The Redding House Saga: An Unexpected Guest [MF]

It seems the story of my first night with Maddy struck a chord with quite a few people, so to not disappoint, I thought I would continue shortly after from where we left off.

Before I start, I thought I would address some frequently asked questions:

1. To the many private messages and the one person that asked in a comment (bold), I will not be sharing a picture of my penis. It would be underwhelming.

*bUt MaDdY sAiD yOu HaD a ThIcK cOcK!!!*

She also called me “daddy”, and I don’t have any children, so…

2. I absolutely will not be sharing pictures or videos of Maddy, or any other women that make an appearance in these stories. Please stop asking.

3. To anyone “shooting their shot”, I’m flattered, but as of now I have over 270 messages, so I will not respond.

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](


Maddy and I hooked up a few more times after that first night before Thanksgiving. Primarily late-night booty calls from her, I still wasn’t really comfortable having her over at my place. The sex was great, but nothing to write home, or on here, about.

Thanksgiving came around, and before we knew it, Christmas was around the corner. With Maddy heading home for Thanksgiving and Christmas break, and me being incredibly busy with a large install project for a brewery that was opening at the beginning of the new year, we didn’t see each other for the rest of the year.

I had planned to head down to my Aunt’s and her husband’s house to help with the carpentry on the addition during January & most of February, so that initial month and a half away from each other stretched to three. We continued communicating via text,

Maddy REALLY liked to send me videos of her masturbating with a variety of toys, and I reciprocated by writing out all the depraved shit I wanted to do to her when we were both back in town. That went on heavily for the first few weeks apart, but eventually her videos became less frequent, and our communication puttered out to radio silence by the second week of February.

I was disappointed, but I couldn’t say that I was surprised.

The project at my Aunt’s took a little longer than I had expected, although I wasn’t complaining. I had re-connected with an old “friend” which kept me busy, and soon enough I had put the Maddy stuff behind me. I didn’t get back into town until the second week of March, which happened to be Spring Break at the university in my city.

I jumped right back into a few custom furniture commissions and a basic built-in project, so I was as busy as ever. The last weekend of March was shaping up to be the nicest weather of the year so far. That Friday rolled around, and I was working the day away putting the final touches on built-in project that I would be installing the next day.

The text notification chime went off in my ear buds, and I glanced over at my phone. It was a text from Sarah.

“*hey, you work in the industrial district, don’t you?”*

I hadn’t heard from any of the Redding women in months, so the message was unexpected.

“Yep, my shop is on Birch, just past 23rd. if you know anyone looking for a cool dining table, send them my way.”



I focused my attention back on my work, aware of the looming deadline. A little while later, I heard a commotion behind me over whatefer my earbuds were pumping into my ears that day. I popped one out as I turned around to see Sarah strolling into the front of my shop through the open overhead door, with a small group in tow behind her.

“Heyyoooo, the party is here! Where the FUCK have you been?!” Sarah shouted with her arms spread out wide. The group of co-eds filled in beside her as she stopped a few feet in front of me. I had a sneaking suspicion they were well on their way to a day-drunk adventure.

“Oh wow, your text makes more sense now” I laughed as I went in to get Sarah a quick hug hello. She held her embrace a moment longer than I did, then released and stepped back. I scanned the group and noticed the distinct absence of Maddy.

“Couldn’t rally the whole gang?” I prodded.

Sarah gave me a confused look before realizing what I meant. Her expression darkened somewhat.

“Oh you mean Maddy. Yeah some frat-douche she met over the summer is in town and she promised to spend the day with him.” Sarah mumbled while waiving one and in the air as an expression of how little she cared. “So wow, look at you in your element Mr. Bob the Builder!” she said as she blitzed passed me, walking further into my shop. I spun around and jogged to cut her off.

“Wooooahhh… let’s slow your roll there champ. Sharp power tools and jungle juice don’t mix well.” I said as I corralled her back with the rest of the group. “What can I do for everyone?” I asked, a little bit annoyed at the timing of the impromptu field trip I was now hosting.

