I tried not to fuck my college roommate’s daughter, I really did, but it was the end of the world…what else were we supposed to do? [MF, Apocalyptic, Taboo]

*Sounds like a horror flick, but reads like a fantasy… I wrote this last night JUST for Reddit*


***March 25th 2065***

*I have to say, it’s very nice to see Felix again. We’ve been in touch all through my travels, but while I was seeing the world and making little money—he was doing the opposite. Third in his UC Berkley class, Felix Galt is equal parts genius and business magnate. He’d made his first billion investing in a little-known tech conglomerate known at that time as Fox Life and Robotics just before the war. Within five years they had rebranded after acquiring a tech startup known for its AI programming, Jones Computing and Networking. He now owns four percent of a multi-trillion dollar company. To celebrate, he purchased an island home. No, that is not really indicative of his wealth. He purchased an island and then built a home on it.*

*Named Broadbury, the less-than-modest property is joined to the Canadian mainland by a bridge his company helped to create as a proof of concept. Microtubule carbons support the structure which spans—*

*Why am I writing about this? Something a bit stranger happened today. So, he’s showing me to my room, and I notice the cute little housekeeper making my bed and flattening the sheets. I tell her, “don’t worry about it. I can handle the chores. You go take a break.” She gave me the weirdest look. I should have known something was off.*

*When she sat down to dinner with Felix, Jillian, and I, the gears began to turn in my head. I had been traveling through Europe, taking odd engineering jobs for the Peace Corps for seventeen years after the great war. As I doubted my own math, Felix gestures over and says, “surely you remember Christina?”*

*Not that Christina? Little Chrissy, the one I held as a baby when Jill got pregnant in college. She was the “housekeeper” I gave a break to earlier. As I figured out her enigmatic past, I suddenly felt like a pervert. I’d checked her out the moment I entered the room. She was in her mid-twenties and I found it really tough to keep my eyes off her at dinner. I kept snapping myself out of it. She was just about twenty years my junior.*

*Jesus Christ, could those even be called shorts that she was wearing? I think a trip out to Felix’s firm in Vancouver will be just what I need to get my mind back where it needs to be.*

**March 26th**

*Woke with the sun this morning. I got out and watched the most beautiful misty ball of fusion in our solar system pop up over the city. My room is like a goddamn Ritz Carlton. It’s got a TV that takes up the whole wall, a king-sized bed, an LCD panel window system that auto-darkens, and white heated tiling. I felt like I was in a sci-fi flick. I could never have imagined people lived like this. The opulence was intoxicating. I stepped out in my black and white camo boxer briefs and let the surprisingly warm spring air blast my body. It was a balmy forty-eight degrees. I grabbed a cup of coffee from the built-in coffeemaker, because why the hell not, and looked out over the bay. There was northern Washington to one side and Vancouver to the other. The bridge to the mainland looked so tiny from the towering mansion. I stayed five minutes or so and turned back around to go inside.*

*Fucking Christina was standing on her balcony in long plaid pajama bottoms and a tank top. She was looking right at me.*

*“Morning, Matthew!” she called out with a bounce and a cute little wave. I skittered inside before I caused any more trouble. How long had she been watching?*

*Anyway, I got to see the company that I could have been COO of and Felix only rubbed it in my face twenty or so times in the first hour.*

*“Shoulda been you, Matty!” he would say as he showed me the spacious offices with swinging hammock chairs, hovering desks, augmented reality displays, and about a thousand other things that seemed terribly unneeded for an engineering firm. Seriously, Felix, fuck you. I mean that with all sincerity. Am I an asshole for wanting to give back to a world torn apart by war rather than raping it like a profiteer?*

*And…breathing. I plan to enjoy this week. I’ll look for a job later. I’ve got a little bit of savings but having a place to stay for any amount of time on the cheap is welcome. I’m sure I could milk another week out of him if I really wanted to. It is a beautiful area and the presence of his firm attracted lots of engineering startups.*

