Runner’s High (mf) (nc) (stalking)

My sub and I made this. My contribution is in bold, hers is italics. Let us know what you think! We hope you enjoy!

**I’d seen her running before. Despite quarantine, there were usually a few runners outside my house throughout the day. She was the only one I waited for. The first thing about her that caught my eye was that cute little butt in spandex that would once have been far too short for public. Her long auburn hair was always tied back to keep it out of her face. The tank tops that came in various colours hugged her slender body and made watching her run toward my house almost as enjoyable as watching her run away. Fuck I’d love to watch her run away for a little longer.**

**As the months went deeper into the summer, and the temperature increased, her runs began to go later and later. Eventually the sun was already down by the time she passed my house on her way back home. It hadn’t taken long to figure out that she ran through the park after that. I assumed she lived on the other side of it.**

**By the time she was close to her second pass tonight I was already in shorts and laced up. Shirtless with quiet earbuds in each ear, I left my house and started running. Slower than her, but not too much. I needed to get to the park before I let her overtake me.**

*The summer air was humid, hot, and almost made running a task. I usually loved going for a run, but I was sweating like a pig and my throat was so dry I barely had any saliva left in my mouth. I was exhausted, but I still had about ten minutes left and I wasn’t about to stop. I wiped my forehead with my hand and tried to run a little faster. The gravel in the park’s path crumpled under my feet, and the air freshened a little as I ran under a cover of trees.*

*I tripped over a root and swore as I fell and scratched my knee. My clumsiness would get the best of me someday. I tied my shoe, stopped my music and breathed the night air before getting back on my feet to start running again. I always liked a few minutes of silence, just me and the night, before arriving at home.*

*Behind me, I suddenly heard the gravel move. Strange. There usually weren’t a lot of runners at this time of the night. I slightly turned my head towards the noise, curious.*

*In the corner of my eye, I saw a shirtless man, wearing a short and listening to music. I admired his muscles glistening with sweat for a sweet second. Then I started running.*

*There were a lot of paths that led to home. During the last minutes of my run, I liked to be alone, so I decided to take a different trail so he’d leave me alone. I turned left, then right. I still heard his regular, fast footsteps behind me. Annoyed, I looked back directly at him and gave him an unkind look. He smiled at me and ran faster.*

*I sighed and quickened my pace too. He was following me. It was about 10 o’clock, in a park where there was no one but the two of us. I started to get a little worried. No matter what direction I took, he’d take, and I was started to run out of breath.*

**I laughed internally at the rejection of my smile. She seemed like she was going to be a tough nut to crack. I liked that. I hated when a girl would just bend over backward for me as soon as she met me. Where is the reward in an unearned prize? I picked up my pace and had to stifle a laugh as she did as well. That aforementioned ass swayed even faster, hypnotically directing me closer and closer. I noticed a sudden decrease in her pace and realized she was doing the, “I’ll let him pass me,” technique. Clever, but she didn’t know me well enough yet.**

**As I came up beside her I looked over at her and smiling, said, “this is such a beautiful path isn’t it? I just moved here and haven’t explored this maze too deeply.”**

**Obviously I had, but a conversation starter is a conversation starter, right?**

**She looked at me confusedly, unsure of what to make of me. Finally she replied, “yeah. I like it better during the day. I’m more social then too…,” her voice trembled with what probably would have been a shortness of breath. Though maybe a little fear.**

**My smile deepened at her not so subtle deflection. I let out a laugh.**

**”Yeah I suppose that’s true. Sorry if I scared you, I’m just trying to meet new people. Common hobbies, right? My name’s Mark by the way, Mark Trembley.”**

**I stick out my hand.**

*”Well Mark, I’d rather be alone right now. I have work tomorrow, and school, so I really have to get going and I’m not really in the mood for a chat.”*

*”Right. Right. You know, I would really love to get your number, though”, he insisted.*

*I declined politely. I was worried that he might not leave me alone. He nodded, then said, “Wanna play a little game?”*

*”I really have to get going, but thank you for the proposition”, I muttered, annoyed. Scared.*

*”I’m gonna let you have a head start. And after, well… The game for me is to catch you, and your role is to try to escape. Although it obviously won’t be the case.”*

*His eyes are black and his expression, terrifying. Predatory. I gulp. What should I do? I’m terrified.*

**I give her my best smile as I very calmly explain the rules. Just a fun little game between two new friends. Her cute face pales as I state the inevitable conclusion of the game. She gulps. Maybe she won’t be such a hard nut to crack…she gets into character so fast. I can’t help but feel a little disappointed. She hasn’t even started running yet. How the fuck am I supposed to chase her if she’s not even fucking running?**

**I breath out a sigh. Maybe just a little encouragement is all she needs. She’s just new to this. I violently grab her throat and pull her in. My hand squeezes hard enough to cut off her breath. Her eyes widen in surprise and fear. The cutest sounds in her throat.**

**”If you don’t start running I’m going to decrease your headstart. Now…run.”**

**I push her away and she stumbles backwards, dazed, coughing. Then she runs. Sprints. Unfortunately the sparsely lit trails of this maze prevent me from getting a good look at the gorgeous ass as the headstart counts down, but each time she passes underneath a light I get an excellent dose of motivation.**

