The Reparations Act – An Interracial Cuckold Story (MFM)


This is part erotic story and part roleplay prompt. Would love to find a partner to roleplay where this story leaves off!

**The Box**

The metal box was delivered several days ago. Neither my wife of I had moved it since. The drone had had to wait for us both to get home the evening of delivery day, requiring our thumprints to release the package. I wondered how long it would have waited before alerting the authorities. The box was not as patient as the delivery drone though, it had a timer ticking down on a display next to the Reparations Act logo.

Of course I knew eventually our number would come up. By now more of our friends had gotten the box than hadn’t. We’d already attended the required counseling sessions to prepare for its arrival, what it meant, but my gut still filled with lead when it arrived. Days and passed and all the while the timer just kept ticking away, counting down each day.

Jackie called out from inside the house, as I got in, “Oh, Nick you’re home!” Her footsteps began to click louder, and she appeared from around the corner, flowered apron over her vintage housewife dress. She enjoyed dressing up a bit even when staying at home. I’d told her more than a few times if she just wanted to wear sweats and a t-shirt, it was only the two of us, that she didn’t have to dress up. I’d even flirtasiously suggested to forget the bra and panties. Jackie giggled but she wasn’t that kind of women. There was something in the way she tied her apron tight in the waist that really accentuated her curves though.

The metal box chirped as she kissed me, welcoming him home. It made all her forward movement into me stop and pull away. Today was different than the past few days since it arrived. Instead of ignoring the chirp, she looked down at the floor and in a quiet voice said “Maybe it’s time to start thinking about opening it. The clock is ticking…” She was right, and I knew it. The RepAct counseling had given us a chart to help couples through the process, we were a little behind in our steps according to the timer.

“Each day we delay costs us more honey…” Again, her voice drifting again. I just sigh, a slight defeat in my exhale. “It’s just that it adds up and Katie said they ended paying 12% more.” So you weren’t just ignoring the box I began thinking. And Katie has probably seen our number come up and knows when our date is. They probably talked about it over coffee while I was at work today. My gut could not get much heavier. “It’s just sort of silly to waste 12% like that is all, and Katie said Brian got used to it… to the point he regretted wasting the money over what, a few days? I mean, 12%!” I wonder what else the two had talked about.

The box chirped again announcing 72 hours left. While we aren’t poor, 12%, if that’s what the timer would calculate our penalty at- it would hurt. Really, any percent would hurt; it would definitely limit some purchases and shorten a vacation next year. We’d been together 10 years and I knew Jackie well enough by now to know what was phrased like a suggestion was really a command. She’d be grumpy until the box was resolved. I told her after dinner, after a drink, we’d open it…


Months ago at another dinner I suggested we move to Whitehill after the RepAct started to go into effect. I’d watched it all unfold on the news over the years, thinking nothing would ever come of it. Even as it gained momentum, my mind couldn’t fathom it being implemented, that anyone affected by the law would submit to it. How could they? But taxes and technology can be very motivating, and people get used to a certain way of life. The law didn’t force anyone to do anything though really, but the cost and limitations were hard to ignore.

When Jackie set down her fork after dinner, it meant she was going into serious mode. She turned her chair to face me squarely “When our number comes up, it won’t mean anything what they do to me-” she saw my face drop a little, “-to us. What they do to us. I will always love you no matter who we are assigned, whoever he is. My heart is always yours and yours alone.” She moved in to kiss me, knocking a wine glass into my lap. Her kiss and the wine seeping into his pants warmed my cock causing it to slightly firm up.

As my lips pressed into hers, she said “oopsies” and began to giggle. She pulled away with her winking smile, gathering the glass and blotting my crotch. She could feel my slight arousal as she patted me dry. “Sometimes they don’t even show up I hear, so maybe we get off from it.” I grabbed her arms and began kissing her deeply. For a moment she kissed back, feeling the urges to submit to her husband’s desires, her hand working my cock harder. When my hand went to her breast it snapped her thoughts to the laws and penalties. She pulled back.

In the end, we decided Whitehill wasn’t an option, Karen. From everything we heard, the reservation was difficult living, like the pioneer times. We didn’t know how to farm or hunt.

“I will set up an appointment for the implant, assuming I pass the physical. There are only a few weeks left to do it before penalties.” The law required that all qualified white women had to have the implant, so it wasn’t her doing it, but at the same time, it was her doing this. She saw me deflating and again held my face, her lips gently pressing to my forehead before returning to her dinner. Once she had her appointment, we would be registered in the system. The powers that be would match them up and then a date somewhere in the future would be set.

Our discussion was over; we’d submit to the RepAct officially, Jackie would get tagged and we’d officially enter the system. 7 months later, the metal box arrived. For 4 days it sat on the entry table welcoming me home. Now was the time to open it.


We stood in the doorway of the darkened bedroom. The bright metal box almost glowed from the light passing between us. I took the last sip of my drink and suggested I’d top us both off.

“Maybe we shouldn’t, Nick. The counseling said we shouldn’t be drunk doing this.” She set her glass down, not finishing it off. “Besides I can’t get drunk, they’ll know.”

