The Sybian Trap – Part 2

Part 1 [here](

Suddenly all the energy that had left her returned in a stab of adrenaline shooting out from her stomach. She was paralysed for a moment, staring at the words as the ‘For’ bar began to be filled in with green from the left hand side. A little red trickled into the ‘Against’ bar, but with hardly anyone seemed to be voting the way she would have liked. A few messages popped up as people cast their vote.

“Nah not my thing” said one

“I came already, no sense hurting the poor girl.” came another. But most of them were wholly in favour.

“Put it in her ass, you can tell she wants it,” said one message.

“She’s gonna be so tight.” read another. Her eyes watered as she read them. She was too shocked to speak. This couldn’t be happening to her, how could they still find more to take from her. Hadn’t they taken enough?

She yelped as the platform turned ninety degrees, showing her and the saddle side-on. She had to turn her head to see the screen, her jaw dropping in distressed awe as she saw a slim white dildo lift from the floor behind the dildo, it was the same colour as the floor, so she hadn’t seen it before. A complex ball-joint at the base of the rubber cock was held by two pneumatic arms connecting to the floor on either side of the saddle. It lowered behind her and hovered just above the surface of the saddle, sliding steadily forward towards her puckered little anus, bleached and cleaned in preparation. Elouise screamed at the sight of it snaking towards her, as she lashed and pulled at her restraints. She was held firmly in place, her red raw ass barely moving except for a few jiggles as she squirmed. She pulled at the chains on her arms, crying out as they tugged her wrists painfully. She stared back at the white rubber cock as the tip was pressed to her entrance, barely able to see what was happening and doing her best to clench her muscles to keep the intruder out. She couldn’t see behind her, so moved her attention to the screen where the vote ‘For’ bar was still less than a third of the way full. It seemed many were only watching and not voting. The ‘Against’ bar was hardly filled at all, with only a little red peeking out from the left. The video showed the dildo stopped ready by her little hole. The dildo was waiting for the vote to complete, a thin line below the voting box slowly shrinking to indicate how long was left before it closed. Perhaps just over a minute. The frustration of seeing herself about to be debased and being trapped completely unable to stop it was maddening. The dildo was right there, if she could just reach for it to push it away. She was completely helpless, a few bits of rubber and robotics about to take her dignity and publically humiliate her on camera and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Staring directly into the camera lens she continued her screaming, “You can’t do this! This is my body you fucking bastards! I don’t belong to you! Let me go! Let me fucking go now!” She screeched the words, water pooling in her eyes and trailing down her face. The ‘For’ bar increased a little, the other staying the same. Comments seemed to be revelling in her misery, egging her on more. They called her a whore, told her she liked it, suggested she relax her muscles to avoid it hurting more than it had to. She realised her anguish was fuelling them, they had taken control away from her, but how she acted now influenced their behaviour. With the vote in their hands, she was too scared to maintain her aggression, but she had to do something. She turned to pleading, “Please don’t do this. Please! I’ll do anything. Please! I’m begging you!”

The commenters seemed to ignore her, continuing to praise her legs, and ass, many were glad to see the arch of her dainty feet again from this side angle. But one comment caught her eye, ‘I’ll vote against for you baby, what’s in it for me?’

“Please! Please, I’ll do anything!” she implored in earnest, staring into the camera as if addressing the commenter directly. The chatbox slowed, suddenly less people were submitting messages.

‘Admit you’re a slut and I’ll vote against for you.’ as she read it her words caught in her throat, she wanted to shout it immediately, anything to get this to stop, but she had to read it again to register the gravity of what the words meant.

There wasn’t enough time to linger, “I-I’m a slut.” she spoke plainly. Expressionless as the ‘Against’ bar ticked up by a few votes.

‘Say it like u mean it’ came a message from another commenter.

Her blank expression faded into a resigned shame “I’m a slut,”, the anger seething inside her at what she was being made to do, but silently she was glad to be able to exert some sort of twisted control over the situation. The anger fueled her, “I’m such a slut, I l-love it.”

