Never bring someone to a sex club who you aren’t willing to share… Jakob’s Mate(2): The Arrangement [MFF, Teasing, Prostitution, Reluctant, Sci-Fi]

**Jakobs Mate is made up of mostly independent stories, but if you’d like to read more…check my profile for previous entries (can’t link here)**


“Alright, where’s the camera?” I laughed, looking around the newly repaired Leiaan. “Come on, don’t fuck with me like that, Sadie.”

She shook her head sharply and doubled down.

“No, I’m dead serious. I need your help. I can’t do this alone because I don’t trust some random person not to rape and murder me.”

My head spun. She wasn’t asking what I thought she was asking. This was why I always flew solo. I would never get myself into a situation like this. I was still processing the first sentence she spoke to me. I replied, shaking my head as though trying to rattle a marble from my brain.

“How do you even know she’s at that brothel?”

“She’s there!” Sadie insisted. “I know Prudence isn’t the type to sell her body like that. We shared a bunk for three years aboard the Scarborough. Her message read like someone trying to *sound* okay. We need to get her out of there.”

It was pure luck that had landed us at the same station as Sadie’s old friend. She crossed her arms, trying to convince me to do what I had already decided to help with.

“Imagine if I was the one being imprisoned and fucked daily.”

My eyes spread wide as the gorgeous addition to my crew tried to make her point. It was a terrible thought. Simply dreadful. The thought of her handcuffed to a wall was not at all alluring.

“Stop imagining it, you sick bastard!” she hissed. “Anyway, I don’t have anyone else I can ask. I need you to pose as my John for the night so I can get in, rescue her, and get out.”

There it was again, like asking how the color blue smelled. The words weren’t real. It was a prank. There’s no way that my fantasies were leaking into reality *that* faithfully. Suddenly I wished I’d fantasized about becoming a billionaire.

“So, I just go in with you—”

“And I’ll do the rest,” she assured.

“You want me to go to a brothel with you, pose as a John, Probably feel you up a few times—”

“You will not.”

“—And then we rescue your friend, right?”

“Right.” Sadie nodded as though it was obvious, and I was being purposefully obtuse.

“So. . .” I said slowly. “. . .when are we doing this?”

Sadie dipped into the bunk she’d picked out for herself and closed the door.

“Right away!” she yelled out. “Wear something nice, but casual. It should say, ‘*I’ve got money, but I’m also a dick.*’”

“Hah!” I replied walking to my quarters. “Joke’s on you! That’s my whole wardrobe!”

I put on a pair of white-striped track pants and a black hoodie. I retrieved a chain from my closet and draped it over my neck. I slicked back my hair and parted it to the side. I decided to finish the whole ensemble with a pair of wide blue aviator sunglasses. As I emerged, I felt sort-of like an Italian gangster from the old mafia movies.

I entered the crew compartment and Sadie had her black-heeled stiletto propped up on a steel bench. She was rolling fishnet stockings up her thigh and turned to me. Her sensible braid was gone, traded away in favor of a curled and product-filled bouncy hairdo. She looked at me, and I could have fainted.

Sadie was *always* sexy. There wasn’t a time she looked bad. We repaired hull breaches in vac suits and she looked like she could have been the model for the catalog. She was covered in PDC grease after we reloaded ammo, and it looked like some strange grungy fashion week trend. Now, she was purposefully trying to look seductive.
Her black eyeshadow was tinted a subtle blue near the top. Her lips were a full and sensual glossy purple. Then my eyes drifted downward.

“Eyes off the weapons of mass destruction,” she grinned.

“No can do, kiddo,” I replied, staring blatantly at her glittered chest.

She sighed and dropped her leg to the ground, causing the bedazzled boobies to jiggle.

“Alright, take five seconds,” she groaned. “Consider it your fee for helping.”

I dashed across the room and began to take in every inch of her curves like an archaeologist studying his favorite bones. They were magnificent, perfect, right out in the open, and I was not going to get to touch them. Depression slapped my face and I sighed.

“Don’t look so glum,” she smiled. “We’re doing a good thing.”

“Could be doing a better thing!”

“Oh yeah?” she laughed, grabbing her clutch from the bench. “Says the twentieth century Russian mafioso!”

