They Called Her Jack Ch.2 (FF) (NonCon)

For what felt like forever and only the blink of an eye, Lily seemed to be in a void, floating in a vast see of nothingness. She wasn’t afraid here, and she wasn’t in pain. She knew nothing of the outside world, and there was no sounds and no light. “Am i dead?” She thought to herself. If only.

“Wake up.”

The first thing she was aware of as she was pulled out of her void was the horrible throbbing in her head. She had quite the bump growing on the back of it from her repeated wall bashings, not to mention her extreme dehydration. “Nnngh…” Lily groaned, slowly regaining consciousness. Her wrists, which were chained and supporting her weight from the ceiling, were in a great deal of pain, along with her shoulders. Each one had it’s on chain, stretching her arms as far apart as they would go. Her toes were brushing the cold, damp stones beneath her. She was cold, too, wearing only the plain grey dress she had been working in. Lily opened her eyes, her sight taking a moment to adjust to the dim lighting, her cell only lit by a couple of candles. There was straw littering the floor, a large pile of it in the corner, and right in front of her was a bucket of sudsy water and a sponge.

“Good morning!”

Lily jerked, unaware that she wasn’t alone. The sultry voice belonged to a woman who was sitting on a stool on the far side of the cell. The chained girl didn’t see her at first, hidden in the shadows. Then the vampire stood up, stepping into the candle light. Her skin was pale and unblemished, though mostly covered except for her feet, hands, and face. Her stunningly beautiful face, with her sharp jaw line and chin, was framed my her thick, shiny back hair. Her eyebrows were playfully raised and she wore a small smile on her dark red lips. Lily knew those lips. They had been smiling at her while she had her blood sucked- thankfully for now, however, it was lipstick making the woman’s smile red.

“No!” Lily gasped as she realized who she was looking at, suddenly very awake. She tried to stand, only able to on the tips of her toes. Her eyes were wide with fear as fear set in and she realized the full weight of the situation. Beginning to panic she tried desperately to pull away from her chains, to pull her wrists out of her bindings. It was useless, there was no escape. Her heart racing, her breaths short and quick, the chained girl knew that she was stuck. Nobody would be trying to find her either. She was at this monster’s mercy. “Who are you? Why are you doing this?”

“My name is Roesia,” She replied, looking at her prey with amusement. “You’ve probably heard of me referred to by another name, though.”

“I-I don’t- what?” Lily asked, not knowing what that could mean. “What do you want? I don’t have any money, I don’t have anything to give you!”

“I don’t need your money, little girl!” Roesia giggled, circling her. Now the vampire was right behind her, running one long fingernail down Lily’s tense neck. “As for what I want? I want… you.” Lily couldn’t place the woman’s accent, if she had to guess, she’d say that Roesia was somewhere from Eastern Europe. “I want to make you squirm. I want to make you beg, cry, scream, and bleed. *I want to make you cum*.” The last bit was whispered into Lily’s ear, finally kicking her into action.

She flung her head back into the face of her captor, landing the hit with a satisfying *crack*. “Ah, you bitch!” Roesia spat, grabbing Lily’s mop of red hair a pulling it harshly back. “You should be grateful, you little whore. Usually when i find someone in those filthy streets you call home, I rip them apart. I can’t stop myself when I start- perhaps that’s what i should have done to you.”

Lily could see her face now, contorted with rage. The vampire’s once long, straight nose was broken, though it wasn’t bleeding as much as it should have been. As she watched, the nose snapped itself back into place, and the slow trickle of blood stopped.

She stopped struggling now, frozen with fear. Only now did she realize that Roesia was not a human. “What- who?” Taking advantage of her prey’s stillness, Roesia walked to the other side of the small room, grabbing another chain. She brought it over, fastening it to Lily’s right leg, then did the same to her left side. “Although, I sensed you had a fighting spirit. It’s one of the reasons i kept you. It will make breaking you a bit more amusing. I should work on not being so quick to anger.”

