Being punished by the sadist Part 1

I rang the bell to our house at 3 am, high from all the adrenaline. Oh what a fun night it was! Meeting my girlfriends after soo long. Just as i bent down to remove my killer heels he opened the door, “you’re back” he said with a smile.
“I’m so so sorry. I know i promised to be home by midnight, it’s just that we all were having soo much fun. I saw your missed calls when i finally got into the cab. You must have been worried. ”
He shushed me in, ushered me onto the sofa and left for the kitchen. I sat there rubbing my feet, “ugh my feet hurt soo much.” He walked back in with a glass of chilled water and placed it in my hands, “drink up”. He took a seat beside my feet and slowly started easing the tension from them on his lap. “You left me no texts, no voice mails, nothing informing me you weren’t going to be home till later” he said while continuing to massage my feet.
“I know baby, I’m sorry but it just slipped my mind”. His gaze turned hard as he looked at me but he smiled and said nothing. I was surprised at his calm demeanor but my mind was really heavy and I just focused on the pleasurable treatment my feet were receiving. My eyes became blurry probably because of the lack of rest and i closed them just as i gulped down the last of the water.
Something was tugging at my nipples I realised groggily. Infact i could feel different sensations throughout my body and i couldn’t move at all. My eyes flew open in panic. There i was eagle spread on the bed wearing just a leather body harness. It encircled my breasts and waist, a strip of it ran between my legs joined at the belt on the waist. I tugged at my hands but both of them were bound tightly to their respective side of the headboard. My feet were no better. They were spread wide and bound at the ankle to the foot of the bed. My lips were dry but i couldnt wet them as a ring gag stretched them apart to their capacity. I turned my attention to my nipples. They hurt and were sore but it was no surprise as both of them had been clamped and the chain connected to the clamp had been fixed on a collar around my neck. My nipples and tits were being pulled to the point of discomfort and god knows for how long. The clamps were not the only thing causing me pain, the leather strip had been placed in such a way between my pussy that everytime i moved they rubbed against my lips and caused an uncomfortable friction.
As i collected a deep enough breath to shout the door opened. ” aah ahh arghh arghh”, ‘what have you done to me’ I tried to say. He smirked at me as he entered and closed the door to our bedroom behind him.
“You’re probably wondering how you ended up like this, you naughty naughty girl. A small dose of benzodiazepine and you were all ready to be punished.”
My mind raced backed and i remember the glass of water i drank. “Arghh arghh aahh aahgg”, ‘why you… how dare you’ i tried to say.
He chuckled and continued, “you’ve been a very bad girl, making your master so worried. I had no idea If you were safe, if you were ok. But now that you are I’m going to show you just how dangerous i can be. You’re going to remember this for a long time.” He chuckled again and moved closer.
Fear raced through me but also a bolt of pleasure. He picked up a riding crop from the mantle and settled between my open legs. “Oh how pretty you look in this harness all gagged and bound. I’m going to make you prettier, a gorgeous mess”, he said while fidgeting with the strip of leather between my pussy lips. He looked at me and held my gaze, “do you like my words babygirl? You’re staring to drip.”
And then without warning he smacked me right on my labia. I screeched in pain. I looked down to see he had pushed the leather aside and now my pussy was open to his torment. He brought down the crop again this time on my mons. Then he quickly gave me a series of spanks on my pussy, each harder than before. I was sobbing and shaking my head hoping he’d stop. He gave one last hard spank with the crop on my already throbbing pussy.
“I’m now going to remove that gag. You’re to keep quiet unless asked a question and you’re going to refer to me as master while answering till I place the gag back. Nod if you understand.”
I nodded vigorously not wanting to earn more slaps to my pussy. He placed the leather strip between my pussy lips again. It focused the pain I was feeling all the more and i tried to change my position to get it out from there but to no avail. He smiled at my efforts and gave my sensitive, clamped nipples a twerk in return. I jumped from the pain which had sparked something in my core.
He carefully untied the gag and i obediently kept quiet like he’d asked me to. He got up from the bed and brought me some juice to drink with a straw. I looked at him in distrust and he innocently said, “just juice. You’re going to need to stay hydrated for what I’m going to do to you.” My pussy clenched at his words and i hungrily gulped down all of it.
“What do good little girls say?” He asked me as I finished. “Thank you, master” I replied feeling grateful for the juice.

My first take at erotica. I have a delicious part 2 in mind and if this gets some love i might post a part 2. But then again i might post it anyways.



  1. The only feedback I have to offer is to perhaps space out your paragraphs; reading a wall of text can be daunting to look at and take away from the reader’s attention of the piece.

  2. Agreed that using paragraphs might be easier to read, but the story is great and look forward to more….

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