Fro[m] “Check out my new engagement ring!” to bent over in [f]ront of me – couldn’t have been more than 5 minutes

The story you are about to hear is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the ~~innocent~~ naughty.


[Continuing from my last piece](, Megan and I had *outrageously* good chemistry and tons of fun sex through our last semester of undergrad together.

Before we started hooking up she’d actually tried setting me up with her housemate, Big Breasts Becca (pretty hot in her own right), but B ultimately wasn’t interested. I remember the first time I fucked Megan at their place. She was *so* loud while I was giving it to her from behind that she tried stuffing her face down in a pillow to keep the noise down. I yanked the pillow away and threw it on the floor, filling their house with the sound of wild sex as she kept telling me to toss her around and fuck her brains out. She texted me the next day saying how at breakfast her housemates were all asking, “Who was the guy with the hot voice that kept you up all night??” Hopefully Becca was a little jealous, or at least had a hard time sleeping since she was in the next room over ;)

Anyway, unfortunately all good things come to an end. By the time we’d started hanging out (and by hanging out I mean… fucking like rabbits) we’d both already signed job offers several time zones apart. Honestly it wasn’t just great sex either, we got on great, spent a lot of time together, totally in tune. I was starting to really fall for the girl, and was half tempted to say screw it to my job offer and just figure something out together. She didn’t see it that way and was like hey, when it’s done it’s done and we move on. So be it.

After finals and graduation and what not I still had this racecar competition thing to go off to for a week or so, but when I’d get back we’d still have a little time before going our separate ways and could end on a high note.

I get back, text her seeing if she wants to get together… nothing. Called a couple days later… no answer. Text the day after that, no reply again. At this point I’m genuinely concerned and messaged her twin sister Sam on Facebook like, “Hey is Megan okay?? I haven’t been able get in touch with her. Did something happen?” After a long delay Sam replies, “Yes, Megan’s fine, she will get in touch with you tonight.”

Hmm, that’s kinda weird. Eventually that evening I get a text message to the effect of…

> I’m sorry I haven’t gotten back to you. Honestly I considered leaving town without saying anything but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I just didn’t know how to tell you this, but **I’m engaged.** Let’s get together for dinner tonight and talk it out in person, you at least deserve that. It’s my last night in town before we move.


Say *what*?? I knew things were going to have to end, but I was not expecting this. Not gonna lie, it hurt and it was a lot to process.

So we get together at one of our favorite places in our college town. A place known for pitchers of Long Island Iced Teas, a huge menu board of sub sandwiches, and giving out playing cards for servers to know where to bring your order (somebody reading this must know where I’m talking about). We both settled in for a bite to eat and a drink – I sure needed one! – and she explains the situation.

Unbeknownst to me, even though Megan was “on a break” from her ex, they still saw each other every so often (when she wasn’t bent over in front of me anyway). Being an older guy (~30? at the time) he was ready for marriage and kids, she really wasn’t, hence them taking time apart. But he talked with her parents, they loved him, he set up this surprise after-graduation cruise to go on. Already all paid for, her parents insisted she needed to go on it, so she did. He popped the question, and she said yes.

It was a heart-to-heart, we talked about a lot of things, good times we had. Eventually this place we were at got pretty busy and loud, we wanted to keep talking, so we decided to go elsewhere. Her place was all packed up, so she suggested we go to mine. We took my car.

At the time I was in a house with 2 other people. Megan and I have another drink and are bullshitting in the kitchen, being goofballs, whatever. My one house mate had summer classes and was doing homework in the main room, and asked if we could talk somewhere else so he could focus. Logically, we went up to my room, shut the door, and laid together in my bed.

We talk some more, she’s showing me her engagement ring that she’s had for like one week at this point. Telling me how she’s still not really sure about it, starting a family, all that.

Next thing I know, I feel her pushing her ass against me – which never failed to get a reaction. Then rolling over, her hand reaching and grabbing my dick, then starting to yank my shorts off. She looks at me with a smirk and says, “…should we? One last time?” Not at *all* what I was expecting to happen, but who’s gonna say no to that!

Moments later we’re both nude and she’s on all fours as I’m getting ready to mount her. I can still picture that beautiful full round ass in front me, her curves highlighted by the moonlight beaming in through the window next to my bed. I think a condom might have been discussed for like 2 seconds, but we’d really never used them before – so why start now? In retrospect I wonder if she’d stopped taking the pill by then…

You know how it is if you’ve been with a guy with a large, prominent tip on their cock. Pushing, pushing, pushing before it finally pops in and she gasps…

**”God, I can’t live without this.”**

I’ve barely even taken my second or third slow thrust when she continues, “Come on, *pound me.*”

You asked for it, girl.

If she was moving across the country with this guy the next morning, I was damn well going to give her something to remember me by. I gave her a *vigorous* dicking down, just the way she liked it. Hair pulled, ass slapped until it was red, nails lightly clawed down her back. No pillow to stifle her moans. I’m not making this a long and intimate lovemaking session, I’m just grunting and giving it to her like a man on a mission. Railing that perfect pussy of hers until I feel an orgasm building, and gripping her hips as hard as I can giving one last deep thrust and filling her, throbbing, pulsing, one of the most powerful orgasms I’ve felt. Ahh, satisfaction.

As we got dressed afterwards, I gave her one last slap on the ass and told her I’d drive her back up into town to where she’d left her car. She was quiet and felt guilty about it for a few minutes. But having put in one of her favorite 80’s mix CD’s, by the time Joe Jackson’s “Steppin’ Out” came on she was dancing in the passenger seat and singing along, like no big deal.

Dropping her off at her car, we really didn’t have anything more to say, and that was that. The last time I saw her.


**Epilogue – Real Talk**

I was in the shower the next morning when she called me, in tears. I think that’s when it had really sunk in that she was making a mistake.

Not surprisingly that engagement didn’t last very long; they just weren’t right for each other. She and I tried keeping up, as friends, but it was too awkward for me and I still had feelings there. Eventually that fizzed out.

10 years later we reconnected, and talked with the same mutual comfort and understanding as if a day hadn’t gone by. She did regret having not given things more of a chance between us, but such is life.

Her ex had moved on to better things. She likewise was now happily married to someone else, and now living on the other side of the planet… oddly enough in a part of the world I had an upcoming trip for vacation, and will be returning again later this year (Covid19 permitting). I know what you’re thinking, but no, nothing happened ;) I’m not sure that her husband knows all the history between us, just that we were classmates. So that’s kind of our fun secret together, but we’re both mature enough at this point that neither of us would want to ruin a good thing.

In any event she’s told me that all of our time together made her realize that her ex was not the person she wanted to be with, or to have pressure her into starting a family when she wasn’t ready for it. So – cheating’s generally bad, but it allowed her to get to a better place in life in the end. All in all I have no regrets about it!



  1. Great story!

    I think we went to the same school, I know that sub place. Trying to confirm in a way that won’t give it away… that place is just west of campus and it’s on top of a hill yes? ;)

    Edit: Oh and they limit you to one STRONG Island iced tea pitcher right?

  2. here to commend you on your choice of sandwich shop. i miss that place.

  3. Something similar happened to me. But sadly I can’t contact her. And IDK if she’s fine or not. She really regrets not to give us a chance and I was really afraid to give up all my life to her. Love some time sucks and when is done…is done..

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