The Redding House Saga: An Unexpected Guest Part 3 [MF]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](

[Part 5](

Spring rolled into summer pretty quickly, and Maddy decided to stay in town for the summer to work on her Master’s degree in conjunction with her Bachelor’s degree… which I didn’t know was something a person could do. After the night that we had reconnected, our relationship certainly took on a new tone. We were still in that stage where we had sex every time we saw each other, but the frequency of 2:00 AM meetups declined, while the frequency of lunch dates increased.

With summer being the busiest time of year for me, and Maddy taking a full accelerated course load during the summer term, we still were able to remain pretty independent, so it didn’t feel as serious as it was probably getting.

September was here before we knew it – Maddy’s senior year. I can’t say that I wasn’t thinking about what things would look like in May, but I tried to not let it bog us down. The girls decided to not renew their lease, which made me feel a lot better about Maddy and me. They found another 4-bedroom house not to far from my rental, and while I was no longer responsible for the upkeep on the property they were now occupying, that didn’t stop them from calling me over from time to time to help out. Mostly hanging curtains, outdoor string lights, fix a leaky faucet here and there… stuff like that.

It was the Saturday after classes had started, and the girls were having a small daytime party to kick off the new/final school year. I got my yard work done at my place early so I could go over to the girl’s new place to help get ready for guests to start arriving. People started rolling in the mid-afternoon, quite a few already “warmed-up”.

Soon enough the music blasting, beer pong and a game of rage cage had manifested itself on the outdoor tables… everyone was having a good time. One of the girls asked me to grab some more ice from the freezer in the garage, and on my way back, I heard Maddy calling me over to a small group of people I didn’t recognize.

As I approached, a bag of ice in each hand, Maddy gestured to the group, “Everyone, this is my boyfriend Luke… Luke this is my accelerated graduate program group that I was telling you about!”

She proceeded to introduce all of them, and I awkwardly bumped elbows in an effort to not put the down wet bags of ice down on the hardwood floor. Honestly, I don’t remember a word past “boyfriend”. In the whirlwind of the summer, we never discussed what we were to each other in an “official” capacity, but she had just now put a stake in the ground.

I went on my way to complete my mission, then went back to find the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and turned towards the mirror, and just stared at myself for a minute in silence. I ran my fingers through my hair and tucked it behind my ears. I examined the small freckles that migrated back to my face every summer as the days got longer and the sun burned brighter. Just like my mom. I looked closer, taking note of the small wrinkles etching their way into the corners of my eyes. While I was by no means “old”, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was an impostor among these kids who hadn’t even begun their lives out in the world… where I was firmly cemented in my routine and the trajectory of my journey was more or less mapped out.

I broke away from the conflicted man staring back at me, making my way back to the party. As I turned the corner, I lock eye with Maddy. A smile erupts across her face “hey there stranger!” she said as she wrapped her arms around my waist. I pulled her in and gave her a kiss.

“Having fun?” she asked

“Oh yeah, what more could I ask for? Great weather, endless booze, and I get to spend some time with my girlfriend” I said with a wry smirk.

That last statement caught her off guard the same way her use of the label minutes earlier had thrown me. To her credit, she was a little buzzed at this point. Her expression transitioned from a bubbly smile to a concerned frown as she took my hand and pulled me into one of the bedrooms of the house.

The room was dark and cool, a small desk in one corner and a full or queen size bed in the middle of the opposite wall. It wasn’t Maddy’s room… maybe Sarah’s? Maddy shut the door behind her, turned around, and went into a rapid-fire apology.

“I’m sorry, we haven’t talked about that, and I shouldn’t have put you on the spot like that, that wasn’t fair, I had no right to put a label on anythi-“ she rattled off before I could interrupt. I gently placed her face in my hands and looked her directly in the eye.

“Hey, it’s okay. I’m glad you said it… these last 6 months have been incredible, and I’m honored that you hold me in that regard” I said with the sort of smile that starts in your chest. Maddy’s eyes began to take on a shine as tears collected at the base of her eyelids. She smiled and laughed as she quickly used both index fingers to wipe the moisture away.

