Hooking Up With Target Employee [MF]

I met her in the electronics section of Target. She was working and I was there to pick up a phone charger. It was the middle of a hot summer day. The kind of day where you can feel your clothes melting into your skin and the brightness of the Sun has a weight that presses down on the back of your neck and shoulders. When the automatic doors split open the air-conditioned atmosphere inside rushed out against me. I let out a moan and shivered as I stepped inside and snaked my way around the other customers to the back of the store.

When I first saw her she was squatting in the aisle, arranging some items on the bottom shelf. Her bright copper hair was like a handful of shiny new pennies and it draped down over her shoulders. Her hair parted slightly and I caught glimpses of her skin, pale and thin, the veins in her neck showing through like ink written on the other side of fine stationery paper. I closed my eyes and thought of her naked. I dreamed of how she would feel in my hands, like a cool glass of milk, wet against my lips and sweet as I drank her completely.

“Hi. Can I help you with anything?”

I opened my eyes. She was standing there looking at me and it took a moment for me to come back to reality.

“Sir? Do you need help?”

“Uh, yeah, actually, sorry… you looked familiar. I thought you were someone I knew.” I replied.

“Nope! Just me! So what is it you need?” she said with a smile.

I held up my phone showing her the black screen.

“Need some juice for this, gotta bring it back to life.”

“Chargers are right over this-a-way.”

She rose to her tip-toes and turned on them like a little girl playing ballerina, then walked down the aisle in front of me. Her work pants curved down over her ass and hugged her plump thighs disappearing between her legs. I thought of the pants being tight against her panties, gently pressing against her outer lips. I wanted to stand behind her, my mouth next to her ear as my breath rushed against her. She would feel my hand slide down her back. Thick fingers making their way over the fabric between her legs before pressing upward, pushing her panties just barely inside of her as I whispered into her ear.

“Hold still for me. Can you do that?” I’d say, waiting for her wetness to soak through to my fingers. I’d be able to taste and smell her on my hand for the rest of the day.

We rounded the end of an aisle, she clapped her heels together, extended her hand, bowed, and spoke with an overly-dramatic, high pitched English accent.

“I present to you” she paused for effect “the cellphone chargers”

There was something about her that stood out. It wasn’t just the fact that she was possibly the most upbeat big box retail employee that I ever encountered. She was brave or maybe silly, maybe they’re the same thing. All I knew was that I wanted more of her in whatever way she would let me. I had to make a move. In a few seconds, she would walk off and that would be the end of this. Years from now I’d be in bed on some hot night, looking at my ceiling as an ocean of “what ifs” drowned me until the next morning.

I turned on my own overly-dramatic English accent, gruff and half-blubbering like an overweight aristocrat.

“Why, thank you, my Dear. Your service has been most appreciated” I said bowing in return.

Our eyes met and she cracked a tight smile as her cheeks turned pink. I felt my own go warm as we stood.

“You know, if I had known I was going to meet a cutie with such amazing acting chops I’d have been shopping at Target more often”

“Well I’ve always known I was amazing and everything, but a cutie? That, sir, is a new one for me” she said.

“Yeah, what can I say? I’ve got a thing for redheads.”

“Oh, I see. I’m not a cutie, it’s just my hair!” she said folding her arms and sticking her tongue out, making her best brat face.

“Don’t you play dumb with me, Little Miss. You’re not that good of an actress. You know damn well you’re a cutie.”

“Hmm, you’re not too bad yourself, I guess.” she shot back.

“Not too bad? You guess? Ha! Look, I think it’s only fair that I get a chance to show you that I’m much better looking when I’m out having coffee somewhere. What time do you want to meet up for that?”

We decided to meet up for coffee that evening. I arrived early, ordered my coffee, and sat at a table in the corner. I started to wonder if she was going to show up when I saw a car turn in from the road and pull into a parking spot. She adjusted her hair in the visor mirror, stepped out of the car, and came inside.

I could tell that she was tired and thought that maybe setting this up at the end of her workday wasn’t the best idea. I suggested rescheduling but she assured me that it was fine. Once we started talking things flowed nicely. We became lost in conversation about movies, books, the futures we hoped for, and the futures we feared.

“Ugh. Man, this sucks” she said looking at her phone.

“Wow, sorry. I thought we were having a good time.” I replied.

“Ha! No, I mean it’s late. I have to work the morning shift.”

“Ah, that does suck. Sorry to keep you out, but we should do this again sometime.” I said.

“Yeah. Definitely.”

She stood up and grabbed her purse from the table. I stood, stepped forward, and opened my arms for a hug. She returned the gesture and I pulled her in close. I felt her face near my neck. Her nose grazed the skin beneath my ear and I felt her inhale as she smelled me. She squeezed the hug a bit tighter before suddenly pushing me away quickly, but firmly.

