Imprisoned in Paradise Ch 2

Link to Chapter One:


Cleanup and “redressing” is distant and quicker than usual, as Dr. Janet seems to be in a massive hurry. The more I question her about the surprise guest or *guests* the less attention she pays to me. No usual teasing or taunting, just emotionless surgical procedure. Ahhhhh, cold, cold. She presses freezing washcloth on my most delicate area, which is far more sensitive than it normally is, post orgasm. I shake all over and watch the shrinkage take it’s toll immediately. It’s the only way to fit me back into my cage, but there has to be a less invasive alternative. Normally there’s some taunting and tease, but nothing today. Like I don’t exist anymore.

As Dr. Janet presses against me, struggling to undo my arm straps, jostling up and down, I can feel her taught body. She may be trying to ignore me, but her arousal is still very evident.

Ouch… The familiar sting is back. That’s the problem with a ruined orgasm, physically the pressure resides but MENTALLY I am more turned on than ever.

“Don’t just stand there looking stupid, limp dick”, she growls. “It’s a special day. Oh, and no mention of your *little* caged friend there. Or else”. With that she exits leaving me standing alone nearly naked, rubbing the rope burns on my wrists, overwhelmed by… EVERYTHING. After a moment of gathering myself, suddenly I snap out of my trance and kick it into high gear. Dressing faster than I ever have in my entire life, I explode in a full on sprint down the hallway to the decontamination chamber by the exit.

Is it really a good idea to let in strangers? Is it safe? As bad as things are down here, I’m finally getting accustomed to it. I’m not sure I’m ready for a major change.

As I round the last bend in the hall, I see the “twins” and Carmen fighting for a peek through the viewing hole. They are dressed to impress and wearing makeup for the first time since I can remember. Dr. Janet controls the bacteria scanning computer.

“God, he’s cute”, gushes Carmen.


“I just melt for a man with big arms”, says Michelle.

“Let ME see!” begs the Russian.

“Fine”, Carmen steps back. Always the people pleaser.

“Oh my God, he is HOT”, observes Sara.

I could almost feel the temperature in the hallway change as the girls warm up.

“Is this gonna take much longer?” a deep voice bellows from the speaker linked to the other room.

“Nope. Almost done”, Dr. Janet informs after pushing the intercom button. A smiling Carmen joins her next to the scanning equipment.

“Uh, we need you to take your pants off”, chokes out Carmen trying not to laugh. The other girls all start giggling naughtily.

“Is that, um, *really* necessary?” the base in his voice vibrates the speaker box.

“No, we just REALLY want to see that” Carmen smiles ear to ear at her own joke.

“Oh, you girls are trouble”, chuckles the burly voice.

He has no idea.

“And that should… do it”, announces the doctor as she fingers the final button. With that, the giant door unhurriedly opens. Decontamination mist pours into the hallway like a fog machine cranked on full blast. As the air clears a mountain of a man remains. At 6’5” with broad shoulders, think arms, and a lean waist, which give him a “V” shaped profile, he looks like a barrel chested lumberjack on the cover of one of those cheesy romance novel. Wearing only his boxers and a tee shirt with his “spaceman like” suit hanging in the corner.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you guys in person”, without the speaker box muffling the sound I could finally place the voice. It was Jim from the radio. I never should have hooked up that stupid thing.

“The pleasure is all ours”, flirts back Michelle.

“That is for sure”, helps out Sara. The two of them always work so very well together. Jim apparently agrees, as there is a twitch beneath those thin shorts of his.

“Excuse me as I get dressed”, Jim turns to the suit.

“Um… Best to leave the suit here for another round of decontamination”, Carmen cuts in. “It’s not worth the risk of spreading germs everywhere. In fact, you should probably shower off. You know, for OUR safety”. The rest of the girls TOTALLY agree.

“I really don’t have time for all that. I’ll just be taking that medicine and be on my way back to Claire, if that’s alright”, explains Jim.

“The thing about that”, chimes in Dr. Janet…

Oh no.

“My calculations were a little off and it’s going to take longer than anticipated to finish that batch. You’re probably going to have to stay the night”.

“I should call Claire, can I borrow your radio?”

“Already taken care of, now hurry along and get. In. That. Shower.”

“I’ll show him where it is”, offers Carmen. As she takes his massive arm and guides him down the hall, apparently no longer afraid of contamination.

“WE’LL show him”, pronounces Michelle catching up and taking his other arm.

“YEA, shower party time!” Sara bounces down the hall.