It was only half-convincing, but the ‘Against’ votes ticked up a few more, the ‘For’ bar reducing a little in turn as some members of the audience seemed to be changing their vote.

‘Beg me not to take your little ass’ came another comment, her eyes were darting quickly between the messages and the camera, directly addressing her audience.

“Please, please don’t take my virgin little ass, please! I’ll do anything!” she cried, getting carried away with her performance, the gentle thrum of the vibrations against her g-spot and clit intensifying and adding authenticity to her cries.

More messages were flooding in now, and the votes were beginning to even out as Elouise offered them an alternate source of new entertainment. She read their requests and quickly tried to address them in the little remaining time until the vote closed.

“Oh god I promise I’ll be good, I’ll be your good little slut and cum for you. Please just let me cum for you. I’ll s-squirt so hard I promise. Yes I’ll curl my sexy little t-toes if you want. I love cumming for you.” she was screaming the words, her pace increasing as the vote neared the end and she still had some significant distance to close. She wasn’t sure she could close the gap but she had to try. “It makes me so w-wet knowing you’re touching yourself while I cum like a good girl for you. I’ve never cum like this before, you’re m-making me cum so hard!” she was trying so hard to make her words seem genuine, but in her urgency some truth had slipped in with the lies.

The ‘Against’ bar was now nearly as long as the ‘For’ bar, the audience had been egging her on, delighted by this new side of their star. Some who hadn’t voted before were now joining in, but time was running out and as the vote drew steadily to a close, the ‘For’ bar began to grow. Clearly some had been waiting until the last minute to sway the vote. Perhaps some of the ‘Against’ voters had been toying with her, as in the final moments of the vote many seemed to switch to ‘For’.

“No! No please don’t do this!” Elouise screamed, watching as the vote concluded and announced that the audience were ‘FOR Anal Penetration’. She couldn’t believe she had humiliated herself for nothing, for a moment she had convinced herself she might really be able to change her fate. She spat her anger now as she flailed, screaming and wrenching at the chains, straining against her restraints in frustration. The timer showed she still had a little over five minutes of torture left before the ordeal ended, but she could hardly stomach the thought of being fucked in the ass for that long.

The vibrations on her pussy suddenly spiked sharply, and she toppled into a brief orgasm, followed by another and another. She screamed in anger through them, but soon softened as the onslaught became all-encompassing. Her body jolted with each burst, her muscles tensing and then relaxing. She was too distracted by the assault to consider that it was a ploy, and as her muscles loosened the anal dildo pressed firmly into her anus, the surface coated with a slick layer of lubricant that allowed it to slide insistently into her tight little hole. She screamed in shock, trying to clench her muscles around the intruder but unable to maintain the strength amidst the onslaught of orgasms. Her sounds kept catching in her throat as the severe pain and pleasure overwhelmed her psyche, jolting with each climax and grunting wordlessly. Even when she managed to contract her muscles for some time, they found no purchase on the slick white dildo that kept advancing into her. The motors were too strong for her, and had been designed to outmatch her. An immense pressure was building in her, feeling completely full as the rubber cock slowed to a halt deep inside her ass. The pain was unlike anything she had ever felt, and tears streamed from her eyes.

“You bastards. You fucking bastards.” she sobbed weakly, “Look at what you’re doing to me.”

She was no longer looking at the camera but straight ahead at the wall, as the audience got a profile view as she sat with her legs gripping the saddle, hands on the front of the sybian as she was rocked with pleasure and pain, the dildo now sliding out of her ass a little and then pushing back in. Again the biting pain caused her to shriek, her rosy red ass cheeks parted as the slim white cock thrust into her again. It continued in and out, in and out, a slower vibration continuing on her clit and g-spot. The rubber cock just kept going, full of malice. It was stretching her so cruelly, robbing her last shred of dignity. Soon Elouise stopped fighting it, trying consciously to ease her muscles to relieve some of the pain. It felt counterintuitive not to tense as it slid into her, but she soon mastered it. Quite suddenly, she begin to find the sensation of being filled somewhat erotic. She had graduated to full sex-object, fucked in every concievable way and being milked for orgasms. She hated that it was starting to feel good, she was every bit the slut she had been forced to admit she was. The humping motion was incredible now, it felt so sensitive that she could feel every little bit of movement of the dildo. She had begun howling as she built towards a new kind of climax, the massaging of her clit now forming a steady rhythm as the vibrator pressed hard to her g-spot. It was the most perfect ecstasy she could have imagined. Her mind lost all sense of time and shape, and began to hallucinate hands all over her skin, holding her down and exploring every hole.

