The Sybian Trap

As she came-to she became aware of a roaring pleasure coursing through her, radiating out from the steady vibrations thrumming between her legs. As if emerging from cold water, she gasped for breath, opening her eyes to the confusing array of lights and cacophony of sound assaulting her senses. She was in a bright square room. No not a room, it was too small; more of a box. The walls, floor and ceiling were white cushioned leather, with soft led lighting strips at every corner. She was on her knees, and the top of the box was only a few feet above her head. The item between her legs was the only remotely familiar object. She recognised it from videos online, a sybian vibrator. A black saddle with a dildo protruding from the top, which was currently working away inside her, vibrating against her g-spot, accompanied by pads that massaged her clit at the same frequency. She had never used one before, and now recognised how worthy it was of its widespread popularity.

It commanded all her attention, despite all the other intricate items of interest around the room, her eyes were fixed to the device. It hummed as it worked, the phallus pressed deliciously against her g-spot, driving her closer and closer to orgasm. She was soaked, her wet pussy clenching but finding no purchase on the slippery rubber pressed into her. She moaned as the looming climax began to creep up on her. Through the foggy confusion of pleasure, she tried to focus more on where she was, pushing the pleasure away. The light still felt too much, and she could only now begin to open her eyes fully. She tried to lift herself off, but had only limited movement. Her legs were tightly locked into the saddle, a black metal cuff around her ankles parallel to the floor, and a leather-padded metal arm pressing down on either of her thighs to hold her in place. The metal was curved perfectly to the shape of her leg so she was firmly stuck. Her wrists were also in cuffs, attached to thick black metal chains that were screwed to the floor in front of the saddle. Much of the floor was taken up by a circular panel that both she and the sybian sat in the centre of, even the metal chain connected into the same panel. She tugged at the restraints, beginning to scream in growing panic. There was no budge, and only enough chain to allow her to rest her hands on the front of the saddle or the floor if she chose. She couldn’t reach anywhere near the vibrating mechanics. The vibration sped up a little, sending a jolt through her frame as the pleasure intensified. Her dread had drowned out the machine’s caress before, but now it was back to receiving her full attention. She knew from seeing the sybian operate before that there were controls, a cable that ran out of the saddle to a couple of dials on a sort of remote, but it was nowhere to be seen. Presumably hidden somewhere beneath the floor panel.

In front of her were a couple of screens and some equipment. The first to catch her eye sent another pang of terror to her heart, a camera lens trained directly on her. Next to it was a computer screen on a webpage she didn’t recognise, but from the banner and format, she knew it was surely a porn site of some kind. There was a logo on the top left in the shape of the letter ‘N’, and the majority of the screen was taken up by a video. It was her on screen, her eyes wide with shock. Her petite pale-skinned body was trembling visibly, she hadn’t noticed it until she’d seen herself live on screen. The benefit of her relentless daily exercise was in clear view, her lean abdomen tight with perky firm tits bouncing with her movement, the nipples tight and inviting. Her long white-blond hair had been tied up in a loose bun to give a good view of her face. Despite the anguish across her features, the occasional flash of pleasure overcame her expression. She was wearing a little make-up, the sort she would never apply herself. It was subtle and tasteful in ways she had yet to master, a slight blush to her cheeks to accentuate her narrow face and small pointed nose. Her light eyebrows had been brushed with a darker shade, framing her glowing blue eyes which shone with innocence, the kind that didn’t suit the lude situation she was confronted with. The soft lighting and erotic scene created quite a striking image. She looked amazing, but what caught her eye most of all was the block text over the video image ‘Elouise: Stream Offline’. Whatever dreadful thing was going to happen hadn’t started yet. She breathed a sigh of relief between her laboured gasps of pleasure. While relieved it wasn’t streaming, it was concerning that whoever did this knew her name.

She realised she hadn’t spoken yet.

“Hello!?” she cried weakly, her voice still hoarse. She cringed internally for shouting something so cliché. Had she expected someone to shout ‘Hi’ back? But what else could she say? Calling for help seemed fruitless, yelling obscenities might anger whoever was behind this, and asking who was responsible seemed unlikely to yield results. “What is this!? Why are you doing this to me!?” she finally settled on, her raspy high-pitched voice echoed back in the small padded box. She was so softly spoken that she doubted anyone would have heard her unless they were close-by.