“I don’t think my wife would like that too much”, explains Jim.

“Good thing she’s not here then”, quips Carmen.

“You girls are WILD, I tell you what”.

“Wait till you see us drunk”, teases Michelle.

Suddenly I feel light headed. I’d better get something to eat, it’s been a horribly stressful day. I almost disappear, slinking off in the other direction, but…

“And where do you think you are going?”

“I uh, still haven’t eaten anything today”.

“Well, go clean up your sleeping pod first. I’m giving it to Jim for the night”.

“But… uh… Wouldn’t it be easier to give him the spare pod, since Michelle and Sara usually sleep together?” I plead.

“You pod has the most room and by the look of it, he’s going to need it”.

I flash a gaze at the group of beautiful women at the end of the hall hanging off of Jim. They laugh at something he says that probably wasn’t that funny.

“Happy release day, by the way”, whispers Dr. Janet. She turns and follows the group taking off her lab coat to reveal her unadulterated body to me for the second time today.

Ouch. Fuck. Ouch. It should be me headed towards that shower.

I ignore the hunger pains as I make my way to the sleeping chamber. I spent HOURS designing my pod specifically for me. The seamless size, shape, color, firmness. It’s all I have left of the perfect life I built for myself. The last bit of freedom I have. And, and I just have to give it up to some…. Some… APE? If he ruins it in anyway I swear I’ll…

“Mmmmm”, a soft pleasurable voice pours out of the sleeping chamber into the hall. I slow my breathing and creep into the room to investigate. The source of the commotion was emerging from a ground level pod. Dr. Janet’s pod, but I just saw her head into the shower…

“Ohhhh”, the pulsations of the mysterious voice tingled my loins. As I slink closer and closer a leg pops out of the pod. I would recognize that that beautiful petite, athletic foot anywhere. Sandy was being quite a naughty girl. I couldn’t begin to imagine what would happen if Dr. Janet found out someone was using HER pod. This has to be Jim’s fault. He is RUINING this place and I have to find a way to get rid of him. But how? Maybe I could…

“Oh Ted,” whimpers Sandy sending chills all over. Wait a minute; she wasn’t there to meet Jim, she doesn’t even know what he looks like. She snuck over here instead, to think about… Me. She’s thinking about what she would have done to me if I hadn’t of “gotten too excited”. Or maybe about another time before I was locked up when I could use my hands to…

Ouch… I should ignore her, sneak past, and clean up my pod. I try to move but my feet are stuck. I can’t help but stare at that beautiful little foot protruding from the pod. Toes balling up and then stretching back out. The leg vibrating, twitching, rolling around. Practically begging me to join her. To help her finish the job I started, without even knowing. If I’m caught the punishment would be unbearable, but absolutely worth it just to press against that…

“TED!” barks an irate voice behind me. “What are you doing?” I whip around to find Dr. Janet still wet from the shower wearing just a bathrobe clinging to her curves. I guess they just quickly rinsed off.

“I uh, was just taking a break”, this is very, very bad.

“I didn’t tell you to “uh, just take a break” I told you to CLEAN OUT YOUR POD!!!” she spat. I haven’t seen her this upset in quite a while.

“Sorry, uh”…

“He was helping me”, Sandy pops her head out of the pod and into a metaphorical guillotine.

“Helping you with what”, it’s incredible how quickly Dr. Janet can go from terrible tyrant to scorching seducer. “You know what, don’t tell me. Show me”. The doctor strolls over and starts to climb into the pod.

“I’m gonna go then”, I question more then describe.

“Ouch, that hurts”, cries an innocent voice.

“You know you like it”, replies the guilty party.

I slip out of the room.

GRRRRRRRRR. My stomach screams in pain. I better get to those egg benedict soon, or I’ll pass out. God, that was a close one and I need to find a way to make it up to Sandy. She’s so kind to me. Inviting her here might have been the only really smart thing I’ve ever done. Giggling and laughter waft from the kitchen. Building that radio might have been my dumbest decision.

As I cross the threshold of the room, the sweet aroma of soap permeates the air. Three beautiful women and…. JIM, with heads still moist from the wet and wild romp that just took place, sit around the table. They all wear matching robes, which would be comically short on Jim if his massive muscles weren’t rippling out.

“Ted, buddy. We haven’t officially met. I got a bit, *distracted* when I first got here.” He looks at the girls and smiles. Jim rises to shake my hand, revealing to the world just how very distracting he found the girls. I mean, I’ve been in a few locker rooms before but this thing… His wife is a very lucky lady.