“Oh god, I must stink so bad. I came right after work and haven’t showered or anything, I’m sorry.” she stammered.

I laughed.

“No, you’re fine, really” I assured her.

“You know what? Why don’t you just come to my house? I can take a shower then we can hang out a bit more.”

“Ah, you wanna make sure I get a sample of how you smell when you’re fresh and clean, eh?”

“Of course. Come on.” she smiled.

I followed her a few miles up the road to a small, gray bungalow style house. She directed me inside to her couch, old and covered with a patchwork quilt, before heading into the kitchen. I sat on the couch looking around her place, the salt lamp on the coffee table gave everything a pinkish glow, the kind of lighting a room might have in a dream. She returned with two glasses, ice cubes clinking against the sides, and handed one to me.

“Bourbon?” she said

“Only if it’s top shelf,” I said with a smart ass smile.

“Well of course it is, I mean I work at Target. I afford myself only the finest luxuries.”

“Ah, Jim Beam, then? Excellent choice. Cheers.” I said taking the glass from her hand.

I sat on the couch and sipped my drinking while listening to the muffled sound of the shower running on the other side of the house. I closed my eyes and imagined her soapy and wet. Her hands running over every inch of her own body. Bending over, moving the soap from her ankles, up the back of her calves. I pictured the water running down her neck, between her breasts, and flowing over the sweet mound between her legs.

Somewhere between sips of bourbon the thoughts began to linger, time distorted, and I lost all sense of how long I’d been sitting there. The sound of the bathroom door opening and the burst of light from the bathroom filling the hallway snapped me back to reality.

I rubbed my eyes, blinked against the new brightness of the hallway, and focused on her as she walked toward me. She was wearing an oversized t-shirt that hung down to her knees, her pale legs moved pronounced against the dim light of the room. She rubbed the towel over her head and sat down next to me. She crossed her legs and tucked her feet under her butt. I turned to her and leaned in, putting my hand on her outer thigh.

“What’s under that shirt?” I said.

“You’ll just have to figure it out” she said shaking her head and shrugging at me.

I moved in closer sliding my hand up the thigh to her hip. There was only skin. I squeezed her hip and let my fingers sprawl out to her butt. She tilted her chin upward and took a deep breath in. I put my lips to hers. Our mouths opened and tongues touched as I wrapped my other hand around her waist, lifted her and spun back to my sitting position with her straddling me. We kissed deeper as I pulled her hips down and forward, letting her pussy rub against the crotch of my pants. She moaned quietly into my mouth as my hands moved down, gripped her butt, and pulled her against me more firmly.

Our kiss broke and I took the skin on her neck lightly between my teeth. She wrapped her arms around my head and squeezed as I nibbled my way up to her ear. I felt my lips brush against the goosebumps covering her neck. She shivered as I spoke quietly into her ear.

“I’m going to taste you.”

My hands gripped her ass and I lifted her. She let out a startled yelp as she fell forward bracing herself against the wall. I tilted my head back, lifting her over my face and lowering her pussy onto my mouth. The salty-sweet tang of her juices filled my mouth as I pressed her against my face. My tongue slid between the slit of her puffy mound and entered her fully. I ran it around the opening and she rocked her hips against me. I opened wider and took the soft flesh of her hood between my lips, lapped at it with my tongue and began to suck gently. Her wetness began covering my chin and I could feel her clit becoming larger and more firm as I sucked at her and slid my tongue inside.

She moaned and was grinding against my face. When I’d move down to put my tongue inside her she’d press her clit against my nose. I moved my head side to side feeling it roll over the bridge of my nose. I let my tongue go low and the tip licked against her pink asshole and she let out a low sounding “fuuuuuck” as it happened. I pressed my tongue against her ass harder and flicked it. Her moaning increased.

Soon her fingers were in front of my face as she started rubbing her clit. She went fast and hard and I followed her lead. I began licking and probing both her holes with my tongue, sucking at her lips. I moved my hand around and carefully slid my middle finger just barely inside her asshole. She let out a deep “yes” and pressed herself down onto my finger.

My mouth covered her pussy as her finger fluttered back and forth, her knuckles brushing against my nose. I felt her dripping into my mouth and loved it. I slid my finger deeper into her tight, warm ass. She increased the speed of her hand until finally, she started convulsing against my face. I gripped the meat of her ass tightly to stop her from falling away from me, holding her close to my mouth until she collapsed down on to me breathing heavily.

She looked up at me as I cradled her in my arms and smiled. Her hand drifted down to the fabric between my legs and she ran a fingertip over the wet spot where I’d soaked through my pants in anticipation.

“Do you want to feed me with that or fill me with it?” she asked.

My cock flexed against my underwear as I moved her from my lap to the couch, stood and unbuttoned my pants. I looked down at her and said “both”.


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/grwhhj/hooking_up_with_target_employee_mf


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