[MF] Drunk encounter with my Friend’s Mom

I graduated high school 3 years ago, and I had just got back from college for the year and I was back in my hometown. A buddy of mine that I went to high school with called me up and wanted to see if I wanted to go over and catch up with him and a few other friends at his house, drink and play some cards. I obliged because I was never one to turn down an opportunity to drink and I hadn’t seen my high school friends in a few years now.

When I showed up to his house I asked where his parents were because I hadn’t seen them in years either and wanted to say hi. He told me that his dad was on a business trip for the week and his mom was out on the town with her friends. So we start bullshitting and drinking, having a good time, and as the night went on we started to get pretty fucked up. My friend’s mom (I’ll call her Mrs. Kean for the sake of the story) loudly fumbles into the living room slamming the door behind her (she had her fair share to drink) and walks into the dining room where we were playing cards on the dinner table.

Mrs. Kean was in her late 40’s, but looked great for her age. She was about 5’3” with medium length brunette hair. She was wearing a black and yellow patterned dress that was tight enough to show her curves. She had D cup breasts and a fairly large ass.

“Hey boys! I could kick your asses in cards but it’s going to have to be when I sober up a little!” Mrs. Kean said laughing, then proceeded to go around the table and hug everyone sitting down. There was four of us playing but I was the only one that she hadn’t seen since our high school graduation day, so when she gets to me around the table she says,

“Austin is that you?”, “Yes Mrs. Kean, it’s been a while hasn’t it?”
“Oh god yes. You’re so much bigger than the last time I saw you, you were still a child!” My friend chimes in and says, “Okay mom I think you had a little to much to drink. Let us finish this game you probably should go upstairs.” Mrs. Kean grabs a glass of water from the kitchen and then goes upstairs.

After a couple more rounds of cards I had to piss like a racehorse. One of my buddies got up to go to the bathroom so he took the one that was downstairs. My friend said I could use the bathroom upstairs, it was just up the stairs to the left. So I walk up there and drunkenly push the door behind me. Unzip my pants and start to piss. I was semi hard thinking about seeing Mrs. Kean in her dress.

As I’m shaking out, I turn my head to the door to realize I didn’t completely shut it, I was to drunk to notice. And Mrs. Kean leaning against the wall looking at me with a grin on her face. She had changed into a silk nightgown that exposed more cleavage than the dress she was wearing.

I freaked out and pulled up my pants telling her sorry for not shutting the door I was just a little drunk and didn’t even notice. Mrs. Kean smirked and said, “If I were you, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about with a package like that”. I didn’t know how to respond to that and stood there flustered.

She walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her and locked it. She was obviously very Intoxicated at this point, and so was I. She leaned in for a kiss and we began to make out passionately. I stuttered, “we probably shouldn’t do this”, and she responded with “Mr. Kean is always gone for work, I need to have some fun once in a while”. As she said that she crouched down to the floor and got on her knees and pulled my jeans down to my ankles.

My cock was rock hard and she began to suck me off as she pushed me against the wall. I am not “hung” but I have a solid 7 inches and have good girth. She started to rub me off while she put my balls in her mouth and I was in heaven. I could feel the juices building up and I was about to bust my load when I hear, “Austin! What the hell is taking you so long!”

Mrs. Kean quickly jumps up and I pull my pants up. She kisses me on the lips and says, “We are going to finish what we started.” And I quickly leave the room and she slaps my ass on the way out.

When I get down stairs, all my friends are giving me shit saying that I can’t handle my liquor and that I was throwing up, upstairs. I had a smirk grin on my face and told them to deal the next hand.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gw6ult/mf_drunk_encounter_with_my_friends_mom


  1. Karma theif alert!.Its an exact copy of a post from a year before by u/WombRaider122112

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