**”Ready or not!”**

**My legs explode into movement, my arms pumping fiercely as I chase after her. At my shout and sudden movement I hear her scream in fear, the realization of the game’s purpose finally fully dawning on her. Every scream for help makes my blood boil in anticipation.**

*I hear his footsteps rapidly approaching as I run faster than I have ever run in my entire life. Adrenaline is pumping through my veins. I hear my heart beat rapidly. A wild, terrified rhythm.*

*”Help, someone! Please, anyone!”*

*But we’re in the middle of a park at night. I’m only screaming because I have nothing else to do. There is nothing else left to do.*

*Inexorably, I feel him get closer and closer, even though I’m running as fast as I can. I try to think of a way to get myself out of this mess. Think! Think!*

*Got it! I turn abruptly as a random trail appears, and quickly hide behind a tree before he gets a chance to see me. Only a few seconds later, I hear him get to where I was. His pace is slow, cautious. I hear him chuckle.*

*”Ohhh little girl! Get out of your hiding place, won’t you?” he sing-songs.*

*I put my hand in front of my nose and mouth to stifle my rapid breath and a small sob. Oh, my god. How the fuck will I get myself out of this situation now?*

*I can hear his raspy breath and his predatory pace as he begins searching for me behind the trees, on the other side of the trail.*

*”Well then, if you won’t come out, I guess I’ll have to drag you out myself, won’t I?”*

*He laughs again. A cold laugh. More teasing. I feel a drop of sweat slide on my back. I hear the wind between the leaves and branches.*

*After a while, his footsteps seem to sound further and further away from my position, and the noise finally stops. I risk a peek.*

*And I realize my mistake when I feel his hot breath on my neck. His big hand covers my mouth as I scream, both in horror and in shock.*

*”Let me go, you fucking psycho!” I hiss behind his palm. And swing my elbow at his stomach. He slightly loses grip on me and I manage to get away.*

**The feel of her hot body against mine was a lovely taste of things to come. The elbow to the stomach was expected. The force of it certainly wasn’t. I smile again as I watch her cut down another of the spidery trails in the labyrinth. What a glorious hunting ground I’ve happened upon. I haven’t had this much fun in far too long.**

**Realizing I’m lost in the thought I sprint after her, cutting down the same trail. I took my time learning these winding paths before today. Even before I picked her. A good hunter knows his terrain. He has to know all its nooks and crannies. I knew this place better than she did. How else was I going to make this fun if I can’t give her hope and steal it away?**

**In seconds I’m right behind her. I tackle her to hard pavement. I feel the scrapes and bruises immediately. Despite the fall she immediately starts kicking me and screaming. Fighting off her attacks easily, I swat her hands away like flies. The pain of the pavement flips a switch in my head. I’m no longer happy Mark Trembley trying to make a new friend. I’m a hunter revelling in the capture of his prey. I’m going to make the slut wish she had run faster.**

**”Please don’t hurt me! Just let me go! I won’t tell anyone I swear!”**

**I laughed again. Coldly. She’s doing so well at playing her part now and it has me giddy with excitement. With little effort I roll her over and mount her, finally feeling that beautiful soft ass against my hard fucking cock. Pinning her lower body with my weight, I grip her wrists hard and drive them into the ground. She squirms madly as she desperately tries to get me off of her. Her pleas for me to stop are broken by sobs and gasps for breath. I start rocking my hips, pressing my cock against the softness of her ass, enjoying fully the reward of a prize well earned.**

**“Please stop…please please stop,” she whimpers.**

**”I love when you talk dirty you filthy little girl. Keep talking like that and I’m going to enjoy every fucking second of making you my slut.”**

*His cock on my ass becomes more insistent, his thrusts, deeper. I slowly start to relax as it dawns on me that this is happening. And there is nothing I can do to change that. If I resist, he will restrict me. If I escape, he will tackle me to the ground again. There is no way I can escape this 180 pounds of muscle. Besides… I know, I know that it’s wrong, but I can’t help but feel excited by it. This situation triggers my natural prey-like instincts. But this time, the rabbit really wants to be eaten by the wolf.*

*With one hand, he starts punishing my ass. He spanks it hard enough to make me gasp in pain. Then he massages it, working the sting from the tissue, only to strike it even harder. Despite my pleas for him to stop I feel myself getting wetter. The pain is so fucking good. What’s wrong with me? How can I enjoy this so, so much? Finally, he lowers my shorts, revealing my naked ass and pussy to the humid air of summer.*

*I hear him click his tongue, clearly aroused. His fingers lightly brush my heated ass cheeks, and suddenly, I feel them penetrating me mercilessly.*

*”You fucking slut! I knew that you were wet for me…”*

*He’s knuckle-deep inside me and I am so ashamed to be so excited.*

*”Hear that, little baby”, he says, giving a flick at my g-spot while I stifle a moan, “that’s your wet cunt enjoying itself with just my fingers. What a twisted little slut you are. Getting raped in the middle of a park and you want it bad.”*