“Russian!” I chuckled, checking myself in the mirror. “Hmm. You’re right. I was thinking Italian.”

“Oh, no, flyboy,” she gazed at her outfit, and then back to mine, “The Italian mafia knows how to dress.”

I frowned slightly at the woman’s tease as she led the way into the unsanctioned station.

There was a very large difference between UN sanctioned installations and unsanctioned ones. UN sanctioned places had experienced pilots ready for hire. They had police waiting at every corner to catch ne’er-do-wells. The businesses were all legitimate and paid taxes to UNESCO. Unsanctioned stations were the opposite in almost every way. The life support system always smelled like a cheap hourly motel. The bars served alcohol that was part thrust waste and part filtered urine. The businesses were about the seediest possible things a person could imagine, and I’d seen a lot. There were animal markets, in fucking space. There was a seller of used combat armor. You do the math on where he probably got his stocks. Most importantly, there was a brothel on every corner. They were like coffee bars in the early twenty-first century. Much like the coffee shops, the brothel logos often looked like women spreading their legs.

As we approached “Leaky Ladies,” Sadie reached down to grab my hand. I didn’t provide it. Johns didn’t take their whores’ hands. I wrapped my arm around her back and rested it firmly on the side of her ass. There was a bit of worry in my step as I looked to her. She gave a slight nod and looked up into my eyes.

“Good call,” she mouthed.

This day was getting better and better.

We went to enter the whorehouse, and a woman whose face *slightly* resembled Sadie’s popped up on the display beside the door. Susan Storm had a tenth of the beauty Sadie possessed. Her ID looked like she had been ridden hard and put away wet. The bouncer extended a hand and impacted Sadie’s chest without a second thought.

“Hold up, who are you? I haven’t seen you before.”

“Does it matter?” Sadie muttered. “I’m here to get fucked. You’ll get your cut.”

My eyes opened wide. Something about her saying that about me, even if false, stirred the very deepest parts of my soul to attention.

“Uh, uh,” he grinned, flipping his palm on her chest. “You know our policy. New hoes get personal review from me before—”

“Listen here, you meaty shit!” I stepped forward. “I’m here for six hours before I depart again. If you wanna get handsy, go find your own whore. She’s my fucking property and maybe the sluttery across the way would be a bit more understanding. Honestly, I don’t give a fuck. I just want to get my dick wet.”

He was surprised, clearly. Men like him weren’t used to being talked to like that.

“You deaf *and* stupid?” I shouted, causing some nearby passers-by to stare. “I am about to ream every last hole of this little slut’s body. Now does your brothel want a cut, or not?”

I slapped her ass, hard. She took an involuntary step forward and giggled like an airhead. She stroked my chest and cooed.

“Oh, baby,” she breathed. “I love when you talk like that. Maybe we could get another girl, too?”

“Hear that? Two girls!” I laughed, pushing the man’s arm aside. “Don’t forget to buy yourself something nice with the commission, asshole.”

My heart was hammering like a machinegun as we entered the club. He let us through. My gambit worked. Better than that, she found a way to isolate the girl. Now, how were we going to get her out?

The room smelled about like you would have expected, but the slightly slick flooring was a bonus pleasure I hadn’t seen coming. On the far right, customers who I assume were exhibitionists were pounding into women and men who shrieked like banshees in the most choreographed display of passion I’d ever seen. It honestly sounded like a balloon being deflated and seemed to last almost as long. Like an assembly line, as some Johns would exit curtains on the right side of the room, another pair or trio of individuals would enter behind them. I had to offer Leaky Ladies points for efficiency.

Sadie grabbed my hand as she screeched to a halt. At the rear of the room, a blonde woman sat with a distant gaze. She looked drunk, high, or both. Sadie and I walked over and she dragged the woman to her feet.

“Come on, sweetheart! Let’s go have a good time!” Sadie loudly declared. The blonde woman hadn’t even looked up. “Come on, Prudence! Let’s go play somewhere private!”

At her real name, the dizzied woman looked up.

“Sadie?” she whispered.

“Yeah, it’s Susan!” Sadie announced. “Come on, this big-dicked fucker wants to get it on with you.”

“Someplace far away from here,” I added quietly.

