[MF] My Best Buddy’s Widow. Part 11.

Read part 10 here:


Just to give a heads up. This will be my last post and though I will leave the account open, I will not be posting anymore stories. I thank all of you who have joined me in this journey from the start and I think this story will be the highlight of the past 11 chapters.

So picking up where I left off on part 10. Addie thanked me for indulging her in her fantasy. I did admit I was somewhat weirded out, but really we all have our fantasies and Addie trusted me enough to open up about hers.

As Addie started to clean up after breakfast, I went to the garage to put some stuff in the recycle bin and then noticed a project that I put off to the side. I looked around to see if I had everything I needed to finish it and decided I did. So I got started on it.

I guess I was in the garage a bit longer than I thought. I was in the middle of sanding a table top when Addie came into the garage to check on me. She watched what I was doing for about a minute before saying anything.

“Honey, are you going to be a while before you finish?” She asked.

I told her that I just wanted to finish sanding the table top and then I was going to make a run to Home Depot to get some wood stain. I figured she wanted to go see her kids or something.

Then she asked if we could talk for a minute. I turned off the sander and looked at her. “What’s up?” I asked.

Addie but her bottom lip as she hesitated to say what was on her mind. She then asked me if we can come inside the house as she took my hand.

We got in the house and I took off my shirt since I was covered in wood dust and maybe Addie took it as me thinking she wanted to have sex. Well, she kind of did but there was more to it.

Addie once again thanked me for indulging her fantasy the night before and I started to wonder where this was going. In the back of my mind I was somewhat scared that this may have been a well laid out trap and it was time for her to cut off my balls.

Then she continued to talk about how turned on she was and how much she was into the fantasy. But if she was being honest (here we go, I thought as I braced myself) the thought of watching me fuck a younger, attractive woman was the only thing in her mind. She said the after she got done cleaning up in the kitchen, she masturbated to thoughts of Mandy and I fucking.

If I was shocked before, I was flabbergasted now. I thought Addie wanted a continuation of what we did last night and I expected her to ask me for such. However the next part of our conversation had me from flabbergasted to outright floored!!!

“I know you said that being with Mandy is out of the question, but I really need to get this out of my system otherwise God knows how long I would obsess about it. So I was thinking we get a pro to help us.”

Coming from Addie I thought when she meant pro, I thought she was talking about a sex therapist, so imagine her surprise (and how stupid I may have sounded)when I asked her “do you know one?”.

You should have seen her face when she heard my question. “No, how would I?” It was then when I realized what she meant.

“You mean a hooker?” I asked.

She said yes, but she wanted a classy one. She thought about what they were called and then said “call girls”. Then she asked if I knew how to get one. I was genuinely honest when I said no and suggested we google it.

What I didn’t tell Addie at the time, was I knew a guy who did know how to get an escort. He was a very good friend of mine and Geoff’s. I thought I would let Addie take the lead on this whole endeavor.

We found some sites in our local area, but they looked fishy (no pun intended) or like a scam. Plus I think Addie had a certain looking girl in mind and she did not find what she was looking for. That when she said “Maybe we should ask Tom?” This time not only was I floored… I was… whatever comes after that!!!

Addie knew about our friend Tom penchant for getting escorts. Was there anything Geoff didn’t tell her.

She knew that I knew about Tom and she didn’t even bother to look at me to see my reaction. All I can say without sounding like I was lying was “I didn’t think about that”.

Addie asked if I can reach out to Tom since it would have been awkward as hell if she did it. I nodded and got Tom on the phone. After dancing around the topic for about a minute I finally asked Tom for some referrals. He asked me if I was getting them for me and some what voice a bit of concern for Addie. I told him it was for a good friend who needed some companionship for the long weekend. I guess that satisfied him and he said he will send me some.

