Tales of Erodale – Chapter 8 – [NSFW, Fantasy, Futa, Rough, Creampie, Domination, Magical Sexual Torture, Cum-Swapping, Oral]

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“Cadence, I’m so sorry.” Rose said slowly. Even that much was a stress on the redheaded girl after she had been viciously fucked by Ariela and her magical cock. Cadence shook her head. She gave her friend a brave smile before setting her sharp blue eyes on the Raven Queen.

“I made my choice to come with you, Rose. Just remember, we will bring this bitch down. I’ll blow up this whole damn castle if I have to.” The spunky spellslinger declared before Ariela chuckled and motioned to her guards.

“Take Rose back to her cell. I want her rested for next round.” Two guards moved in and grabbed Rose’s arms. “Don’t worry my dear. You’ll be close enough to hear everything I do to your dear friend.” Ariela said with a dark smile. Rose struggled as the guards in dark black and purple armor pulled the young sorcerous away by her arms. Cum from Ariela’s cock was still spattered all over her bare ass cheeks. An even greater amount of thick white spunk slowly spilled out of her soiled pussy. Rose would have enjoyed the sensation normally, but it was being picked apart steadily as her knees and legs were dragged along the stone floor. Another guard opened up a heavy door to take the defeated woman away. As she turned back, her damp crimson hair moved slightly as she fixed Cadence with a stalwart look.

“I’ll be back Cadence. I will come for you…” Rose declared with all her remaining strength before the heavy oak door slammed shut behind her.

“Now then. We should focus in on you my troublesome flower. I thought that you would make this easy for me. You’re a mercenary by trade. Why don’t you just work for me for gold. I am sure with time you will see that working with me is preferable to destruction.” Ariela said as she moved in towards the girl with brunette hair and just a splash of purple in her locks.

“You know, that sounds nice. But there is only one job I’d take that involves you. Something tells me you wouldn’t like it, and you definitely wouldn’t want to pay for it.” Cadence said with a quick smirk before she was shoved down by the guards who were holding her.

Ariela laughed cruelly and knelt down in front of the wounded spellslinger. “Such bravery. It’s almost a shame to waste it. But don’t think for a moment that I won’t put you in the same grave I’m already having made for Rose and Belind. Maybe you just need a little convincing. Put her in the stocks!” Ariela declared to the two guards behind her.

Cadence’s arms would have shrugged if they weren’t being held securely by the two guards. She looked around, hoping to see a hidden escape route or something that might get her out of this jam. Unfortunately, it looked like for now, Ariela had her bases covered. As bad as things looked, Cadence knew that all she’d need to turn the tables was a split second. She had been practicing with something new, but she needed the right opportunity to turn it to their advantage. And with Rose completely separated by a door and who knows how many guards, right now was not the time.

The odds of escape didn’t improve at all as she was dragged forward and then haphazardly dropped into place in the pillory. As the top wooden bar was locked down securely, her head and hands were set out from the wood while the rest of her body was set in a kneeling position with her knees on the stone floor.

This still isn’t as bad as the Verkmarian prison. Cadence thought to herself before her blue eyes noticed Ariela standing naked in front of her. “Is it check out time already?” The spellslinger declared, though even she noticed that her tone had lost some of its edge. Determined and capable as the rogue was, she had her limits, and the bitch’s castle was proving to be quite the challenge.

Ariela fixed Cadence with a dark cruel grin. “Your humor will not last Cadence. There is no winning for you here. I hold all the cards and your only choice is to submit.” The dark-haired Raven Queen with bewitching green eyes slowly moved around in a circle around the naked spellslinger who was locked up in the stocks. Right around the time that Ariela was moving past Cadence’s ass, she slowly reached out and let her nails drag slowly along the spellslinger’s bare ass. Strikes of sharp red lingered where the Thronebreaker’s fingers scratched over the young woman’s ass cheeks.