No reply came, but a beep was emitted from the second screen she was yet to study. It was full of charts changing in real-time, like the sort you might see on a medical device. The charts were pale-blue and white, matching the clinically bright nature of her box. Her skin crawled at the realisation that most of the charts seemed to be tracking some element of her body. One plotted her temperature over time, another tracked the speed of her breathing, and another showed fluctuations in her heart rate. Some she didn’t understand, and with the ecstasy clawing its way through her body it was hard to concentrate. Presumably there were some sensors in her cuffs. The vibration speed of the sybian was being logged too, and at the bottom of the screen was a whole vertical section that interested her most of all. On the left was a counter of how many orgasms she’d had, currently at 0. To the right hand side was her estimated state of arousal on a gauge, currently hovering just over half way, nearing a shaded section that she assumed meant orgasm. As she stared at the gauge, it climbed a little. The idea that all this technology was designed to make her cum was equal parts terrifying and alluring. The thrumming felt so good, and it had been so long since she’d been fucked. The orgasm taunted her, it was so close but she was climbing towards it so steadily and slowly, she knew the release would be incredible when she reached it. As much as her resolve screamed for her to fight it, she couldn’t ignore how much she wanted to let the pleasure in. Another moan escaped her lips, breathy and soft. The screen beeped again, drawing her eyes to the final metric she hadn’t looked at yet. It was some sort of timeline running along the bottom centre of the screen, with five circles along the line indicating milestones. The first was marked ‘first orgasm’ along the top and was flashing white, presumably denoting that it was soon approaching. Underneath the first circle a label read ‘Initiate stream’.

“Oh n-no,” she whimpered, “No please.”

Her body was screaming internally for climax, and she could feel it ready to envelope her, but if she let herself cum then it seemed like the camera footage would be streamed online for people to watch her naked body live. The idea sickened her, yet the sensors on-screen suggested that her arousal had increased in response. The gauge ticked up till it was so close to the shaded section that she could feel the edge of orgasm against her hot skin, like the smoke of a fire licking at the walls trying to consume it. She thrashed in her bonds, pulling at the chains and contorting her torso to try and escape the leg restraints. Her upper body was all that moved, and as she fought the pleasure it only made the vibrations feel more intense. Her tits bounced wildly as she squirmed, her hair tasseling and saddle squeaking under the movement. She held her breath trying to hold it in, groaning as she felt the bright white blinding bliss approach. She gritted her teeth, trying desperately to fight it, slowing her movement as she tired, and locking her muscles. The pressure of the pleasure she was holding in felt set to burst, and she wanted the release so badly, and yet couldn’t accept defeat. Her cheeks burned with the embarrassment of knowing that people might see her, but she knew she could hardly hold it any longer. Her eyes shot open, staring directly into the camera and pleading silently for the vibrations to stop. She couldn’t take it anymore, her pussy was on fire, the sybian felt like it was shooting ecstasy into her.

“No! No!” she shrieked as an orgasm came crashing over her body. Her back tautened, stretching up and back as the pleasure shot up her spine. Elouise screamed out loudly, her toes curling as her body shook with orgasm. She gasped for air as she simmered back down, the vibrations slowing to ease her back to reality. The orgasm counter ticked up to ‘1’ with a little digital chirp, and the streaming webpage began a five second countdown to going live. She gave a high-pitched squeal of despair, before her body was suddenly spun. The saddle was on a rotating platform, and just before the stream started she was turned to face away from the camera. She’d been turned 180 degrees, so now all the screens were behind her, but there were two new screens in front of her, lower down just beyond where her hands were chained to the platform. They showed the same two displays, one of the measures and the other of the stream. Her blond hair and tensed back were in view, her slim figure emphasised by back-dimples as she sat upright as much as the chains on her arms would allow. Her perky little bubble-butt was in view, occasionally jerking as the vibration played with her sensitive little clit, forcing her body to jolt. She wasn’t ready for more, never having been adept at multiple-orgasms with her partners. Though she knew that the expert machine would soon coax her back to another rapturous climax.

