Allie’s adventures part 3. (Cheating) (Three way) (Dirty talk) (FFM) (Sex toys)

This is part three to an ongoing story I’ve been writing with the help of a friend on Reddit and his sexy wife Allie.

Any and all people in the story except for Allie are fictional, any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.

I tell you, if it weren’t for bad luck I wouldn’t have any. First, I was late to work yesterday, which cost me a speeding ticket, then my wife decided that tonight she was going to go out with her friends, instead of keeping our plans. Next my friends bailed on watching the Penn State versus Michigan State game, which was to be the game of the season. Now here I am frustrated, pissy and all I want now is a beer, a shower, and maybe to rub one out before crashing on the sofa for the day while watching football alone. But now I can’t even get into my parking garage because some idiot’s classic Mustang broke down right in the entrance. I parked my Ram on the street and walked up to the car.

It was Saturday of a long weekend and most of the residents of our condo complex had already gone to the lake. So, they were only holding me up and no one else thankfully. I walked up to the window, fully expecting some old bat to be in it as our very posh and expensive complex was one big senior living complex. Kristine and I, along with maybe three other couples, were the only ones under sixty.

When the young brunette looked at me, I must say I was taken aback. She wasn’t the old crow I thought she’d be. No, she was a real looker! She was busty, curvy, and beautiful. She gave a weak, slightly embarrassed smile, then rolled down the window. Looking up at me through a stylish pair of sunglasses. “So sorry, it just died. I got it back this morning from the body shop. It was running fine, it only needed the tail light fixed,” she said in a deep yet very feminine voice. “Kyle, uh, my husband, is due home Monday and I need to… Well, we don’t need to get into that. If you could help me!” I nodded and went to the card scan and used a card she handed me. Once the heavy bar was up, I quickly went behind her car, told her to release the brake, put it into neutral, and gave the vehicle a nudge. At the bottom of the ramp, she glided into the first empty spot. I knew the owner and he didn’t own a car so she would be fine there.

“Thank you so much!” she said, getting out of the vehicle. She was wearing a tight dress, low cut, showing off some nice cleavage. She was a full-figured woman, which I liked very much. Skinny barbie dolls or bulimic sticks make my skin crawl. She had beautiful legs ending in proportioned feet that were cased in strappy black heels that added three more inches to her already impressive height. She turned to retrieve her purse from the passenger seat and I got a close look at her plump bum. *What I would do to that ass*! I thought as I stared. She turned and thanked me again for my help and I told her it was no trouble.

“I’m Allie. My husband and I live in number four. You’re Ty, right?” she introduced herself. For the life of me I had not seen her before. It wasn’t a super large complex, only thirty units in total, then againI was anything but social. That was Kristine’s department, she probably knew this Allie and Kyle very well.

“Hi Allie, ya, I’m Ty. Kristine and I live in number twenty-two across the yard, behind the trees.” Our complex was a giant horseshoe, with a pool and a clubhouse in the center courtyard, with condos wrapping around it. The residents could throw functions or play darts, cards, or snooker. I spent no time in there and I hated the pool…again that was my wife’s area. “Would you like me to look at the car?” I asked, hoping she would say no. I knew a little, but not enough to be any real help, at least not with a classic car like this. I would probably end up doing more damage. Thankfully Allie shook her head and told me that a gentleman named Cole would be dealing with it after what she paid. After Allie said it, for the briefest of seconds, her hand wandered to her backside. She played it off as needing to straighten the skirt of her dress.

I giggled. I knew Cole, if it was the same guy who owned the body shop nearby, and I knew he was a dog. I couldn’t blame him though, Allie was a real looker and I doubt any man wouldn’t want to get with her! Still, I had no idea how we could live a few hundred feet from each other and never meet. Well, here we were, and I had never seen or ran into her before now. I’d seen the Mustang and an Audi parked in number four’s assigned spots. That was all I knew or them, what cars they owned. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. I walked into the condo and read a note that Kristine would stay at Nikki’s for the night as she wanted to get baked and didn’t want to drive. I shook my head as I never did drugs. I had no problem with those who did, but I didn’t partake. This meant no sex tonight at all no matter what. I went to the fridge to grab a beer. When I looked down at an empty shelf and realized she had taken all our game beer with her, I just about lost it. Now my Saturday couldn’t get any worse. I picked up my phone and walked out to the patio to call her. When Kristine answered I just lit into her. I was sure the whole complex could hear me, but I didn’t care. She always did this to me. She would never buy more beer, the least she could do was tell me to pick it up on my way home. Always making other plans on the nights that she knew we were supposed to do something. She also invited her sister over to hang out when I was horny. She never thought of anyone but herself. She hung up on me, not that I blame her, I could be childish about such things.