“You’re young so I’ll use small words, so you understand me completely. Serve me or you will never leave my castle alive.” Ariela said, her words as black and cruel as her soul.
“Truly sorry Ariela. But you’re going to have to get your hands dirty to break me. Don’t get me wrong, I think you’re fun and I’d work with you if there was a job to be had. But so long as you keep doing this ‘I’m an evil bitch and Erodale belongs to me’ bit. I don’t think I feel like getting chummy.”

“Then I will ignite a pain all across your body.” Ariela declared as she spanked her hand quickly against Cadence’s rump. The spellslinger wasn’t prepared for the hit, but it wasn’t like she hadn’t fooled around with naughty boys and girls before. As she remained restricted by the pillory, she tried shrugging again and found that this time it was even harder since her arms were splayed out forward from her body.

“Let me know when you start.” Cadence almost regretted her words immediately when Ariela came back once again, this time with even more speed and ferocity. Her ass took the hit, but she realized that maybe she should have played up more of the damsel in distress angle. The bitch was onto her now and knew that Cadence wasn’t about to cave in for anything less than the full Raven Queen experience.

“When Rose gets back here. We’re gonna have some fun with you, and then I think we’ll take you around town so everyone can see how the mighty have fall ehhhn!!!” Cadence shrieked out as suddenly, her bare ass was assaulted by the most powerful slap yet.

She couldn’t look back, but Ariela had actually ignited her hand with magical fire to show the obstinate little cunt that she was no longer playing around.

“Look how fast you crumble. I should start burning off you’re your fingers one by one.” Another slap had Cadence cry out again. The pain sparked through her body and tickled her sex as well. Restrained and being slapped wasn’t high on Cadence’s list, but Ariela seemed to know what she was doing as she skirted the line of pain and pleasure with each new strike on Cadence’s naked butt. As the queen of darkness continued spanking her, she never stopped threatening either.

“You’ll never shoot again. A spellslinger with hands is nothing. One way or another, you will either serve me, or you will be turned to ash….” Ariela declared as she finally felt that enough of her magic was back that she could return the strength to her big long magical cock once more.

Cadence had to admit that the idea of losing all her fingers one by one was very shocking. The mercenary girl with brown and purple hair wanted to give in, wanted to stop the pain and at least just pretend to serve the Raven bitch. But she knew deep down she couldn’t. Rose was her friend and had gotten Cadence out of dozens of jams before.

‘We’ll get through this…. We have to,’

“Never really smelled burning flesh before…” Cadence managed to say. Ariela very nearly set fire to the spellslinger’s right hand at that remark. She couldn’t abide such insolence. The dark-haired woman would never understand why people wanted their freedom so badly. Ariela knew history well enough to know no system at maintaining it was strong and eventually, they would lose it, and pay dearly for it. Still, she was surprised that Cadence was keeping up and would have liked nothing better than to show the spellslinging twat that the gloves were coming off. Of course, if she did that, she knew it wouldn’t be nearly as fun as something else she could do with the bitch first.

“I’m sure we will find out soon. For now, I think I’ll see which one of you is stronger.” Ariela declared before she cast one of her favorite spells. Almost instantly, the strength returned to her long thick magical cock. The long pale flesh throbbed with great energy and the pink tip seemed to aim towards the troublemaker’s unguarded pussy. Nestled below Cadence’s rose red asscheeks, the spellslinger’s pussy was still dirty from her last monstrous encounter. Ariela wasn’t about to stick her cock into a dirty hole and quickly directed her left hand close to the brunette’s soiled pussy. A magic missile of blue energy leapt from Ariela’s finger and then sunk right into Cadence’s pussy. The girl with brown and purple hair let out a lewd gasp as the manifestation went on its merry way through her pussy before flying back out. The blue bolt looked like a long balloon now, its insides holding all the cum that the creature had deposited inside of Cadence.