The feeling growing inside her was ferocious, it felt alive and tenacious, desperate to be released. She had to gasp for breath, the thrusting from behind growing rougher and harder. A sloppy wet sound accompanied each thrust as the dildo self-applied more lube as necessary. Elouise was squealing like an animal, no longer the graceful and respectable prim and proper little blond girl she had once been, but now just an athletic tight body being fucked hard by a machine for an audience. A puppet putting on a show. The climax hit her hard, her body convulsing as it was overtaken with ecstasy, releasing hot wet juices all over the saddle. She twisted and contorted every which way as the bonds held her firmly in place. The vibrations and thrusts didn’t relent, and took her barrelling towards another enormous orgasm at top speed.

She gasped loudly to regain her breath, “Yes! Fuck oh my god yes!” she yelled at top volume, her face contorted in a smile as more waves of pleasure approached.

The saddle was rotated, turning Elouise to face her audience as she came again, her body rocked back and forth with the rough motion of the dildo, her tits bouncing in time. The pumping began to speed up, with longer strokes fucking her harder and harder. She was lost in total bliss, lucid only for a few moments after each orgasm to be able to check the timer. She was nearing the end now, with only a matter of seconds before the timeline reached the end. All the mechanics were now going at full pelt for the finale, with the vibrations of the sybian at nearly top-speed. The paddles came down to spank her hard on each ass cheek, and she was propelled to another reality. Vivid colours and shapes danced in front of her eyes in an entrancing hallucination. She was wrought with a full-body orgasm that left her whole body quivering, screaming and screaming but never forming words as a brilliant kaleidoscope of pleasure engulfed her for a small infinity before planting her back in her little white box. The machine suddenly slowed, and the monitors all powered off as the session ended. Elouise was still screaming as the lights dipped slightly, her body spasming with the aftershocks. She was gulping desperately for air, dizzy and disorientated from the intensity. Was it over? She groaned as the dildo withdrew slowly from her ass, returning to its resting position at the back of the sybian in a socket on the floor. The clasps on her wrists beeped and clicked open, suddenly drawing her attention. She snatched her arms free, staring at her hands before bringing them to her face to wipe away tears and sweat.

Elouise looked around in awe, she couldn’t believe it was over. She looked around at the monitors and cameras, all now seemingly dead. She had made it. The uncomfortable silence lingered for a few seconds, before she burst into tears, looking down at herself and the mess of smells and sticky fluids. She sobbed into her hands, her whole body shaking as the cuffs around her ankles retracted into the saddle, and the metal grips on her thighs released. She was overwhelmed with emotion, seething with anger at whoever had done this to her, ashamed at herself for what she had said and done, and hating herself for enjoying her torment. Slowly, the sobs subsided. Now that she wasn’t constantly being pummeled with pleasure, she could feel the pain more acutely. Her muscles ached, her ass cheeks stung and her knees felt weak from kneeling for so long. Without the cuffs in her legs, she had to consciously balance herself on her bare feet. She steadied herself with her hands, massaging her throat sore from all the screaming. Where was she? How did she get out of this thing? She slammed her fist on the flat roof above her, hitting it with less impact than she’d expected. So feeble and weak. So tired. She rose carefully, half-standing and half-crouching as she grappled to steady herself, leaning on the walls. Positioning her feet was difficult, as the screens, chains and a very wet sticky saddle took up most of the floor space. It was slick with her juices, filling the air with her musky sex. It was simultaneously nauseating and strangely erotic in a carnal sort of way. An animalistic side she hadn’t known of herself that had shocked her. She pushed it from her mind, she wanted to push the whole ordeal away and reject it. She had to get out of this thing! Looking around it now from her new vantage point, she was struck by how alien and clinical the box felt, like an examination room. Scanning the walls and ceiling of her cell, she soon spotted the latch at the back. It was set into the wall which had been her backdrop for the duration of the ‘show’. It was high up, close to the top of the box, and the mechanism looked like the kind of handle a car door would have, a sunken indent in the wall with a pullable lever inside it. She reached for it, almost afraid to find out what awaited her outside. Whatever trepidation she felt was far outweighed by the urgent need to put distance between herself and the objects of her torment. Closing her eyes, she pulled the latch and the roof of the box clicked open with a soft hiss. Cold fresh air rushed in from the tiny gap from where the top had slightly lifted. She could hear thumping music coming from somewhere distant. Timidly, she pushed it open on it’s hinge and peered out.

