Tit for Tat Part 2 of 3 Lesbian/Voyeruism

(comments always welcomed)


For weeks, the thoughts and images of what Sheri had told me wouldn’t leave my mind. The thought of her being seduced by another woman thrilled me. I couldn’t figure out why. I knew if it happened, I wouldn’t be there to watch, but it intrigued me nonetheless.

Finally I made up my mind. I would figure out a way to make it happen.

One day, I was a little late getting to work and pulled into the parking lot about the same time as Kathie, one of the secretaries.

I noticed an odd sticker in the back window of her car. Two inverted triangles, one pink overlapped by one of blue.

As she got out of her car I asked what the sticker meant.

“Oh, that?” she said. “Well you’ve seen the lesbian pink triangle before, right?”

I said that I had and she added, “That’s the symbol for bisexualism.”

“Oh”, I said, not knowing what else to say. “Gee, I didn’t know you were bi.”

Realizing how stupid that sounded, I immediately reddened in the face and began to stammer an apology.

“That’s OK Dave”, she said. “I hear that all the time. It’s not something people spend a lot of time talking about.”

“I’ll talk to you later, I’m late.” She walked towards the building and I looked at her with different eyes, a kernel of an idea growing in my mind.

I really didn’t know much about Kathie. I knew that she was in her mid 30’s, a single mom with a couple of kids, and that’s about it.

She was attractive, not too tall with dark brunette hair. Whatever body she had, she kept well covered in long flowing dresses or formal business suits.

The kernel began to grow into a full-fledged idea. Could I convince Kathie to seduce Sheri?

Not wanting to seem too overeager, I tried not to approach her for several days, but finally it got the best of me. During lunch, I spotted Kathie sitting at a table in a far corner of the company lunchroom. Carrying my brown bag, I approached.

“Mind if I join you?” I asked.

“Not at all.” she said. “In fact, I was wondering how long it would take you to come and see me.” She laughed, showing that she was not offended by my obvious interest.

I felt immediately at ease and sat down.

“Um, Kathie” I stammered, “I wanted to talk to you about this ‘bi’ thing.”

Kathie laughed again. “Bi thing huh? You make it sound like a growth or something.”

I blushed. “Well, I really don’t know how to approach this.”

“I am unattached right now Dave, and I do find you attractive” she said, “But I thought you were married.”

“I am!” I said probably a little too forcefully. “It’s not me I’m talking about.”

“Oh” she said. “A friend?”

“Well, kind of. My wife.”

A look of surprise crossed her face quickly followed by a puzzled smile.

“You’re have got to explain that.”

For the next several minutes, I related Sheri’s dream fantasy to Kathie in hushed tones. When I finished, she sat in silence for a few moments with a kind of faraway look in her eyes.

“You want me to seduce your wife.”

“Well, I want you to try,” I said. “But it will take some setting up. Are you game?”

“Let me think about it for a while,” she said. “I’ll let you know.”

Several days passed until Kathie knocked at my office door.

“I’ll do it,” she said simply.

The next day we met at lunch and discussed how we would go about the seduction.

“I’d like to stick as closely to her dream as possible”. I said. How about you ask us to sit with your kids due to some sudden appointment. About an hour after you leave and the kids are in bed asleep, call me on my cell phone and I’ll pretend there’s some problem at work. I’ll leave and you can come back a short time later and have at it.”

“That’s as good a plan as any, I guess,” she said. “Now it just remains to decide when.”

“Do you think Friday is too soon?”

“No. Friday is great.”

That night I told Sheri that Kathie had asked us to sit with her kids on Friday night for a couple of hours while she ran some errands. I told her that Kathie had said her regular sitter couldn’t make it and that we were her last resort.

“Well, I want to spend the evening with you, and if that means sitting for Kathie’s kids, then that’s what we’ll do.”

I was relieved that she accepted the proposal so easily. She had met Kathie at several company activities but did not know her well.

As the week progressed, I got more and more excited about what was possibly going to happen. By Friday I was a nervous mess, but did my best to hide it.

At precisely 7 pm we arrived at Kathie’s house.

“I’m so glad you guys could fill in for me,” Kathie said. I don’t know what I would have done without you.” She showed us briefly around the house and introduced us to her two boys, both the image of their mother. With that, she left.

8 pm arrived and we got the boys in bed and they were soon asleep.

About 15 minutes later, my cell phone began to beep. I answered it.

“Are the kids sleeping?” It was Kathie.

“Yes. You’re kidding. Jesus, don’t they know that it’s Friday night and I’m on my own time?”

Sheri looked at me questioningly and I mouthed the word ‘work’ shaking my head.

“You’re really playing this up aren’t you?”

“Those bastards! I can’t believe that.”

“I’m on my way back, so you need to get out of there soon. Be back to get her at 10 like we planned. If it’s going to happen it’ll be over by then.”

“OK. OK. I’ll be there in 15 minutes.”

I angrily punched the end button on the phone and turned to Sheri.

“I’m sorry honey, but there’s a serious screw up at work and I have to go in. Will you be alright by yourself?”

“Yeah I guess so,” she said. “But I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll be back as soon as I can, or by the time Kathie returns. I Love You.”

I kissed her and bounded out the door.

I drove to the end of the block and waited, lights out.

