The new client Part 1 [MF; Intro; masturbation]

Hey guys!

This is a new series I am writing.

The first part is sort of the intro so pretty vanilla.

The next part will be much more interesting ;)

Lynn arrived at the fitness center early today. Her new client should arrive in half an hour but she wanted to prepare for him. Lynn has been a personal trainer for three years now and so far, she could help all of their clients with their goals.

Her new client, Andrew McMiller, told her, that he was pretty fit already but wanted to work on his muscle definition, like his sixpack.

She sat on her desk, took out his file and read through the information she had so far.

He was 1,90m tall, weighed 90kgs. In comparison to her, he was huge. Lynn was 1,60m tall and weighed 50kgs, although she was very muscular

15 minutes later she heard the door rang and opened.

“Andrew?”, she asked.


“Please, come on in”, she said and made a step aside to let him in.

“Follow me please.”

He followed her until they reached her office. Lynn took place behind her desk, asking Andrew to sit in front of her.

“Before we start, I have to ask you a few questions.”

One question after another was asked and he answered honestly. He couldn’t help to notice how pretty she was. Although she was relatively small in comparison to him, her body was very well trained. While he was walking behind her, he could see her well trained butt. Her blonde hair were tied in a ponytail and fell between her shoulders, her blue eyes focussing him intensely.

“If you don’t have any more questions, let’s move on with the examination.”

Together they went to the next room which had a few medical items in it, amongst other things there was a scale and an examination couch.

“At first we will measure the body fat, I will draw blood to suspend certain diseases or hormonal issues. Is that okay?”

“Sure”, he said and smirked at her.

“Please undress now.”

Slowly he undressed his shirt, his pants, socks and just wanted to undress his underwear, just to see her reaction, but she stopped him.

“That should be enough.”

For a short moment she thought about letting him undress completely, but she wanted to keep it professionally so she decided against it. However she did notice, that he was wearing tight briefs and she could see the contour of his dick. It looked sublime, even through his pants. The sixpack was in the making, but what caught her eye, was the large tattoo that covered his left chest up to his nipple and then went over to his arm.

While she measured his body fat with a body fat caliper, he tried to ignore the soft touch of her small hands on his stomach.

Quickly she finished her examination, pushed him onto the examination couch and draw blood.

After that he dressed back up and they went back together to the office.

“That would be it for today. As I drew blood, please don’t do anything exhausting today. A I forgot one thing, please wear this fitness tracker at all times. We will charge it while you are training here.”

This way she would know, how much he moved in his everyday life.

“I will send you the nutrition plan later today. Any questions?”

“Uhm, that may seem weird, but when you have my blood checked, can you please check it for STDs as well? I wanted to have them checked anyway and you already drew blood, so…”

“Sure, I can check that box on the form.”

Andrew went home and Lynn worked on his nutrition plan for the next few hours, until she started to work out herself.

She needed to get something other than Andrew on her mind. Clearly, he was extremely good looking. He had short brown hair, brown eyes, three day stubble and was pretty well built, probably in every aspect.

As she was finally home and showered, her mind raced back to Andrew again, how he would take her from behind in the shower, touching her clit.

Naturally she started masturbating, pulled apart her labia and let the water trickle on her clit. Her orgasm came quick and hard but she still wasn’t satisfied. Nothing was as satisfying as having an orgasm received by another person.

In the evening she sent Andrew the nutrition plan and went to bed early.

The next week was pretty unspectacular. She trained Andrew, trained a lot herself, masturbated A LOT (seriously, her libido was so high since meeting Andrew), and received the blood test results. As expected, he was healthy to the bone, no hormonal issues, so sickness, no STDs, his blood was perfect.

It was Friday after a training with Andrew, when all she had on her mind was him,, so she decided to spend some time with her best friend Anna.

*“My new client is so hot and I need something else on my mind. Are you free today?”*

She quickly sent the message without checking and waited for an answer.

5 minutes later she received an answer… by Andrew.

“Thank you for the compliment, you are hot as well. We could go to a bar if you like.”

Quickly she checked her phone. She was praying, that she didn’t accidentally sent him to massage, but she noticed, that ANdrew was one entry before ANna. Shit, she was so embarrassed, she didn’t know what to say.

However she was horny, it was Friday, he wanted to see her as well, what could go wrong, right? Right?

*“Sure, let’s meet at the Touchdown in an hour?”*

*“Got it.”*

She checked herself at the mirror, and decided for light make-up but went with a bright red lipstick, she liked to use when she wanted sex.

Her wardrobe however was not suited for dates. Basically 90% of her wardrobe was sports clothing. After a while she found a short black dress and put it on.

Andrew was punctual at the bar and already took a seat when Lynn came in.

Lynn saw Andrew and damn, he looked fine. His button-down shirt had the first buttons opened so she could see his chesthair.

She sat beside him and said nothing, she was still too embarrassed.

“Let me guess, you didn’t want to send it to me, did you?”

“No. My friends name is Anna and her entry in my phonebook was directly below you, so I missclicked. I am actually surprised, that you are here.”

“And skip a night at a bar, and maybe more? Never would I want to miss that.”

The waitress came and Lynn ordered a Wodka Lemon, while Andrew ordered a Gin Tonic.

“You will have to train more to train away the alcohol though”, Lynn said and smirked at him.

He placed a hand on her thigh and whispered in her ear “as you wish.”

Her pussy started throbbing immediately. She really liked when men did, what she wanted.

For the past two years she noticed, that she had been more on the dominant side, but the men she had been with, usually didn’t like that. Maybe it was different with Andrew?

“So you would do everything to please me?”, Lynn asked , trying to dip into dynamic.

“Pretty much”, he answered and leaned in for a kiss.

It was a very passionate first kiss. His free hand moved up her thigh while she let her hand run over his groin area.

“Shall we go to my place?”, She asked between kisses.

He paid the bill and they went to her place.

Quickly she undressed herself, laid on her bed, looked him in the eye and asked: “remember that you told me, that you would do nearly anything to pleasure me?”

“Sure”, she said, undressing his shirt.

“How about you please me with your mouth then?”

“Of course, queen”, he said, moved closer and climbed between her legs.
