From A Prompt: A Virgin Wakes Up in the Body of a Pornstar [mf]

Jennifer never really cared about sex, and it shouldn’t have been surprising. The Puberty Fairy had pretty much passed her by. Short, thin, and mousy, nearly to the point of vanishing into the furniture, people kind of ignored her. She was used to it, and she hadn’t expected anything to change when she came to college. She still wasn’t sure how her roommate, Samantha, had found the confidence to go out and hook up with a boy during the first week of classes. In the darkness of their room, Jennifer’s long mop of wavy brown hair shifted on her pillow, as she tilted her head to peer toward the door, her ears vainly searching for footsteps coming down the hall.

Jennifer sighed and reached for her phone. “Going to sleep. Class all day tomorrow. Please be quiet if you get back in the middle of the night,” she texted, setting her phone aside to charge and resting her head on her pillow. She was going to mentally review her notes to put herself to sleep, but sleep found her before she could even start.

A tiny pixie drifted through the night air, invisible to the mortal eye. Her pinup-like body glowed with a soft, pink light, and the black and red locks of her long, flowing hair shifted and whipped in the wind, as she coursed through the air just above the tops of the campus trees. She stopped to rest for a moment, her leggy and curvaceous form alighting on a dormitory windowsill.

“Who am I supposed to see around here?” she asked. Flipping open a satchel at her side and finding it apparently empty, she conjured a spinning sphere of magic into her hand and peered into it, raising an eyebrow in confusion. “Ugh… someone!” she pawed through her bag again, and this time she felt something… a hole in the lining! Curiously, she fished around in there with her fingers, pulling out a small card. Her eyes went wide, as she read it. “This delivery is *years* overdue!” She zipped into the air and phased through the glass of one room’s window. “Sorry! Sorry!” she apologized, to the room’s sleeping occupant. “Looks like I really left you out on this one!”

The girl, of course, didn’t consciously hear her.

She started to prepare a sparkling bolt of magic, in one hand. “To make up for it, I’m going to triple your order,” she said, the bolt growing rather large, as she gestured at it with her opposite fingers, “and throw in a *bunch* of extras!” She piled in more magic, little sparks and sparkles of every shape and color flowing into the bolt. Different colored sparks swirled about the fairy’s fingers. “Fetish… fetish… upgrade… fetish… metabolism… Sure, take a bunch. It’s the end of my shift anyway.” She giggled to herself and tossed the magic together, adding one more bit after the next. The bolt had now grown into a huge, pulsating spear of mystical energy. The pixie looked at the spell she had cooked up, pursing her lips. “Maybe I overdid it?” she mused, bringing a finger to her lips, as she looked from the spell, to the girl, and back again, before she shrugged, “Nah. It’’s fine,” and hurled the bolt into its target.

Jennifer’s body was physically rocked, bouncing against her mattress and shifting her bed against the wall. If not for the magic itself, she’d have been jolted rudely awake.

The pixie looked at her searching sphere again. “Finally! So that’s what it’s supposed to look like when it’s clear…” She remarked, her having apparently gotten used to her wayfinder spell constantly having this delivery on it for the last few *years*. She looked down at Jennifer’s slumbering form. “Maybe I was *a little* late, but that’s all sorted! I am an excellent Puberty Fairy!” She turned a sharp curve in the air, as she prepared to leave. “You’re welcome!” She called out, and she shot off into the sky.

The potent potpourri of magic streamed and swirled over Jennifer’s body, suffusing her, and she nearly began to glow, as she absorbed it. Indeed, her skin took on a smooth, healthy look, as some of the included cosmetic bonuses took effect. Her lips pinked and plumped, swelling full and pouty, taking on a natural glossiness. The contours of her face refined themselves, and those same contours seemed to become highlighted, just as her eyes took on a subtle, natural shading and became sultrier looking. Her hair thickened and grew, picking up nearly a foot of length, even as it became silky and shiny. It took on a richer brown color and highlights of different, similar hues, some bits of blonde even sneaking in, as her mane started to look salon fresh.

Larger changes were taking place about her body though, where her hair had vanished along with the perfecting of her skin. Jennifer’s body was growing, her breasts, hips, butt, and thighs filling out, as she grew nearly a head in height, all of the extra length going to her legs. Her whole body seemed to be picking up a hint of muscle tone along with a thin layer of fat, giving her a fit and curvaceous aspect.