Her eyes seemed to brighten, if only briefly.

“No need. Go to twelve,” a man announced, waving us down the assembly line.

Sadie looked at me and I returned her stare. I knew we had to follow instructions. It would give us time to think, at least.

As we pulled aside the curtain, the bench seat rolled stained and soaked upholstery back into some unknown mechanism. As the journey finished, a fresh cushioned seat awaited us. I tried to hide my disgust in vain.

Prudence embraced Sadie and immediately began to cry.

“Oh my God, I didn’t think anyone knew I was here!” she sobbed. “Oh Jesus, Sade. I fucked up. I’m sorry.”

Suddenly, the weight of the situation fell upon me. This wasn’t some happy-go-lucky fuck fest. These were real people. The excitement that had sprung from slapping Sadie’s ass faded as quickly as it had come.

“But listen, I have to strip now, okay?” Prudence whispered. “We have to put on a show for at least five minutes. If they don’t see—stuff—going on, they’ll kick him out. Honestly, they’d probably keep you.”

“No, they wouldn’t,” I stated firmly.

Sadie looked at me and a beautiful, genuine, grin rose on one side of her mouth.

“Right, okay,” she muttered. “You do what you have to do.”

Prudence untied her top and slid down the glowing neon straps. She turned away from us, and the camera over the door.

“You have to make it look like you’re here for the same reason, dumbass!” Prudence hissed. “Get on the bench and let me suck your neck.”

Sadie and I looked at each other. We both were pretty sure Prudence was talking to her. Sadie looked nervous as she sat on the furniture that literally countless people had screwed on. She hoped their sanitation was effective.

A moment later, Prudence dropped her top for me and sported the biggest, fakest, smile I could have imagined. She scooted over onto Sadie’s lap and raised her skirt a little, holding eye contact with me as she bent forward and ran both hands up Sadie’s thighs.

“Jesus, Pru!” Sadie objected, trying in vain to shut her legs.

“Oh, come on,” Prudence sighed. “Nothing we ain’t done before.”

My eyes spread wider than the Grand Canyon and I saw the blush flood Sadie’s face, even over the purplish club lights.

Prudence looked over her shoulder into my eyes as she straddled Sadie.

“Come grab my ass. This has to look real.”

This was the most infuriating sexual encounter I’d ever been a part of. I was living out my *literal* fantasy, but I couldn’t enjoy it because it was no more real than any of the other smiles in the Leaky Ladies. Here’s the strange and frustrating thing about the male anatomy, though. No one told my dick not to get excited.

I felt embarrassed about a boner for the first time since middle school as I walked to Prudence and fondled her ass freely.

I wouldn’t get aroused by this. I couldn’t.

Then Prudence grabbed Sadie’s head and locked lips with her. I could tell by Sadie’s gut reaction, she was feeling a bit of the same internal betrayal I was.

“Don’t just stand there grabbing at me like a ten-year-old with a store mannequin,” Pru announced. “Finger me, or something.”

It was me who looked up to Sadie’s widened eyes this time. I wasn’t asking permission, per se, but—being honest—Pru was not the woman in the room that I wanted to finger.

She nodded at me as Pru forced a nipple into her mouth. I kneeled down on the floor and licked a finger. I tried to maneuver it into her as she writhed about like a snake being charmed skyward. She dropped down onto me and sighed in relief.

“There. Was that so hard?” she breathed.

It was then that I realized just what lay in front of me. I fought every instinct within myself as I knelt between Sadie’s legs. I didn’t even want to look. It was strange, given that I had already tried to spy on the woman in the shower, but something had changed. Sadie and I were different, now. My right hand seemed to drift up without my mind’s permission. I traced up Sadie’s thigh. The fingertips of the sentient arm sunk into her soft, silky, skin tickling up closer to her thong. It wasn’t me, I told myself, but boy was I enjoying the sensation.

Sadie looked down and saw my hand under her dress. Her blush reddened even more as a coating of perspiration began to dot her face. She hadn’t realized who was stroking her. Sadie seemed to be fighting herself as a tiny moan slipped from her throat like an untamed specter.

“Yeah, good job. That almost sounds believable,” Pru laughed. “Hey man-toy, fuck me while I eat her out.”