*After work, Felix dropped me off at home and I walked in to see that phantom that seems to pop up at the most inconvenient of times. Christina was there doing yoga in next to fucking nothing right in the middle of the living room. God, was it not enough to be recently single? I seriously needed a college student displaying herself and stretching like I needed a hole in the head. It didn’t matter how tight the skin-colored bottoms were, I promised myself I wouldn’t stare. It was irrelevant that the pink stripe going straight up the side clipped into her sports bra top which held her smallish breasts taut. God the adorable little crisscrosses of dry fit fabric were almost like lingerie. I walked to the glass stairway and lingered just a moment on that first step as she moved into a downward-facing position.*

*“Fuck,” I mouthed to myself, shaking my head as I walked away. What the hell was wrong with me? I really felt like the king loser.*

**March 29th**

*Holy shit. I don’t usually do morning entries, but my therapist says its good catharsis. I just got out of the shower, the ice-cold shower. Christina was doing yoga on her porch again this morning. It was really warm today. She apparently decided that tops were optional when facing the ocean. True enough, most days, but not when an unemployed valedictorian engineer in his mid-forties is trying not to get himself kicked out of his college best-friend’s mansion. Fuck, she is tighter than anything I’ve ever seen. I mean, daily acrobatic yoga must do that, but—fuck. I don’t know how long I watched for, but I don’t think she saw me. I’ve changed my mind about having her around. She is very good for my mental health.*

*Cold shower was taken for a reason. I really need to stop thinking about it.*

**April 1st**

*Well, April fucking fools. You cannot make this up.*

*So, I decided to take a hike this afternoon. Felix and Jill were off at work. I figured Christina must have been at college or something because it was just me in the house.*

*Two miles later, after making a round on the trail skirting Felix’s Broadbury island, I was working on lap two. A shockwave knocked me off my feet and sent me flying to the frozen sand. Oh, yeah, that warm front fizzled fast. Polar vortex smacked Canada with unseasonably low freezing temps last night. I digress. So, I’m thrown down and decide to start walking back to the house. It felt like a 5.9, maybe higher, on the Richter scale. It was enough to make me a bit worried.*

*I’m about to head inside when I see fucking Christina. She’s back at the beach, where the tide is surprisingly low, way too low. I sprinted down the hill about as fast as I could manage. The sand was bubbling as the water sank way out into the bay. She yelled up to me, “how crazy is this?” with a wide and oblivious grin.*

*“Get back! Come on, we need to go!” I hollered. She looked so scared. She complied right away and began to jog through the squelching sand as the water receded out to two-hundred feet, then three-hundred feet. How big was that fucking earthquake along the fault? I saw the swell approaching the beachhead as it rose up and over the carbon bridge, which held strong. Most people think of tsunamis all wrong. It’s not one massive wave. It’s like a slightly above average wave that keeps rising, and rising, and rising. The water is relentless. So was this.*

*I was thankful that Felix was only a couple spots below me at UC Berkley. The house was on stilts, even though the water barely reached them. I just remember how hard Christina was holding my arm as she sobbed, looking down at the destruction. Clouds of yachts drifted past the island, all bunched together like someone had tried to make the world’s most expensive raft. I was glad to have distracted Christina as some of their owners waved to us, desperately crying for help. I hoped they would make it. I tried not to think about them crashing into Vancouver.*


*Jesus, I hadn’t even thought about them. Christina asked to sleep in my room. Honestly, I’m feeling glad for the company. The floor isn’t so bad. She doesn’t want to be alone. Neither do I.*

**April 3rd**

*I got up before her, yesterday, so I could look at headlines on my sat phone. I really wish I hadn’t.*

*In case you were wondering, apparently a 9.4 earthquake, 20km down at the fault, is the mark that is called cataclysmic by just about every news outlet. I turned off data for anything but calls. I really didn’t want to think about the countless lives that would be affected. I couldn’t let her see me looking. I had caught little details. It was a seventy-one-foot tsunami that swallowed Vancouver. The damage, the death, and—ugh, like I said, I didn’t want to see any more details myself.*