Jennifer’s breasts ballooned, swelling until her pajama top was tight, its buttons starting to gape, as it struggled to contain the pillowy grapefruit-sized mounds. Her heavy breasts were swelling like rising bread dough, and they showed no signs of slowing down, even as they threatened to burst her shirt.

Her waist pinched in, as though a corset were being gently drawn around it, her newly defined abdominal muscles just barely visible under a thin layer of her bodyfat, her creamy skin flexing with each of her breaths, even as she took on a healthy, slightly-tanned glow. The narrowing of her waist made her hips seem all the more pronounced, even as they widened in their own right, spreading across her bed, rounding out, as they took on a pronounced and unmistakable hourglass shape, changing the angle of her thighs and opening a small gap between them, just beneath her sex.

Her thighs thickened dramatically, picking up a bit of fat, but far more muscle than any other part of her body had. They became strong and shapely, and Jennifer flexed them, writhing in bed, as she grew. Her butt ballooned behind her, fattening into a pair of round, jiggly cheeks that stretched her already tight panties to their limits and threatened to devour them, the plump lobes of her rump spilling generously out.

The Puberty Fairy hadn’t been kidding about giving her extra, as her breasts continued to grow, the buttons of her pajama top shooting off like bullets, as her expanding bust pulled them tighter than they could withstand. Jennifer’s breasts leaped forward, jiggling on her chest as they spilled free, her rosy little nipples and bumpy areolas erect with arousal, as her breasts swelled to the size of her head. That arousal was part of the next transformation taking place…

Jennifer moaned, in her sleep, as her sexuality awakened, hitting her all at once in a rush. One of her hands flew to her crotch, quickly finding her smooth pussy. Her clit had grown both with the transformation and with a surge of arousal, and her whole body tensed, when her fingers brushed over her stiff, sensitive button. She started to moan in her sleep, her voice clearer and sultrier than it once had been, as she automatically rubbed and stroked herself. Her other hand had gone to her huge breasts, her fingers overwhelmed by her heavy mass of titflesh, as she groped and massaged her massive, soft and jiggly mounds. She couldn’t help but moan and mewl, sighing with unrestrained pleasure, as she rubbed and tweaked an achingly stiff nipple, her hands suddenly obsessed with her huge tits. She half-awakened, her senses more alive than her mind, as the pleasure built within her and her body moved on autopilot, the exquisite sensations from her sex and from her bust more perfect than any dream she had ever had. She arched her back and rocked her hips, mauling her breasts and squeezing her hand between her thick thighs, as her first orgasm rushed through her, the sensations enveloping her body like being bathed in bliss and champagne, the unfamiliar but addictive pleasure enveloping her consciousness, searing itself into her brain and overwhelming her mind as, panting, her unfocused eyes rolling into the back of her head, she drifted back asleep.

Jennifer awoke slowly, her half-asleep mind luxuriating in how nice her bed felt. Everything felt good! It was like she was in a whole new body. There was an unfamiliar sort of pleasure coming from her womanhood, her stiff clit rubbing against her panties, but an unfamiliar part of her mind utterly welcomed it. Clutching a bit of blanket between her thighs, she rubbed herself against it, getting hotter all the time. She felt an odd shifting on her chest, something heavy wobbling about, but it felt great, and she was too sleepy and to *horny* to question it. One of her hands was already near her crotch, and she instinctively brought it to the front of her panties, stroking her clit through them. She found her clitoris to be larger and more prominent than she remembered, on top of being so swollen with lust, and she found it to be far more sensitive. She abandoned herself to rubbing it, and in just a few moments, she felt a powerful climax rocking through her, her senses effervescing. She wasn’t a habitual masturbator, or rather, she hadn’t been. She certainly was now! Jennifer felt both relaxed and energized by her orgasm, and she stretched in bed. She was utterly surprised when her feet hit the baseboard and her knuckles banged into the wall above her. She flailed in bed, tangling herself in the sheets as she startled at the unfamiliar length of her limbs.

The blanket was wrapped around her thigh and rubbing against her pussy. It took all of her willpower not to moan, as she involuntarily squirmed against it. She did hold still though, and she threw the blankets off of her chest. Jennifer’s eyes went wide, as she looked down at herself, her fuller, poutier lips gaping, as she gasped in shock, staring at her giant new breasts.

