You knew it was wrong…

But you couldn’t help yourself. You’re curiosity and desire got the best of you, and you decided to throw caution to the wind…

The thought had naturally crossed your mind before, but you always pushed it right away. “No,” you’d say to yourself, “that’s just silly. Purely a fantasy. That stuff only happens in porn. That’s not real life. Besides, there’s too much at stake anyway.”

“I mean, who would believe it?”

1. …sleeping with one of your son’s friends…
2. …sleeping with one of your students…
3. …sleeping with one of your friend’s sons…
4. …sleeping with a much older or younger co-worker…
5. …sleeping with (someone so much older or younger than you)… or anything taboo

“That actually sounds crazy! If anyone ever found out, your life would be ruined! Your husband/bf would leave you… you’d get fired… your family would never speak to you again…”

“…Well, if it’s so crazy, then why are you even considering it? Why are you texting him right now? Why even go down this path? Why not just walk away?”

“You’re sitting here, staring at your phone. You’re re-reading his text message for the past 15 minutes… , ‘So, do you want me to come over?’… and you know what’s going to happen if he does…”

You sit there in silence for a minute more, paralyzed by the decision you’re about to make. Just ignore him. Tell him this silly. Tell him this would be a mistake…

“This is so wrong…,” you whisper to yourself as your fingers type out the three letters that will change your life forever…

“Yes” …