*Right as I returned to the bedroom, my phone started blaring and woke Christina. Felix and Jill are fine. Their office was quite a bit inland. Jill was sobbing as she heard Christina’s voice. I draped an arm over the girl as she cried too.*

*I only cried when Christina wasn’t around.*

*Living on an island, Jill shopped for the month to avoid multiple trips out. She had just made a trip on the thirtieth. I was thankful that we wouldn’t have to think about food. The home had panels and wind for electricity. There was a cistern, but I heard it crash in the middle of that night. When I investigated, it was in one piece—but damaged and collapsed. Sounds like a job for an engineer.*

*The bridge was gone. I couldn’t even see a trace of where it had been from my window.*

*Christina shuffled about all day. She looked lost. A billionaire’s daughter had surely lived a charmed life. Now, she was alone with a stranger. Her city, Vancouver, was demolished beyond recognition in many parts. There were sirens from up in the hills trying to get down to help. Christina suggested we do the same. Her family had a boat.*

They **had** a boat;

*The docks, the yacht, and the boathouse, were all just gone. There wasn’t even a trace of wood. It was like they had been erased from history along with a good portion of the island itself. The trees had been swept away. The well-manicured circuitous hiking trail was nothing but silty muck.*

*She buried her head in my chest as we walked back to the house. Boxed mac and cheese was about all I could cook. We ate beside the fire and stared at each other, neither sure what to say. I cleaned up and then went back to my room. She had on long pajama bottoms and tops, as if to make me comfortable with what she wanted to ask.*

*“Would you mind sleeping in the bed tonight?”*

*I didn’t feel like I could say no, even if I wanted to.*

*I stacked a wall of pillows between us that had better structural integrity than some third world homes so that neither one of us rolled onto the other in our sleep.*

*I drifted off much easier than I had the previous night. It was comforting to have someone else there.*

**April 6th**

*Christina helped me fix the foundation supports for the cistern today. We’ve got lots of bottled water, but it will only last so long. Right now, we’re both bathing in the ocean. She wanted to use the jugs of water for baths, but I overruled her. We have smelled better.*

*Christina always sits by the fire in her towel and squeezes out her hair little by little. She grumbles about freezing her ass off every time as she dips in the forty-something degree water. She always walks over and says “see” and she puts her hands to my face, as though I’d never known icy water. I worked in Norway. It almost felt familiar to feel the frigid liquid lap around me again.*

*It was above freezing all day today. That was very nice to work in. Tomorrow we’ll empty the tank and lift it back up with some cable and counterweight that I made out of a few felled trunks. It should hold. It’s been ages since I did calculations by hand. The process was actually quite refreshing. It’ll be nice to have a hot bath again.*

*I don’t want to think about the carnage going on just a few miles away. Christina always gets this far off look when her mother calls my phone and runs down the events of her day. When Christina is asked about our time, she just mutters something unintelligible and shakes her head. It’s like she’s broken.*

**April 7th**

*Last night, after she hung up with Jill, she didn’t put on her long pajamas. Christina stayed in her shorts and tee shirt and climbed under the covers. Her words were curt and definitive.*

*“Please hold me.”*

*I was compelled to oblige, but as I did—I remembered how good it felt to wrap around someone at an intimate distance. She scooted back until every inch of her body was in contact with mine. Her hair’s salty curls brushed against my nose and tickled, but I obeyed her wishes. I snaked my arms around her midsection, and she breathed a sigh of relief.*

*When I awoke this morning, my body responded in a very visceral way. Her frame was fit and muscular, her ass was full and tight, even her salty curls were about the most adorable thing I could imagine. My eyes opened and I smiled for just a moment before realizing that my erection was planted firmly between her thighs. Using every ounce of resistance in my body, I slowly retracted my hips and tried to subtly get up from bed.*