“How did my boobs get so huge?” she whispered, as she slowly started to back her legs out of the twisted sheets, her heavy mounds wobbling on her chest even from her slow, deliberate motions. Jennifer stood, unsteadily at first, and she was surprised by her new height and center of gravity. She cradled her breasts to her. They overflowed her arms, pressing together and forming a deep cleavage, obscuring her view of her torso, as she looked down at herself. She couldn’t believe how good they felt though.

Jennifer looked at herself in the mirror. Her breasts were easily slightly bigger than her head, two tremendous globes of flesh, sitting low on her chest, wobbling heavily, their lower curves just beneath her ribcage. They were firm though, especially for their size, and their round, teardrop shape was enticing. Jennifer found herself staring at them, imagining how much she’d like to touch them if they were on another girl… how much she’d like to touch them anyway… She’d never thought about girls sexually before. She’d barely thought much about guys, even if she was pretty sure she was straight. It seemed like she’d gotten a megadose of sexuality to go along with her megadose of tits. She pulled away her burst pajama top and tried to focus.

Her waist had become much more defined, pinching in beneath her breasts and then flaring outward. Her hips were wide, giving her body the shape of a cello, and she was pleased to see the faint outline of abs on her tummy, even as her body seemed to have a thin layer of fat all over, giving her a bit of a plush look. She definitely felt attracted to girls now, and as she ran images of her friends through her mind, she found that she was attracted to all of them. Boys or girls, tall or short, any race, fit and muscular or soft and cuddly, all of them seemed to have something going for them. She was idly squeezing her tits in her hands, as she admired her newly long legs, the muscles of her calves and thick thighs flexing as she turned and modeled for herself, her smooth, perfect pussy getting wet, as her gaze lingered on her round, jiggly booty, her tight-stretched panties holding on to her wide hips for dear life.

Just then, the door clicked open.

“My roommate’s got class all day, so we should have time…” Samantha froze in place, looking up from her bag and phone to see her topless roommate cradling a pair of huge breasts in her arms, looking like a deer in headlights herself.

Her boyfriend, Trevor, was also standing there, frozen, his mouth agape and his gaze roaming over Jennifer’s eye-popping body, even as his hand was wrapped around his own girlfriend’s waist.

Jennifer’s face burst into a blush, heat traveling over all of her creamy skin.

“OHMIGAWDSORRY!” Samantha blurted, as she shoved her self and Trevor back out the door, slamming it behind them. “I guess you need a second…” she added, sheepishly, after a long pause.

Jennifer found herself panting. The rush in her body wasn’t just fear or embarrassment though. Her pussy felt wet, her clit was brushing against her tight panties, and her fingers brushed a stiff nipple when she moved her hands. Jennifer found herself clenching her pussy and nearly rubbing her thighs together in arousal, as she squirmed in place. Why was she suddenly so horny just from being seen? As desperately as she wanted to shove her hand down her panties, she had to focus, and she frantically looked around for something she could wear. She threw on a big, boy-cut hoodie that she’d taken from her brother. It was just barely long enough to cover her crotch, and it still clung to her hips and her massive bust. Her long, shapely thighs were almost completely bare. “Sorry! I put on a sweatshirt!” she called out.

Tentatively, Samantha opened the door again. As she and Trevor came back in, Jennifer could practically feel their gazes on her body. In particular, she could feel Trevor’s eyes travel up her legs and linger on the swells of her breasts stretching out her hoodie.

Samantha and Trevor played at busying themselves with studying, but Jennifer could tell that they wanted a bit of alone time. “I’m gonna head out for a bit,” she said, even as she glanced at the time and realized she’d missed most of her classes and didn’t have anyplace to be for a couple of hours.

She thought about putting more clothes on before leaving the room, but as she imagined walking around campus in just a hoodie, barely covered, she could feel herself getting horny all over again. It was all she could do to make sure she was zipped up, as she slipped into a pair of low, canvas sneakers.

Yesterday, she would have felt under dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, but something inside seemed to drive her, as she walked down the hall in nothing more than a hoodie and her panties.

A couple of boys from the school’s lacrosse team glanced at her. She could suddenly feel the cool air sliding around her smooth legs. The feeling was electric, and she found herself clenching her pussy, arousal welling up in her. Her heavy new breasts were bouncing a bit with each step that she took, and she wondered if they noticed. They were casting subtle glances at her legs.

“They’re trying to see if I’m wearing shorts with this…” she thought to herself. Blushing, she smiled at them and gave a shy wave with the bits of her fingers poking out of her sleeve. As she passed them by, she could see they were still looking at her. Imagining them watching the backs of her thighs as she walked away sent a tingle up her spine.