Cadence had only just recovered from the strange spell flying through the innards of her pussy before the conjured bolt opened up a bit and then angled up so that the cum it had just collected fell right down towards her mouth. The spellslinger was too surprised to close her mouth in time. A great amount of the cum went right into her mouth before she could close her lips. Of course, Cadence quickly realized she had cum in her mouth and she tried to spit it out while even more cum fell from the magic projectile. The thick off-white seed blanketed her nose and cheeks as she coughed out some of the cum that had fallen past her lips…

“Beeeeleeahh!” Cadence growled out before the breath was taken right from her lips as Ariela started pushing the thick tip of her magical cock into the troublesome girl’s unguarded pussy. Plenty of cum remained on Cadence’s nose, cheeks, and jaw as the evil bitch behind her rapidly built up her thrusting. The creature that had fucked Cadence had a bigger cock than Ariela’s creation. Alas, every time the Raven Queen thrust into her quim, it felt like a thousand lightning bolts were going off inside of her pussy and the sensation of each thrust quickly became way harder for the spellslinger to absorb than anything else that had fucked her since she started her approach to the castle.

Quickly enough, Cadence’s juicy tits were being smacked up against the pillory as Ariela started to fuck her good and properly. The lightning attack from each thrust continued and Cadence’s eyes started to cross each other during about half of Ariela’s treacherous thrusts. Inside the spellslinger’s pussy, her walls were scored by the magical attack each time the queen ramped up the amount of cock she was trying to plug into Cadence. Each sexual attack fractured her will and Cadence’s moans grew in both volume and strain as she was fucked up against the wood and iron stockade.

“Your fancy cock will never make me break…. You cannot… I… Ouwaahhhh… I will not let it…. Ihuwaahh!!! Fuuccckk!!!” Cadence cried out as her first orgasm cracked through her pussy. No matter her experience or her willpower, the spellslinger was simply no match for the powerful witch settled in behind her.

“Truly pathetic. I hope you do not think we’re finishing anytime soon. Guards. Release her!” Ariela growled out. The guards quickly snapped into action. The Thronebreaker directed Cadence into a new position on the ground. She was set up in doggy style, with her hands and knees bound with long iron bars and cuffs so that she couldn’t really move anywhere.

“Bring me Sophia…” Ariela commanded her guards before she settled down onto her knees behind Cadence. “Such weakness. I’m beginning to rethink my offer. A girl who cums that quickly is of little use to me…” The dark-haired witch declared before she started pushing the big wet tip of her magic cock right back inside of Cadence’s still cumming pussy.

“Nowaaaahhh!!!” Cadence screamed out right as the doors opened to admit Sophia. The blonde girl gasped as she saw the spellslinger on all fours with Ariela hammering her cock inside of her pussy. For a moment Sophia felt envious that she wasn’t getting fucked by the Raven Queen, even though many times Ariela got too rough even for her tastes. As Cadence was finally able to recover from her orgasm, she looked up and saw Sophia standing there. It took her a second to notice but soon her blue eyes realized that Belind’s sister was naked and absolutely covered in cum.

“Do you like how she looks my little spellslinger slut? Haha… you know Sophia don’t you Cadence? She is the one who betrayed Belind to me…” Cadence was too busy being blinded by her orgasm to properly accept the revelation. As she tried to simply restart her normal breathing, the evil cunt of a queen continued.

“I ordered Sophia to reward all the guards who helped lock down you and that bitch, Rose. It looks like she’s been working overtime. I think you should help get her cleaned up for another round…” Ariela said before she let out a growl as her cock throbbed nice and deep inside of Cadence’s pussy. Powerful as Ariela’s cock was, it still had its limits. Somehow, even after all the times that Cadence had been fucked during the long night, the spellslinger’s pussy still felt incredibly tight each time Ariela drilled her thick prick into the brunette’s slit.

“Sophia, lie down on the ground and open up your legs. My newest slave is going to show us how good she is at eating up cum from your pussy.” Cadence was still too sexually dazed to offer up any comeback. As the lovely blonde girl settled down, the spellslinger’s nose was immediately assaulted by a plethora of smells, no doubt built up by all the different men who had cum on and inside of Belind’s traitorous sister.

Ariela continued basking in the sweet sensations of Cadence’s twitching and quivering pussy. The dark queen was enthralled by the bitch’s cunt. Even though she had just cum, her pussy was fighting on and remaining quite tight even as Ariela started bottoming out inside the young woman’s sex. Cadence’s vaginal walls fluttered and did their best to weather the storm but once again it was a losing battle. When the queen saw that she was hesitating to comply with her order. Ariela used her magic to blast the cuffs on the rogue’s hands before she pushed with more of her body until Cadence’s face and mouth fell right up against Sophia’s cum drenched pussy.