*“Hey!” she yawned, stretching up toward the ceiling.*

*“Hey!” I returned, slamming the sheets over my lap, and staying right where I was.*

*I waited for the problem to abate and then washed up for the day.*

*The pulley and counterweight worked beautifully. The cistern was up in the first few hours of the day and had actually retained a bit of the rainfall we’d had over the past few days. I read the see-through indicator level at about a hundred gallons of filterable water. Her very first thought was shouted as she bit into her sandwich at lunch.*

*“Can I take a bath?” she raised her eyebrows.*

*I told her she could and went to put the mesh cover over the top of the cistern. When I came back, she greeted me in a far-too-small towel. She told me it was the only thing we had clean. The story was likely true. We hadn’t done laundry in a week.*

*I restrained myself from ogling while she faced me, but couldn’t help staring at her dripping-wet ass which hung out the bottom of the towel. I was dumbstruck as it bounced along with each stride toward her room.*

*There was a time when I would have been disgusted to use clean myself with water someone else had bathed in, but after a full week of feeling not-quite-clean, I had no other choice. We could not spare the water for a second bath. It wasn’t bad at all. Just a bit cloudy from the soap, and with a bit of dirt floating about.*

*I chose to shower off for thirty seconds afterward. The warm rinse was just what my aching body needed. I looked in the mirror as I got out and smiled. I hadn’t looked this fit in twenty years. Eating minimal calories and doing maximal physical labor left me exhausted but looking great. I had abs! Apparently the secret to finally losing the pooch was just to eat less and work out for twelve hours a day. Spread the word. It’s that easy.*

*I forgot clothes. In my bedraggled state, I hadn’t grabbed them. I ran to the bedroom and snatched them from my suitcase in my room. A freshly bathed Christina waited in the bed.*

*“Just change here,” she said. “I’ll turn around. Seriously, you’ll let the heat out if you open the door again.”*

*Famous last words. She turned away while I changed, but her hair looked slightly out of place as I turned back around. Had she peeked? Either way, I’m about to climb into bed before thinking about it much longer.*

**April 11th**

*Well, that was an eventful morning.*

*We’ve been alternating who holds who during the nights, and her hands are much freer than mine. I’m beginning to think she’s getting ideas about me that are entirely correct but completely–wrong. I want her, but it’s a bridge I cannot cross.*

*No matter how much I may groan as she rubs against me at night, or whatever the hell today was, I can’t give in. I keep telling myself that I won’t relent. Maybe if I say it enough, my resolve can hold against the untenable assault. She usually sleeps with her arm draped across my leg. This morning, it was placed firmly upon my crotch. She was shifting in her sleep and breathing against my neck. She was groping me in her sleep. Next thing I knew—*

“What’cha writing?” a voice came from behind me.

A freshly bathed Christina Galt stood in the doorway to our room, wearing that same tiny towel she had for a few days. It seemed to defy physics for how little wiggle room it left between revealing her nipples or her lower lips. I slammed the journal shut with such force that I might have driven it through the glass desk.

“Nothing, just some calculations for materials we might need as our food runs lower. I tilled the soil last week just outside and—”

She walked into the closet and dropped her towel behind her.

“Keep talking, I can hear you!”

“So—I have the seedlings from our food scraps, and they should be ready to—”

She emerged in a bright pink matching sports bra and workout pants. She was still straightening her tits in the top as she spoke up.

“Yeah? Sounds like you’re really on top of things. So, are we planting today?”

“We—yes. We should make it a point to plant. The plants grow into—food,” I stammered.

“Didn’t think we were growing roses, Matt,” she winked stretching to one side. “You okay if I do a quick bit of yoga on the balcony? I know it’s dumb, but it keeps me regulated for the day.”

My mind shot back to the last time she did yoga on the balcony. It was not a thought I could get away with thinking about in my thin pajamas.

“Yeah, go for it! I’m going to go shower off really quickly. I feel—dirty.”

