The Osbourne Twins [MMF]

The bond between twins is a unique relationship with extraordinary qualities. I’m Derek and my brothers name is Tyler, and we are the Osborne twins.

I was born first 32 years ago by an mere 4 minutes. Since the moment of our birth my brother and I have been inseparable. From learning to walk at the same time, to competing in Little league, we did everything together. We were joined at the hip my grandfather would always joke. Our parents liked to dress us up similar, and have us play pranks on our family members. My brother and I look totally identical. The only difference between us is our laughs. His high pitch hyena laugh can be heard from a mile away. Most people struggle to tell us apart, even the ones who think they know as well. My brother and I have always had each other’s backs, and we’ve always kept each other’s secrets, and there is one especially heinous secret that we both have been keeping for the last 17 years.

Our secret first began when we were 15 years old. Entering our freshman year of high school, I was the more popular twin. Being an athlete has its perks, I never had any issues attracting women. My brother Tyler on the other hand was very shy at first, he had a difficult time meeting women. I felt bad for my brother, but I also knew it was something he could fix. His attractiveness was not the issue, as I had no problem attracting women. Tyler needed to work on his communication, and not acting so shy. I personally never intended to keep this secret going for as many years as we have, but after the first time it just worked out that way.

Freshman year, my dad was awarded a vacation because of his sales performance at his work. My mother and father were hesitant to leave their 15-year-old sons at home, but no one was available to watch us and my dad did not want to pass up on the trip. My parents reluctantly decided to leave my brother and I home for 5 days. We had school to go to during the day and practice as after, so our time would be filled. At the time I was dating a very cute girl named Megan. She was a petite little thing and we met because she was on the dance team. Playing basketball our paths crossed often, I was attracted to her immediately. Megan was the first girl that I dated, and would ultimately lose my virginity too. Megan knew my parents were gone and wanted to come over. I spoke with my brother and he agreed he would not tell.

Megan came over on a school night. Watching TV, we began kissing. I remember making out with her for what seemed like an hour, our inexperience and youth evident. Neither one of us had the experience to make a move on the other one outside of kissing. With my raging erection, and horniness about to burst, I remember making the first move by reaching under her shirt and touching her bare breasts. I was terrified as I did it wondering what the consequences might be if she reacted negatively. It’s as if a switch was flipped with Megan, we began undressing and exploring each other.

“I’m on birth control if you wanna go further. I remember her saying breaking away from our kissing.

That was the invitation I needed, I remember Megan lying on her back, as I entered her. Most people look back at their first time having sex very nostalgically, they think of it as a fantastic experience. The truth is neither one of us really knew what we were doing, it felt great but our bodies were not synced. I couldn’t have lasted more than a minute or two before foolishly finishing inside of her.

Getting up off of the couch to clean myself I remember seeing a shadow, and hearing creeks of the wood floor. Turning the corner to go to the bathroom I see my brother’s back as he turns up the stairway to go back upstairs. My brother had been watching! I wasn’t upset at all, I did nothing to try to hide Megan or myself.

I follow Tyler upstairs to his room. “Were you watching?” I calmly asked.

“I’m sorry man, I..I… shouldn’t have.” he replied, not making eye contact.

“It’s okay man, I just didn’t want Megan to see”.

Looking at me finally and pausing a moment he says “How do I do that? How can I find girls like you?”

“You just have to talk to them and be yourself, be confident.” I say, feeling bad about it. “I’ve got a idea.”

I leave Tyler’s room and head back downstairs, Megan is on the couch with her shirt on covered by a blanket.

“That was amazing.” I tell her as I sit next to her. “Sorry it was so fast, do you want to go again?” I ask

Megan smiles widely at me. “Definitely!”

“Ok” I reply. I stand up off the couch. “Let me just go make sure my brother’s door is closed.” I quickly run upstairs to Tyler’s room.

I enter his room and shut the door. “Ok Tyler, Megan is downstairs half-naked and horny. You’re going to put my clothes on, go downstairs and fuck her. You don’t need to talk to her just fuck her.”

“Dude! There is no way I’m doing that! He refuses.

“Fine! Then be a virgin forever. I say as I open his door prepared to leave.

Tyler jumped off the bed. “Wait wait wait! He says shutting the door. “You don’t think she’ll know?

“Tyler we look identical, I will hang out up here and when you are done just come back up here.” I tell him.

Tyler hesitates for a moment, a million scenarios running through his mind. “Ok”. He reluctantly says.

I strip down to my boxer briefs and give Tyler my clothes. Once Tyler is dressed and looking like me he nervously heads downstairs. I give him a 5-minute head start before I head back downstairs. Being more cautious than Tyler was, I sneak down to the living room and peek my head in. I see my brother and Megan passionately kissing, their body’s under the blanket. Tyler’s hips are thrusting up and down, Megan moaning. They stay in missionary position the entire time, but Tyler last far longer than I did. I hear my brother let out a loud moan, his body lies on top of hers motionless. He must have cum. Megan’s face can’t hide the ectasy she is in.