Tom sent about 10 contacts, all on instagram. Addie and I went through the pictures and she picked out 3 of them that stood out. First was Anna. Anna’s face had some resemblance to Mandy. She was cute and had curves in the right places. The second was Kenzie. She was petite, extremely cute and looked like the typical sorority girl. Finally, there was Kaia. Kaia was a standout. If the other two were 9’s, Kaia was a solid 10. She was tall, about 6’1. Had an fit body and she was mixed Chinese and Caucasian. Kaia was also the most expensive. So in my mind Kaia was out of the running because of cost.

Addie asked me what I thought and I told her Kaia was literally head and shoulders about the other two, but I don’t see us paying her asking price. Addie said she agreed but was willing to pay for it. After all if she was doing this, she was going to go all out.

“Hermes – only the best” she said. Something Geoff used to say.

Addie sent Kaia a DM on instagram asking about her schedule and a confirmation on her fees. Kaia responded that she was available and asked Addie what she expected for the session. Addie told her that she was fulfilling her fantasy but it was just me that will make love to her but she will be watching. She wanted a classy experience and asked Kaia if she can wear some nice lingerie, nothing trashy. Kaia said she can do that and she will send Addie some pictures of what she has so she can approve it. Addie also invited her to dinner and some wine. Kaia accepted and told us what her food and wine preferences are. She said she will arrive at about 7:30 that evening.

Addie was excited and if it was at all possible was more excited than me. She said she will run to the store to pick up stuff for dinner. For the life of me, I still cannot believe what just happened.

At around 6 PM, Addie was running on all cylinders. You would think she had just downed a giant mug of double espresso (which she probably did). She had me jump in the shower, laid out my clothes, even my underwear and made sure that I take my little blue pill before dinner.

By 7:15 everything was set. Dinner was on the table. The wine as ready to open. I was dressed and pill taken. Addie was still getting ready. She decided she was going to have an outfit for dinner and something sexy to wear after dinner. She told me she approved the lingerie Kaia would be wearing and Addie picked out something that would some what match it.

At a little past 7:30 the doorbell rang. Addie and I looked at each other, kissed and went to open the door together. Kaia was more than what we expected. As I mentioned earlier she is a tall girl, she described herself as being 6’1. Plus she was wearing heels. I think both Addie and I were intimidated and it probably showed on our faces.

Kaia was every bit as beautiful as in her pictures. She reached out to give Addie a hug and then to me. We invited her in and led her to the living room. She complimented us on our house and the smell of the food. She and Addie sat down while I got the wine for the ladies. Since I took my pill, I decided to skip the wine.

Dinner was served and Kaia asked us what brought her to our house. Addie explained but with more detail than what I would have wanted. She told Kaia about my relationship with Mandy even going so far as to tell her that she was my son’s ex-girlfriend. I was just glad Kaia was not weirded out. But the overall gist of it was, Addie wanted to watch me have sex with an attractive young woman as she watched and played with herself.

Kaia discussed her rules with us and she basically said that she was open to anything just nothing in her ass without her permission, no dick, finger, tongue, dildo, etc. And I need to wear a condom plus she will need to visually inspect mine and Addie’s genitals to make sure it was clean.

We thought all her rules were fair and agreed to them. Addie asked about me not wearing a condom and Kaia said that she did not know us enough to be comfortable doing that.

Nobody really ate much during dinner and for about 5 minutes we sat there not knowing how to proceed. Kaia noticed this and took charge.

“Why don’t we get started.” She said. She asked where she can change and Addie volunteered to take her into our bedroom. Addie asked me to give them about 10 minutes and then come into the room.

To pass the time I put the food away and cleaned up in the kitchen. I was both nervous and excited. When I got done, it was right around 12 minutes and I headed into our bedroom. I came in a candles were lit and Addie was sitting in her reading chair in a white see thru night gown and Kaia was sitting on our bed wearing something similar. Both women looked gorgeous. Kaia stood up and met me by the door. She was bare foot now but I was still taken aback by her height. I looked at her body and since the lights were on plus the light in the hallway was coming thru the open door, I got a good look of her body. I was hard immediately.

