The Redding House Saga: An Unexpected Guest Part 2 [MF]

Quick note – to everyone asking to see some of my woodworking, with reverse image search being a thing, I won’t be sharing any of my personal work. I would highly suggest checking out 4th Period Woodshop. I feel like their aesthetic lines up well with mine, and I draw a lot of inspiration from them.

Sorry, this one is long. Looking back it was probably the best night of my life.

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](

Sorry, this one is long. Looking back it was probably the best night of my life.


*“u up?”*

I read it over and over again, my feet cemented to the floor of my dimly lit workshop. Am I up? Am I UP? The fucking nerve of this woman.

I shouldn’t respond, I thought. Not so much as a *“hey, how have you been?”*, but she thinks a late-night booty call after being piped by Vineyard Vines is appropriate?! I tossed my phone on back on the credenza in disgust, snatched the first bottle of scotch that was inside the dry bar cabinet, and poured a drink. I planted myself on the couch and slumped back against the velvet in frustration.

Where the hell is this angst coming from? We had sex a handful of times, and then went our separate ways. It’s not like I hadn’t had similar arrangements in the past.

“Alexa, play Spotify!” I shouted out into the void.

*“What would you like me to play on Spotify”* the pleasant voice responded.

“I don’t know” I mumbled.

*“I’m sorry, I can’t find a playlist named ‘I Don’t Know’ in your Spotify library.”*


I continued to stew in my own self pity as I sipped my drink in silence.

Shit, what if she’s in trouble? No, who sends a *“u up”* distress text?

“Goddamnit” I murmured as I hoisted myself off the couch and walked over to my phone.

“Everything okay?”

A location pin popped up.

“Do you need help?”

Three dots appeared on the screen for a few moments, then disappeared. I rubbed my face as I let out a heavy sigh. I opened the location pin and saw that she was only a about a mile away. I turned around towards the door that I had walked Sarah through less than an hour ago after fucking her on an $11,000 conference table, snagging my truck keys off the hook as I headed out to my truck.

I slowed down as I approached the destination the maps app was leading me toward, scanning the sidewalks for any sign of Maddy. I looked up ahead and noticed a woman stumbling on and off the curb, into the street. I accelerated slightly to get a better look, and sure enough, it was Maddy. I pulled up beside her and shouted her name outside my window.

She didn’t seem to register that someone had called out to her, because she continued to stumble down the street without acknowledging me. I shouted her name again, this time much louder, and attempted to cut her off a little bit with my truck. That seemed to do the trick, because she whipped her head towards me and squinted against my headlights.

“Maddy, are you alone, where are your friends?!” I shouted.

“Hey heyyyyy, look at you stranger” she slurred. She was in horrible shape. I looked around to see if there was anyone around that looked like they might be with her.

“Maddy, listen to me, can you get in the truck?” I asked in the most calming tone I could manage.

“He said he’d be right back, I need to stay here and wait for him” she stammered.

“Maddy, please get in the truck” I said, this time more forcefully.

“Hey, fuck you man” she laughed.

“Maddy, I’m only going to say this one more time, getting in the fucking truck, right now!” I screamed. This stunned her somewhat, as she stood straight up and gave me a deer in the headlights stare. We stayed like that for a few moments, staring each other down until she finally relented and started to walk towards my car. She stepped off the curb and immediately took a tumble on the street below as her heels betrayed her balance.

“Jesus Christ Maddy” I sighed as I threw my transmission into park and ran around to the other side to help her up and into my passenger seat. I noticed I had a few onlookers, and I shouted out “it’s okay, she’s my sister, I’m going to take her back to her house” in an attempt to deflect how bad the situation looked from their perspective. I didn’t stick around to wait for anyone to try to verify my story.

On the way home, I attempted to ask her questions about who she was with, and where they might be. My efforts were in vain, as she was too obliterated to form a coherent thought. I decided it was best to take her back to my place to sleep the night off. I pulled up the side door of my shop and parked. Maddy had already started to nod off, so I gently shook her shoulder to rouse her enough to get her out of the truck. I walked us both towards the door, shouldering most of her weight as she struggled to stay on her feet.