I carefully retreat down the hallway back to the bedroom, a few moments later Tyler comes into the room smiling.

” Dude! It worked!” He says enthusiastically. “That was fucking amazing!”

” Congratulations brother.” I say as I pat him on the back. “Hurry up and change I need to get back down there” I order.

When I get back downstairs to Megan, She is none the wiser.

“Hey stud” she says as we lock hands. I sit next to her rubbing her leg. She is acting completely normal. Megan would continue to act normal, because Megan never found out. We dated for a few weeks longer before she broke up with me. Tyler and I fucked her 3 times each at least. The night my brother and I lost our virginity to Megan would be a pivotal point in our lives, because we got a taste of what could happen if we both played it smart. Megan was the first girl that my brother and I fucked together, She most definitely would not be the last.

Flash forward a couple years to our first years at college. My brother’s confidence grew immensely, his issues of meeting women were gone. Our last three years of high school resulted in 8 women we mutually fucked. We had rules set up, if we genuinely liked the girl that we were seeing, we both would not sleep with her. However if we had a friends with benefits, we would definitely share. I remember at college our freshman year, we both slept with the same seven women. Not only did my brother and I look identical, we had the same interests. we both love the same type of movies and play the same type of sports. It was always easy keeping our stories straight because we were so relatable to each other. All four years of college were very lucrative to my brother and I. In total we shared 24 women together. Other than one or two close calls we never came close to getting caught. We became addicted to it, we enjoyed finding women that we could both use. While we were careless at times, we had no STD’s and no children. College was a beautifully successful time.

Once we got out of college and were becoming young adults, my brother met a woman who he was head over heels with. Amber suited him well and even I could see they were soulmates. My brother was all right at first with Amber and only Amber, but after three years of dating, he confided in me how he missed sharing.

“Do you want to share Amber” I asked very reserved.

“No,no. I don’t want her to know. But I can’t be with just her. I need more.” Tyler said.

“Well, you know I won’t tell anybody.” I say.

Tyler nodded his head. As my brother and I enjoyed going into our mid-20s, him and Amber married happily. I stayed single for the duration, and allowed my brother to play with some of my partners. There was Tiffany, middle school teacher with Daddy issues. Then Brittany, a manager at the local Red Robin that’s enjoyed some BDSM. Our mutual favorite was Rachael, she was a local flight attendant that would let you fill any one of her holes, and she never tired. As we got older, technology improved and made our lifestyle even easier. We resorted to speaking with our girls only on Snapchat, we were both able to share the account. We could actively both talk with these women and see what each other wanted and what they experienced.

When we got to our late twenties, I fell in love with a woman. It was unexpected, and I was not looking for love. I met Laura at a business conference. There was an immediate spark and our connection was strong. I felt so strongly for Laura that I cut off ties with my friends with benefits. Laura makes me a very happy man, but after a year of being with her and only her I was beginning to become bored. I longed for the excitement of the new hookup, the catch, the hunt. I remember one evening calling Tyler.

“Do you still use our shared Snapchat?” I asked him.

“I never deleted it but I have not been on in a while. Are you thinking of getting back out there?” He asked.

“I don’t know man, I love Laura, but I miss our old times a lot. It was a lot of fun.” I say laughing.

“I was thinking the same thing. We’ve been doing it almost 10 years. It’s worked well”

Tyler had a point. “Maybe we’re addicted to this shit. I’ll see what I can find for us.”

Another beautiful technological creation is Tinder. A week after creating it, I had more than 30 matches to comb through. I would send Tyler pictures of the women I was speaking to to make sure he was interested. I was looking for strictly casual encounters. Tyler and I did not have the time or the desire to date any of these women. We simply wanted to fuck and go. Our partners are amazing, we know that. But it’s a primal urge, to fuck different women, to pleasure new lovers.

Mary Beth was the first woman I met with off of tinder. She was 42, recently divorced, and had part-time custody of her teenage son. This would allow me and Tyler to hang out with her when her kid was at his dad’s. Mary Beth was a taller than average woman standing at almost 6 ft, she was a thicker woman, but her body had beautiful symmetry and she was pleasant on the eyes. The first time I was over there it took 15 minutes before we were in her bedroom. Mary Beth loved giving oral, and had her tonsils removed when she was 8. She effortlessly sucked me to completion, swallowing every drop. I fucked Mary Beth two times that evening. Almost as fun as sex is the conversations on Snapchat, it’s always hot hearing the woman talk about what she liked. My brother and I both read these messages it’s fun to see what the other is up to and doing. My brother is definitely more adventurous than I, so whenever it gets too kinky I just laugh.

At almost 32 years old my brother and I are happily with our significant others. We’re not proud of our double lives we lead, but if we get found out at least we will go down together. At the end of the day all you have is family, and my identical twin Tyler and I will always be there for one another. We shared a room for 9 months and shared pussy for almost 17 years.



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