“Have fun!” she smiled. “I checked the reservoir after all the rain yesterday and we’re up to two-fifty. We can live like royalty, now!”

“Regular shower it is,” I chuckled, grabbing my towel and clothes. I exited the room and walked quickly to the bathroom. I talked to myself as I threw open the door. “Regular cold shower.”

The refreshing spray kicked my mind into gear for the day. We would plant, and check for erosion, maybe do some fishing, and just enjoy the middle-of-the-road April temperatures. I looked out from the bathroom as I toweled off and saw the emergency boats zipping from place to place, ferrying supplies and wounded. Shipbuilding was not in my repertoire, but there had to be some way we could help, even if that was providing fresh water once we had transportation.

I made my way back to the room and opened the door. My stomach churned as I saw her sitting at the desk. She spun about with the coyest of smiles and giggled softly.

“No matter how much I may groan as she rubs against me at night,” Christina spoke in a voice that was apparently supposed to sound like me. “I cannot give in.”

“Oh, shit,” I breathed.

“Matthew, Matthew,” she sighed, dropping the journal to the table. “How naïve are you?”

“Listen, I don’t want to make this weird,” I tried to backpedal.

“You don’t think I knew what I was doing?” she smiled. She took two long steps toward me and shook her head. “I thought *I* was being weird, showing off for one of my dad’s college buddies. When I felt your boner between my legs the other day, I thought I’d finally convinced you.”

“You want *me*?” I asked.

“Um, yeah,” she nodded. “I really thought that was obvious. I got naked like—so many times. You never peeked, except that first time.”

*How much did she read?* I wondered.

“I’m shocked you didn’t notice me watching for you out of my periphery. It was for you, Matthew. I thought I had a week and so I got desperate. Topless yoga on the balcony when it was fucking freezing was how far I was willing to go to get you to notice me as more than ‘Little Chrissy,’” she chuckled. “You stood at that window for like—ten minutes. Was the show that good?”

“Yes,” I replied right away.

Christina blushed. She had spent so long running like a dog chasing cars that she had no idea what to do once she accomplished her goal. She thought more convincing would be needed.

“What, you throw yourself at me for weeks and I’m not supposed to agree when you asked if I like what I saw?” I grinned, taking her slender arms in my hands and staring at her beautiful face. “Honestly, do you know how many cold showers I’ve taken? I’m a goddamn good guy. You know how much restraint it took?”

“I can imagine,” she whispered.

Her right hand wiggled under my grip and flipped to run up my thigh.

“This is wrong, though, right?” she sighed, biting her lip. “We really shouldn’t do this, not with everything going on.”

“Plus, I don’t even have any condoms,” I answered in complete honesty, for some reason.

Christina raised her eyebrows.


She flushed an even deeper shade of red as she looked away.

“That just came out,” I admitted. “I talk too much when I’m nervous.”

“No, it’s endearing and honest.”

Christina leaned in close and kissed my neck, sucking slightly as her hand dropped straight underneath my shorts and found its target.

“I’m on the Renova implant,” she whispered. “Go for it, cowboy.”

“No, uh, boyfriend, right?” I asked.

“Nope,” she breathed, stroking me with surprising dexterity for a moment before flipping it up and over my waistband. “You have a wife?”

That was the problem, wasn’t it? Hattie had broken up with me a month and a half prior. We wanted different things. I wanted a woman to spend the rest of my life with, and she wanted three Slavic men to pound every hole in her body. It was mutual differences. We grew apart, I’m sure.

“She didn’t want—uh—that,” my words came slowly, unlike what was sure to come next.

“She didn’t?” Christina stopped. “I’m so sorry, Matthew.”

What happened next truly caught me off guard. She wrapped both arms around my waist and pressed her cheek to my stomach. She turned her head and kissed it.

“You are *so* sweet. You’re brilliant. You’ve got this body that—”

Her voice shuddered as she ran both arms down my back and grabbed a handful of my ass in each palm.

