[MF] Trouble in Toronto…(Long)

I pulled up a stool at the empty airport bar. I had an hour to kill before my connecting flight was scheduled to board. I was headed to my friend Jack’s wedding. I had never been to Toronto, but was excited to explore what it had to offer.

About 15 minutes later a women dressed in comfy traveling clothes walked in and ordered a drink. She was clearly shaken with nerves about her looming flight.

“It’s on me” I said.

I could not resist. She had a natural kind of beauty that strangely effected me. Her green eyes and brown hair a perfect fit for her beautiful face. I wondered how much shit she must have gotten over the years from girls wishing they could look like her.

“Thanks!” she said. “I hate flying!”

“I am picking up an accent? What part of the Mid-West are you from?”

Her answer shocked me. It so happened that we only grew up about 100 miles apart. We exchanged a few pleasantries most of which I cannot remember. Her eyes and lips had me dumbfounded.

They called for my plane to board and I was suprised to see she stood up as well.


“Yup!” She said clearly surprised as well.

“It is a short flight. We will be there before you know it” I said to try to calm her nerves.

We boarded and unfortunately set on opposite ends of the plane. The plane was wheels up on time and it was not long before we made it to altitude. The weather was a little crappy and turbulence started soon after. I knew my new friend was probably terrified. The flight attendant passed by.

“Excuse me miss? My sister is sitting up front, she is terribly afraid of flying. Would it be ok if I checked in on her?”

“You can only get up if you need to use the restroom sir.”


I kept looking down the isle wondering if she was ok.
The girl sitting next to her got up to use the restroom. Here was my chance. I unbuckled and slipped half way down the isle before I was caught and sent back to my seat! FUCK!!! The attendant kept an eye on me until we landed. The beauty got off before I catch up to here. I looked and looked but could not find her…

That evening I met up with Jack and the other groomsmen. I had been tasked to throw the bachelor party that night. It was the only time we were all going to be in one spot before the wedding. I had been warned by Jack’s fiance Jill ( I know right?) to not get too crazy. More of a threat really. I had the unwanted title of “Hound Dog” out of all his friends. Looking back, I guess it was a little warranted.

So we hit the bars after dinner. Jack was starting to get impatient.

“Soo when are we going to the strip club?”

“We aren’t” I said “This is it!!!”

“You suck!” came from the rowdy bunch as they reluctantly slinked back to Jack’s room. They got soo mad they almost missed the knock at the door. I answered it.

“Is Jack here?” Her stomach clearly enlarged by a baby. She walk over to him and gave him a slap!


She spun away crying locking herself into the bathroom. The guys were in awe! And started yelling at him! He could not speak from shock!!!

“Fuck you MAN!!! I am going to getting Jill!” I started for the door. He looked confused.

I opened the door and three more women walked in. Ready to heat up laps. The pregnant girl came out of the bathroom now fully nude and certainly not pregnant with Jack’s love child. The guys went crazy!!! Jack almost threw up. They guys started making it rain dollar bills while I sat back. I kept running the conversation I had with my Mid-West friend through my mind. If I could have just caught up to her. FUCK!!! The girl who was in on the prank came over and asked if I wanted a lap dance.

“No Thanks” I said

She looked at me. “You got someone on your mind?”

“Yeah, make sure the guys have a lot of fun but don’t let them get out of hand!” I tipped her heavy and stood up to leave.

Jack asked “Where you going???

“I feel like shit! I am going to go crash man!”

“Ok?” “Hey Jake?”


“BEST FUCKING NIGHT EVER!!!” the other guys repeated his claim as I left for my room.

The next morning the guys were all getting ready. All hungover. We were to walk down at one time, take position and wait for the bride. After a little pep talk to Jack we all took our places. It wasn’t long before before the bridesmaids walked down one at a time. Jill was kind of mean. She had picked out some kinda puffy dresses for the bridesmaids to wear. Probably to not upstage Bridezilla. The third bridesmaid floored me….It was her… NO FUCKING WAY!