It had to have been five minutes. I looked up to the tiny red display beside the camera, 1:30 and counting. We needed to stall a bit longer. I couldn’t do it. I wouldn’t. I did the first thing that came into my head.

“No, no. You’re both sucking my dick!” I declared, grabbing Pru by the hair.

“Really?” she grunted with a laugh.

“*Really?*” Sadie added with a hint of worry.

I made sure my back was to the camera.

“Just get close and fake it, it’s fine,” I whispered.

Pru hopped down from the bench and was followed by a sheepish Sadie. The woman who had gone balls to the wall with every other situation I’d ever seen her in was nervous. She either hated the idea of going down on me or, even worse, didn’t.

“That’s right, you dirty bitches!” I announced loudly. “Suck my fat coc—”

The words stalled out in my windpipe like a prop-plane that tried to climb a bit too quickly. Pru sat behind Sadie and had dragged my first mate’s tits out of the tight segmented black dress. Sadie looked away.

I stared like a choir boy who had just stumbled into a girls high school locker room. They were just as phenomenal as I remembered them. Sadie finally looked up into my eyes. From her kneeling stance, breasts on full display, to her slightly curled in lip, the trepidation in my pants had vanished. I was about as hard as I had ever been.

We held each other’s eyes tenderly, like young lovers looking on one another for the first time. My dick fought for freedom as Sadie ran a hand up her rolled down dress and grabbed ahold of a nipple, giving it a soft tug.

“Fuck,” a single throaty word fell from my slack jaw.

The moment was shattered as Pru unbuttoned my fly and sent my eager penis out onto the stage it so desperately desired to perform on.

“*OhMyGod,*” popped out of Sadie’s mouth in a single, endlessly expositional, word.

Sadie was looking at my dick. What’s more, she liked it. Her eyes were hungry as she focused on my showoff of a prick. Perhaps her excitement was just really good acting.

Pru motioned to my eager member that was providing quite a show. There’s always the worry of performance anxiety in moments like the one I had been presented with, but after Sadie’s own display, I was in rare form.

Men have many different kinds of erections. Some are hardly above flaccidity, while others could chisel a new rendition of Michelangelo’s David. As I stood in the sex booth, I could hardly recognize the veiny motherfucker between my legs. It was certainly the most turned on I had ever been.

“So, are you gonna suck it, or should I?” Pru asked.

“What?” “What?” Sadie and I both asked at the same time.

“He needs to come before that timer runs out,” Pru explained. “Like I said, they’re watching us. Looking at the way he’s staring, I’m quite sure you could get him there in no time. Otherwise, I’ll make it happen. I have my ways.”

Pru slipped a hand between my legs and gripped my bare ass. She leaned in close to my member and gently flicked it with her finger.

“Honestly, not the worst way to get out of this hell-hole,” she admitted.

“I’ll do it!” Sadie interrupted, knocking Pru’s arm away. My newest crewmate looked up into my eyes, and carefully wrapped her slightly rough hand around my dick. She leaned in close. I felt her breath against me and shuddered.

The session alarm dinged overhead like a Vegas jackpot. Digital coins showered down in a realistic three-dimensional projection around the pair of ladies and the camera’s red light turned off. I breathed a sigh of relief, then slight disappointment, as Sadie withdrew her hand and quickly stood up to face me.

“Well, all’s well that ends well,” Pru shrugged. “Next time, buckaroo.”

All three of us jumped as the man who’d sent us to room twelve stepped inside.

“Can we help you?” I hissed, covering my exposed manhood.

“I was watching. This don’t seem right,” he explained. “I’m starting the timer over. Y’all gonna fuck with me standing here.”

“Oh, plus the club gets another session cut, am I right?” Pru griped.

“What’d you say, bitch?” the tall and suited man chuckled, cracking his knuckles.

“Please don’t!” Sadie objected, stepping between the two.

“Fine! You wanna see us fuck, you pervert?” I grumbled, yanking Sadie to my chest and feeling her bare breasts against my skin. Her breath was quick and nervous. She wasn’t quite sure what to think. I continued in a gruff voice. “Well tell me this ain’t real!”