“Anyway, I’m gonna shut up and suck your dick, now.”

Wasting no more time on words, she kept both hands where they had been squeezing a moment prior and deftly maneuvered my member into her mouth. It was—unreal. I had forgotten the vigor of a woman who genuinely wanted to please a man. She bobbed up and down with such force and speed, that I found my end approaching within a few brief minutes.

“I’m about to—” I grunted.

I expected her to pull away, but quite the opposite, she dragged my hips closer and wiggled her jaw to take me as deep as she possibly could. I felt like I might pass out.

Every adult has one present in their childhood that sticks out as the best gift they’d ever received. Mine was when my father showed me the go-kart he had built me out of spare parts from the junkyard. I remembered riding it until I couldn’t feel my hips. It was the most fun gift I could have imagined, until now.

Ironically, I still wanted to ride her until I couldn’t feel my hips.

I dragged her up and kissed her neck, eliciting a giggle that was so hot, so sultry, that it shortened my rebound time by fifteen minutes. I dragged her workout pants down and slid my hands up her scrumptious form, my hands groping hungrily as a man who had gone without passionate love making for years.

It made me a bit more comfortable with the age difference after I felt her skill. I was reserved before that, but Christina was no virgin. She knew exactly what she was doing when she seduced me and had remarkable technique during the actual act.

I maneuvered her toward the bed carefully, ensuring that she wouldn’t trip over her own removed articles of clothing, and pressed her stomach gently. Her delectable ass dropped down to the sheets and another wonderful bit of horny laughter echoed through the hard surfaces of the guest room. It spurred me on.

One thing about Hattie was that she loved oral sex, the receiving that is. She was willing to go down on me, but it was never in the same spontaneous way she desired it. Whether it was under her desk at work, or in the bedroom, or at a rest stop, the look was always obvious. She’d raise an eyebrow with a smirk and I’d often find myself shocked at just where and when the mood would strike. Darling Christina seemed as though she had never been with a man as *experienced* as I was with my tongue. I worked her with joy, finding myself hopelessly turned on with each passing shudder and moan. It was going to take maybe ten minutes before I was ready to go for round two with this minx’s writhing. It was even better knowing that she was craving it from me. I’d never really been desired like this.

“Matt, yes! Right there, don’t stop!” she cried out, gripping handfuls of sheets.

Compared to Hattie, getting Christina to orgasm was like playing a video game on beginner after I’d just finished a run on legendary difficulty. She gripped my hair with both hands as she eased over the edge and yelled out my name, quickly transitioning to a rapid-fire “*Shit-shit-fuck-holy shit!*” The profanity only grew more unintelligible as I ceased all motion for a solid minute without pulling my fingers out. She tugged my hair, clearly wanting more, but *she* had seduced *me*. I thought it was my turn to do something nice for her.

I started curling my fingers slowly, teasing her, and at first she objected.

“Just get up here and fu—uck,” her words ceased for a moment before continuing, “oh my God. Fucking shit, Matt! Oh my God!”

Here was a woman who didn’t know she had the ability to orgasm again so quickly after coming down. It took another couple of minutes to nudge her to finishing, but was even less work than the first time. She arched her back and screamed out as I pushed in and out of her, with the full knowledge of exactly when to stop. It was then, as her legs finished quaking, that I had to make my move.

I was a very traditional guy, never one to go for those outlandish positions that seemed oh-so-popular in porn, but something about Christina made me want to try things. Maybe it was the fact that she was *by far* the sexiest woman I had ever been with, or perhaps because she truly desired me for me, but by God I would please that woman with every fiber of my being. It turned out; my desires were even wilder than hers.

