Lisa warns me my ass is in for a long night

A week ago Lisa had hung me from a hook and more or less savaged me, leaving bruises, hickies, bite and lash marks all over my torso, and my muscles fatigued and sore. The third day after, while I was trying to find a position in bed that wasn’t painful, she came in naked, with sad eyes. She pulled the covers back and looked at my marked body. The bruises were turning yellow in places. Her eyes were wet. 

She muttered, “Never again.”

“Sounds good to me.”

She looked me in the eyes, her face sorrowful. “I want to hold you.” A declaration that was somehow a question too.

I’ve got no defense against her sorrow. I just want to make her feel better. “Only if you hold me tight.”

She made a soft sound of relief and snuggled up to me, gently. It was good.

The next few days we had sweet, normal sex. The most aggressive she got was when she worked her way up my chest and sat on my face, her hands tugging my hair as she screamed in orgasm. We did all the things we had done before. It was satisfying and safe. 

Thursday I came home from work. She was sitting on the couch in the front room, wearing red panties and a silky camisole. A very good look on her.

“Come sit on my lap, baby.”

I laughed. “I’d crush you.”

“Then sit next to me.” She patted the couch on her left side. I sat there.

She squirmed over my lap and straddled me. Pulling her top over her head and leaning into me, she buried her face in the hollow of my neck, which she gently licked. Leaning back she pulled my shirt up and apart, sending buttons everywhere. I put my arms back and let her rip it off. She pressed her body into mine, her breasts squeezed against my chest. We kissed for a time. 

“We need to talk, baby.” She was whispering into my ear.

“I know.”

She took her time, breathing on my neck. “I went too far. We won’t do any of that again. We’ll go back to how it used to be.”

It was hard for me to say, and I started blushing. “I’m not sure I want to go back. Or not all the way back …”

She breathed in loudly and pushed back to look at me. “Really? You like what I’ve been doing to you?”

I didn’t want to meet her eyes but she held my head making me look at her. “Some of it.” My face was burning.

She smiled slightly. “What some of it?”

I had to think for a while. When I’m on the spot I’m not always articulate. “It’s important to me that I take care of you. And I have. In all kinds of ways. That time in St. Louis …” There had been an incident walking back to our car. “Standing between you and a threat … it felt like something I was born for.” I didn’t want to bring up an old argument, but I added, “I just wish you’d have run like I told you to.”

“Like I’d  ever leave you behind.” She’d stood next to me with a savage grin and said, with a Guy Ritchie gangster accent I hadn’t known she could do, “Well, come on if you think you’re hard enough, ye cunts!” We all looked at her, including me, and the enemy told each other that it wasn’t worth fucking with “that crazy bitch.”

“As much as I felt right protecting you, knowing that you were protecting me kind of made me feel …”

She asked, “Made you feel how?”

“Warm and creamy.”

She laughed and I joined her. 

“So what do you like that I’ve done?”

I was blushing and embarrassed. “Don’t me say.”

“When I took your temperature? When I spanked you?”

I nodded. 

“And pegging?”

“When you’re not too rough.”

“What about tying you up?”

I wanted to explain this right, which took some thought. “I want to please you. I want to give you everything you want.” She started to speak but I interrupted her. “I guess I like when you tell me what to do, at least in bed. That was a surprise.” More thought. “But I’ve been in pain for a week. I’ve barely recovered. I’m only just now able to walk normally.” I took a deep breath. “We can’t keep doing that.” 

She sat up higher and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling my face into her chest. “We won’t do that anymore, baby.”

I sighed. “Ok, then.”

She leaned into me and whispered in my ear. “You still might be walking funny tomorrow …”

“Wait, what?”

She pulled back and switched ears, whispering, “Your ass is in for a long night.”

I felt a little chill down my back. With her hand on the back of my neck she noticed. “Oh my God! I felt your hair stand up! That’s the coolest thing that’s ever happened!”

I denied it. “My hair didn’t stand up.”

“Say what you want. I know what I felt.” She looked at me. “Go get ready, baby.” She meant that I should use the toilet if I needed to and shower, which I did.

When I got to the bedroom I saw she had lit candles. She was lighting one on the dresser with her back to me. She was naked and not wearing a harness. I had expected a long pegging, which had me nervous, but if not, what? An extended spanking? Wouldn’t that be worse?