Now her orgasm had subsided she felt a sudden clarity. This was real. She was trapped in some hellish orgasm-device. Her eyes darted around for answers, a scream growing in her body begging to be released. But staring at the live feed, she was glad to have some semblance of anonymity. There must be thousands of blond girls in the world called Elouise. If she could avoid speaking that might protect identity a little more. As the list of viewers began to populate she found it harder to fight from hyperventilating. First three, then five, then twenty-two names filled the list. Soon there were too many to count, with more still piling in. Comments flooded in next, some praising her tight little ass, others noting her smooth slender legs gripping the saddle. A few discussed her feet, calling them pretty and admiring her long blue-painted toes. She felt sickened to be so analysed and ogled by strangers, but the commentary was so overwhelmingly positive that she could hardly ignore the little thrill it gave her too. She whined uncontrollably, a renewed pleasure rising in her. The need for release was quickly returning and she hated herself for it. She felt like a caged animal, forced to perform for an audience.

She fought it again, trying to drown out the devious part of her that wanted to see what the viewers would think when they saw her cum. No, she couldn’t let herself give in again. There must be a way out of this nightmare. Looking back to the timeline graphic, the first circle was now shaded showing the live stream had started when she’d had her first orgasm, the next milestone was at two orgasms and was labelled ‘spanking’. Her eyes widened with shock, looking at the stream video and spotting something black hanging either side of her body that might be designed to strike her. She squeezed her eyes shut, shaking her head and trying to remain calm. She returned to the timeline diagram and kept reading. The third orgasm milestone was labelled ‘rotate’, which she presumed would mean she would be turned back to face the camera.

“Oh god,” she muttered to herself, trying to avoid letting her voice be heard on the stream as it might identify her further. She knew the viewers were getting audio, as many were commenting on her soft whines and ‘cute little moans’. The vibrations increased and her arousal spiked, she was suddenly feeling herself getting extremely close to another orgasm. The knowledge that people were watching her excited her more than she dared to admit, but the concept that she would be spanked for an audience frightened her. She had never had anyone abuse her body that way. She was the girl people likened to a princess, only half in jest. She had always been the good girl, dating nice well-meaning boys that daddy approved of. Boys from respectable families, and even now in her twenties she had always been sensible. How could she be strapped to this monstrosity, forced to cum over and over for the entertainment of others. Her cheeks burned red with shame, but her arousal continued to soar until she neared yet another climax. All concept of trying to remain quiet and anonymous had gone out the window as she found herself moaning uncontrollably, her body undulating as it neared ecstasy. She was so so close, but she was fighting it, tensing her leg muscles and digging her long nails into the leather of the saddle. She wanted to scream something, but didn’t know whether she would cry ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as the pleasure took her. It was no use fighting, and she managed to hold it for only a few moments before it overtook her. Again she thrashed and squealed as she was wracked with mind-bending pleasure, she felt herself squirting hot wet juices over the machine and felt disgusted and aroused by herself as it dripped down her legs. She gasped for air and moaned as she came down from the peak, her body slumping to one side. This was unlike any pleasure she felt before, the machine was prying out some impossible pleasure held deep down within. The way the ecstasy ripped through her body scared her.

The screen chirped to register her second orgasm, she looked over at the screen to see the audience going wild with admiration for her sexy display. They were begging to see her from the front, some specifically wanting to see her tits, her face or her quivering pussy. She wasn’t sure which frightened her more. She caught herself drooling as a warm drop of saliva fell on her leg and she couldn’t clean it off. She tautened the chains trying to bring her hands to her mouth to wipe it away but couldn’t reach. She groaned, using her shoulder to rub it off. With the vibrations back to their lower setting she tried to gather her thoughts. She returned to the timeline chart, seeing the second milestone circle was now shaded, but still screamed out with surprise as the black leather paddle swung down and smacked her right ass cheek with a loud crack. She shrieked at the piercing pain, turning her head awkwardly to try and see the source, then remembering not to let the camera see her face. Instead her eyes darted to the screen to watch the live video feed as another paddle to her left struck the other cheek, retracting back automatically on a hinge. It hurt a lot more than she had expected, though only for a few seconds before it became a more manageable throbbing sensation. How could anyone find being hurt like this erotic?! A while later it struck her again, then again. She was spanked about every ten seconds, though the timings seemed to change slightly so she couldn’t anticipate it. The comments went crazy as she was spanked over and over, pulling at her restraints to try and get away but completely unable to move. The audience loved it, people always complimented her gravelly squeaky little voice. So girlish and raspy, the way others might sound when they lose their voice. That was how she sounded permanently. The viewers seemed to enjoy her husky cries with each strike, she couldn’t stop herself despite being struck over and over. She was ashamed of how wet it was making her, and it infuriated her that the sybian was again bringing her towards more unwanted pleasure. This one would be most tortuous of all, being forced to cum whilst her ass was hit, then turned to face the viewers and lose any shred of anonymity she had. She’d forever be some internet slut. She’d be forced to sit there as they watched her orgasm for their pleasure.