I managed to get her onto the edge of my bed and had her sit up so I could inspect her for any injuries caused by her tumble 15 minutes prior. Apart from some small scrapes on her right knee and elbow, she looked to be relatively unscathed.

I turned around to look for some sweats and a t-shirt for her to change into when I heard a Maddy begin to softly cry. I turned around and knelt back down in front of her.

“He just left me… fucking left me all alone” she choked out between muted sobs. I placed my hand on hers and attempted to re-assure her.

“Hey, hey, it’s okay, you’re safe, you can stay here tonight.” I said in a soothing tone.

“You fucking left me… why did you leave me?” she continued.

“Look, he’s an asshole, but it doesn’t matte-“ she cut me off, this time raising her voice.

“No, YOU” she stuck her finger in my face “YOU fucking left!” she shouted, tears now beginning to pour down her cheeks, carrying dark streams of mascara with them.

I was stunned, I didn’t know what to say. She took the opportunity to carry on with her rant.

“You think you can just fuck me and then fuck off to some other slut in bum-fucking Texas!” she groaned, beginning to become more hysterical with every passing word. I could tell this was going downhill very fast. While I genuinely had no idea what she was talking about, I thought it was best to humor her to get her to wind back down.

“Hey… look… I’m sorry, okay? Let’s talk about this in the morning.” I said, softening my tone to help bring her down.

“You made me feel special” she choked out

“You ARE special Maddy, I’m sorry if I made you think differently” I said while I squeezed her hands in mine, still completely confounded as to where any of this was coming from.

She ambushed me with a kiss, which I twisted my way out of as I stood up over her.

“Maddy, you need to go to sleep okay, so we can talk about this in the morning” I pleaded.

“You promise?” she stammered through stuttered breaths.

I smiled and said, “I promise.” I helped her get out of her dress and heels, and into my sweats and t-shirt, and tucked in under the comforter of my bed.

“I’m just going to be over there on the couch, okay?” I said.

She just closed her eyes and nodded. I made my way onto the couch, and finally looked at my phone. One text from Sarah.

“*made it home, thanks for the ride… both of them!”*

I looked at the time… 2:42 AM. I had to be up in 4 hours and 18 minutes… sick.

The second my head hit the cushion, I was being woken up by the alarm on my phone. I sat up and attempted the rub the sleep from my eyes and looked over towards my bed. Maddy was still there, curled up under the covers.

I threw my legs over the side of the couch and contemplated skipping my workout before heading out to the jobsite. I was spent, but I thought better of it. For the last 7 years, I had started my day with 45-60 minutes of exercise. The formats/styles of workouts were constantly evolving, but I never deviated from the timing. That’s how Terry Crews started his mornings, and Terry Crews fucking rules.

I figured I would be even more thrown off my game if I neglected nearly decade long tradition, so I threw on some workout clothes, grabbed a jump rope and headed out to the back deck.

Side note to anyone who wants to get shredded… buy a high-quality jump rope and watch some tutorials on YouTube. It will change the way you look at cardio.

After I showered off and pounded a couple cups of coffee, I wrote out a note to Maddy and left it on the bedside table next to a bottle of water, a bottle of ibuprofen, and a spare key.

*Please lock the side door on your way out. I’ll come pick-up the key this week.*


Maddy continued to sleep as I loaded my truck and headed out to work.

Around 2:30, my phone buzzed. A text from Maddy:

*“last night… did we…”*

I sent back a single word.


The next couple of days passed without hearing from Maddy. I was seriously considering repining the lock on my door just so I could push off having to see Maddy for as long as possible. Towards the end of the week, as I was pulling another late night working on some bowtie keys on a maple desktop, I heard a knock on my side door.

Standing on the other side was Maddy, with my key in her hand. She had her arms folded in front of her body when I opened the door.

“Hey” I said coldly.

“Hey” she echoed back. She stuck her hand out. “I wanted to return this” she said with a somewhat pained expression as she dropped the key into my hand.

