[F] “traditional” family

So, it wasn’t until I was 18 that I realized that the sexual stuff I had been taught and way I was raised was completely different from everyone around me. My parents were very traditional people, my dad went to work and provided for our family while my mother looked after my siblings and I, cooked, cleaned etc. She would also do anything sexual he asked for, at any time he asked for it. It wasn’t unusual in my house to go into the living room and see my mother on her knees while my father used her mouth or her being bent over the kitchen counter.

My sisters and I were taught how to be good housewives while my brother would work alongside my father when he wasn’t at school. My mother home schooled my sisters and I but only taught us basic reading and math skills. In her mind, girls did not need educating and were better with no brains as they make good wives.

When we turned 18, my parents quickly tried to marry us off, one of my sisters marrying in only a few months and my other marrying a year later. I secretly planned to move away and did after my first sister was married, ending up in another country living with my friend. I lost connection with my family due to this and it wasn’t until only a few days ago when one of my sisters and my brother contacted me. My brother is now married but is in a much more modern relationship, my sister that contacted me is divorced and now dating a woman. The sister that I still don’t have connection with is still married and in the same relationship as my parents, being a housewife while her husband works. she also has twin boys that are 3 years old.

Nobody I know actually know all the details of my upbringing for obvious embarrassing details. It wasn’t until I moved and met my friend’s parents and found out her mother worked like her father. My family kept my sisters and I very secluded while my brother was told to be secretive of our family’s ways when at school, which he did since he feared my father’s wrath. Not being taught enough meant I struggled in the real world, having to take time to learn the things I had missed through my whole life up to that point.

The values and beliefs in family that were drilled into my head throughout my childhood and teenage years still effects me to an extent. I still have trouble understanding the way some things work, still getting used to the normal world and families around me. I get a feeling of satisfaction when I do something for a man and do it well, even if it’s something small which is one of the things my mother has drilled into my mind even today. I didn’t even know woman could have control when having ex or even being allowed to say no to things but luckily my friend taught me that before I ever had sex, although it does feel right to submit myself to a man.

My mind is fighting against the way I was raised while it is filled with new information about the rest of the world and country I live in. I’m only twenty two so have been free from my family for four years, I still have a lot of growing to do and understanding about my feelings towards my submissiveness and being a free and independent


Feel free to message me with questions and to post this to sub reddits if you want, it doesn’t bother me. Do understand that I may not get back to your messages for a while or my messages may stop suddenly as it early hours of the morning here but I needed to get all this off my chest.


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gybiyg/f_traditional_family


  1. Congratulations on getting away. It’s amazing what gets hidden from you during a conservative upbringing. I wish you luck on your journey.

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