I pulled her legs up to my neck and pounded into her with only minimal warning, I knew she was ready, but I didn’t know if she wanted more. Luckily, the surprised look in her eyes seemed to be something like “*you’re ready to go? Oh thank God.*”

Although my first orgasm was embarrassingly quick, I was actually able to hold out through another of hers. She seemed to surprise herself as she climbed atop me and rocked, trying to get me to finish again. I could tell it was happening as her face switched from one of “*do it for me, baby,*” to “*oh, fuck! Keep doing that, baby!*”

As the sun rose higher into the afternoon sky, I found myself at the edge with a woman unlike any I had ever been with. I looked into her eyes as she rode me in post-orgasmic bliss and her gaze met mine.

“Oh, fuck, Christina!”

She giggled and bit her lip, doing little circles with her hips that I’d ever only seen performed in porn. She knew I was close.

“You wanna come on my face or inside?”

That was it. Game over. I’d never had a woman *this good* at sex be *this* attractive. The choice was made for me and she laughed as she worked her hips, bending down to kiss my open mouth.

It was the first time we had kissed. I was already having *the* best orgasm of my life, but when her lips met mine and my tongue danced around hers. I felt like I entered a new plane of existence. I had transcended reality. I hardly felt human.

I gripped her ass with both hands and slammed her to my hips, holding her in place as she smiled and sucked my earlobe. I thrust as deep as I could manage and felt like I was going to black out.

I had never died, admittedly, but I found it hard to believe heaven could be any better than that exact moment.

**April 28th**

*It’s hard to imagine this time coming to an end. Felix should be back this afternoon. I’ve got a little picnic planned for the two of us on the hill facing the ocean. It has taken three weeks for a billionaire to get a boat and a dock to launch from. Admittedly, he wanted a very nice boat. That said, it is with bitter sorrow that I consider leaving the island.*

*I’m quite taken with Christina, and not just because we have fucked on every surface we could find. She’s kind and funny. She makes crazy-good mac and cheese with bacon bits. She listens to me and lays her head in my lap when we watch movies. It’s crazy. This was definitely just supposed to be a “well the world is ending,” type fling, but maybe it takes a cataclysm to bring two very different souls together.*

*I don’t want to—*

“Journaling again?” a voice behind me called. “You know, the last time I caught you writing in that thing, it was a *very* good day.”

I smiled as Christina dropped into my lap in my button-down and then straddled me.

“I’m not trying to start anything,” she began. “I don’t know, maybe I am, but I just really wanted to kiss you.”

She did kiss me. She kissed me as a woman who seemed as taken with me as I was with her. I did the unthinkable.

“Hey, do you want to keep seeing each other? I could find a place in Vancouver. After all, I’ve got a college buddy who’s a billionaire. I really want to see where this goes.”

Her head tilted to the side in a cryptic gaze before she rose from my lap.

“Really, Matt?” she sighed. “Are you really asking me that with a goddamn apocalypse going on across the bay?”

She huffed and ran her fingers through her hair.

“Chris, I’m sorry,” I replied, backpedaling. “Look, we *are* having fun. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

She threw her fists down and turned back to face me with the most shit-eating grin I’d ever seen.

“Oh my God, dude, I can’t,” she chuckled. “You’re just too sweet. I can’t even fuck with you. Are you serious? Of course, I want to keep going! You don’t just meet adorably romantic engineers who can lay pipe like a plumber every day!”

“Aww,” I smiled as she climbed back into my lap and started to unbutton her shirt. “That’s the sweetest and sexiest thing any woman’s ever said to me!”

“Christina?” a voice called as the front door slammed.

“Fuck!” she hissed, hastily buttoning her shirt as she ran toward the door. “Shit, shit, shit!”

I don’t know whether she was embarrassed of me, or just didn’t want her father to catch her fondling his college roommate’s—never mind, she made the right choice.

I threw a tee shirt over my gym shorts and walked to my door.

“Hey, Felix!” I called from the second-floor overlook. “It’s so good to see you!”

“Well don’t take this the wrong way, Matthew, but I’m here first and foremost for—”

“Daddy!” Christina called out, jumping from her room in the most modest pajamas I’d never seen her wear. “Oh my God, I missed you so much!”