“Thanks, I was planning on stopping by tomorrow, but I appreciate you bringing it down” I said as I did everything in my power to avoid making eye contact. There was a long pause, neither of us breathing.

Maddy was the first to break the silence. “Can we talk?” she asked with a sigh. At that moment, the visitor I had been expecting walked up to the door with a bag. Maddy stepped to the side while I signed the receipt and handed the guy his pen and some cash for a tip with one hand, and accepting the bag with the other.

“What about?” I asked with a stonewalled expression.

She let out another sigh. “Please?” she asked, with a deep ache behind her plea.

I waited a moment before stepping aside and gesturing for her to come in. She stepped through the threshold and I began walking towards the opposite end of my shop, where the door that lead to my loft was located.

Maddy followed me through the shop and through the door I had helped her stumble through the week prior.

I’ve mentioned before that I worked and lived in the commercial/industrial district of my city. Meaning my shop and my “house” were the same place. When I had first signed the lease four years earlier, the first thing that I did was wall off the back third of the shop. The front end was obviously where I conducted my business, but on the other side of wall as an open floor with a large loft that butted up against floor to ceiling factory windows that overlooked one of the inlets that meandered through our city.

The second I laid eyes on those windows when I was initially doing to the tour of the space, I knew that I was going to figure out a way to make that the view I woke up to every morning. I converted the loft into my bedroom and bathroom. It was tricky to get a plumber to come out and route water lines and sewage without exposing my secret apartment plans. Technically speaking, my living situation is probably not legal, but I’m fortunate in that my Aunt’s husband owns the building, so I’ve managed to get away with it for this long.

I installed a small kitchen on the lower level, as I don’t enjoy cooking and rarely do, and a large open area for a nice leather couch and some chairs for entertaining as you walk into the room through the shop door. If anyone asks, the entire apartment is a staging area for photo shoots.

Maddy and I settled around the kitchen island, pulled the take-out box out of the bag, and placed it on the counter. I popped the top to reveal three tacos nestled between a couple containers of hot sauce.

Maddy looked down and smirked. That seemed to relieve at least some of the tension in the room.

“I don’t know what I said to you, or what we did, but I’m sorry you had to see me like that” Maddy started.

“We didn’t do anything, you didn’t say anything, it’s not an issue” I said as I took a bite of my dinner.

“I find that hard to believe, Luke” she said as she rolled her eyes.

“Find what hard to believe, Maddy? That I somehow managed to not have sex with you when you were blackout drunk?” I scoffed. My frustration was starting to boil back up. “Remember, I wasn’t your frat-bro date that night” I jabbed back.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Maddy chirped, quickly jumping into the defensive.

“I wasn’t the one who left you alone while you could barely walk, I was the one who came and picked your ass up so you didn’t end up as the lead story on the weekend news.” I sneered.

“And I’m grateful for that, I really am. I just want to know what happened between us that has made this so tense?!” she said, her face starting to get red as she became more flustered.

“What happened between us? What happened between us is that you just stopped talking to me. We haven’t communicated in months Maddy, and the first message I get from you is a drunk hook-up text while you’re on a date with another dude. Come on, if you want this to be a casual thing, that’s fine, whatever… but don’t ask me what happened to us, when there is no us!” I yelled, throwing my hands up in the air in frustration.

I could see that I struck a nerve. Tears started welling up in her eyes as she yelled back.

“Well it’s two-way street dickhead. I don’t remember you trying to call or text me!”

Shit, she had me there.

“I guess you were too busy with your girlfriend down in wherever the fuck you were the last few months, you forgot I existed!” she shouted. There it was again. What was she talking about?

“Girlfriend?” I questioned.

“Oh come the fuck on dude, yeah your girlfriend who posted about 800 pictures of you two on Insta while you were living it up in Texas!” she snapped, crossing her arms in front of her body again.

I had a moment of clarity. Brie, she was talking about Brie. It’s true, I had been involved with Brie some years ago, and whenever I go visit my Aunt at her house in Texas, I connect with Brie because we are still good friends. She just so happened to be single when I was down there helping my Aunt with her house, so we revisited some aspects of our relationship that we normally wouldn’t have otherwise.