Jennifer’s mind was awash in new desires, a warm blush on her cheeks and a slight smile on her lips, as she walked through the halls, knowing that even an especially long step could easily expose her panties. Her brain buzzed with the knowledge that anyone might see her, her naked legs, her panties just barely above the hem of her makeshift dress, the way that her hoodie did so little to hide the jiggling of her large, braless breasts. She couldn’t believe how much she loved it, loved being *seen*. She didn’t think that anything could shake her from her erotic mental cocoon, until she felt her stomach growl. Her stomach had registered the presence of food even before she’d consciously noticed the delicious smells of food from the cafeteria. Warm, buttery smelling waffles, cheesy nachos and garlic bread all called to her. Her plush, pink lips gaped apart as she stared at the dining hall buffet as if she’d never seen food before. Her mouth was watering. She barely got her card through the reader, her fingers blindly fumbling at the slot, as she eagerly eyed the feast waiting for her.

Jennifer could hardly control herself, as she piled her tray high with three slices of pizza and a half-dozen waffles, grabbing a cheeseburger that she hadn’t expected to see and only then remembering the soft-serve machine at the end of the cafeteria line.

“Don’t take more than you’re going to eat,” one of the workers remarked, as she saw her grab fries *and* a cupcake before stepping over to the ice cream station.

“I won’t!” Jennifer called back, even as she blushed a little at the amount of food on her tray. She wasn’t sure what possessed her to do it, but she picked up a waffle from her tray, opened her mouth wide, and stuffed it in with her fingers. She got a few looks, and the sudden attention actually made her nipples stiffen under her sweatshirt. It was like her body just yearned to be looked at. A hotter blush rose on her cheeks, and arousal welled up in her core, even as her stomach vibrated in anticipation. She couldn’t quite stifle a moan, as she chewed and swallowed her stuffed mouthful of buttery, vanilla-scented waffle. The attention getting to be a little too much to face directly, she hid her eyes behind her bangs and turned to get her ice cream. She knew that a few people were probably still looking at her, and the way that her long legs shot out from beneath her hoodie, she was sure that some of them wouldn’t look away. Part of her didn’t want them to… She filled a cup with strawberry soft-serve and then put a bit of vanilla on her other waffles for good measure.

Jennifer crossed her legs, as she sat down at a booth by the window, her bare, thick thighs on display, nearly proving that she was wearing a hoodie as a dress, as she sat down to her mini-feast.

Driven by her new metabolism, she peeled the silver wrapper off her cheeseburger and immediately bit in. She was almost shocked at how fast she devoured it, the savory beef and salty, creamy, melty cheese making her moan in delight. The burger alone would have been enough for her to call lunch just yesterday, but now Jennifer found herself having eaten two slices of pizza and half of her stack of waffles, still wanting more. The busty coed hummed to herself, smiling as she picked up a fingerful of fries, reveling in the pleasure of eating.

She hardly noticed the cute boy stopping by her table. “You made these waffles look so good that I had to get one for myself.” Hunter, a guy from the role play club she was in, tilted his tray to show the confection. She’d played D&D with him on a couple weekends, but she’d never spoken to him outside the game. She found herself smiling at him though. Something about how his brush of blonde hair swept back and the way his dimples set off his boyish smile, the way that his t-shirt clung to his muscles… She must have smiled and stared at him for quite a moment as, after a pause, he seemed compelled to say, “Did… did you want me to sit down?”

Jennifer nodded, feeling her heart beat an unfamiliar dance in her chest. She scooted toward the window, making room beside her.

Hunter had taken a half-step toward the other side of the booth, but he noticed the invitation. “Like… right next to you?” he asked, his eyes darting from her and over the choice of seats.

“Sure,” she replied, with a shrug, only now realizing that she’d reflexively motioned him toward the more intimate position, only now realizing how much she…. *wanted* that.

Hunter blushed, himself, as he sat down, but there was a broad smile on his face. His blue eyes lit up, as they met her green ones. “You look really great today!”

“Thanks…” she said, blushing, “uh… you too.” She couldn’t place why she couldn’t keep her eyes off of him or why there seemed to be so much heat building up in her chest. She tried to change the subject, in her mind, but her thoughts kept wandering back to his physique. “What team was it that you were on, again?” she asked, remembering that his conversations often seemed to allude back to sports.

He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m a cheerleader, actually.”

She smiled and nodded, looking over his body, drinking in his lean, fit physique. “That’s… awesome!” She said.