Degraded and defeated, she found herself sobbing, tears dripping down her face and toppling onto the hot skin of her chest. Her whole body glistened with a thin layer of sweat from the constant assault, so the tears mixed in and disappeared. She almost couldn’t bring herself to look at the last two milestones of the timeline, but she had to know what was coming. After the third orgasm milestone to turn her around, the fourth was labelled ‘viewer vote’ for when she hit five orgasms. She couldn’t even begin to comprehend the gravity of what that might mean for her, so quickly moved on to read the last milestone. Surprisingly it didn’t mention a count of orgasms, it just said ‘Twenty-five minutes’ and the label read ‘End’. Suddenly she understood, among the various measures on screen was a timer that read ‘8:51’ and was ticking up. All of this would stop if she could just hold on another sixteen minutes without cumming. She would never be turned to the camera, or subject to whatever the viewers vote might be. Surely she could do it? How long did it normally take her to reach orgasm with her partners? Some sessions had lasted nearly half an hour before without her reaching climax. Certainly she could hold it that long? Sixteen minutes seemed like nothing… Yet, she knew this machine was nothing like her previous partners. It knew her intimately, it was tracking her every physiological detail. It was meticulously coaxing her towards orgasm after orgasm, and she had already climaxed twice in eight minutes. Now the vibrations rose again, and her resolve faltered. The relentless spanking had left red marks on her ass that burned as the attack continued. Her eyes were trained on the timer.

“Only fifteen more minutes,” she told herself, as the timer hit the round number. She kept telling herself she could do it. She knew she could. As if hearing her internal rebellion, the machine began to tick up in speed slowly. It buzzed furiously at her hot swollen little clit, tearing down her misplaced hope of being able to hold out. Her hips began to buck instinctively, her chest rising and falling more and more quickly as the pleasure invaded her body yet again. A smack on her left ass cheek, swiftly followed by another on her right made her cry out in pain, the spanking had stopped for a while to catch her off-guard, but now resumed it’s relentless smacking of her bum. It throbbed with a hot sting, weakening the fight in her. The pain and pleasure were twisting together in a storm that crowded her senses, confusing her mind. The lightning pain seared her skin as the warm glow of pleasure promised release from the torment. She wriggled trying to get through the pain, as if desperate to reach the blissful oasis of climax, almost forgetting that the orgasm was as much her enemy as the striking of her ass.

“Pl-pease, please!” she screeched, so loud she surprised herself, and not knowing what she was begging for. A huge blistering orgasm rained down on her, leaving her gasping and shaking as she weathered the intense pleasure.

The machine chirped to log her orgasm, and she was swung around as the circular panel rotated her slower than before, revealing her full naked form for the audience. The chat box was obliterated with message after message citing her beauty, from her ravishing figure, her perky tits and her gorgeous face. She saw none of it though, her brain still fogged with incomprehensible pleasure. The vibration had continued unlike before, thrusting her headfirst up and up into the sky towards untold heights of ecstasy. She screamed louder and louder as another mind-blowing orgasm blinded her, the non-stop spanking only adding to her blissful release. Every muscle in her body tautened as she squirted all over the saddle, twitching with the aftershocks as the vibration finally subsided. The computer chirped again as her orgasm count was updated to four, but Elouise could barely register it. She was drooling again, hunched over and breathing heavily to catch her breath. Her mind began to slowly regain purchase on what had happened, and she looked up slowly to the camera, then over to the screen. She was too exhausted to feel afraid, too overwhelmed. She was just a piece of meat, she had no choice over what her body did. It betrayed her time and again. Even her mind was not her own, the cruelty of both pain and pleasure contorted her into a mess of desire.

Now the spanking stopped as she was given a few moments to catch her breath. She knew if she orgasmed again the viewers would be offered some kind of vote. As much as the idea of that made her want to cry, she questioned how much worse it could be than this. Forced to cum for an audience, naked and spanked repeatedly. Any one of these things would have been abhorrent to her in their own right, together they were torturous.