That being said, she was far from my girlfriend. One of the things that I didn’t particularly care for about Brie is that she WOULD post 800 pictures of us. I didn’t like competing with social media, so I would never consider pursuing anything long term with here again. We both had needs, and we were able to help each other out for a couple of months, that was it.

What I probably should have done was explain that exact line of thinking to her, instead I said something stupid.

“Since when is it any of your business who I see” I seethed, my anger getting the best of me. As expected, this was not well received.

“Fuck you Luke” Maddy mumbled out as her face flushed, hot tears starting to stream down her face. She turned around and started briskly towards the door.

“Jesus Christ Maddy, come back” I groaned as I started to make my way after her. What the fuck was happening?

“Go fuck yourself, asshole” she spat back.

I sped up to close the distance between us, until I was close enough to reach out to place my hand on one of her shoulders.

“GET OFF OF ME” she screamed as she spun around. I jumped back in response.

“I’m sorry Maddy, I shouldn’t have said that; it was hypocritical” I conceded.

Her expression softened, she shook her head, clearly thrown off by my last few words.

“When Sarah told me you were out with some guy you met over the summer, it shook me up” I confessed, with both hands clasped behind the back of my head, my anxiety building. I hadn’t fully admitted how I had been feeling, not even to myself. It was as if I had opened a crack in the floodgates.

“But you said…” Sarah attempted to interrupt. I held up my hands in-front of my body, indicating it was my turn to talk.

“I know what I said… but I think what I said, and what I want might not be syncing up anymore”, the words tumbled out of my mouth faster than I could comprehend their consequences. I wouldn’t have guessed that I was going to be the one to make it complicated.

Maddy was trapped in stunned silence. I couldn’t get a read on her. I took a couple of steps back before turning around to walk back towards the kitchen island. Damn tacos were probably cold now. I put both hands down in front of me on the counter top and hung my head between my shoulders.


“I know that’s not what you wanted… or want. I said I wouldn’t make it weird, but I made it weird… I’m sorry.” I lamented as I looked back up to meet her gaze.

She stood in place, with the same conflicted expression, then turned around and began towards the door again. I hung my head back down and let out a sigh. Nice going dipshit.

I heard the door close, and then the deadbolt slide closed. I snapped my head back to Maddy now leaning her back against door, staring back at me. I get what she was going for, but I leased the entire warehouse, there wasn’t anyone else in the building, so the gesture was completely unnecessary.

I stood up to my full height and side stepped away from the island. Maddy crossed her arms in front of her body, and her mouth turned up a subtle smirk. Green flag, let’s go.

I bounded towards Maddy, my feet barely contacting the floor as closed the gap between us. As soon as I was close enough to touch her, I cupped her face with both of my hands and pressed my lips into hers, a jolt of electricity passing through both our bodies as we collided.

She melted into my arms as I picked her up and spun around towards the stairs that lead up to my loft. I reached the first step, paused, then set her down before sheepishly asking her “Do you mind? I could carry you up, but that would probably be the end of our night.”

She laughed and started running up the stairs while I followed one step behind. As soon as we both reached to tops of the steps, we were back at each other, this time stripping our clothes off in the process of moving towards my bed. Maddy was the first one onto the bed, diving head first towards the center, and propping her hips up as she got on her hands and knees.

I knelt behind her at the end of the bed and peeled her thong off her perfectly round ass. I plunged my face between her legs, aggressively running my tongue up from front to back, swirling around her asshole, and then back to sucking on her labia. As she her body began to open up to the passion of the moment, her wetness began to mix with my saliva, and I saw her reach a hand between her legs to begin touching herself as I continued to devour her pussy from behind.

“Ohhh I want you baby” she moaned. I took that as my queue to stand up and flip her around on her back. I pulled her by the legs so she lined up with the end of the bed. I’m sure coming as no surprise to anyone, my cock had been graced by the gaze of Medusa.