I spun Sadie around to the wall directly beside the suited man and slammed her to it. I kissed her madly. I plunged my tongue into her mouth and her hands raced down my back. I immediately grabbed her right palm and stuck it into my pants. Her left palm found its own way to my ass and gave a hard squeeze. She dug in her fingernails and whipped her own tongue into my mouth, massaging mine.

“Yeah, you feel something you like, bitch?” I chuckled wickedly, breaking away for a moment.

I was stunned as she reached around my pants and began to stroke me for just a moment before realizing my intent. I couldn’t quite resist the situation. With her groping my manhood, one of my hands slipped up her bare stomach and cupped a handful of her breast. I kissed her neck and pivoted her toward the guard. She let out a breathy moan and I was almost sad it had to end.

Her gaze morphed into a smile. In a flash, she pulled the stun stick from my underwear and powered it into the guard’s side. He tried to call for help as he fell, and I snatched the radio from his ear.

Pru stomped the convulsing guard’s face with her heel and the man went limp.

“Take the rest of his clothes!” Pru piped up, “That’s brilliant!”

As I removed the man’s coat, I stared up at Sadie. Over the thumping music, she looked into my eyes and raised the angular strap back onto her shoulder. There was no condemnation in her gaze as I unabashedly watched her stuff her breasts back into the skin-tight apparel. She rocked her hips slowly, easing the dress back down over her ass and seemed to snap to her senses.

“Okay. Let’s get this fucker’s pants off.”

I smirked. The joke rose within me like my previously unavoidable erection.

“Thought we just did that. Heyo!”

Both women glared.

“Right, I’ll grab the shirt,” I chuckled.

Never was good at reading the room.


We exited curtain twelve, and I tried my best to personify the guard in his oversized clothes.

“Sup,” I nodded to a fellow man in uniform.

“Just shut the fuck up,” Pru ordered, “and walk.”

As we walked through the front door, the girls’ photos flashed up for a second time, followed by a flattering photo of Demetrius Tripp.

“The fuck?” the bouncer muttered.

I lowered my voice to one that may have been befitting of Demetrius.

“Takin a break by sampling the merchandise, my man!”

He raised an eyebrow, but I was already past him. The bouncer wasn’t suspicious enough to give chase.

“Don’t break ‘em!” he laughed.

We walked even faster as Sadie began to nervously chuckle.

“Oh my God! That worked?”

“What can I say,” I grinned. “Maybe Demetrius and I are long lost brothers?”

“I know one way you’re alike,” Pru muttered with a lewd chuckle.

Sadie turned to her long-forgotten friend and shook her head.

“I thought you would be a bit more—”

“Fucked up?” Pru finished. “No, I am. I really am. I’m just trying to enjoy the last few minutes of this high. I know when I come down, I—”

Pru’s face changed to one of worry. It was very much a, “*what the hell will I do next,*” sort of look.

“I really just want to laugh for a minute. Alright?” she whispered.

Sadie nodded, if a bit sadder than she was before. I was already staring at my first mate, as I had been all night. Her eyes met mine, and I could have been imagining it, but it seemed like a tiny grin cracked her stone face.


“Hey, flyboy,” Sadie smiled, knocking on the door frame she entered the cockpit. She was dressed in greasy shorts and a black tee shirt. She still looked gorgeous. “Pru is settled. She’s gonna stick with us until the next major, legitimate, station. She started coming down about two hours ago and the life just— drained from her eyes. I think starting over will be good for her.”

Sadie had a morose expression. The weight of the setting seemed to hit her all at once.

“Hey, Jakob,” she whispered. “How many people do you think are forced to work there against their will?”

I stood up and gestured to the co-pilot’s seat. She sat and shook her head.

“Honestly?” I began, “As history progresses, more people get enslaved. It’s sick and disgusting. I smuggle a lot of illegal shit, but I’ve never taken a slaver job.”

“Well, now your scoreboard is at negative one,” she remarked.

“Good point,” I nodded, boarding my previous train of thought. “You can’t focus on everyone you didn’t save. Think about the one you did. Thanks to you, Pru gets to start over. I get the feeling she’s gonna pay a lot of money to many different therapists to put this experience behind her, but she’s free.”

Sadie rolled her eyes.