Kaia started to undress me, unbuttoning my shirt as she kissed my chest and licked my nipple. Addie asked her to turn around so she can see what she was doing. I looked at Addie and noticed that she had one hand between her legs another fondling her breast.

Kaia did as she was asked and showed Addie her tongue touching my nipple.

“Touch her breast, sweetie.” I heard Addie say as I fondled one of Kaia’s breast. She licked both my nipples and kissed around my chest.

Addie asked her to make her way down slowly. She did and kissed her way down to around my stomach. As beautiful as Kaia was, my eyes were focused on what Addie was doing to herself. She was a picture of beautiful lust.

Kaia unbutton my pants and took my dick out. Like she said earlier, she inspected it, feeling around it and then took a sniff. It got me thinking, if she did that to Addie and if she did, I missed it!!! Damn!!!

When Kaia was satisfied, she kissed around my dick making sure Addie was in full view of it.

“Lick and kiss his dick. I want to see your saliva on my husband’s dick”. Addie said. Kaia complied and did everything she asked.

“How does my husband’s hard dick taste?” asked Addie.

“Delicious. I can’t get enough of it” replied Kaia as she added more gusto into licking my dick.

“Put it in your mouth. I want to see you suck my husband’s dick.” Addie told her. And the second Kaia did, Addie took her finger from her pussy and put it in her mouth, replicating Kaia’s movement.

When Kaia licked my dick, Addie would lick her finger. Everything going on was just surreal. Kaia was doing such a good job sucking my dick I had to stop her because I was going to cum if she didn’t. Kaia stood up and I pulled her night gown off to see her completely naked. She was gorgeous.

Addie called out to me and Kaia to come to her. I knew what Addie wanted. I positioned my dick in front of her face and before she put it in her mouth, she told me to suck Kaia’s nipples. I did as I was asked as Addie started to suck my dick. I glanced down to look at her and she was watching what I was doing to Kaia. Her hand back between her legs.

I was on the verge of coming so I pulled out of Addie’s mouth and asked her if she wanted to watch me eat Kaia’s pussy. She said yes and I told her to spread her legs more so Kaia and I can see her play with her pussy. She did so.

Addie asked me to sit on the floor and put Kaia’s foot on the bed and eat her pussy that way. Kaia was tall enough that the position was not uncomfortable for her. I was not surprised to see her completely shaved and smooth. I put my hands on her hip and started to eat her pussy. It gave my dick a rest and a chance to regroup.

Really I was not sure about Addie and Kaia’s arrangement that if I cum, it’s all over. Somehow that thought made me want to last as long as I can, even if it means my dick might blow up from the cum build up.

Kaia’s pussy smelled good. It smelled like a nice faint, cologne. This woman really took care of herself. Kaia started to moan and gyrate her hips as I ate her pussy. Since Addie was behind me, I could not see her but I heard some moaning and knew it was her.

Addie asked Kaia how my tongue felt on her clit. Kaia was great in describing what she felt. It wasn’t just “it feels good”. It was more like ” it is wonderful. So heavenly. Every part of his tongue is touching the lust in my pussy”. I know it was bullshit but hell if it didn’t raise my ego a 100 notches. Addie seemed to get more turned on by her description.

Kaia asked me not to stop and said she was coming.

Addie encouraged me and told me she wanted to see Kaia cum in my mouth. I put a finger in Kaia’s pussy and had her cum all over my finger knowing full well Addie would want to taste it.

Kaia came and she shuddered and dropped her leg from the bed. I pulled out my finger and reached it to Addie. Kaia went over and fed my finger to Addie and then took it out and put it in her mouth. Then she took Addie’s hand that was playing with her pussy and licked her fingers. Addie bit her bottom lip. She was in lust!!!

“Please let my husband stick his dick in you without a condom. I really want to taste your cum on his dick.” I guess Kaia was so into it, she agreed.