It was dark, and it took her eyes a while to adjust having been in the bright white box for so long. There were street lamps quite a way away, and the box was on some dingy concrete slabs extending away from her in every direction, then a sudden drop several metres on all sides. Her brain strained to make sense of it, before she realised she was on the roof of a building. The music was familiar, that rhythmic beat reverberating through the walls. It was dance music… She was on top of a night club! She remembered now, she was out with her friends at some guerrish club in town for a birthday. That’s what she had been doing before waking in the box. How long ago was that?

Standing up a little more confidently, she tried to get a better look, pushing the box lid off to the side with one hand and using her spare arm to cover up her breasts. The cold night air stroked at her sticky skin, sinking into her and drawing shivers from her lithe frame. Scanning the surroundings, she nearly cried with relief when she spotted the small pile of clothes at the foot of the box. Her long black dress and strappy black heels were laid out, with her phone atop the pile. Looking further afield, there was a grey metal door at the corner of the roof, hopefully her way back inside.

Checking there was no one around, she clumsily clambered out of the box. Though it had felt small on the inside, it came up to her chest when she stood, so she had to fight to get traction on the wall with her feet to climb out; her arms weren’t strong enough to lift her alone. She cringed as her foot met the slippery wet saddle, and she knew she would need to use it as leverage to push herself up and over the wall. Swinging her legs over and falling out gracelessly, she gasped as her sore bottom grazed the pavement as she fell in a heap. Fresh air replaced the overpowering scent of her own sex. It was really quite cold out. She lunged for the clothes, quickly unfolding the dress and holding it above her as she stood. For a moment, she was fully naked in the night, stood shivering and dripping with her juices, as she wriggled the tight dress down her sticky body. It was a high neckline, with white embroidery around the shoulders, long sleeves and with a hem ending just before her knees. The soft black fabric was form fitting, hugging her frame as she pulled it into place. She was so grateful to have clothes again. Grabbing her phone, she found it was switched off, and whilst it booted up she quickly adorned her jewellery, white pearl earrings and a black headband. She shuffled her feet into her heels. How she longed for a pair of flats in her exhausted state! But this was the only footwear available, her feet mostly exposed except for a thin black band that ran over her toes, and another around her ankle. She noticed her underwear hadn’t been returned, but she didn’t have the energy to be properly upset about it. She was freezing, and raced to get the heels clasped and quickly clip-clop over to the door. It was quite a distance and she peered over the edge as she went. This was a big building, a good few stories up, no wonder no one had heard her screams or come to help. The box had been deliberately placed far from help.

The door swung open with a crash as the metal thwacked into the wall. She rushed inside and closed the door behind her. A sigh of relief escaped her. Warmth. Freedom and warmth. The music was much louder here, in some kind of back stairwell for staff. It was grimey, bare and scarcely lit. It was at this moment her phone awoke with a buzz, and a flurry of messages appeared on screen. It was her friends, complaining how she had gone off with some guy. It seemed she had been gone a little over an hour. A guy? She didn’t remember a guy… Had she been drugged and carried up here to where the box was waiting? Why? Why her? Fighting back another bout of sobbing, she descended the staircase, her eyes darting from her phone messages to her surroundings. Her legs were wobbly, and it took conscious effort to keep upright. Weaving down a labyrinth of concrete hallways, she followed the trail of music until she reached a faintly lit store room full of crates of bottles and kegs of beer. She was getting closer to civilisation, she could even hear voices from here. The sound of normality. The music was close now, the walls pulsing with bass, the familiar sound of vibration was not welcome, sending a shiver up her spine. She had to get out of here.