I sat down on the patio and tried to enjoy the sun. I had hoped that Kristine would have been there with me, beers in hand. We could have talked about our day, then watch the game with our friends, and have hot sex after they left. I had been looking forward to that so much. Again childish, I know, but there it is.

I saw the shadow walking up to my unit before I saw the person. Allie, still in her dress and heels, was walking up to my patio. She held up four Buds and smiled. I motioned for her to come up. The patios were about five feet off the ground with a storage shed under them. She came up the stairs and handed two of them to me. I took the bottles and thanked her.

“Ya, I heard that you were out! Haha.” she laughed. I went a little red. I had not thought that one out at all. I surmised that I needed to shout it out at the sky, and all who heard be damned.

“Sorry about that!” I said. Allie waved a hand at me and I saw the large rock on her finger. Kyle had great taste in women and stones. Allie had beautifully manicured nails, painted a dark red that matched her full lips. I had to smile. She had an air about her, a way of lifting one’s spirits. Not a minute ago, I was in a most foul mood and now here I am, smiling and enjoying the day the way I had planned, and it was all thanks to the generosity of a stranger. Allie had a pretty, round, bubbly face, happy, caring, and just the right amount of mischievousness. Her eyes seemed to twinkle slightly, now that I saw them she had chic glasses on, that framed her bright, blue eyes. I had been married for just over ten years, no kids, my parents lived in Florida, Kristine’s lived in Pittsburg. Still too fucking close for my liking. Kristine had one sister and one brother; her sister Shelly lived close by and her brother lived closer to their parents. Kristine was the baby at thirty-five. Where I was the oldest at thirty-one with two brothers who lived many states away, so I never saw them. I was in construction while Kristine was a life coach.

Allie listened to me talk and vent, never passing judgment. She told me about her life and her husband who sounded like a great guy. She also shared about her work and family. Soon the beers were gone and she whipped off and returned with a small cooler this time. “Save some trips,” she mused. I had to admit that I wish I had got to know her sooner. We sat out on the patio for almost the entire day, drinking and talking. I was getting hungry and wondered if I should invite Allie to stay. She was looking out over the courtyard although we couldn’t see her place from my patio; in fact, I had the most secluded patio as two huge trees had grown to give me more privacy than the others who lived here. A fact not lost to Allie.

“I wish my place had trees like this. I’m always needing to make sure my blinds are closed!” she stated, as I got up and took her now empty beer from her hand.

“Why would you need to have them closed?” I asked, not thinking of why anyone would want privacy.

Allie gave me a quizzical look. “Ty? You can’t think of any reason one may not want people looking in on them?” she asked as she stood up. “Here, let me help you,” she said, picking up the empties that accumulated on my table. I paused and looked at her. The look must have said I was slow, or an idiot because Allie just nodded.

“That’s right. I like to fuck in places other than my bedroom,” she said with a wicked grin. My cock jumped, and I just stammered. This adorable woman had a nasty streak. I said nothing, just smiled.

We walked in and placed the empties on the counter of my kitchen. My condo was simple yet comfortable. A large television screen on the wall, a comfy sofa and two recliners with a large, solid coffee table. We had a dining room, but Kristine and I had converted it to an open office with two computer desks back to back. The kitchen was beautiful but not used all that much; we ordered out a lot. There were paintings on the wall, but only one photograph, it was of us on our wedding day.

“We are about function, not style!” I said, noticing her looking at how simple our living space was.

“Love it! Can I use the ladies’ room Ty?” Allie asked. I nodded and knew she could find it as all the flats were laid out the same. I watched Allie walk off down the hall. All the apartments had two baths, one ensuite, and a master, two bedrooms and an electrical/utility room. I took the time to clean up a little. I was still tyding when Allie came back. She had a broad smile on her face and I wondered what she might have seen. Kristine and I owned many sex toys and whatnot, seeing that we had no kids and not too much company, we often didn’t put all our things away. However, it had been weeks since we played with them.

She took the last two beers and handed one to me. Allie stood in front of me, we just looked into each other’s eyes and seemed to be sizing each other up. Allie was the one to break the silence.