“Can I lend you some clothes?” I ask, saltier sounding then I meant to convey. He embarrassingly tries to tuck the mile long hot dog back between his legs. I shake his other hand, more like his massive hand engulfs mine and we move up and down.

“I doubt he fit in your pants”, jokes the Russian.

“I doubt he fits in ANY pants”, quips Carmen.

“Oh, come on girls. It’s not that big.” Jim humbly replies. It really WAS though. “You girls are funny.” He sits back down to continue eating and being fawned over. That’s when I notice it. He’s eating MY. FUCKING. EGGS. BENITICT.

“Is that?” I don’t even know why I ask.

“I don’t know what it is, but it’s good, I tell you what. In fact, might be the best thing I’ve ever eaten”, he says savoring the taste of MY specially made breakfast.

“Carmen, any chance you could…” I begin.

“Kitchen’s closed”, she can’t take her eyes of Jim.

“But…” She ends my pleading with a cold stone stare and then turns warmly back in Jim’s direction.

“Don’t worry brother. I got you covered”, he says as he reaches into a knapsack. “It ain’t gourmet, but it’s something”. Jim casually tosses some kind of prepackaged survivalist meal kit to me. “Made em myself”. He was right. Definitely not gourmet. It’s hard to pinpoint what was more disgusting the smell or the taste.

“What do you think?” He eagerly awaits a review.

“He loves it, right?” Michelle is quite sure. I choke down another bite trying my hardest not to vomit.

“Yep, great”.

“Really? I think they taste like ass… Wait you pulling my leg?”

It’s hard to tell what’s worse the food or the death stare from Michelle.

“No, man. I really think it’s… good. Thank you.”

“Thank YOU for all your hospitality”, he counters while putting his hands around Michelle and Sara. “Tell you what, I’ll bring a bunch more just for you next time I visit”.

“Awe, you don’t have to” I insist.

“Really, it’s no trouble.”

“You are very much too kind”, there Sara goes again. Overplaying her accent as she playfully hits his chest. “Your wife is very lucky”.

“Awe shit. I gotta radio her”, he realizes. The girls give Sara the dirtiest of dirty looks. He rises with his “member” still partially elevated, and goes to clean his plate by dumping out the remaining bit of eggs in the garbage. I take another bite of apple-flavored puke paste.

“Bad news”, a voice that only seems to ever be bad news enters the room. “Radio’s busted”, informs Dr. Janet. She is still in a robe with presumably nothing on underneath.

“What?” questions Carmen.

“Oh no”, cries Michelle.

“Darn”, cusses Sara.

“Maybe I should take a look at it. I’m pretty handy,” the giant man proposes.

“I bet you are”, Dr. Janet stalks toward him in her heels. They look an inch or two taller today. “A part got fried. I’m 3D printing a new one as we speak. Should only be a couple of hours. I did get through to Claire for you, before it shorted out”. She takes one of his “handy” hands and guides him back to the table to sit down.

“What’d she say!?!” the gullible man is hooked.

“She said she loves you, and she misses you, and she’ll see you soon. Also try to have some fun tonight”. Clearly a lie and not even a good one. How could he NOT see through it?

“Awe, that was sweet of her. You let me know when the radio’s up and running” he requests.

“Of course. But in the mean time…” Dr. Janet starts rummaging through the refrigerator until she uncovers a treasure. “Let’s celebrate,” she cheers as she pulls out an expensive looking bottle of champagne.

POP. The cork goes flying.

“It’s a different kind of pop-pop day! Get it?” Jokes the Russian. The others jeer at her bad joke.

“I don’t get it,” says the newest member of the society. He would understand soon enough, secrets don’t last long down here. I take another bite of apple-flavored puke.

The night becomes hazy after more than a few bottles vanish. The girls are dressed for a night on the town, including Dr. Janet whom almost never lets her hair down, and Jim is back in his familiar tee shirt and boxers. Music is blaring, suggestive dancing commences, and unfortunately for me the “no touch” rule is suspended. I drink as fast as I can, hoping to numb the burning desire in my groin. No such luck. The pressure builds with each passing lap dance, sometimes two or three girls at a time surround me. And just when I couldn’t possibly handle any more stimulation I look up and see the uncaged Jim having the best night of his life.

Ouch, ouch, OUCH…

“Please, please,” I beg to Dr. Janet after she finishes yet another of her unbelievable solo lap dance sessions with me. “Let me out for just tonight. I’ll do anything you want”.