“We were in the neighborhood and I wanted to see what you actually do for a living” Sarah said as she placed her hand on my forearm. I turned my body while simultaneously moving my arm away from Sarah’s hand.

“Sure, I can quickly show you around, but I’m on a tight timeline so I’m going to have to cut it off relatively soon” I expressed to the group.

I explained what each tool did, showed off some of the projects that were in different stages of production, and explained all the different pieces of the built-in install I was going to be doing that next morning.

I fielded a couple of questions and started to wind down the showcase. They said they were heading to get some ice cream down the street and asked if I wanted to join. I graciously declined but wished them well.

As they were leaving, Sarah lagged behind the group and approached me one-on-one.

“I hope there isn’t anything weird going on between you and Maddy… we’ve missed seeing you around the house” she said, with a glimmer of expectancy behind her eyes.

“Oh no, nothing weird. We’ve both just been so busy, and I know you all just finished up with the semester not too long ago, so I didn’t want to be a bother” I said, unconvincingly I imagine. Sarah sort of just frowned and said okay and gave me another just longer-than-necessary hug before running off to catch up with the rest of her crew.


The day quickly slipped away as I hustled to get everything ready for the next morning. It was nearly 11:30 PM when I was finally able to call it quits. I took one final swig of the beer I had been nursing as I was making the last minute preparations, when I heard a light tapping at the side door of my shop, and a woman’s hoarsely whisper my name. Maddy?

I swung open the door and standing under the flickering porch light was Sarah. She had her arms crossed in front of her body and her back was arched as if she were attempting to huddle for warmth.

“Oh, hey, Sarah, what’s up? Everything alright?” I asked

“Wow, I didn’t think you’d actually be here. Can I come inside, it’s fucking freezing out here” she asked halfway through her stride passed me, into the west side of my shop.

“Go right ahead” I said to the vacuum of dead air Sarah left in her wake as I made a gesture with my arm towards the center of the shop. I guided her into a partitioned area of the shop where I had recently set-up a small show room and meeting area for me to confer with clients over 3-D renderings of their projects and discuss quotes and timelines.

On one side of the room was a massive mid-century style walnut console table with brass accents that acted as a dry bar and a surface to display my catalogs and look-books. Opposite the console table was a cool chesterfield style green velvet sofa that I had picked up on Craigslist the week before. On either side of the sofa were some vintage leather chairs that faced in towards a very simple metal base coffee table that I had fabricated a couple summers before when I was first learning how to weld, with a clean walnut top. There was a conference table at the back of the room, a large live edge white oak slab top on more stout metal fabricated legs, with a bunch of simple chairs I bought from Target, or somewhere.

Sarah took a seat on the leather chair that faced the entrance we had just walked through, a large sliding door that spanned the length and height of the partition wall.

“What are you doing here so late, do you live here or something?” Sarah asked, half mockingly.

I hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether I wanted to give away all my secrets.

“I have a big install early in the morning, just making sure everything is all set to go” I responded. “You know, if you needed something at the house, you could have just called, no need to make the special trip out to ask in person” I said jokingly. I grabbed a beer from the mini fridge that was hidden in the console table, and made a gesture to offer her one. She indicated that she would like one. I walked over and handed it to her as I made my way onto the center of the couch.

“Clever” she sneered. “We’re both adults, and I think we know why I’m here, at midnight, on a Friday…” she said, as she playfully twirled her hair and looked around the room.

Not knowing how to react, I just stared at her blankly and started to take a sip of my beer.

She sighed. “ I want a ride on that magical dick of yours” she said matter-of-factly.

I choked a little bit on my beer, not fully prepared for how blunt she was being.

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea Sar-“ I got out before she cut me off.

“You’re worried about Maddy? Trust me, that whore is plenty busy tonight” she said curtly. My shock must have been evident, because she quickly followed up with “oh no, it’s okay, I can say that because I’m also a whore” she explained.

“Oh, is that how it works” I said as I leaned back and chuckled.