I pulled Maddy’s legs up around my hips, pressed the tip of my cock up against the opening of her swollen mound. What I would consider one of the top five sexiest things I have ever seen, she propped her self up onto her elbows so she could peer down and watch as I slowly began to penetrate the veil of her lips. She bit down on her lower lip and let out a satisfied hum as I began sliding in and out of her.

The fervor of our raw lust fueled my tempo, her eyes now locked onto mine with what I could only describe a primal hunger. A ripple sent through her body with every impact of my hips on hers, her decadent tits bouncing in rhythm with my thrusts.

I hooked my hands under her thighs to fully support the weight of her lower body. I lifted her hips up so that my thrusts were now angled up towards the roof of her vagina. She laid her head back and closed her eyes.

“Fuuuck…. yes baby… that feels amazing” she moaned as her face took on a vibrant pink tone. Her had instinctively shot down between her legs and was massaging her clit with the tips of her fingers.

“Oh my god… please… please baby, right there” she begged between labored breaths. I locked in my tempo as I began to feel her muscles tighten around me. As if all at once, I felt my orgasm beginning to boil over. I focused on my breathing to prolong the inevitable.

Maddy started to buck her hips as her breaths became stuttered, trying to say words, but losing the battle with the rest of her body.

She managed to pant “cum with me baby, I want you to cum with me.”

Say no more.

As Maddy’s body began to convulse, wave after wave of pleasure began bursting through every millimeter of my body. It sounds cliché, but I don’t think I have ever had a stronger orgasm in my entire life. We stayed locked into each other for a while, riding out our respective climaxes. I didn’t fully trust my legs to not give out completely if I were to push my knees away from the edge of the bed.

Eventually we became two separate people again. Maddy inched her way up towards the center of the bed and I crawled up next to her, propping myself up on my forearm so that my face was hovering over hers.

She was grinning from ear to ear, taking long and heavy breaths, occasionally shuddering as she felt aftershocks of her own orgasm.

“So, you’re okay with weird?” I murmured, brushing a stray hair away from her sweaty forehead.

“I think I can do weird” she nodded. I laid down beside her and she cuddled up into my arm, laying her head on my chest. We stayed there in comfortable silence for I don’t know how long. Probably not too long because no one was trying to get a UTI.

Maddy was the first to break away. As she walked towards the bathroom, she peered back behind her with a devious look in her eye.

“So did you have fun fucking Sarah?”



  1. Unexpected appearance by Sarah there a little bit before the asterisks. I bet she loved watching the drama unfold.

    Editing quip aside (figured it happened because you’re changing names and all) another great story in the saga. It’s got everything! Comedy, drama, and most importantly, raw, weird action!

  2. I expect a full novel by the end of the summer. This shit is great

  3. Are the 2 other girls at the Redding house in the future stories

  4. You know the story’s good when you’re not even reading to jerk off anymore.

  5. God at this point I’m not even here for the sex. i just want the end of the story

  6. These are sooooo hot! Have also been writing out my adventures due to covid dry spell but yours are so much more suspenseful, I need more.

  7. You are such a great writer. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to write these stories. :)

  8. Fuck yeah was hoping to see another story, you’re rocking these out fast, nice.

  9. Outstanding writing. I love that you’ve just taken over the front page of this sub! Keep ‘em coming!

  10. I think the important part were all wondering is….

    What do you recommend in terms of jump ropes and youtube tutorials

  11. Just waiting for Brie, Sarah, and Maddy to all show up for a booty call on the day he has a big client meeting and he has to run from room to room banging them all separately lest he rouse suspicion.

    Tacos arrive at the same time and shatters the entire operation. The client is turned on. It devolves into a full on orgy.

  12. “One of the top five sexiest things i have ever seen.”

    Ok , i have to ask. Please tell me we ill get to hear about the other four.

  13. What kind of rope do you use? I love my RPM but replacing the cables every few months sucks ass

  14. >I’m sure coming as no surprise to anyone, my cock had been graced by the gaze of Medusa.

    This had me rolling. I loved this

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