As they ate, she caught him stealing little glances at her more than once. She smiled to herself, actually getting a thrill out of it, even as she focused on her food. She had been afraid of the “freshman 15” before, but now a part of her mind just confidently didn’t care. Her appetite was so ravenous that there was no way she was going hungry anyway. When she had finally finished everything else, she unwrapped the cupcake and tucked it into her mouth whole, moaning as she did. She rested her hand on her tummy, as she savored the sweet treat, satisfyingly stuffed. Hunter was looking at her chest, through her hoodie, and their eyes met. He noticed that she noticed. He looked like he was about to apologize, but she found herself doing something that surprised both of them.

Her fingers had lightly gripped her zipper. She was gently tugging down, just enough to tent the fabric a bit, the zipper still holding in place. His eyes went wide, his mouth gaping a bit, as a pink blush started to glow on her cheeks, and her eyes darted around, making sure that no one was looking.

The zipper started to click down, pulled slowly by her fingers, and her chest came into view, revealing that she was all but nude under her hoodie. With the window behind her and nothing but hunter’s body blocking her partially from the cafeteria, Jennifer unzipped her top enough to show him the whole of one of her large, heavy breasts, her creamy skin framed by the cloth, her pink nipple achingly hard. She let him look for a moment and, biting her lip, she gave her round breast a gentle squeeze through her shirt. She heard him sigh, and she actually felt his breath against her skin, as her fingers sank into the heavy mound.

They were both startled, as someone walked by. She snatched her top closed, but she could feel her arousal mounting. They locked eyes.

“I… I have my own room,” he breathed.

Her bangs shook, as she nodded.

Jennifer and Hunter crashed into his room. She whipped off her hoodie, and stepped out of her shoes, leaving her instantly nearly naked, clad only in her tight panties. The two were kissing sloppily, Jennifer having no experience herself, and Hunter having only slightly more. She practically tackled him back onto his bed, her whole body hungry for him. His hands roamed over her, groping every inch of her curves. She buried his face in her breasts, hugging him to her, as she started to grind against his thigh. Her pussy and clit sent warm waves of pleasure through her body, rubbing against his leg, His mouth found her nipple, as she smothered him with her tits, and she moaned quietly, arching her back, as she felt his tongue lap against her stiff bud and his lips softly close around her bumpy, sensitive areola.

Her body was intensely, deliciously sensitive, and her instincts seemed to be guiding it on autopilot, as she started to swivel and rock her hips, rubbing her sex against him as he worshiped her breasts. She massaged her other breast, stroking his hair, as he sucked, licked, and kissed her nipple. She could feel him hard, his cock rubbing against her pussy through his shorts and her panties, and that only got her hornier. She could feel the tension building inside her, being stoked by her grinding and being kindled in her breasts through her nipples. She came, hard, clutching her body against him, her whole body starting to shake, as her muscles clenched and her breath went ragged. She choked out several squeaks of pleasure, as her climax roiled through her.

He was surprised at how hard she’d reacted, and he held her, hugging her tight as she rode her pleasure. Her body gradually relaxed against him, his cock still poking at her through his clothes. They could both feel it there, pushing against her body. He groped at her ass, and she writhed against him, spreading her legs and pressing her sex down onto him more, her lips moistly kissing his thigh, but she still wasn’t sure if she wanted to take him *there* even if she definitely wanted him.

She pushed him down, toward the head of the bed, and she lifted herself up, moving down along him. She trailed kisses down his stomach, her lips caressing every line of his firm, well-defined abs, his shirt rolled up. She came to his waist, and she sighed in pleasure and anticipation. She had no idea what she was doing, but she wanted to see his cock so badly that her eagerness could almost pass for confidence.

Delicately, she tugged down his shorts. His thick cock sprang out at her, practically throbbing and burstingly hard. From the way that her mouth started to water, she knew that she wanted him in her mouth. Her gaze flicked up toward his face, and she smiled, her eyes half-lidded. He smiled back, and she felt a warm, comfortable feeling. She noticed something else though, and she some how got even hotter, as an idea formed in her head.

She looked at his nightstand. “Your phone.”

“Hm? What?” he said, briefly looking at it, confused.

“Do you…” she looked down, a blush on her cheeks and her hair covering her eyes. Her breasts rose and fell, as she took a deep breath. She was slowly stroking his shaft, her fingers idly playing exploring his head. She looked back at him. “Do you wanna film me?” she asked.