Having lit the candle she blew out the match and turned to face me. She was wearing a pink dildo, long but not too very thick. It was not realistically shaped like some of her other ones, being smooth throughout its length, though swollen at the head.

“Ok, what’s holding that on?” Though I had some idea.

“Holding it in, you mean. Kegels! It’s a Feeldoe!” She flexed internal muscles and the toy flopped up and down a bit. “See? I can move it like yours.”

I smiled a bit. “Yes, I see. Very cute.”

“Well come on. I’ve been waiting to try this for a week.” She opened a drawer and pulled out the cuffs she’d used to hang me from the ceiling. “Let’s put these on.”

I might have some PTSD from the last time she used those. My heart started racing and I said, “Um, I’d rather not use those tonight …”

In the dim candlelight I don’t think she could see my face, but she might have heard something in my voice. “No, of course not, baby. I’ll put them away.” Which she did.

There were pillows in the middle of the bed. “How do you want me?” She’d had me face up, face down, and bent over the couch once.

“Face down this time. It won’t be so tiring.” Tiring for who?

I positioned myself over the pillows, ass up. She leaned forward a bit, her toy resting between my cheeks, and tugged on the pillows, pulling them lower on my hips and aiming my butt in a more vertical direction. Then she sat up, straddling my thighs.

“Flex your cheeks a bit. Squirm.”

“Aww jeez.” So embarrassing. I did it anyway.

She took a shuddering breath. “You have no idea how much I like this view.” She put a hand on me. “Since you followed my orders I’ll go a little easier on you. Maybe a shorter spanking …”

“If I was good, do I even need a spanking? Maybe we can skip that?”

“Hmm. I’ll have to fill the missing time with a longer fucking then …”

“Wait, let me think …” 

“How about I just add a little color then?” She started spanking me, not too fast and not too hard, alternating cheeks. It really didn’t hurt much at first, but from the other time she’d spanked me I knew the sensations would build over time, and could eventually become excruciating.

Before that happened she stopped and leaned back, regarding her handiwork. “I want you pink, but it’s hard to tell with these candles. I’ll have to keep going until I can see the results.”

“Wait! I can tell they’re pink. Put your hands on me and you’ll feel they’re warm!”

She put her hands on my cheeks and squeezed them a bit. “They’re a biiit warm …”

“Then turn on the lights and see!” She didn’t respond but kept gently rubbing and squeezing me. I tried a ploy and started squirming again.

“Oh, you naughty boy. I know what you’re doing.”

“Is it working?”

She laughed. “Yes. Yes it is.” She leaned over me again and opened a bedside drawer. Sitting up again she applied lube to her dildo and, spreading my cheeks with her left hand, squirted some on my anus.

Keeping her left hand in place she lined up the head of her toy and started pushing it in. It hadn’t looked too thick before but it hurt going in. Whenever she pegged me it hurt in the beginning.

Eventually it popped in and there was some relief though I still felt painfully stretched. She paused a moment and then began pushing deeper, very slowly.

“Wait, wait, stop a minute. Let me get used to it.” I was nervous and talking fast.

“I’ll go slow. It’ll help if you try to push it out.” She kept going deeper, slowly but inexorably.

I tried to push it out and it did help, though I was nearly panicking from the vulnerability of my situation. If she decided to shove it in I couldn’t resist, and she’d done that before. I was squirming for real this time.

Eventually she bottomed out, laying my back. We were both breathing hard. She turned my head to the right and held my face down with one hand. She ran her nails gently down my back with the other. 

“Reach back and spread your cheeks so I can get all the way in, baby.”

I would not do that. She was bottoming out. “You’re all the way in now. There’s no more room.”

“There’s always a bit more room. Like packing a suitcase.” How romantic. She slid her hands down and pulled my cheeks apart, and somehow found another inch of depth. “See?”

She began slowly rocking back and forth, her breasts sliding up and my back as she moved. “Put your arms down.” I did, and she hugged my torso, pinning my arms to my side. Increasing her tempo she reached a hand up and grabbed my hair. Pretty soon she was slamming into me, muttering under her breath, “Take it baby. Just take it.”