“Are you sure, I don’t want to push you into anything if you’re not ready” she reassured. I responded by leaning in and gently placing my lips on hers. I could immediately feel the tension in her body release, as she relaxed her legs and came down from standing up on her toes. I moved in closer until our bodies were up against each other and allowed the exuberance of being chosen to pass through my lips, and into her. I had a great life before I met Maddy, but for the first time in a long time, I was excited for the future.

Maddy wrapped her arms around my neck, and passion began to manifest as our lips continued to move across each other’s, our tongues gently meeting in the middle. Our breathing got heavier as my hands moved down to Maddy’s ass that were covered only by thin, loose fabric shorts. I squeezed her cheeks as she softly groaned into my mouth.

Our tender moment was quickly being corrupted by lust… I could feel my cock begin to strain against the fabric of my shorts. I ran my hands up Maddy’s lower back and hooked my figures under her crop top. She raised her arms so that I could finish the job as she moved to unclasp her bra. I took my shirt off, and Maddy went to undo the button on my shorts. I stepped out of my shorts and picked Maddy up by the waist. In a split second I decided that our best bet would be the desk that was mostly bare.

I sat Maddy down and pulled off her shorts, pulled her legs apart and dropped to my knees as she leaned back against the wall. I hooked my hands under her thighs and placed my palms on the small of her back as I began kissing, licking, and nibbling on her inner things. I looked up and Maddy had thrown her head back and her eyes were closed as one hand played with her nipple and the other was planted firmly on the desk for support.

Maddy was already wet with want, so I took no time diving into her sweet, smooth pussy. With a broad, flat tongue I worked up and down the folds of her lips, pausing to gently suck on her labia or allow my tongue to breach past the threshold, inside of her. Maddy was doing her best to keep quiet, but her soft moans and labored breaths were fueling my fire. I wrapped on arm around her thigh and placed in on her lower abdomen so that I could pull the skin of her toned stomach tight, allowing me better access to her now stiffened clit. I wrapped my lips around the top of her pussy and applied gentle suction while flicked my tongue slowly up and down.

This sent a jolt through Maddy’s body, as if she had just jumped into freezing cold water. Her hands wrapped around the back of my head as she began to guide my face between her legs.

I let her dictate the pace, motion, and pressure with her hands, and soon enough, she began whispering “ohhhhh… I’m cuming, I’m cuming…. ohhhh baby I’m cuming”, as her body tensed up and she rode out the wave of her own ecstasy. I made my way back to my feet and dove back into urgent kisses, my body now on fire with desire.

Maddy’s hand moved down to my waist and she began stroking me over the top of my briefs. She pulled down the band to the middle of my thighs, and my hard cock stood straight out, pulsing with every heartbeat as I pulled Maddy towards the end of the desk. Maddy grabbed me with one of her hands and teased me by rubbing the tip up and down the length of her slit while staring into my eyes and biting down on her lower lip.

I pressed my hips forward, allowing the top to move past her lips as Maddy inhaled sharply. I began pushing forward, broadening my stroke with every thrust. I was keenly aware of the warmth of Maddy’s pussy engulfing my cock, inch by inch as I moved deeper inside of her.

“That feels so good baby…” she moaned. “God I love that dick” she continued as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes again. I grabbed the underside of her legs to gain more leverage as I moved to pick up my pace.

No sooner, I heard the door open behind us. Maddy’s head snaps forward, her eyes wide with horror. I immediately froze, still inside of Maddy.

“Seriously… on my desk? Fucking pervs…” I heard Sarah laugh behind us. “Please disinfect when you’re done” she continued, as she walked up near the side of the desk to grab a small cross body purse that was hanging from a hook on the wall. She paused and looked down at the desktop where my dick was still buried ¾ of the way inside Maddy’s pussy. She looked back up and teased “how original, Luke”, I think referencing the night we fucked in my shop. Sarah turned around and left without another word.

I think it goes without saying, but that exchange killed the mood. We both put ourselves back together and headed back out to the party. Walking into the kitchen, I heard Sarah shout out to us “hey you two, where have you been?” with that big shit eating grin I had grown accustomed to.

