Update – Does she want me or is it all my imagination M19 F32
[ Update – Since couple of guys asked me too]
I don’t have any new developments to share but I can share certain things from the day she moved into my room, (March 10) Just before the lockdown and all
On the first day she arrived .. She was still planning on renting a new place like a PG(Paying Guest) kind of thing. My mom was still trying to convince her to stay with us. Atleast for year or so (her husband was still managing a lot of things so he needed
some time to manage all that stuff). But she was reluctant to stay with us, my mom also kind of started to stop convincing her. But now and then I would put a thought on my mother’s mind on how she could help me with my studies, and even though I never touched my books before a day of my exam, I would pretend to ask doubts from my cousin in front my mom.
I think that definitely made my mom to persuade her more on her staying. My cousin was like if –
‘If he says he wants me here I’ll stay otherwise I won’t.. Because I might cause inconvenience to him’
Hearing this I was like – The pleasure I am going get from having you with me overpowers everything.
But I still tried to give her a cocky answer saying
‘If you want my permission to stay in your own house(things indians say), I don’t think you really want to stay with us. You’re just saying these things to avoid us. So you better find a new place’
Then she looked at me like she would kill me.
Saying this, I left the house for my college.. And when I returned back at evening her husband had brought all her necessary stuff.
There were a couple of bags and other stuff which still needed to be unpacked. Her husband stayed overnight, so there wasn’t much of communication happening between us. I was irritated by his presence,(Although he’s a good man) she pretty much ignored me the remaining day. Then the following morning he left and i had some work to get done so I left soon too.
Around afternoon she messaged me to pick up certain things for her.
When i to returned home and went straight to my room to get freshened up, It was entirely changed. All her clothes was hanging in my wardrobe. Her lingerie were in kept in my drawer, she had all her makeup kit, jewelry, perfumes all that stuff lying all around the room.
They had even moved my bed out ( it was like one person bed)and replaced it with a bigger bed that was in the other room(2 person bed)
She had like put up some paintings and some flower plant ( looked liked a cactus), put up new curtains and all that.
All of it looked really nice but the most important thing was that the way the room smelled. It was just amazing just like her.
Apparently my mom had offered her room but she somehow managed to convince my mom that it would be a problem for my mom(because she might be studying and all that at night time) and that it was better she was with me. So that she could make me study as well.
In the beginning, I felt like she didn’t want to stay with us. But now I knew that she was just faking all that drama.
Although I didn’t expect her to sleep in the same bed as mine. (I thought she might sleep in the hall or with my mother). But after dinner, I was watching TV sitting on the couch, when she called me with my pet name in like most seductive tone and asked me come sleep in “Our” room.
I instantly followed her like I was hypnotised, while she was holding my hand and going towards “Our” room.
Then she procceded to lock the door(which I never did during night time).
I came to my senses and realised that there was this beautiful women in my room locked with me, wearing this very revealing dress and being overtly flirty with me..and all of this happening with my mother in the next room… Realising all of this just gave me an instant boner.
I really wanted to jerk off, but unlike other times I now had a company and the reason for my boner. Thankfully my room has an attached bathroom which I use.
I rushed into the bathroom to jerk off and realised that the latch does not work.
So I stood right next to the door holding the door with my body and jerking off thinking about to her, her body, her curves, her boobs, the way she smelled. Everything around me smelled like her.
By the time I returned I thought she might have drifted off to sleep but she had changed herself into a nightwear which again gave another boner. I have never had such boners ever in my life.
Even though, I had spent a lot of nights sleeping with her before but this time it felt different. Obviously before I was a kid who was naive and innocent but now I was a man full of lust and horniness.
I offered to sleep on the floor saying that it will comfortable for her to sleep on the bed alone. But she was in no mood to listen, she like instantly grabbed my sweatshirt which I was wearing and pulled me towards her. I was trying really hard to hide my boner but when she pulled me towards her, I fell on her and I got my dick pressed against her thighs. I am sure she must have felt my boner
I then proceeded to move to corner of the bed but she again like pulled me towards and held me tightly, cuddling me and pressing my face towards her chest.
She said that if she wanted to sleep alone she would slept somewhere else, I want to sleep with my baby.
She got a liitle angry asking me why I didn’t ask her to stay in our house and acting so strangely nowadays.
She said she was waiting for me ask her to stay.
I said something like she was basically family and does not need anybodys permission to stay with us.
Hearing this she got so red and looked really cute and gave me like a million kisses, tickling me to the point where tears came out of my eye ( I’m very ticklish and she used to love tickling me ).
I think she was a bit tired of all moving and unpacking and kind of drifted off to sleep. But I was far from getting sleep, with a boner like that and such a sexy woman curled up so against in such close proximity. Although I had been physical with my GF I didn’t feel the kind of heat that I felt at that moment.
Her body fragrance was hitting my nose and was constant reason for my boner. I think even her sweat like perfume to me.
I didn’t get any sleep that night.
I am not a morning person, I was fast asleep when I felt someone closing my nose and I started having difficulty breathing so I instantly woke up. I noticed it was her, when I woke up she was laughing her ass off…
I lashed out at her. I don’t like when someone interrupts me, as I said I am not a morning person
Me lashing out her was a big shock to her. She was on the verge of crying but my mom came in and scolded me for shouting on her. My anger instantly went away when I saw how upset she was and trying to run away from the room.
I felt like an idiot, looking at her I just wanted go grab her and hug her very tightly. I just wanted to kiss her passionately and say how sorry I was.
The entire day she avoided me, she would even make eye contact with me.
I felt like the biggest asshole in the world.