From long experience I could tell when she was approaching orgasm, but this time it took longer than I expected. She was pounding in and out, both of us panting, for an interminable length of time. I might have used a safe word but it seemed like it would be over soon so I tried to wait her out. It wound up being a long wait.

When she reads this I think she might not like me sharing that when she comes she squirts. This time when she came it was like someone poured a glass of warm water on my butt, as she ground into me, gasping with pleasure. The sensations were overwhelming and I lost a certain amount of muscular control, my whole body shuddering. Eventually she slowed down and finally came to rest, pinning my arms to my body and breathing hard. I lay there limp and exhausted.

When she caught her breath she spoke quietly. “Best. Toy. Ever.” She kissed my back and slid her hands to my head, my hair. “What do you think?”

I was able to talk now. “It was … intense.”

“I hope you like it, because we’re going to be doing this a lot.”

“Give me a few days to recover first, ok?”

“You misunderstood. I meant a lot tonight. You didn’t think we were done yet? I’ve just started.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

She wasn’t kidding. She started moving again and I realised that she’d be fucking me for a long time. She’s multi orgasmic and can pretty much keep coming until she’s too tired to move or my tongue gets exhausted. Something I’d like for myself, but nope. Thanks Obama.

She came 4 more times, I think, each time at the end of a 20 minute cycle which would finish with her slamming into me really hard. I wound up limp and passive as she had her way with me. I’ve heard of sub space and I guess that’s where I was, because my brain wasn’t functioning normally. Eventually I started thinking again and realised she’d been still for a while. Listening to her breathing I realised she had dozed off.

“Lisa.” No response. “Lisa!”

In a drowsy voice she said, “Be quiet baby. Mommy’s asleep.” Mommy?

Still, I laughed. “Lisa! Wake up!”

She woke up and reflexively started moving in me again. “Mmmm.”

“Don’t start again, Lisa! I need some sleep for work tomorrow.” Today. I had to be at work in 4 hours.

She kept thrusting gently but eventually sighed and pulled out. I sighed with relief. “We could have slept like we were, you know.” She sounded a bit annoyed. 

“I can’t sleep with that thing in me. Are you kidding?”

“Why not? I did.”

I laughed. “It wasn’t in your butt.” I started to roll over to get up but she pushed me down.

“Stay still. I’m gonna clean you off.” She climbed off the bed and went into the bathroom, coming back with the baby wipes and trash can. She began wiping her come and our sweat off my ass.

“Your backside smells like my front side.” She was rubbing me gently, cleaning our mess. 

“Um … ew?”

She laughed. “No, I like it!” She stopped rubbing. “Oh my God, wait! That gives me an idea! Don’t move.” She rolled off the bed and ran to the bathroom.

“I’ll just lie here until you come back,” I said to the empty room.

When she came back she straddled my thighs again. 

“No more pegging now, Lisa. I’m worn out.”

“Shh. I’m not pegging you. Keep still.” She again spread my cheeks and I felt something being inserted into me. It wasn’t big but by now I was really sore. I tried to squirm away but she held me in place. The friction stopped but I felt pressure build inside. 

“What the hell are you doing??”

She suddenly pulled whatever she’d put in me out, though there was still some pressure. Spreading my cheeks with both hands she inspected my ass.

“That might be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen …” Her voice was breathy.


She moved a hand and I felt a tug on my anus. “Your tampon string hanging out.” She pulled it around in a circle, not removing it but stretching me from every angle.

I groaned. “Just take it out please?”

“I’ll take it out when the alarm goes off. That’s only 3 hours.” She pulled me off the pillows and into her spoon, wrapping her arms around my chest. “You’re my sweet baby.” She fell asleep almost immediately.

So did I.



  1. This was an enjoyable read, and I could tell there was more to the story. Your username was not familiar to me – I think I have joined too many subreddits to properly know what is going on in any of them. So I did look at your post history and found a lot more Lisa stories. They are very enjoyable and well-written. Thank you for showing a loving approach.

  2. I’ve got a button for that! I thought maybe it showed up after I got an award for the latest post, but you’re saying it’s actually a thing? Covid pandemic, national unrest, and cake day.

    One of these things is not like the others …

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