Maddy, without missing a beat, responded “we were just talking about Luke’s 29th birthday coming up next weekend.” I looked down in surprise at Maddy. I’ve never brought up my birthday to her, and I don’t have Facebook so I’m not sure how she would have known. The September after my parent’s died, I was still in a bad place and I just couldn’t find it in me to want to celebrate anything, much less a day that we shared such a deep connection to as child and parents. The next year came, and it was easier to just ignore it again. As time went on, I stopped thinking about my birthday entirely, often the only reminder being a call from my Aunt June.

Aunt June…. that traitor, I thought with a smile.

Sarah began to boo and hiss, “get out of here old man… who the fuck invited this dinosaur?” she yelled as the group laughed at my expense. I smiled.

“Yeah fuck you too Sarah” I said as I drew my arms in, dangled my hands in front of my chest to mimic, and thrashed my head around mimicking the movements of a t-rex. My charade was met with groans of embarrassment from the entire group, which was fair.

The next weekend approached quickly, and the girls had taken it upon themselves to plan out a birthday bash for me at one of the bars not too far from my shop that Friday night. They invited a bunch of their friends, and I had a couple of my friends in the industry meet up, although they didn’t stay long. It was a typical night of loud music and expensive drinks, but it felt good to be the center of attention.

We were all crowded around a booth, attempting to shout over the music to be heard by one another, when the song switched. Maddy’s eyes immediately locked into Sarah’s, and with urgency they both made their way out to the center of the bar where other people had been dancing all night.

Maddy and Sarah had a very interesting relationship. Most of the time, I would have sworn they hated each other, but they spent so much time together that I wondered what they both got out of the friendship. They were obviously close, but so mean. I didn’t really have close friends, so I didn’t have a frame of reference.

I watched them both begin to sway with the music, at first separately. Their hips moved in sync with the rhythm of the song, their arms floating and twisting above their heads. The gravity between them began to close the gap, as their hips eventually made contact and began to move tandem. Maddy wrapped her arms around Sarah’s neck and they continued to grind into each other as they swayed to the beat, both throwing their heads back and laughing intermittently.

This is… something, I thought to myself.

Maddy broke away and Sarah made her way behind Maddy, placing her hands on her hips and they continued to rock their bodies in time with the music that was pumping through the speakers. Sarah moved her head closer to the side of Maddy’s head, her mouth close to Maddy’s ear. Maddy turned her head towards Sarah’s face and with a smile gave Sarah a soft kiss on her lower lip. Sarah responded with a kiss of her own, although with much more mouth involved. As quickly as they had started, the song was over, and they separated and giggled on their way back to the table.

I was completely stunned, but neither Maddy nor Sarah acknowledged what just happened. I was too buzzed to think critically about it, so I did the healthy thing and buried it and moved on.

The night ended with me and Maddy heading back to my apartment for sloppy drunk sex before passing out as the sun began to peek above the horizon.

Saturday didn’t consist of much movement, we were both very hung over, and I had already called in my landscaper to take over at the Redding house. We stayed in bed most of the day, rotating between napping, lazy sex, and ordering food to be delivered. I dropped Sarah off at her house later that evening, as she said she had some homework to get through.

The next day, I had plans to go pick up some walnut slabs a buddy of mine had milled up in his backyard for me so I could drop them off at a kiln to be dried for future projects. As I was getting back into my truck after unloading the slabs, I saw a text from Maddy.

*“heeyyy, so since today is actually your birthday, I’m preparing a little something for you at the shop. would you mind staying out until about 7”*

I looked at my watch, it read 5:30 PM.

“Sure thing” I shot back. I drove to the nearby bar and settled in a booth to watch a baseball game and slowly sip on a beer.

I headed out around 6:45 and pulled up to my shop. There was a note on the side door that read “Take a seat on the couch and wait for me ?”. I did as I was told, and walked through the shop, over to the show room. The couch was now turned around facing the back of the showroom, with the coffee table about 5 feet in front of it. Towards the back of the room there was now a large sheet hanging from a rope that spanned between the partition walls. I walked over to the couch and looked at a box sitting on the coffee table. The lights were dim, but I could tell the tall slender box was a deep shade of blue, with embossed gold script that read “Blue Label”.