She did not notice me until she made it to her spot. When our eyes met she seemed taken aback for a minute. Clearly recognizing me. She laughed and shook her head. Probably at the big shit eating grin on my face. A knot immediately formed in my gut as I tried not to stare at her the whole ceremony.

Unfortunately we had made it to the reception and I still had not found a good time to talk to her. We had finished dinner. I walked up to the open bar and ordered a drink.

“You following me?” She laughed stepping in beside me.

“This is crazy? Wait how did you do on the flight?”

“Right??? Oh not so good. I just crashed in my room and tried to decompress. People were yelling upstairs so I was not very succsessful”

I ordered her the same drink she had at the airport.

“How did you guess?”

“I have a very particular set of skills!” I said with an evil grin.

“I bet!” she said playfully.

I handed her the drink and she started to walk back to the table.

“JAKE!!! If you were wondering.”

She spun around smiling and just a little embarrased “Kasey..With a K!”

“Save me a dance Kasey with a K???” I shot back.

She looked me up and down. “If your lucky” she said before heading back to her table.

I was now in FULL crush mode!!! The DJ started playing and slowly people made it to the dance floor. I walked over to the table where Jill had flocked her bridesmaids.

“Can I have this dance?” I said looking at Kasey but extending my hand to the bride.

Jill drug me to the center of the dance floor prying me for intel. She noticed me staring at Kasey with a K.

“DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!” She said hitting me in the arm, pulling me back to reality.

“WhAAAT??? Jill you look soo beautiful” I pulled her in for a hug.

“I mean it Jack….She is a good girl!”

The song ended and soon the DJ started playing more upbeat songs. Everyone danced in a big group. The ladies.had already let their hair down and lost their shoes. The guys were down to their tux pants and suspenders. Shirts and jackets now gave way to a very crude chippendale scene. A circle soon formed and one by one people from the wedding party jumped in to dance. Talk Dirty To Me came over the speakers next. I could see the other girls trying to push Kasey to the middle. After a little coaxing she went out. She had no reason to be shy. Her moves were incredible. She danced around the circle until she got to Jill. They did a cute sexy dance together and then danced her way to me. She grabbed me by the suspenders pulling me out to join her. I was the only one yet to go. She let the straps go -POP- almost shearing off my nipples. She bent over laughing as I rubbed the pain away. She put her hands on her hips and gave me a look like-WELL???

So here is the thing. I learned early on that girls like to dance. And they also like boys who can dance. I like girls A LOT soo…

Instantly I broke out my moves. -Years of clubbing don’t fail me now!!!.- Just to play, I immediately started mimicking Kasey’s moves. It looked a little funny coming from a big 6′-4 blonde bloke but hey, when in Toronto am I right? She seemed pleased at my super funky fresh moves. Especially when I backed my booty up on her. The crowd went nuts as she started spanking me.

The DJ then switched back to a slow songs. I did not even have to ask, I reached for her and twirled her into me when she gave me her dainty hand. We spun and twirled until I had I neesed to feel her against me. I pulled her to me and pressed her against my body. She reached up and locked her fingers behind my head and swayed her hips on mine while my hands found her lower back. We did not say anything. I just looked into her eyes, a little nervous as my mind floated to her altitude.

When the last song ended. Everyone started gathering their things.

“Want to walk down by the lake? ” I asked

Before she could answer a very drunk Bridezilla came to “rescue” Kasey.

“I see what’s going on here!!! HE IS TROUBLE KASEY!!” Jill spat.

“WHAAAT???” I said defensively. “We were just going to go for a walk!”

“Hmmmph a walk!!! Trouble here will have you bent over the bathroom sink if you don’t watch it!… She is an angel! A good girl Jake!”

Kasey turned to her friend. “It is just a walk! I am a big girl!!!” He sure he won’t be any trouble.”

“I PROMISE!!!” I said clearly showing Jill my fingers where crossed.

Luckily, Jack threw his drunk wife over his shoulder to I guess -consummate their marriage?

” OH BOY!” ” Well, ummm shall we?” I asked over Jills screams of sinks and naughty sexual hand jestures.

“Let’s go Trouble”.