Addie had me lay on the bed and had Kaia climb on to of me facing her so she can get a good view of my dick inside Kaia’s pussy.

Kaia was tighter than I expected. Her pussy felt so good. She slowly rode me and then the thought of me cumming and things ending shot back in my mind. I had to keep my somewhat busy so I wouldn’t cum. But these two ladies were not making it easy.

Maybe Kaia was showing off to Addie because aside from going up and down she was moving her hips randomly all the while telling Addie how good my hard dick felt in her pussy. And Addie telling her that my dick looked so delicious covered in Kaia’s wetness.

I asked Addie if she wanted to taste Kaia’s juices on my dick and she said yes. I thanked the heavens that I survived another minute. But then Kaia told her to lick my dick while it was in her pussy and Addie jumped on it.

The lustful tongue of my beautiful wife on my dick while inside the pussy of a gorgeous girl, half a second later I told Kaia I was cumming and she said go ahead. Not that I needed permission because there was no way of stopping it.

Why dick was halfway inside Kaia when I came and Addie saw that I was. Kaia did not move and as soon as my cum started to drip down my dick, Addie started to lick it off.

She said that my cum mixed with Kaia’s tasted delicious. I stayed inside Kaia and she didn’t seem to mind. After about a minute or so, she got off, excused herself and went to the bathroom. I was collapsed on the bed and Addie joined me. I wasn’t sure when she took off her night gown but she was now completely naked.

“Did you enjoy that, Honey?” She asked.

“I did. Did you?”

“Yes, I did. It was so hot. I came so many times I lost count at five.” She answered.

She laid next to me and we kissed. Kaia joined us on the bed, also naked.

“You two are so cute.” Kaia said.

“Your lust is so intoxicating.” she told Addie.

That was the right word for it, and I agreed.

Kaia looked down and commented that my dick was still glistening from our cum. Addie smiled and went down on me and so did Kaia. Addie held my dick as she put me in her mouth and then she offered it to Kaia who then put it in her mouth. I watched them take turns sucking my dick.

Then as Kaia licked one side and Addie licked the other, I saw it coming. I hoped, wished, prayed and probably sold my soul and they it happened… Kaia and Addie started to kiss. The kiss didn’t last long, maybe about two seconds and then Addie put me back in her mouth. Kaia looked at me, smiled mischievously and winked.

I fucked Kaia one more time as she sucked on Addie’s nipple. Addie didn’t look thrilled and she focused on me. This time I came in Addie’s mouth right after I pulled out of Kaia.

We rested in bed for about an hour and then the three of us got in the shower together. Addie and Kaia touched each other a few times, but clearly Addie was not into it. So again I was the luck recipient of both women’s attention.

Kaia got dressed when we were done and we walked her to the door. It was a little past midnight. When I closed the door, I kissed Addie and thanked her.

She smiled. “You know how you can repay me.”

“How?” I asked mustering as much machismo I had left.

“Make me a plate to eat. I’m starving.” she answered.

“THANK GOD!!! I am too.”


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gszukm/mf_my_best_buddys_widow_part_11


  1. Lucky duck I’m glad you 2 really hit it off and everything worked out especially with this situation. Enjoy each other and love a beautiful life God bless

  2. What a great story, from start to finish. The twist and turns had me at the edge of my seat every time. The long layoff did suck in full honesty but the way you decided to end things with that spectacular ending. #Standing Ovation

  3. Bravo! This has been on hell of a ride. Best wishes, and thanks for sharing!

  4. Wow, Addie for Woman of the year! Between setting up the whole encounter and getting Kaia to take you bareback, that was incredibly hot!

  5. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. You are a compelling writer. I respect your decision to stop posting here. However, I hope you keep writing. All the best to you and your family.

  6. I must say this is a great ending to a great story. From beginning to end it was super enjoyable. I wish you two happiness.

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