*I can’t help but moan as the harsh words trigger another, deeply-seeded, part of me. It’s true. I want this now. I want it inside me. I want his thick meat inside of me, to destroy my insides.*

*I want it! I want it inside of–*

**I hear people coming. Their laughter. I look behind us. No one yet. I look at the cunt lying on the hard pavement, broken and shaking. No one will take this kill from me. Her pussy is mine and I’ll have it no matter the cost. I grip her hair, pushing her face into the ground. It’s gritty surface scraping her cheek. I growl in a teeth clenched whisper, “if you make a sound, I’ll fucking kill you.”**

**She whimpers and I thrust my hips forward involuntarily. I smile through gritted teeth. My grip tightens on her hair and I drag her toward the bushes that line the side of the road. She continues to struggle, but blessedly stays quiet, tears pouring from her eyes. Once hidden by the thick foliage I throw her to her stomach and mount her again. The soft forest floor is a godsend, my knees were getting sore.**

**I press my face into her hair and breath in deeply, savouring her scent. She smells of delicious vanilla. The small group of friends finally come into eyeshot. I give a growl as the scent of weed overpowers hers. In anger, I remove my shorts, revealing my thick, erect cock. Perhaps the wet feel of her pussy will distract me until they leave.**

**Quiet moans escape my lips as I press the tip of my dick against her pussy’s lips. Slowly rubbing myself against her wetness takes me to my edge. It takes everything to not aggressively fuck her. I whisper in her ear as the friends get closer, “remember little slut, not a fucking sound.”**

**My hips buck violently. Her pussy stretches around my cock as I bury every inch into her still tight hole. She scrunches her face with the effort of holding in her scream of pain or pleasure. Intoxicated as I am I couldn’t care less. I rest a moment, letting her warmth spread up through my cock and into my body. The friends are directly across from us now. They stop.**

**Immediately my hand goes for her mouth, covering it so she can’t make a cry for help. I look at them, a glare of deepest anger shooting daggers through the bushes. There are three men and three women. They look young. They start pushing each other, oblivious to the game being played barely 15 feet away.**

*As I hear the voices get closer and closer and the weed scent stronger and stronger, so does his pace. He starts off slowly, burying himself as deep as he can, till I can feel his balls dangle on my clit, then withdraws himself completely. He dips in again, and again and again, always slow and steady, frustrating me. I thrust my hips towards him, annoyed.*

*He quietly bites my neck.*

*”Fucking slut is getting excited huh? You want this?” He coos mockingly as he thrusts harder inside me. I nod, still muffled by his hand.*

*”Then you’re gonna get it, little girl. But don’t tell me I haven’t warned you!”*

*His cock slips and slides in my pussy at a wild rhythm, picking up steadily until I shake and jump at every thrust.*

*I was just about to cum when he backs off, leaving only the head inside me.*

*”Ah-ah-ah, slut, only I can cum. You’re just there for my pleasure.”*

**”Hey are there animals in there?”**

**In my singular focus on fucking my slut into the forest floor I had forgotten about the group. I realize that all this time my progressively intense thrusting had been making sounds. I can’t help but laugh at their question. There are animals here. One of the men walks toward us as I fuck her slow, yet hard, staring him in the eyes. My thrusting becomes harder. My claws digging into her skin, and my legs squeeze hers tighter as each thrust is fuelled by my aggression. He wants to steal my kill. No one steals my kill.**

**”Derek stop. Just leave it alone.”**

**He rolls his eyes, and submits, returning to the group. They finally continue walking.**

**Still thrusting I return to my whore. My worthless, obedient whore.**

**”I want you to beg me for your life.”**

**She lets out a long, low moan, as if she’d been holding it in, allowing it to build and build while the group had been too close. My thrusting comes faster now, not quite so hard.**

**”I said, I want you to beg me for your fucking life.”**

**She whimpers, “please don’t hurt me, please…”**

**I’m angry now, her disobedience triggering my full aggression and I fully fuck this slut. My hips buck violently back and forth, hammering her hole over and over again.**

**”I said beg me for your life, beg Daddy for your life!”**

**”Ple-heeeease don’t k-kiiiill me Da-a-addy, please don’t kill me!” the ecstasy of her domination has her stuttering and muttering through intense moaning.**

**”Take it you fuck dumb whore, take Daddy’s cock.”**

**Biting her shoulder hard I finally cum. Pumping load after load into her, breeding her until she begins to cum as well. Our moaning fills the cool night air as we climax in pure ecstasy. I collapse, completely exhausted on top of my beautiful baby girl.**

*I finally relax after the last spasm of my climax. Wow, that was powerful. He’s still inside me, hard as ever, and heavy on top of me, too. His pants are accompanied by low growls, as if the animal inside him had finally been released.*

*Finally, he lifts himself off the ground and turns me on my back, facing him.*

*He smiles at me, tender. I don’t recognize him as the man I saw before this whole pursuit began. His hand caresses my cheek, the back of it slightly brushing my scratched skin. He removes a strand of hair from my face. Then the hand nests itself around my neck. A natural position.*

*”Can I have your number now? By the way, my name’s not Mark. It’s Dante.”*