We left the hotel and walked down to the boardwalk near the beach. My coat and shirt over my arm, her shoes in my hand. Eventually I mustard up enough courage to take her hand. I was worried for nothing. She leaned up against me as we looked out at the Lake.

“Wow, it is so beautiful!” She said.

“Very beautiful” I said looking at her.

She picked her eyes to meet mine. I brushed her hair back and let my hand trail to her chin lifting it for a kiss. Her lips were tender sending shivers through my body. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back. I dropped our things and pulled her close. Her mouth slowly burning my soul. I picked her up and sat her on the railing. Our kisses became hotter as our hands explored our electrified bodies.

“This is crazy!” She said through heavy kisses.

Light rain began to fall. We kissed through the sprinkles until the rain started to unleash. I through my coat over us as we hurried back to the hotel laughing. We got on the elevator and smashed into each other as the numbers went up. Our floor dinged and opened. I walked with her until we reached our destination. She crashed me against her room door with ferocity attacking me with kisses. The door across from hers opened and a disheveled bride walked out. We quickly regained composure before a drunken Jill noticed.

“Oh Hey guys!!!” She hugged us both.

“I love you guys” she said.

“I am sorry I said Jake was going to FUCK your brains out on the sink”…. “But maybe you just need it” Kasey blushed

“I am sorry Jake!” The drunken bride continued

“He IS a good guy Kasey, he can’t help that he is Trouble!” She said drunkenly pinching my cheeks.

“I was just walking her back!” I said ” Let me help you to your room.”

I got Jack to help her after I banged on his door. I turned to see Kasey slumped against the door.

“So I guess this is good night?” I said begrudgingly

She opened her door. “We certainly can’t have you bend me over the sink on the first night can we?”

“I have to say the thought has crossed my mind!” clearly throwing a Hale Mary.

She laughed. “Meet me here at noon tomorrow Trouble…We can tour the city.”

I nodded as she closed the door. FUCK!!!! What was happening to me??? I went back to my room and took a long cold shower before falling into my lonely bed.

The next day our plans got canceled due to a Girls Spa Day. So we decided to meet at 6pm. I arrived early after basically walking the entire city trying to keep.myself occupied. . I knocked on her door. When she opened it, the knot in my stomach became tighter. She had on tight form- fitting jeans that hung from her hips. Her grey top fit tightly and accentuated her body perfectly showing her beauty. Her brown hair framed her sexy face and stunning green eyes. She was DRESSED TO KILL. I was instantly hers.

“Holy shit” was all I could say.

My hand found the small of her back as we walked.

“Thanks! You look handsome!” She said with a smile

We had dinner. Talked about where we grew up. Her day at the spa. She laughed at my dumb jokes. We spoke about how drunk Jill was and her antics…

“Jill really put a damper onnthing last night” I confessed.

“Have to take a cold shower did ya?” Reading my mind.

The jazz player was playing. We had finished dinner and was sipping over priced wine.

“Wanna dance?” I asked standing up.

I pulled her to me tight on the dance floor. Kissing her forehead as we swayed to our own rhythm.
She met my mouth kissing me while we danced. My hands traveled down her back settling above her sexy ass..

“I could do this all night!” I said

“I couldn’t Jake!”…. “Wanna go get into some trouble?”

We made quite the scene working our way back to my room. I picked her up and we fell against the walls of the elevator, her legs gripping around my body.

“You get me so hot!” she said kissing me passionately.

“I have wanted you since I saw you at the airport” I breathed.

We crashed into my room. Our clothes could not come off fast enough. Ripping and clawing at each other. Our nearly naked bodies fell to the bed. I ravaged her body as I kissed down to her breasts.

“I need to taste you!” I said as I worked my way to her lower stomach.

“God your trouble!!!” She said with a heavy breathed moan.

“Your a Big Girl!” I teased

I placed my mouth over the wetness in her panties. I let out hot air onto her causing her to pull my hair as my heat warmed her.

“AAAAAAHHH. Pleeease taste me Jake!”

I virtually ripped her panties off as I lowered my head between her legs. My tongue found it’s mark quickly. Her heavy breaths guided the motion and location she craved me to explore.