“Murrlllphhh… Hmmm…Nnaa…murphhdahh…” As Cadence tried to talk, Ariela simply drove her hips forward with more strength to keep Cadence’s lips pinned up against every bit of cum currently covering up Sophia’s soiled pussy.

“Lick and suck up all of the cum in that whore’s pussy before I lose my temper and remove one of Rose’s limbs….” Ariela warned the defeated spellslinger with a slow laborious tone. Cadence’s mind barely registered the Queen’s warning, but the mention of her friend’s name seemed to center her. The spellslinger’s mouth was already covered in cum and her nose was being overwhelmed by the scent of so much thick, man milk. Cadence didn’t even have enough room to turn back to growl out an insult towards Ariela. Eventually she decided the only way to go was forward.

Slowly, the spunky spellslinger opened up her mouth and reached out her tongue. She was already so close to Sophia’s cunny that pressing her tongue against her pink flesh actually nudged her face back slightly. Immediately, one of her last unoccupied senses became imbedded in the taste of all the cum scattered on top of and inside Sophia’s pink and laboriously fucked vagina. Cadence began with a slow circle of her tongue on Sophia’s labia. The taste was good and inviting but she hated the elements of the situation. She could not have been more at Ariela’s mercy unless she was dead at the bitch’s feet. The only distraction from her placement and the Raven Queen slowly dragging out the magical cock from inside of her pussy was the beginning of a trail of moans from Sophia’s lips.

“Oh gods…” Cadence heard Sophia murmur out. “Your tongue is so good. I wish we caught you sooner.” Sophia said with a sharp smile. The rogue ignored it and pressed on. Her tongue had just pushed inside of Sophia’s warm delicate cunny when Ariela pressed all of her thick magical thickness right back into Cadence’s pussy.

“Mrrwuaahmpph!” Cadence moaned out right into Sophia’s pussy. Her lips were plastered up against Sophia’s cum drenched labia while her tongue pushed into the blonde woman’s depths. Sophia moaned out and grabbed at Cadence’s head to keep her right up against her pussy. Cadence’s eyes were closed but she knew they would have been crossed as her body once more became nothing more than a cocksleeve for Ariela while she was forced to eat out all of the thick salty seed coating the dark walls of Sophia’s sex.

Behind the spellslinger, Ariela simply marveled at the perverseness of her torture. As she thrust her cock forward for another strike, she felt the rogue’s cunny tighten and quiver all around her cock. “You’re already about to cum again? How weak and pathetic. You’re not even fit to serve my guards like Sophia…” Ariela said before her own moans joined the fray. With each new thrust she was starting to lose control of her spell. Her cock was burning and feeding her sex and her mind with devastating waves of naughty bliss. After one more heavy thrust, her fantastic phallus buried itself all the way to the hilt within Cadence’s pussy.

Cadence moaned against Sophia’s tender flesh as she came once more. Her pussy convulsed like a slick glove tightening its grip. As her sexual passage narrowed, Ariela’s will broke and she started sending multiple blasts of manifested cum nice and deep into the naughty spellslinger’s cunt. As Cadence’s mind was splintered by her orgasm, the only thing she felt was the river of hellish warmth pouring throughout her pussy. Her tongue wiggled with almost violent twitches as she came. Sophia’s own resistance was burned away even as Cadence’s tongue slapped left and right to collect up a little bit more of the cum that had been deposited inside her by a legion of Ariela’s guards.

Ariela was the first to recover. Her cock had deflated, and a casual wave of her hand vanished from her body. After that, she stood up and smiled at the two girls lying naked in front of her. “I guess you will provide some amusement as I strengthen my control on Erodale. Take them both away for now. And prepare a war council. There is business to be done…”

Next Chapter –


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Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/gxfpuw/tales_of_erodale_chapter_8_nsfw_fantasy_futa