There was a door with a small window at the top and she peered through it. The dance floor heaved with scantily clad youngsters in the distance, with a group of drunk girls wandering away from her, but she couldn’t tell where they had come from. Three bouncers charged passed them, bounding towards her before sharply turning off to one side. Suddenly she realised where she was, she was in a corridor by the bathrooms to the nightclub. This was probably a good spot to emerge from. She quickly pulled the handle and slid out. The sprung door closed quickly behind her, hitting her lightly on the back as she left and propelling her forward. Her ass cheeks stung from even that small amount of pressure. It was so dark, no one seemed to notice her emerging from a door marked ‘Staff Only’. It was locked with a key code from the outside, so there was no going back that way now. She cursed herself for not taking some pictures of the box, or examining it more closely, but equally she was glad to just get away from it. Her friends had been in the VIP area, and she would have to push through swathes of people to get to it. She knew it was on the other side of the dance floor, but even this extra burst of adrenaline wasn’t enough to clear her mind to properly remember where exactly. Holding her breath, she fought to keep her eyes open. The music was so loud, but Elouise found it almost hypnotising. She slithered through hot writhing bodies, cutting across the dance floor. Eyes were all over her, admiring her slim feminine figure accentuated by her tight black dress. Heads turned as she passed them. Drunk guys took liberties with their hands, casually grazing her bare leg as she moved around them, or standing in place rather than moving to allow her through. It meant she had to get so close to them, running her body against theirs, her chest against their chest, only a little fabric between their bare skin. Her nipples were still rigid from the cold, could they tell she wasn’t wearing underwear?

After a humiliating infinity of pushing and shoving through the crowd she saw some people she recognised. As they spotted her she suddenly wished she had taken a pit stop in the bathroom first. How must she look? Did she still stink of sex? Now that a semblance of normality had been returned to her she felt drained and sick. Two girls rushed towards her, they took her arms and looked at her with concern. They were talking quickly about having been so worried, and asking where she had gone, but she couldn’t respond. If she tried to talk, she knew she would burst out in tears again. They were fawning all over her, clearly drunk but concerned by her silence and grave expression.

“Oh my god. Is she like, okay?” One girl shouted more loudly than she needed to, they seemed worried that her drink might have been spiked. Oh if they only knew all she’d been through. Elouise barely felt real. The other girls were looking over at her now, there were so many, perhaps fifteen of them. All flawless, wrapped in dazzling dresses and most flashing more skin than she would dare. Their make-up was pristine, most were gorgeous. She couldn’t meet their eyes, she felt so far from them. They were so carefree and merry. She felt dirty. Like she wasn’t a person anymore. Worst of all, she felt special. Like she knew something they didn’t. She had been a part of something horrible. Secret. Some sick twisted fantasy that they could never dream of, and she’d survived. How could they be so pristine? Like she had been before. All dolled up and excitable, all in the hopes for some inane little midnight trist like a stolen kiss by the bar, or grinding with a stranger to the music. A hollow thrill compared with what she’d been forced to endure. An unlocked pleasure they would likely never know. It had beaten and broken her, but it had also awoken a dark want. If she hadn’t have been utterly spent, she might have gotten a little wet at the thought.

“Sweetie, look at me.” a familiar girl was talking to her. A friend who’s name she couldn’t retrieve from the recesses of her mind, “Are you alright? Do you want to go home?”

“Yes please.” Elouise whispered, pulling her forward into a light embrace, and resting her head on her shoulder.

“Alina, can you call us a cab?” said the girl, but Elouise could barely register the words. Her body went limp as she drifted off, the hint of a smile on her face as her eyes fell shut and the sleep took her.



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