “Yes”, she said “Lots”.


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