“Oh sweetheart, your already doing *exactly*what I want,” she whispers back nibbling on my ear. With that she places my right hand on her ample breast, massaging her self with it while starting to suck on the index finger of my left hand. Her deep eye contact and hungry smile between licks is somehow the most searing part. At least until the grinding starts. First slow and deep as she places my hands on her firm ass. The frustration in my eyes alone almost gets her off. She quickens the pace and starts touching herself right in my lap. I can’t help but look over to Jim getting a backrub from Carmen as the twins stop making out with each other for his amusement. All three girls stand him up and start to take off his shirt…

“Sorry, sorry, I can’t anymore,” the colossus man proclaims.

HE can’t anymore!?!?!?!

“I love my wife, I just can’t,” with that he exits the room. The girls are dumbstruck. I doubt any of them have ever been turned down for sex before. It’s difficult to tell if they are more offended or turned on. After a moment of confused silence, Dr. Janet interjects.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Go get him!”

With a newfound determination and excitement the girls clumsily grab each other’s hands and skip down the hall, leaving me alone with the doctor. She climbs off me, but I still throb at the same pace she was grinding me. I throw my head back and use every trick I know trying to calm myself down. Thankfully she appears to have lost interest. Casually she makes a snack, finds a half empty bottle of champagne, and heads towards the sleeping pods. I almost collapse with relief.

“Well, what are you waiting for? I’m not done with you yet. Hell, I haven’t even started”, bellows a vile voice from the hall. Fuck. Like a whipped dog, I cower and heel after her.

As I enter the sleeping chamber, I find Carmen and the twins stark naked in the center of the room. They are comparing various lotions and perfume scents. Jim is presumably hiding in his…. I mean MY pod…. The doctor leads me past this enchanted garden of nudity and pushes me down in the pod below Jim. She jumps in next to me, cuddling up, just in time to view the parade of beautiful women climbing the ladder up to Jim.

“What are you doing?” I hear him say.

“What? We always sleep like this”. One after another they inch in to the pod.

“I don’t think this is such a good idea”. He says unconvincingly.

“What’s not a good idea? His tee shirt falls past me from the pod to the floor.

“Seriously, I can’t do anything”.

“Don’t worry, *you*aren’t going to do anything. *We’re*gonna do stuff to you”. And with that, his shorts tumble to the floor.

OUCH…. AAAAaaaaa…. I spasm in pain. It hurts so much I can’t even catch my breath.

“Shhhh, there, there. Just try not to think about the blow job after blow job he’s getting.” Dr. Janet whispers in my ear and then nibbles on it a bit for good measure.

Gah… Too much…

“Tell you what”, she guides my hand to her inner thigh and then drifts north. Apparently the hours of teasing me had put her in quite a good mood. “Tell me what you would do if you weren’t wearing that cage right now and if I like it, there might be a reward”.

“Where’s Sandy? She wasn’t at dinner”. As soon as the words slipped my lips I knew I fucked up. Fucked up bad. Dr. Janet turns her back to me in a huff and gets very quite. I do my best to try to rekindle the mood by sneaking my hand back between her legs. “Cause I thought we could tie her up together and…”

“This could have been the greatest night of your life,” she says coldly then turns to face me. “Instead, it’s going to be the worst”. She wasn’t wrong. Normally when we are together, it’s all about her pleasure and my pain was just the mental lubricant. Not this time. This time we didn’t stop when she had gotten her pleasure, we didn’t stop when I was in pain, we even powered through my unbearable agony bringing me to new all time heights of frustration. Oh there were breaks, time for her to catch her breath, perhaps stretch out a cramp. Plenty of time for me to listen to the gratification taken place above. The day I was first locked up I was told the cage had no chance to permanent damage. Tonight was the first time I truly doubted that. At last she collapses next to me. Her out of breath, me out of my mind. Jim and the ladies had finished hours ago.

“Was it good for you too, baby?” She leans in and gives me a cutesy kiss on my cheek before disintegrating into a blissful slumber. I don’t think I’ve ever been less tired in my entire life. Yet I lay completely still, afraid to wake the beast next to me.

“Hey,” A voice whispers. I carefully tilt my head up to find the person I most want to see in the world.

“Sandy, are you okay?” I ask.

“I was going to ask you the same thing. That looked rough”.

“I’ll be okay”, acting tougher than I felt.

“I need to talk to you,” she informs.

I motion to Dr. Janet and then shrug.