“No I’m serious, she’s probably bouncing on frat-douche dick as we speak” she continued. I quickly looked down, suddenly becoming uncomfortable with the level of abruptness the conversation had devolved into. Sarah paused, and raised her eyebrows as if she had an epiphany. “Ohhhh, are you jealous of frat-douche being all up in Miss America’s guts right now?” she sneered.

“What? No.” I retored.


“You got a little crush on Maddy, do you?” she pouted, really leaning into the mocking tone.

“Shut the fuck up” I jeered.

I absolutely was. Shit, was I really jealous of some human embodiment of a popped collar? I hadn’t spoken to Maddy in months. “I shouldn’t have had the second beer” I thought to myself as I placed my half full bottle on the coffee table.

“Look” Sarah said, as she stood up and took off her denim jacket and threw it on the end table next to her, “do you want to do this, or not. I can call one of my fuck buddies if you are too hung up on the Wicked Bitch of the mid-West.” I was starting to think Sarah didn’t care too much for Maddy.

I sat back again, and really looked at Sarah for the first time that night. She was wearing an adorable floral printed yellow sundress, that was cut low enough to offer a tease of her handful sized breasts that looked large on her tall and slender frame. The hem on the dress allowed for her long, toned legs to be fully displayed. Her hair had been formed into large, loose curls that perfectly framed her stunning face and piercing hazel eyes. Her porcelain skin was reminiscent of a statue of a Greek goddess that was more suited to be on display at the Acropolis museum than it was here in my somewhat dingy wood shop.

Maybe it was the beer and a half buzz, or the jealousy I was feeling towards Maddy, but nonetheless, I slammed the rest of my beer, stood up, and without a word started towards Sarah, who seemed to be somewhat caught off guard. She must have thought I would have deliberated for longer.

As soon as I was within an arm’s length, I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into my body. Our lips immediately met in the space between us, our tongues wasting no time finding their way into each other’s mouth. In one motion I picked up Sarah by the underside of her thighs, and she instinctively warped her legs my waist as I walked us both over to the conference table.

I sat Sarah down and we both feverishly began pawing at each other’s waists. I yanked her dress up so that I could have unrestricted access to her panties, which I just as quickly began pulling down. Sarah was simultaneously fumbling with the button on my jeans. We were attacking each other as if the world would end if we weren’t fucking in the next 15-seconds.

She was finally able to undo my button and I aided in pulling my pants and underwear down, freeing my hard cock. I started kissing down Sarah’s neck and positioned myself between her legs, when she suddenly gasped “Wait!”

I took a half-step back and looked at her with puzzlement. She reached into one of the cups of her sundress and pulled out a square foil wrapper. She came prepared.

I quickly opened the package and rolled the condom on. Picking up where we had left off, I positioned myself between her legs and began rubbing the tip of my cock up and down the length of her slit to gauge if she was ready. In that moment she decided to take charge, and with a continuous motion, she grabbed my cock with her hand and guided inside her. I started to thrust, shallow at first, but quickly increased the pace and depth with each stroke.

As if by fate, the table was almost the perfect height for me to be able to angle my hips so that my tip hit her g-spot as I worked my way to full depth. I was only able to hit optimal angular force when I went onto my tip-toes… mark that down as another reason I wish I was 6’ tall.

Without a word shared between us I continued to fuck Sarah, short shallow breaths and muted moans occasionally slipping out of our mouths. I started to feel my orgasm build, and the tightness I was beginning to feel around my cock with each subsequent thrust made me believe Sarah was getting close as well. I moved a hand up to hook around the back of her head so I could gain some more leverage, but she caught my hand and diverted it to her throat.

I looked her in the eyes with heed, and she whispered, “do it” with a wicked smile.

Now, I wasn’t super familiar with breath play stuff, but I did know that it was more so a “blood flow” thing than it was a “constricting airway” thing, so I squeezed my fingers around the sides of her throat, and began applying pressure until she indicated I had found the sweet spot.