I returned home late that night and saw her half asleep on the couch. I could not control myself watching her sleep anywhere than my bed so I went to her and cuddle up against her and said how sorry I was and how much I wanted her to sleep in my room. I pleaded and started begging holding legs to come back, she started crying saying she does not like it when someone shouts at her. She said I was the only person who understood her and the long melodrama continued. I had forgotten how difficult it is to say sorry to women and how bitch they become, I used to avoid my GF a lot of times for the exact reason but her I never pictured in that way. But I guess, all women have similarlarties irrespective of the age.
She finally agreed and accepted my “Apology” and for the first time I was the one initiating things like holding her and giving kisses on her forehead, dragging her towards me and all. I felt really good
being in control with her for the first time.
As the lockdown got enforced and I started to spend more time with her, I tried being a bit more bold compared to before.
Every morning she would make a habit of cleaning my room, bringing me coffee as I woke up.
As she was glued to me the entire time, she started snooping around my things.
She would ask for my laptop on the pretext that she wanted to work on it (although she had one). She kinda renamed all my admin names with mine and hers (From X to XY)
She even found my porn folder in my laptop, one day she deliberately was browsing through my laptop in front of me and pretended to find the folder (which I had hidden pretty well).
I thought she would get mad or angry at me or something. But she then went on open some of the videos and didn’t say anything after that.
She would never leave my room unless she had some chores to do.
We would watch a lot of movies and TV shows together.
Obviously with no privacy it was becoming difficult for me jerk off. But her leaving her clothes and undergarments in my bathroom was like finding gold.
I might have sniffed her panties so many times and mastrubated to it like a thousand times. Just remembering her smell would give me a boner.
For the first couple weeks she would use the main washroom for bathing and stuff but she started to bathe in my washroom. In the beginning she would ask me to leave the room or I would just leave.
Slowly she started just barge in and out without any notice.
One day I was still half asleep and she came out of washroom, just wrapped in a towel and then proceeded to wake me up while almost being half naked.
I woke up and pretended to still being asleep, she said get up and get cleaned up. I thought she woke me up so that she could ask me to leave in order for her to change her clothes. But when I started to leave the room she asked me to grab her clothes and help her in draping a saree( It was a festival that day called Ugadi). Usually festival saree require some help to drape since its quite heavy.
I made the most use of that opportunity, I probably touched every inch of her body.
She looked so beautiful during the entire day, we probably ended up taking 100s of pictures. She uploaded one those to the social media with a caption… Celebrating with my loved one and with a bunch of heart and couples emojis.
Everyday she would take a bath before I got up and would always come up with ways to “Unintentionally” wake me up, while she would be a half naked state.
I am a lazy person so showering daily is not my thing especially in holidays. But she would literally drag me everyday to the get showered, to the point she would strip my clothes forcefully and push me to the washroom.
One day she was talking with my mother and slept on her bedroom. So that was day I had a bit of a privacy in weeks. So I got entire naked and mastrubated till my dick started to pain.
Again in the morning the routine happened. Her coming off the washroom and trying to wake me up, but this time when she lifted my blanket, I was just sleeping in my underwear. She was like do you sleep every day like this or something,
I said yeah I feel comfortable this way. She was like then why did you sleep fully clothed with me.
I was like trying picture what she has said. Does she understand what’s she talking, I mean no body can be so innconent to just blurt out stuff like that.
I ended up saying like it would have been uncomfortable for her.
She reminded me that how she seen me naked 100s of time when I was kid and how she used to bathe me before and all that stuff.
Then every night her dress got more revealing and revealing and I started stripping my clothes every night.
But with my mom still in the house its a bit scary but also kind of fun
Also my mom is a tailor and she teaches a lot women in our society tailoring(she has a small room in our terrace where she takes classes for others).
So I do get some alone time with her but its usually during day time (when she’s sleeping or FaceTiming her daughter or talking wit her husband or working).
She kind of always jokes in front of my mom how big I have got and that they should get me married. She even go on to suggest some girls (Indian things) and how If I got married to her daughter, she would be the one controlling me.
It always make me uncomfortable when these things happen.
So everyday would go by her waking me up parading almost naked in front of me. Spend an hour dressing up (even during the lockdown, I guess she used to dress up for me) while talking to me. Then offer me to bathe which I would decline, then she bring me coffee and biscuits.
Force me to get bathed. When I would have finished and wrapped in a towel, she would always try to pull up my towel and try to get me naked. But I would always be wearing some kind of shorts to avoid getting embrassed.
Then she would bring me breakfast and basically feed me from her hands.
After that she would clean up the room, wash my clothes (which usually my mom used to do). Always try to get things that would comfort me.
Eat lunch together, she would then spend time with her family on phone. We would flirt, the usual kisses and hugs.
Have dinner in my room while watching a movie or something.
She would change into a sexy nightwear, strip me to my shorts. Sleep cuddling together. Then,
I got sick for few days and pretty much the little bit of privacy that I had was thrown out the house.
She would be with 24/7.
She had completely turned herself into my wife.
So after posting my first post on reddit, I have planned certain things to take things forward with her before the lockdown ends( becuase then she would get busy and I would get busy. It might push things backwards).
I feel, and after certain opinions from people on reddit that I need to Atleast know the intentions very soon.
Something more direct and not just what we are doing till now.
I really want to fuck her brains out. I even have condoms hidden. (For the times with my Gf).
I have necessary tools for safe sex.
Just need some courage, I have planned things to get bold this weekend (My mom won’t be home).
So if things go well and I get to live out my life long fantasy I will update it or else I might fucking up big time.
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gsuw9h/update_1_m_19_f_32_does_she_want_me_or_is_it_all
She’s married. Don’t be that guy.