“It’s important,” she pleads. I slowly and peacefully start to shift my way out of the pod. The sound of my pounding heart is deafening. Just a little further, a little bit more. And …. Free. As I step out of the pod I look down and see my obscenely swollen testicles. I guess freedom is a relevant term. Sandy motions for me to meet her in in the hall.

“What is it?” I whisper, turning back to the sleeping chamber, worried a certain someone will wake and find us.

“I found something. Well, two things. Well, I guess I found something and I made something” she sputters like a caffeinated chipmunk.

“Sandy…” I whisper yell, again checking behind me towards the pods to make sure we are still safe.

“Sorry. Here…” She pulls it out; I have to double take to make sure, the FUCKING KEY. Overcome with joy I wrap her up in a monster bear hug.

OUCH! I cower in pain. I guess I’m still pretty worked up from before.

“You okay?”

“Yea, just um, excited I guess” I bashfully reply.

“Me too,” she blushes

Ouch… Focus. Focus.

“Oh, and this”, she pulls out a piece of paper. “I copied it from Jim. It’s a map to his bunker. I figure we could head there, regroup, and then make a plan”.

Now that I was holding my key, regrouping with her sounds perfect.

“I’ve been sneaking supplies all day”, she continues. “We can go right now”.

“But there’s only one suit”, I said. Devastating the moment.


“Hey, we’ll figure something out. Don’t worry. You did great!”

“Ted?”, awakens my nightmare. A voice transmits from the sleeping chamber. “Where are you hiding? I’m ready for round two”.

Damnit. I start hurrying back.

“Give me the key,” Sandy commands.

“Why?” I whine more then ask.

“You can’t risk her finding it on you”.

Damn. She’s right. Handing that back the key was the hardest thing I’ve done in a while. Well, second hardest.

“Ted. Come out come out where every you are”, the monster moves closer to me. I circle toward her to head her off at the pass when Sandy taps me on the shoulder. I turn back to the girl and am attacked by a big long passionate kiss.

Ouch… As she pulls away I look into her eyes and recognize that the pain was absolutely worth it.

“Ted!” shrieks the creature in her sleeping pod prompting me to take off running. Turning back one last time to see Sandy smiling. I’m a lucky guy. Sort of. Back at the pod Dr. Janet was ready for round 2 and round 3 it turns out. Normally I toss and turn all night waking up periodically from the pain of a “naughty” dream, but not this night. This night was a deep black dreamless slumber. Until…

OUCH. From my chest this time, not my groin. The synthetic morning light blasts my eyes as I snap back into reality and find Dr. Janet, fully dressed in her professional attire, twisting my nipple… HARD…


“I’m hungry”, which I assume is her way of commanding me to escort her to breakfast. I quickly and awkwardly dress as she eyes me like a piece of meat. I desperately crave a shower, but dare not ask to make a pit stop.

“Last night was fun”. She offhandly remarks.

“Yea” I unenthusiastically reply. Still a bit hazy with early morning brain.

Last night! The KEY. I glance over at Sandy’s already vacated pod. She must be gathering supplies.

OUCH! Another nipple twist. I’m starting to pine for the “no touching rule”.

“Let’s go,” she barks, with a wicked smile.

I slide on my last shoe and head down the dark hallway, following my tormentor. I wonder how often she checks to make sure my key is still hidden in a safe place. How long until I’m caught red handed for something I didn’t even do.

“It’s REALLY important he doesn’t find out the solution to your lust problems”, she instructs.

“I’ll do my best, but someone is bound to slip up and mention it. Secretes are impossible to keep down here”.

She laughs, “Don’t worry, it won’t be a secret too much longer. Not much longer at all.”

There was something very chilling about her when she is in a good mood.

“That smells amazing. I am starving”, she casually changes the subject as if she wasn’t plotting evil a moment before. Though she wasn’t wrong, the food did smell amazing and after last nights workouts I could use some nourishment.

The feast on the table is absolutely incredible. Bright and colorful. Almost every inch of the tabletop covered in more kinds of breakfast food then I even know existed. Carmen has really outdone herself. And then there’s Jim, sitting in the center seat, munching away.

“Morning”, he chokes out with a mouth crammed with food. I hate when people talk with their mouth full.

“This is incredible, Carmen”, admires Dr. Janet as she sits next to him. He jolts in surprise for a moment, as her skilled hands must have grabbed him somewhere special.

“Awe it’s no big deal, really” Carmen steps away from the stove, bringing me my breakfast. Another one of Jim’s fucking survivalist meals. I almost whimper from disappointment.

“I just can’t believe you like those”, Jim remarks. “Especially when you have all of this incredible stuff to choose from.