“What now, Ty?” she asked. I gulped and put my half-empty beer on the counter.

“Well, I had a whole day and night planned that all went to shit so I’m not sure what to do now!”

“What did you have planned?” she asked, putting her beer down. I usually would never tell a woman the truth here but I thought *No, fuck it, this woman is awesome.* So I answered, “Kris and I were going to watch the game with some friends, then after they left we would have some pretty wild and crazy sex.”

Allie just blinked her beautiful blue eyes and said, “There is no reason why you still can’t do one of those things!” I swallowed hard. I knew there was no turning back now… one, I didn’t want to and that was the only reason I needed

Kristine and I had a massive four-poster bed, a mirror on the ceiling as tacky as that is, and sturdy head and footboards. Then I saw what Allie must have been looking at… Kristine had left the toy chest out and open. The door had been open and Allie would have seen it clear as day when she went to the washroom across the hall, all she had to do was turn her head.

“Looks like you two had an enjoyable evening planned. You two almost have more toys than I do,” Allie said, walking up to the chest and picking up a sizable double-headed dildo. She brought the toy up to her silky lips and kissed the bulbous head of the pink toy. Looking on, I had to adjust my hard cock in my shorts. I walked up to Allie, leaned in and kissed her cheek, then her neck and collar bone. My hands were hiking up her dress over her ass and hips. I squeezed her large ass in my strong hands, *God, she was sexy*. Allie tossed the toy on the bed and reached back to undo the zipper of her dress. I stepped back and watched her undress. She smiled at me as the dress fell to the floor. Allie had a matching bra and panty set on that had a pink flower trim and were made of a sheer material. Her dark, hard nipples poked through the fabric.

She reached up and pulled my face into her bountiful tits. I kissed her flesh through the fabric of her bra. Allie moaned as my hot breath could be felt through the material on her skin. I pulled her straps off her shoulders and off her breasts letting them drop. I leaned in again and nipped at her hard nipples while she unclasped it and removed her bra completely. I moved to kiss her and as we passionately kissed, I grabbed her ass and pulled her up. Allie wrapped her legs around my waist and I walked her to my bed. We fell back on it, still in full embrace. I reached down and started to pull my shorts off, this was made a little tricky as Allie’s legs were still wrapped around my waist, but I managed. Just as I finished and they hit the floor, we heard the front door open.

“Hey Ty, I’m home?” We heard my wife call out.

“Shit!” I said. Allie looked up and was just as worried. I didn’t move, I knew I was fucked but I just stayed on top of my neighbour. We heard the clicking of her stiletto heeled boots on the tile.

“Is someone here, baby?” That isn’t our cooler on the patio, and unless you were trying to get shit faced that is a lot of beer for one person!” Kristine said walking up to the room “Well, well!” was all she said. I looked back expecting Kristine to lose it but she just had a smile on her face.

“Just getting to know the other tenants!” I said playfully. Kristine, walked up to the chest and bent over it. I couldn’t see what she picked up.

“I see that! Allie, right?” Kristine asked. Allie was beat red. She just had an odd smile on her pretty lips.

“Yup!” Was all she said. I felt it first, Allie moving her legs from around me. I was about to get up when I felt my wife’s pointy nails on my back.

“No, no. You stay right there young man!” Kristine said. I did as she demanded. WHACK! I felt the sting of the paddle across my ass cheeks. We owned several discipline toys like a riding crop, a flog, and a large paddle much like you would see in hazing videos, it had the word Pet embossed in it. I screamed out in pain. “Mmm, Ty I am going to like this, I think! Get off that poor woman and get on your knees.” Kristine said.

Kristine looked a lot like the eldest daughter from Downton Abbey, Michelle Dockerly, with that same stern look, high cheekbones and snooty resting bitch face. Very beautiful, yet looks like a bitch. I did as asked and Allie rolled out from under me, she stood with Kristine and when they looked at each other both just giggled. “Shall we?” Kristen asked, Allie nodded. I looked back and saw that Allie was helping my wife out of her clothes.

“I thought you were out all night?” I asked, Kristine laughed a mirthless laugh.