In the concentration I had spent on navigating the choking, I had lost some of the momentum I had build up, so I immediately picked up the pace again. Soon Sarah was beginning to whimper as her walls continued to constrict around my cock, getting tighter with each thrust. Sarah’s hands abruptly shot up to my face, and she pulled me in for a deep kiss as she let out a stifled scream into my mouth. As she began to climax, I reached the point of no return, and began pump rope after rope of cum into the condom, allowing Sarah to dictate how I moved as she came down from her mountain top.

I released the tension in my legs and we both were gulping air was we attempted to regain our natural breath. Sarah went in for another kiss and bit down on my lower lip, hard.

“Mmm, so that’s what all the fuss is about” she softly moaned, savoring the words as they left her mouth.

“I guess so” I laughed. I stepped back, pulled the condom off and discarded it in the bin that was below my feet under the conference table. I would need to remember to take care of that in the morning. Sarah hoped off the table, picked up her panties from the ground, and stuffed the breast pocket of my shirt. She patted my chest and said “a souvenir.”

I scowled.

“Would the gentleman mind hailing an Uber for his harlot?” Sarah asked.

“Are you sure you just don’t want me to drive you home? I’m not sure it’s safe to take an Uber by yourself this late at night.” I said.

“I would love to see someone try some shit with me” she boasted as she pulled a small can of Mace out of her clutch.

“I’m being serious” I pushed back.

“So am I, I will drop a mother fucker” she grunted. I could tell this wasn’t an argument I was going to win.

“Alright, if you insist” I conceded.

“Thanks, do you know the address?” she asked as she re-applied some lip gloss. I looked at her with a bemused expression. “Oh, duh” she said as she brought her palm to her forehead.

I walked her out to the corner of the road as the driver pulled up.

“That was fun, we should do it again” she said nonchalantly.

“Yeah, we’ll see” I said as I gave her a hug and a short peck on the forehead. “Please text me when you get back to the house” I pleaded.

“Okay dad” she mocked as she closed the door before the car drove off.

I headed back into my shop, and over to the console table to grab my phone before heading to bed. I looked at the screen, a text from Maddy, sent 8 minutes ago.

*“u up?”*



  1. Ohhhh shit!

    Always with the clif hangers…more please ?

    Incredibly well written once again.

  2. Oh my god, this is too good!
    What happened with Maddy? I need answers NOW

  3. Dude I got jealous about Maddy boning the frat dude which shows 2 things:

    – these are so well written
    – I may have a jealousy problem

  4. loved masturbating to these. thanks for the good hour of orgasms.

  5. I really wish you had posted a duck pic. It would have been Reddit classic. I get why you didn’t though.

    Weren’t Sarah and Maddy besties back a few stories ago? I guess we’ll get to see if they had a falling out in the next installment. Thanks for having the links to the previous ones. That’s p important.

  6. Two things….

    1st, i dont need pictures of the women, but i would like to see the woodworking honestly.

    2nd, this is the most invested in a series since that guy (Duke something?) that dated both sisters.

  7. Fuck Maddy. Like fuck her (in the negative sense for playing you) but fuck Maddy (in the positive sense, like having sex with her). And Sarah is a true champ

  8. You’re just one meth-fueled rampage away from a proper Redding adventure

  9. I hope these names are changed and the Redding house is a pseudonym haha.

  10. If you’re going to embellish for the story’s sake, embellish that condom right the fuck out of it. Just ruins the whole flow and fantasy. Just one reader’s opinion.

  11. Another well written, hot installment! Thanks for sharing! I would also like to see your woodworking if you’re up for sharing some pics of your craft.
    I’m looking forward to the next installment. ?

  12. I like how he does the asterisks thing but I also feel like the story wouldn’t be quite right without the foreword

  13. I’m not sure what got me harder, the banging of the college girl, or the mid-story segue into detailing your showroom setup. If it weren’t for your anonymity, I think I’d be half way through commissioning some work out of you by now.

  14. It seems a bit odd being attracted to girls via a gws post but it’s the wittiness from both of them that’s the most interesting thing

  15. So glad that Sarah is as big a slut as Maddy. There must be more to this story. There just has to be ???

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