[MF]It didn’t want to go in

In this funny story I will tell the tale of the time I almost lost my virginity. This is my first story like this and first time writing a story in general so please be kind. Enjoy!

So a while a back me and this guy I ( virgin at the time) was casually making out with Jay (18, not a virgin) we’re in his room cuddling and watching TV. Out of boredom I reached my hand down and decided to slowly stroke his cock from the outside of his pants and felt him grow and get really hard. That turned me on like crazy and it turned gin on too, his breathing began to get heavier and he was having a nervous look on his face like “What is she going to do the next”.

I look up at him and whisper his name getting his attention and as he looks down on me I plant a kiss on his lips and he takes me in. I straddle him and look deeply in to his eyes and we begin to kiss harder and more passionately. He takes his hands and grabs my ass slapping hard leaving a good stinging feeling behind. With his other hand I guide towards my head and insinuate him to pull my hair. As he does I’m grinding him, and whisper to him, “pull harder”. He readjust his grip and pulls harder pulling me closer and flipping me so that he’s on top, with his freehand he’s lifting up my shirt and massaging my tits rolling my hardened nipples between his fingers. We had been kiss for a couple minutes now and I’m plenty wet and he’s very hard . He begins to lower his head kissing my neck and going down to my chest and stopping at breast taking a mouthful, I let out a light moan holding his head as he suck harder. I bring him up kissing him even harder and in a light whisper I ask, ” Do you have a condom?” He nods and rolls off to rummage through his drawers by the side of his bed and me stroking his hardened cock now revealed. He pulls out a condom, finishes removing his pants and puts on the condom.He excitedly jumps back on top of me and begins to kiss me, as so I begin to remove my pants and with concerned look he asks “are you sure want to do this?”
With a smile I answer yes.

With my pants now off he teases me a little and strokes his penis on the length of my vagina. As I lay there excited, I begin to notice that he’s having a hard time entering me. And ofcourse I get a little frustrated I was really excited and….

P.S before I continue I’m one of those people that laugh at the worst time ever, I light when things are awkward or when I’m crying g or someone else. I know it’s a really bad habbit but I just can’t help. But luckily for me he is also the kind of person that laughs at the worst times ever.

(We continue) And happy that I was going to lose it to someone that I trust. But then I start to laugh, like seriously I cannot help myself luckily his parents were out because let me tell you was dying of laughter. He kind of looks at me and begins to chuckle while he’s still trying to penetrate me and I try to put him in as well but for some reason it’s just not happening and we both just laugh and chuckle. “I think we should just forget about it for today, and I am so sorry for laughing seriously I didn’t mean to it’s just something that I can’t help sometimes” with a smile on his face he replies ” it’s okay, I get it it was a little awkward situation don’t even worry about it “.

As he rolls off me and lands next to me on the bed he removes the condom and disposes of it, and I continue to apologize feeling a little embarrassed to be honest kind of like it was my fault, I just felt really embarrassed and awkward. When he’s done throwing away the condom and comes back in to the bed, I noticed he was still very much hard so I kiss him and work my way down to finish him off. He offer to do the same but I say no thank you, kind of feeling a little down and just lost the mood. He reassures me that he’s not mad or anything like that and it was still a good experience and we just played there and laughed about it and eventually fell asleep.

Although when I still think about it I still get this embarrassing feeling but I laugh it off and think to myself “Wow what a funny story though” I don’t regret anything and still chuckle to myself when I think about it.

It was a while ago and I remembered as most as I can, so everything here is not word for word. Also name has been changed for obvious reasons.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gwbi6g/mfit_didnt_want_to_go_in