“Had that happened I would have never caught you. You and Allie would have just done this and no one would have been the wiser.” Kristine said and paddled my bare ass again and just as hard. “…and that wouldn’t have been good!” again my ass was struck. “I think you’ve learned your lesson for not keeping me in the loop,” Kristine said, putting the paddle down. “Ty help us out!” Kristine said, as she and Allie climbed onto the bed, Kristine had grabbed the large double headed dildo. I went and grabbed the lube for her. Allie and my wife moved into a scissor position, their pussy’s ony inches apart. Kristine ran her fingers along her wet slit, the folds of her pussy enveloping her finger, before pushing it into Allie. I watched as my wife started to finger our guest. A more surreal image at that time I could never imagine. Allie started to rub her hard clit as Kristine pushed a second then a third into Allie, a sneer on my wifes face said she was loving it.

The slapping sounds were making my cock twitch and I started to stroke my shaft slowly as the two beauties before me pleasured Allie’s sweet pussy. Kristine would reach up and push her wet fingers into Allies mouth feeding them to her. Allie licked all her juice off my wife’s fingers. Kristine asked for the dildo and after lubing it up, pushed one end into herself and one end into Allie. Slowly she started to move the toy between the two of them. Allie moaned as the dildo fucked her. There were loud sloppy sounds the two women were making as the toy invaded their pussies.

“Feed her your cock, Ty!” Kristine says as if I am being the rudest host known to man. I break free of my glare. Standing up, I present my hard cock to Allie who playfully licks at the head. Looking up at me and the mirror above, now she sees the appeal of it, looking down at the scene. Allie stops with the playfulness and swallows my cock, I feel it hitting the back of her throat. I throw my head back as I feel her throat constricting around my member.

“What a lovely sight, my cheating husband and the slut next door! Mmm my pussy is positively dripping.” Kristine says and moves the dildo even faster between the two. Allie tries to say something but all that comes out are her gagging sounds. Looking down at my wife I saw that this night was far from over. She pulled the toy out and crawled off the large bed, I watched as she put on her harness and secured her larger dildo. She stroked it like I often stroke my own cock infront of her.

“Alright, slut! Time for a spit roast.” Kristine said. She moved Allie and me so I was sitting on the bed, my back against the headboard, Allie on her hands and knees, again sucking my cock, and Kristine just got behind Allie and after applying a lot of lube, she entered her.

“Fuck that is big! Mmmm…Ya, fuck my pussy with that big cock Kristine!” Allie moaned as she sucked my cock. Kristine had her hands on Allie’s hips, I could see Allie’s magnificent plump ass jiggle with each hard thrust that my wife gave her. With my hand on Allie’s head I pushed her down further onto my cock.

I soon wanted my turn to fuck Allie, I motioned for Kristine to move, she kept fucking for a few more minutes, just shaking her head with a playful smile, as if she was going to deny me my fun too, Allie had become the toy we both wanted to play with. Allie was the sexy prize for my wife and I, and we were going to both have our fun with Allie getting the attention. Finally Kristine let up and Allie moved so she was going to ride me. I had her slide down on my erect cock, She began to gyrate on my cock her large tits swaying, her eyes shut as I filled her sex. I felt my wifes tongue on my balls then her sucking them into her mouth. Allie took her tits into her hands and leaned in pushing them into my face playfully. I just licked at whatever was near my mouth, “Mmmm That’s it Kristine, lick my ass you dirty slut!” Allie said, enjoying the oral skill of my wife. I thrust up into Allies pussy as I became more excited. Sucking her nipples in turn. Allie grunted, and moaned as we did our best to get her off.
“I’m cumming, fuccckkkk!!! I’m cumming…” Allie began to shout, this just brought me to wanting to fuck her harder and harder. Kristine, knelt behind Allie and reached around taking Allie’s massive tits in her hands,
“Come on Ty, make this sexy slut cum!” My wife ordered me. Looking at her handle Allies tits as they bounced, and seeing her kissing Allie’s cheek, I couldn’t hold out any longer. I made Allie get off me, I stood before my wife and lover. Their faces beside one another, mouths open, I jerked my cock quickly, grunting as I did, soon ropes of hot, sticky cum were jetting out on to their beautiful faces. Hitting Allie in the mouth and chin. And Kristine, in the cheek and tits. I sat, panting after as the whole scene became clear. Allie cleaned up and told me not to be a stranger while Kristine was in the washroom and left.

Kristine said her goodbyes and then came into the bedroom where I was getting dressed. “I know you will be seeing her again. I’m cool with that, I’ll be continuing to see my lover also!” She told me with a grin.

The End.