“That’s such a man’s perspective,” she shook her head. “It’s so easy to say—‘Oh, she’s free now,’ but the fact is—she’s gonna be fucked up for the rest of her life. People are cruel to those beneath them, especially slaves. I don’t want to think about what she went through.”

“People are resilient,” I returned. “What happened to her was beyond awful, no doubt, but if she is a strong person—she won’t let it rule her for long.”

“Or she’ll eat a bullet in a year,” Sadie whispered, staring at the blankness of space.

I saw a tear forming in the corner of her eye. I wasn’t sure whether or not my next move would be welcome, but I made it anyway. I leaned over as far as my chair could reach and placed my hand atop hers.

“It’s a problem, for sure,” I replied. “There are a lot of people who don’t cope with trauma at all, but she seems stronger than that. She reminds me of you.”

Sadie still didn’t make eye contact, but a minimal smile did cross her lips.

“Can I ask you something?” she whispered.


She turned to face me.

“Why did you kiss me?”

I was caught off guard. I sat up and cleared my throat.

“Well, you saw what was happening. We had to act fast. I figured I could maneuver you into place and then you could shock him, which you did.”

She shook her head.

“No, I don’t mean that. I know shit sometimes has to happen on a mission like that. I saw the way you fingered Prudence. It was lifeless, all an act.”

She leaned toward me.

“Was it an act when you kissed me? It really didn’t feel like it, Jakob.”

*No,* I thought within myself. The fact was that Sadie was about the most unique thing I’d ever met. I was thrilled to have her aboard. I wanted to explore more, but like I said, I can’t shit where I eat. Breaking that policy did not work out well the last time.

“Yep. I’m just that good,” I laughed nervously. “Oscar worthy, right?”

She didn’t laugh. She sat stoic, analyzing my every reaction. Her probing emerald eyes seemed to slice through me. Her hand freed itself from mine and started to stroke the top of my palm. My breath caught in my throat.

“Yeah, that must be it. Damn good acting, flyboy,” she smiled that goddamn smile that could thaw a glacier.

She stood from the chair and stretched her arms to the top of the door jamb.

“Well, I’m gonna go take a shower. I sure as hell need it. One last question, though.”

“Hmm?” I wondered, still reeling from her mental assault.

“Why’d you grab my tits?”

My rascally smile returned and was met by a tight-lipped playful smirk on Sadie’s face. I chuckled as I spoke.

“Why’d you grab my ass?”

“Touché,” she laughed, walking away.

I called her name before she could escape.

“Hey, Sade! Come back!”

“Yeah, flyboy?” she smiled.

“I’ve never had a crew before, but you’re a pretty great first mate.”

She tried not to smile.

“You sure you aren’t gonna just dump me at the next station? I do feel like that’s been the story of my life.”

“You serious?” I laughed, leaning back. “Who the hell would dump you?”

Sadie tilted her head slightly as she stared. She was already smiling, but the joyful expression finally spread to her eyes. It fired through me like a railgun, eradicating my defenses.

“Anyway, what I’m saying is—” I quickly recovered, “you’re free to stay as long as you like. Don’t read too much into it, gorgeous. I can’t be tied down like that.”

Both eyebrows popped up as she turned around. My frail attempt at obfuscation was a poor illusion. It didn’t fool Sadie for a minute. I was in dangerous territory. Part of how I’d stayed alive in the profession so long was my solitude. Social connections meant encumbrances. They could be exploited. I breathed out and stroked the console of the Leiaan. As we unhooked from the docking clamps, I was thrilled to be leaving that awful place behind.

That said, there were some parts that would stick with me. My time with Sadie was most definitely a pleasant memory. It was hard for me to keep aloof when my thoughts drifted to her. I remembered how her mouth tasted, how warm her thighs were, how she moaned when I touched them, and the feel of her supple breast in my hand.

I’d been with other women, but none that could hope to hold a candle to her. I would stay neutral. I had to. I kept lying to myself as I gently eased the throttle forward. One thing was tragically absent in the literal sense, but metaphorically certain when it came to Sadie:

I was fucked.



**Was it as good for you as it was for me? If so, please consider following me! More sexy stories [*here*](**

*Part 3 coming soon!*



  1. This story is awesome! So much packed into it and sexy too! Very fun read!

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