She raced down the steps and hugged her father, switching a moment later to embrace Jill who was standing behind him. She kissed them and began to chitter on about how happy she was that they were back.

We didn’t get our day. I wouldn’t get a real goodbye with Felix and Jill *right there*. I’d have to settle for the fact that she wanted a relationship outside of the catastrophe. It wasn’t much of a concession. Jill put away a fresh shipment of groceries as we showed Felix the fruits of our labor. We showcased the taller-by-the-second garden which spanned a quarter acre, the cistern, the repaired wind generator, and our fishing cranes. He seemed quite impressed.

“By God, I don’t think you two did anything *but* work this whole time.”

Christina’s eyes met mine for just a millisecond as a single eyebrow popped up.

“We’ve been *very* busy,” I honestly replied. “Your daughter is an extremely hard worker. You should be proud.”

“Always get the job done, that’s for sure,” she laughed, pointing to the nets, but staring into my eyes. “I wove those while he cut the wood and designed the crane apparatus.”

“Wow,” Felix clapped, mostly for his daughter, but then turned to me. “There’s the Berkley valedictorian! Listen, I’ve got something on the boat I need to bring up. Can you come with me for a minute?”

I followed Felix and left Christina behind. I thought it was the last time I would be doing so.

The boat held a computing station. It was just an old-fashioned notebook computer with a sat uplink, a drawing pad, and a 3D printer. I couldn’t believe what he was saying. It was like listening to a song you were extremely familiar with but hearing it in a different language. I nodded, not quite comprehending his words, and then walked up the new path I’d made towing a cart that looked like a glorified Radio Flyer wagon. Christina met me at the house.

“What’d he say?”

I had never been lucky, ‘til that moment.

“He—uh—” I shook my head. “He says he needs to spend at least another few months back at the Protoc offices.”

“Ugh,” she groaned. “What an ass. He’s going to leave me here alone while he goes off and fixes his company. You know, that is so like him, bringing a computer because he can’t stop working even when he’s off.”

“Yeah, he and Jill are staying in the condo above the office because it’s easier that way,” I explained. “The computer isn’t for him, though.”

“No,” she smiled, her lips rising higher by the moment.

I nodded.

“You’re shitting me, right?” she gasped, slamming a hand into my shoulder.

“Oh, it gets better. He wants me to head up rebuilding the bridge from here. He’s going to send boats with materials for me to print up. He asked me if I could make it work, and I said yeah. I wanted a job, though.”

“Shut the fuck up!” she laughed. “You asked him for a job?”

“Well,” I paused, “It is a really big project. It could take three months, but I’m thinking more like six—eight—maybe more. I told him not to expect results right away if I’m working solo.”

This was the best part.

“He said,” I stopped to collect my thoughts and laughed, “’well, you and Christina have been working so well together, I thought I could leave you a boat and see if you could knock it out over the summer. I’ll send more labor when it’s time to put everything together over the span. It’s just so hard to spare manpower at the moment.’”

“Wow,” she sighed, shaking her head. “So, I’m stuck with you then, hmm? That fucking blows. You’re a goddamn bore.”

I smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist as I tugged the computer into the garage.

“Better a bore than a whor—”

She lowered her gaze and looked in my eyes.

“Go ahead, Matt, finish that sentence.”

Something about the playfully angry gaze Christina tried to intimidate me with made my heart stir. I couldn’t help myself. I reached out with both hands and kissed her even as she breathed a half-hearted complaint and smacked my chest.

Her arms wrapped around my neck as she returned the kiss with a light giggle.

“Slow down, cowboy,” she winked. Christina sighed contentedly and continued. “My mom is right upstairs.”

I traced a finger down her arm and smirked, setting the wagon against the back wall.

“You’re right. We’ve got all the time in the world.”


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Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/gwozi2/i_tried_not_to_fuck_my_college_roommates_daughter

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