Should I, the nanny [F] [22] fuck my boss [M40s] after I tell him about his cheating wife?

I wrote this post on r/relationships and got a sarcastic message that I would be better writing here

So, here I am! The gist of the post is that I work and live with a family. The dad, Mark, is a wonderful person and there is something that I find incredibly sexy about him. He’s quietly spoken and intelligent. He’s tall with brown eyes and dark brown hair that curls adorably when he needs a haircut, happening a lot lately! He’s not some supermodel so it’s probably strange that I find him so hot, but I guess quarantine isn’t helping! His wife, Sally, is the complete opposite to him when it comes to personality. She’s a spoilt rich girl and the only people who piss me off more than her are her parents who seem to control everything. I overheard Sally fucking someone else on the weekend and I wasn’t surprised as she treats Mark pretty terribly. Sally has decided that her, myself and their youngest kid are going to her parents for a few weeks across the border. I’m not keen to go as it’s technically shut and also, I just heard her cheating on her lovely husband.

After the post I decided to bite the bullet and tell Sally that because I didn’t want to get stuck in another state with my family in this one, in the middle of a pandemic, I wasn’t going. She wasn’t impressed and initially told me I could come or get a new job. I called her bluff and told her that was fine – I’m nearly finished studying and I’m virtually guaranteed a job in my field at the end of the year. I’d also hit up a friend who is happy to have me stay if need be. She changed her mind and haughtily told me I could stay and help with the 2 teenagers but she wasn’t happy. OK then lady.

So, she is heading off tomorrow and I’m planning to tell Mark what I heard once no one else is home – the teens are back at school.

About me- I’m petite/slim. Long brown hair. B cup boobs- they aren’t big but they look decent on my small frame. Blue eyes. I’ve been nannying for the family for about 1.5 years. I was in a long term relationship until about 8 months ago. It wasn’t a bad relationship but it also wasn’t exciting- once it was over I was overjoyed to explore my sexual side and get some of the pleasure I had been yearning for. It was amazing but then quarantine kicked in so it’s been awhile since I’ve had any action.

My question for you people is, should I also fuck him? The people over at r/relationships were pretty big on no but I don’t care about my job and I am seriously considering fulfilling a long awaited fantasy…



  1. Well, you were already willing to walk away from the job, so I don’t see why you shouldn’t.

    Of course, you might find out he already knows and is okay with his wife’s behavior… so, good luck.

  2. Yea def fuck this guy please…. seems like he needs a win right now and You sound sexy as hell so he will Think of all the sexy opportunities he has in front him rather than Dwelling on sally

  3. Why ask us??? You have obviously made your mind up already. Take your shot hun. But realize that it may not go down the way you think. Why not keep her secret, seduce him anyway and maybe keep from being one of the reasons a marriage split.

  4. I mean, he may not believe that she is cheating on him. Or maybe that’s their thing? Either way, you do you and if you wanna try to fuck him go for it. Especially if you don’t care about having a job at the end of it. But I’d say keep in mind that he may reject the advances too.

  5. This decision requires pictures. And I say go for it as long as you can get out of things unscathed.

  6. As one who like to hire a nanny like you…I vote “hell yes”!

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