“Dr. Janet says he won’t stop talking about how great they are. Says he wants them for every meal now”, Carmen looks me in the eyes and mouths “sorry”. I understand. If Dr. Janet wants the girls to punish me, they better do it. For their own safety.

“Shit, if that’s how you feel bout it, I’ll make you whole big batch when I get home. Speaking of which, how’s that medicine coming?”

“Extracted the final enzyme this morning. You can take it whenever you want”. Dr. Janet bites into some fancy pastry. I take my first bite of sludge. It’s much blander than the other meal, with a slight hint of rotten milk.

“Nice. I think I’ll head out after breakfast then. It’s a hell of journey and I should get going”.

“Awe”, says Carmen as she sits on the other side of him. “Do you have to go so soon? We *really* like having you here”. He jolts again and smiles in her direction. I guess her hand is wandering under the table as well.

“Well, y’all is definitely making it HARD”, a pun I’m sure he thinks is funny. The girls pretend to agree by speeding up their action. I pick up my eating pace as well so I can escape a quick as possible. Listening to his pleasure last night was horrible, WATCHING it now? Inhumane.

“Speaking of HARD, is there any chance… Ohhh…”, his whole body quickly pulsates with pleasure for a second. He turns and smiles at the doctor.

“What were you saying?” she innocently asks. Whatever magic spot she found, she was sticking with it for the foreseeable future.

“Ummm, yea, right, I was SAYING”, he takes a breath. “Could we treat this like a “Vegas” deal? You know whatever happens in the bunker stays in the bunker”.

“Sure baby,” Carmen purrs then gives him a long passionate kiss. “We can do *whatever* you want”. With that she climbs under the table to make her point with *his* point. I almost choke, both on how quickly I’m eating and the rancid taste of the food.

“God, I LOVE this bunker here”, he declares obviously.

“Then make sure you, *COME* back real soon”, invites Dr. Janet. She kisses him and moves below with the same movement Carmen just used. I take my last bite of food. I can’t think of a better time to sneak towards a cold shower and try to forget everything that has happened as of late. As I start to rise, two hands find there way on my thighs. Gently guiding me back to my seat. I’m confused at first, but when Dr. Janet’s familiar fingers start unbuttoning my belt I understand… No, no, no, no…

There is nothing, I repeat nothing, more painful then a chastity cage blowjob. Already in a heightened state of sensitivity from the denial, the warm smooth tongue moving over the small gaps in the cage is just too much to bare. It craves more, fights for it, screams for it, will not rest no matter how much pain it causes. I can’t take deep breaths to calm down. No changing the subject in my minds eye. All I can do it pray it doesn’t last too long and knowing Dr. Janet, that seems unlikely.

“Bro, I am so freaking jealous of you!”

She blows cool air on the cage, startling it from its slumber. It grows quickly as if to great the incoming company. The smashes against the familiar wall.

“Last night was like the best night of my life, and that’s just like a normal day for you”

“Sure is”, with the fakest smile I’ve ever worn in my life. As her tongue hit the skin in the gap in the cage, she alternates between quick flicks and long slow licks. I start wildly twitching and each move sprouts pain through my entire body.

“Like seriously, last night I checked off like 6 things on my bucket list and they wanted to keep going. I never thought I’d run out of things to want to do. Oh God that’s good”.

She takes the whole cage in her mouth. The warm saliva feels good. Too good. I start twitching faster and harder. More and MORE painful.

“Oh, oh, I’m gonna blow”, he looks to the skies.

Oh, OH, I am definitely NOT. Dr. Janet then puts the final touches on her torcher routine. She starts moaning sending vibrations around the entire cage. My cock thrashes and shrieks, begging for space to grow. I bite down on my hand to try to distract myself to no avail. Just when I fear I will pass out with pain, I watch Jim relieve a massive burden into Carmen’s mouth.

“Ohhhhhhh. Fuck”, he sighs. His shoulders slump and relax as if he’s just had a massage. A dumb smile crosses his lips as all the stress and tension have expelled from his body. Mercifully Dr. Janet pulls back. Gives me one incredibly slow lick for good measure and starts to come out from underneath the table with Carmen and sits next to Jim.

“Fuck dude. What ever happens in the bunker, STAYS in the bunker… Am I right?” he puts his hands up for a high five. I slowly and unenthusiastically respond by meeting his hand with a slap.


“What the hell is that?” Panics Jim.

“Right on time. Come on Jim, let’s go greet your wife”.