“Holy shit babe, this is incredible, you didn’t have to get me this” I yelled out as I picked up the heavy box.

“Did you read the note?” I heard a hushed voice call out from behind the sheet. I smiled.

“I sure did” I said as I chuckled.

“Well… do what it said” the voice commanded. I placed the box back down on the coffee table, then took a step back and took a seat on the green velvet.

A few moments later, Maddy emerged from behind the sheet wearing the same tiny schoolgirl uniform she wore the first night we were together. A smile spread across my face.

“Wooww” I bellowed across the room. Maddy stopped a few feet behind the coffee table, her feet together and her elbows behind her back, accentuating how busty she looked in the white top. I started to move to get up from the couch, and Maddy shot a finger up.

“Not yet” she whispered. As she put her hand down, I noticed rustling coming from behind the sheet. I looked past Maddy as another body emerged from behind the veil.

Sarah, wearing an identical costume, made her way out from behind the sheet, and walked up to stand beside Maddy.

“Are you ready for your present, baby?” Maddy purred as she leaned forward and put her hands on her knees, winking at me.

“Holy shit” is all I could manage.



  1. I hoped for at least 10 parts. Looks like we’re heading that way!

  2. >Maddy and Sarah make out on the dance floor

    This is going to end in a threesome.

    >Maddy and Sarah come out wearing the schoolgirl uniforms

    Oh *fuck*. That’s even better than I expected.

    Now I’m kinda sad though, because it sounds like you guys were enjoying yourselves. I’m hoping things end amicably, or there’s a twist ending.

  3. Is anyone else checking this sub constantly for the next installment?

  4. Wow, very captivating writing. I thoroughly enjoy every read and can’t wait for the next.

  5. Not buying this. $500 says 90% or more of this never occurred. These could be scripts for a Lifetime Movie: The Crazy Coed. All that’s missing is “Maddy” plotting something evil against her housemates.

    The OP (who I’m not even convinced is male) is a wanna-be writer, using this venue for practice and /or personal amusement.

  6. As a gay dude- damn this is hot.

    Also as a gay dude- totally wanna see the furniture.

  7. i’m not even reading these to jerk off at this point, here for the story. you’re a great writer

  8. At this point this is a novel and I’m thoroughly invested like the writing is great and it’s engaging

  9. If you stop writing about the two of you at any point, I will be devastated. I don’t even care if there’s no steamy sex in some of the stories, although of course that’s great to read as well. I just feel incredibly invested in y’all’s relationship and have really enjoyed reading the progression thus far. Maybe it’s the way you write or perhaps it’s the lack of anything even remotely close to this going on in my own life currently but, either way, I cannot wait to see where this leads between you guys!

  10. Wow you hit the jackpot with tenants! After the little bf/gf exchange with Maddy I thought there would be some serious magic words being uttered if you two weren’t interrupted.

  11. This is so a shitty follow up. What happened to the tacos from last time?? I have no closure.

  12. I knew the oc was legit as soon as he started talking about the woodwork lol

  13. Where the hell is Part 7?! I’m more invested in this than The Last Dance.

  14. Holy shit, I just burned through the rest of this story and now I’m cursing the fact that I didn’t discover this a few days in the future. Your writing is fantastic and you got me so good with that cliffhanger, lmao. Can’t wait to read your account of the threesome.

  15. I think there is a mistake with names, after your night out you dropped Sarah back instead of Maddy, I’m guessing you had a lazy day with Maddy not Sarah :)

  16. Silly me. I guess unlike most of you, when the sub’s headline intro is “true stories,” I actually expect to read about real life encounters, not an X rated version of a teen girl’s romance novel.

  17. Just in case you haven’t noticed, you have a gift and one hell of a story. Can I be your agent for the movie rights?

  18. Bro you need a deal with netflix, I feel like I’m invested in the story overall and not as interested in the sex scenes lol

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