“Do you mean… like… film you going down on me?”

She nodded.

A grin spread across her lips, as he tentatively took his phone and pointed it at her. She lowered herself back toward his cock, before she looked back up, her eyes finding the lens. “Is it on?”

She somehow looked even more beautiful, smiling on the screen. “Yeah,” he said, barely able to stop staring at her.

She nodded, and she wordlessly started to suck on his dick. She sort of just stuffed it into her mouth, half-licking it as she pressed it into her cheek. It was her first time, but she was visibly enthusiastic, taking him all the way in and bobbing her head on him. The fact that he was filming her somehow made it that much more erotic for her. He was already leaking pre, keyed up from all of her grinding and, much to her delight, she found that she loved the taste. She licked at his head eagerly, sucking and kissing, and she stroked his shaft gently with her fingers whenever part of it was outside of her plump lips. It was more than enough. He popped violently in her mouth after just a couple of minutes. She gulped his cum down eagerly, and he pumped her full of it, pulse after pulse of hot seed flowing into her waiting mouth, as she sucked and swallowed.

She kept sucking on him, giggling at how much she enjoyed having his cock in her mouth, fantasizing about how she must have looked going down on him. The images in her mind and the knowledge that she was being filmed stirred her libido and gave her a satisfaction that was almost intoxicating. She sucked and lapped at his thick, heavy member until he was fully hard again.

She looked up at him. “This is my first time…” She blushed. “But I want to be on top of you… and I want you to watch me ride you.” She paused. “Keep filming.”

It was all he could do to hold the camera on her, as she crawled up his body, dragging her round, hanging breasts over his cock, up his stomach and over his chest, and she rose up, straddling him and positioning his manhood at the lips of her sex.

Guiding him into her, she started to lower herself. Her hymen had long since been shed at volleyball practice, and there was no tearing , as he entered her, but she was unspeakably tight, and he was almost painfully large for her, especially for a first time. *Only* almost though. She sighed with pleasure and satisfaction, as she felt herself slowly stretched full around his firm, thick manhood, and the inner walls of her sex seemed to eagerly pull him in, flexing and squeezing around him. No longer needing her hand to keep him aligned, she started to rub her clit, as she mounted him, and her hips were already starting to swivel, her mouth twisting into a lusty grin, as she chewed on her plump lip.

She arched her back and rocked her hips in place, quietly moaning in pleasure, when her sex finally swallowed him up all the way. She felt so deliciously full that she could hardly contain herself, and her face was a canvas of pleasure, as her body flexed and writhed.

Watching her, through his phone, Hunter thought she looked unbelievable, seeming naturally photogenic in a way he’d never seen in real life before.

She ground on him for a while, squeezing him between her thick thighs, luxuriating in having him inside her. Soon though, she started to move up and down on his cock, finding and delighting in the feeling of his hard manhood plunging through her. She took her time, finding her own rhythm, as she rode him, feeling him stretch and rub against the inside of her pussy, finding her g-spot with his cock, even as she gently rubbed her own clit, all while he kept his phone trained on her. She came again, quicker and deeper than she had the first time, but she just kept riding him, addicted to the sensation, her body hungry for more. She started to grope her own breasts, as she fucked him, and she couldn’t believe her body’s own limitless capacity for pleasure.

Her soft, heavy, melon-sized breasts overflowed and overwhelmed her hands, as she groped and massaged them, jiggling on her chest and bouncing with her every movement, shaking and wobbling as she rode the stallion between her thighs. She came from playing with her tits, those sensations alone being enough to draw an orgasm from her, the power of her climax heightened by the flood of electricity from the rest of her body and also by the way Hunter was holding his phone.

Jennifer stole many a glance at the lens, as she came again and again, each time stirring her lover’s passion with her gaze. She made eye contact with him, through his phone, and her passion was so powerful that he almost felt like he was going to explode on the spot.

“Jennifer! I’m gonna!” he warned.

She had to pull off of him, but she quickly took him into her mouth, tasting herself on him, as she licked and bobbed her lips on his cock. He erupted again, pumping her mouth full of his cum, which she swallowed like a rich delight. She gulped down his second load of sperm of the night, and she hummed in contentment, enjoying the taste even more… her new favorite treat!

She looked back up at the camera and smiled, licking a drop of his cum from her lips, before she kissed and sucked his still-hard shaft again. She was eager to see how she looked. In a growing corner of her mind… she was eager for *everyone* to see how she looked.