“You taste so fucking good Kasey. I cannot get enough of you!”


My body hardened to her naughty words…

I pinched her nipples as I continued to lick. My hands rubbed over her body as she begged for more…

“I…..I….I’M GOING TO CUM….DON’T STOP! She breathed hard.

My fingers began to trail up the inside of her leg.


I placed my finger inside her curling it up as I slid It in and out. My tongue stayed consistent as she started to cum. I watched as she turned her head to the side closing her eyes tight. Her breath cut out as her body strained and shook from my appreciation.

AHHHH…I….AM…FUUUCKING…CUMMING…AHHHH she said overpowered by our passion.

I nibbled back up her body to her lips. Her mouth took over mine like she couldn’t stop.

“You made me cum so fucking hard!”

She rolled me over kissing me hard while edging my cock through my boxers. I could feel her heat through the material.

“I want you in my mouth” she breathed

I held her face and looked her in the eyes.

“You are Trouble!!!” I chidded

“Your a big boy you can handle it”

Her nipples traced my body as she lowered her head to my boxers. She reached in, pulled me out and wrapped her hot mouth over my cock. Her eyes filled with hunger as she saw how she pleased me.


Her mouth controlled me completely as her hunger for me continued to grow.



“UGGH….I HAVE TO HAVE YOU!!! Her naughty voice sent me into a craze…

“Well. Take it then…”

I pulled her up to me. My hands went deep inside her hair as I pulled her face into mine. Our bodies begged to connect. We struggled as our tangeled bodies rolled over. Frantically, she tried to shove my cock inside of her. Neither of us could make it happen fast enough to feed our desire…

Finally, I slid into her………..We both paused savoring the feeling of our first connection. Our chests heaved against each other. I kissed her open mouth, biting her bottom lip and began slowly raising and lowering my cock into her.


“YOU FEEL SO GOOD ON ME BABY!!!” I strained her tightly wrapped around me.



Her hands pulled my ass towards her harder and harder.

“I want you to cum inside me” she whispered in my ear

I picked up my pace diving deeper inside her. Letting my cock fill her completely. She bit down on my shoulder hard and dug her nails into my skin as she begged for me to cum inside her…

I looked into her eyes. “USE MY PUSSY JAKE….IT IS YOURS….CUM IN ME…” she moaned excitedly.

Her eyes widened as she saw that she had pushed me over the edge. The passion in my face caused her to latch onto my shoulder again. She bit down hard again as I filled her up causing her body to quiver and shake under me. We collapsed into.each other. She raked her fingers lightly over my back. Both of us savoring the moment. I rolled my weight off of her and began caressing the shape of her hip as she laid on her side. Her hands found my chest.

“I got a cramp in my foot from you Trouble!”

“Somebody had a good time” I said with a light slap on her bare ass.

I moved around and grabbed her foot. I gave it a kiss before my hands and fingers massaged each foot. She was in heaven as I rubbed her pain away.

“We should shower. Breakfast is in a couple hours.” She said.

“Where did the night go?” I asked.

She kissed me and we walked to the shower. I began lathering up her wet body while I showered her with kisses. I made sure she was very clean.

“Jake….we don’t have time for this…” she said shoeing me back to the far end of the shower.

She finished up and stepped out. Leaving me to wash myself…

When I finished washing, I stepped out to see her sculpted back facing me. I stepped behind her. I began to kiss the nape of her neck. She reached behind her and gripped my cock. We were staring at each other in the mirror. She placed me into the entrance of her pussy from behind.

“I guess we can be a little late” she said as she bent over the sink…

“I could do this forever” I said

“Don’t worry. Your cock is mine now….”

We made it down about 30 minutes late for breakfast. Our clothes stuck to our wet rewashed bodies. Jill shot me a stern look from her seat.

“I told you Jake was trouble!!!”

Kasey walked over to her bending down to give her a.peck on the cheek.

“He was no Trouble at all…”

Hope YA’LL enjoyed ?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gw9csm/mf_trouble_in_torontolong


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