“No more,” she muttered, “Please no more. I can’t take it.” she shook her head feebly, still gasping for air and dripping with tears, cum, sweat and saliva. The sybian immediately roared to life, as if she had dared it. It pressed pleasure into her sensitive spots so perfectly, it knew the pace she needed, and coaxed her effortlessly up to a fifth orgasm. She watched down her flat stomach as her wet little clit danced from the quickening pulse of the vibrator.

“Please don’t do this. I don’t want this.” she croaked out the words, unable to stop from throwing her head back as a small but precious climax approached. She clenched her muscles, anticipating the release, but it didn’t come. The vibrations slowed for a few moments, enough for the climax to slip out of reach, then the thrumming increased again. She stretched out her toes, gripping the saddle with her legs and digging her nails into the leather as she soared up again towards the peak, close enough to taste it, only to have it ripped away again. She grunted as her muscles loosened, and again as the buzzing returned and her arms locked, the chains clinking as she pulled on them. The stopping and starting was creating a strange craving sensation in the pit of her stomach. It felt like hunger. A desperate angry hunger that itched and caught in her throat. She could hear herself whimpering pathetically as each climax was pulled away from her, leaving her breathless and frustrated. Her eyes were sealed shut, trying to concentrate on the sensations and will herself over the edge to the ecstasy she’d felt before. She found herself wishing for the machine to be nice to her again, as if this was somehow more cruel than the previous torment. The pleasure just kept growing and growing, with every denial, it felt like the pressure inside her increased. As if the threshold for orgasm kept getting higher and higher, and each time she was being given more vibration than before, but still not enough. Soon it felt like the edge of the orgasm she was hovering on was monumental. Like she was floating way up in the sky, waiting to be blasted into space. To the biggest and greatest experience of her life, just seconds away. Her eyes shot open, pure desire and lust burning from where innocence had shone before, their glare drilling directly into the camera in fury. The orgasm gauge showed the ticker crawling up to the shaded area, before being dropped back down to just under midway and crawling back up again over and over. The audience’s reaction was ecstatic, messages flooding in too quickly to be read. They wanted her to cum as much as she did, and they were loving watching the build up. But she stared neither at the metrics or the live stream, only at the camera. She steadied her breathing as yet another onslaught of vibration assaulted her tight wet little pussy. It carried her again higher and higher, to the edge of the sky and she prepared angrily to be left there again, clutching at the chains in expectant anguish. The thrumming was so fast and intense now, her whole pelvis was trembling under the force. It was harder and rougher than her little clit had ever been treated and she was sopping wet. The sensation just kept going, and Elouise kept expecting it to slow any second but it didn’t. It just kept pushing and pushing her, taking her smashing through the orgasm and dragging her up and up. She shrieked and shrieked until she had no air left, blasted into rapture, her body shaking as her eyes rolled back and her head stretched upwards and back. She was spanked hard once, twice and then again and again as the ecstasy just kept going and going. Every nerve was inflamed in pure bliss launched her out of reality and then suddenly released her.

An animalistic grunt punctuated her victory, followed quickly by a few quick sobs before she burst into tears. She’d been reduced to her base instincts. She hated herself and how this sick machine made her feel. She was nothing more than a toy. She felt formless, inhuman and beaten. Her eyes could barely make out the blurry shapes around her and she tried to tell herself she didn’t care, that she didn’t need to see. But she had to know how long was left. Surely it had been nearly twenty minutes by now, it felt as if an eternity had passed. Impossibly, the timer claimed that only a little over sixteen minutes had gone by, meaning another nine minutes or torment lay before her. The second to last circle milestone was lit, indicating the viewers now received a vote. She knew she should be afraid but she couldn’t muster the energy to imagine what could be coming. They had stolen so much from her, and now only her restraints stopped her from falling to the floor in exhaustion.

The vibration had now slowed, and the spanking had stopped, even the video chat had quietened down. As Elouise caught her breath, tiredness crept into her from the top down. She had nothing left in her. A loud alert from the previously silent left monitor made her jolt to attention. It was shrill, like a text notification bell ringing obnoxiously through her small padded box. It indicated the addition of a banner under the video with a poll. Two polling bars appeared, one titled ‘For’ and another titled ‘Against’, then a two word question appeared, ‘Anal Penetration?’.

**Really was hoping to post this as a single story but Reddit has made me break it into two parts.**

Part 2 [here](



  1. Amazing I was glued the entire time. Some of the best I have ever read. Wow

  2. This was fucking beautiful. Such an original and utterly humiliating concept, I was turned on beyond belief. Thank you

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