Gently letting go of my hand, she pressed against my back to get me to move forward. I took a breath and moved to the box, found the facial scanner and pressed the button. The soft chime from the box confirmed my ID. There was a small motorized sound and several latches around the perimeter of the box clicked open.

“Do you want to do this alone honey? Or maybe have a moment to yourself? I mean I understand if you want to be alone, but the counselors said we should do this as a couple, that I should help you.”

I told her he didn’t need to be alone. She approached and we both looked inside. Nestled in a soft foam formed base, were a small bottle of lotion, several metal rings, a loosely metal woven tube, and a small square that looked electronic and had a plug of some sort. The metal bits all lit up as the touchscreen mounted to the lid came alive with some music that sounded more fit for a news show. A 3D version of the RepAct logo was spinning on the screen above basic information of both of us.

“It doesn’t look so bad does it, honey?” Giving me a light side hug as she watches me looking over all the pieces. I couldn’t close the box now, but wasn’t ready for the device. He rotated into his wife and his arms locked behind her, pulling her into him.

“This will help with the erections, remember?” She waited for a moment. “It will, you know…” I interrupted her telling her he remembered what it did. After Jackie got her implant, her vitals were monitored for sexual arousal, any vaginal stimulation would be flagged and the implant would cause an unbearably painful cramp in her stomach. The counseling had suggested that after the implant, to show support for Jackie and begin to adjust for once we opened the box, I should also abstain from genital stimulation. While optional, I chose to stand in solidarity with Jackie and with the exception of a couple moments of weakness that I kept secret from her, I hadn’t jerked off in came in months. This had lead to frequent aching erections throughout my days.

She squirted some of the lotion onto her hands and told me to stand up and face her. I huffed and then complied, she pulled my pants and underwear down to begin to prep me with the lotion.

“Sorry if it’s cold.” It was. Thankfully it warmed up quick and for a moment. I began enjoying the hand job. Her hands began rubbing it all over my hardened shaft and for a moment I thought this might not work. Just a few more thrusts and I would be about to burst! But suddenly I went limp. The lotion had done its job to prevent erections. One application every 12 hours would keep you erection free all day.

“Oh my that just went to noodles,” she said startled, then suppressed a giggle, but I’d heard it and she knew I had.

“I’m sorry I just wasn’t expecting you to go so limp so quickly. I thought you might cum actually.” Jackie realized I was just staring at her, and then looking down, she saw she was still pulling on his penis. “Sorry,” she bit her lip as she let go.

**6 Percent**

Next, we followed the instructions to get me into the chastity device. As she tucked my soft member into the cage, she couldn’t help but feel like it was a little boy she was dressing up to send off to school. She giggled to herself, but this time faced down as I remained unaware.

“This seems too big for you honey, this can’t be right. Maybe they sent the wrong one.” Sure, enough though, the instructions confirmed the device will seem to be too large on the penis, but that’s ok.

“Only one more step to go.”

The small electronic box nestled into ports at the base with the two rings. A small LED lit up on the device and on the screen a big button marked “Auto Fit” appeared. Jackie looked at me and her finger gently tapped the screen. There was the faintest whirling sound coming from the device as I felt it painlessly tighten all over my cock and then it was done. I was encased in a perfectly form fit cage.

The box chimed before the voiceover played. “Congratulations Jackie and Nick. You have successfully installed your RepAct Chastity Device. The CD 500 is very advanced and durable. Your penis is now the safest part of your body, Nick. Remember the device must be worn at all times up to 24 hours, barring medical emergency, until after Karen’s initial engagement as per the law. Failure to do so can incur penalties and incarceration.”

The spokeswoman continued talking to us as if we were all old friends.

“Remember your CD 500 app has all the statistics and helpful resources to help you through this process. Nick, in your app you will find the request to be released, which will only show up after your government mandated time has passed. There is also guides to wearing your device in your day to day life, maintenance guidelines, resources and support groups tailored to your experience that Jackie needn’t be bothered with. There is also a panic button on your app in case something were to go wrong, but don’t worry, we have a 98.5% safety record! Remember though, a false panic button will cost you the expense of the call and resources used.”

“Jackie, your app will receive Nick’s release requests, but release authorization permissions will not be available to you unless granted by your match through his appl. Your match will be able to start private communication with you now that the device is installed. Have fun with that and who knows, maybe he will reach out to you tonight!” Thank you so much for letting me guide you through this process and I will see you two next time!”

At the end of the voiceover a spreadsheet of numbers came up with I looked over the report and we had incurred 6% additional cost in delays. Jackie remakred reassuringly “At least it wasn’t 12% like Katie and Brian, honey.” No, it wasn’t 12%, only half of that. But the engagement wasn’t over yet.

She kissed me on the cheek and proceeded to get dressed for bed. I stood there and looked over at myself in the closet door mirror. My eyes looked down and saw the metal cage on my cock. It looked even smaller now. I wondered when the lotion wore off, if my cock would try to break out to freedom.

Just then, I heard Jackie’s phone chime….