Only a few minutes had passed when I saw Kathie’s car pull up into the driveway. She got out, looked around for a moment, and then went inside.

It was then that I decided that, somehow, I had to see what was going on.

I got out of the car and walked quietly to Kathie’s house, trying to remember where the windows with a view of the living room were. Finally, I found one on the side of the house. The blinds were slightly parted. I looked inside.

Sheri and Kathie were sitting on the couch saying something I couldn’t hear. Suddenly, she leaned in and gave Sheri a soft kiss on the mouth. Sheri seemed startled, but didn’t resist when Kathie came back for another kiss, longer this time.

I was a bit surprised when Sheri wrapped her arms around Kathie’s shoulders, holding her close within the kiss. Breaking the kiss, Kathie began to kiss Sheri’s face, working over to the side and slowly down her neck. I knew that this was a sensitive area for Sheri and it wouldn’t take long before she grew excited.

I could see Sheri’s head tilt backwards, eyes closed, mouth slightly open. I knew she was almost beyond control.

Kathie continued kissing, down Sheri’s neck while a hand slowly unbuttoned her shirt. Soon the shirt was parted and I could see the top of Sheri’s breasts above her bra. Her chest was rising and falling fast, as though she was panting.

Kathie encircled one of Sheri’s covered tits with her hand and I saw Sheri breathe in sharply. The bra was pulled quickly out of the way and Kathie lowered her head to the very hard nipple that had been exposed. Another gasp from Sheri, and her hand automatically found the back of Kathie’s head, holding her close to her breast.

Shirt and bra were soon disposed of as Kathie worked her lips and tongue from one breast to the other. Sheri’s nipples were bright red and as hard as I had ever seen them. Kathie sucked and licked on one while her hands kneaded and pinched the other.

Releasing the nipple with a final kiss, Kathie’s kisses proceeded lower, down Sheri’s belly while her hands deftly unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. This done, Kathie began to tug at the waistband. Sheri instinctively raised her hips and was soon lying back on the couch, legs apart in only her panties. Kathie continued her kissing, down from the navel towards the top of Sheri’s panties.

By this time my cock was hard, throbbing and straining against the confines of my own jeans. I looked around in the dark, realizing that I was protected from casual observation either from the street or by nosy neighbors. I yanked hard at the buttons of my fly, releasing my cock from its restraints into the cool night air. My hand grasped my cock and I began to slowly stroke as I refocused my attention on what was going on inside.

Kathie’s kisses had reached Sheri’s mound and although her panties were still in place, I could tell that Sheri was already excited. I could almost see the wetness in her panties and smell her musk rising from it.

Kathie must have too, because she placed her face down in between Sheri’s legs and I could see her breathing Sheri’s smell in.

That must have done it for Kathie, because she grabbed Sheri’s panties on both sides and pulled the swiftly off of her shapely legs.

To my surprise, Kathie stood and pulled her own shirt off, exposing her small breasts with small very hard nipples. Reaching down she stepped out of her pants and stood for a moment looking down at Sheri on the couch, each of them gloriously naked.

My cock jumped in my hand. Seeing Kathie naked was a plus that I had not expected.

Kathie lowered herself back down, parting Sheri’s knees, and dropping her face into Sheri’s crotch, diving directly into her pussy with her tongue.

I was breathing hard, excited by the spectacle that I was viewing, my cock pulsing in my hand as I stroked myself. I didn’t know how much longer I could hold out before spraying the side of Kathie’s house with my jizz.

Inside, I could see Kathie’s head working between Sheri’s legs. Sheri’s head was thrown back in abandon and I could imagine the soft moans coming from her slightly parted mouth. I could tell from her face and movements that her orgasm was only moments away.

Sheri’s hands reached out, intertwining in Kathie’s hair. I knew she was going to cum.

Sheri’s hips began bucking up off of the couch while her hands forced Kathie’s head hard into her pussy. My cock twitched and began shooting jets of hot cum. I had to fight to keep my eyes open as I watched the most erotic thing I had ever seen.

Slowly, Sheri’s movements slowed then stopped. She released her hands from Kathie’s hair and I saw Kathie raise her face from Sheri. Kathie’s face was wet with Sheri’s juices and I saw her move up and kiss Sheri deeply, sharing her own taste with her.

They lay cuddling on the couch, so I buttoned up my jeans and quietly snuck back to the car, still excited at what I had witnessed.

I waited in excitement in the car till time to go pick her up. As I drove up, Sheri and Kathie walked out the front door. They hugged briefly and Sheri came to the car.

She looked a little dazed but was smiling. I noticed that her shirt was buttoned wrong.

As she got in I asked, “Everything go OK?”

“Yeah, everything was fine, just fine.”

We drove home in silence and went right to bed. Sheri never said one word about what happened.

As soon as I got to work on Monday, I hunted down Kathie.

“Well, how did it go?”

“Hey,” she said. “I’m not one to kiss and tell.” She smiled a large ‘cat-that-ate-the-canary’ smile. “Let’s just say that things went just fine.”

She turned back to her work and that was the end of it.

I returned to my office happy that Sheri had lived out her fantasy. I wondered if some day Sheri would tell me about what happened. It didn’t matter, but it would make for some interesting pillow talk.

That night I went home a contented man.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/gvseqf/tit_for_tat_part_2_of_3_lesbianvoyeruism

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