Now Lily was spread eagle, her feet no longer touching the ground. “What are you doing?” She demanded, able to move again. She tried to wriggle fruitlessly, as her bindings were too tight.

“Well, you’ve been asleep for a couple of days, you’re smelling rather ripe. I believe it’s time you had a bath.” Roesia was behind her, rummaging around- it seemed she had many tools on the wall that Lily couldn’t see. When she was in view again, she held a sharp looking knife and a straight razor.

“First, we must get you out of this horribly dull dress of yours.” She sauntered up to her victim, an amused smile on her lips. She had put the razor on the ground near the bucket, now only wielding the knife. She brought the tip of it to Lily’s face, then gently dragged it along her jawline. The sensation was giving the redhead goosebumps. She wanted to struggle, but the knife was on her neck. It seemed like Roesia knew what the girl was thinking, so she poked the tip of the knife into her skin, drawing blood. First Lily gasped, and then the other woman did, as if to mock her. “Now stay still, i could push it in a lot farther than that.” She wasn’t using the magic to force Lily into obeying this time- the girl *could* still try and fight if she was brave enough.

Now Roesia got to work cutting away Lily’s grey dress. She started at the neck, not being very careful with the knife- she nicked Lily with it a few times. Never enough to really hurt her, but it drew blood each time.

Lily would not cry. She would not give this monster the satisfaction. Every muscle in her body was tense and she tried to control her breathing, her jaw clenched and a stubborn look in her eyes. The more Lily’s dress was cut, the wider Roesia’s smile grew. She had two very sharp canines showing as her hungry eyes took in Lily’s naked form.

It was obvious the girl had never been fed properly, as she was rather skinny. Her pale skin had many freckles, but less where her skin was covered from the sun. She had small breasts, a bit less than a handful, and her hardened nipples were light pink. Between her legs was a patch of soft, fiery red hair. “Oh my, you are beautiful.” Roesia said to the red faced girl as she cut away her dress’ sleeves and let the garmet fall to the floor.

The next half hour or so, the vampire used the sponge and soapy water to clean Lily’s bruised body. She looked into the girl’s eyes as she washed her virgin womanhood, smiling as Lily’s bottom lip trembled. When she had finished with that, She started to shave Lily. This time, she was very gentle, not even cutting the girl on accident. She was very thorough, too, leaving Lily’s skin as soft as silk.The water and new lack of body hair was making Lily cold, evident in her subtle shaking. “If you be a good girl, I’ll get you a blanket for the night, and maybe even some dinner.”

She was just about to start shaving Lily’s pubic hair when the girl spoke up. ”I am not some dog for you to call a ‘good girl’. I am not your bloody pet.” Roesia stood up, her eyebrows raised. “Maybe not yet.” She said in response before dumping the cold water over Lily’s head and walking behind her. Again, she seemed to be rummaging through some tools.

Lily tried to see what was going on, but she couldn’t turn her head quite far enough. She could hear the woman approaching her from behind, but she wasn’t prepared for the sharp *thwack* of a long, thin rod across her backside. “Ah!” She cried out in surprise and pain, and then in happened again. She could tell from the lingering pain and stinging that she was going to have welts. Roesia hit her again, this time on her back, and again, Lily cried out.

Tears welled in Lily’s big green eyes and she was struck a few more times, mostly on her ass. When she heard the stick fall to the floor, she thought her punishment was over. She was wrong she realized, and the now excited vampire roughly grabbed Lily’s bum, digging her nails into it’s soft flesh, before dragging them around to the front. “There is only one thing i like more than virgin blood,” she said in a low and seductive voice, “and that’s the blood of someone in the midst of climax.”

“Stop.” Lily demanded as Roesia started to play with both of the girl’s breasts, gently. But when she spoke up, she got her nipples harshly pinched and pulled. Roesia could hear her heart furiously beating, her blood rushing though her veins. This only encouraged her and fed her hunger.

Lily was ashamed. After a couple of minutes of the woman touching and squeezing her, running her hands and nails over her, Lily’s body began to react. The older woman could tell, delighted at the fear and shame in the other’s eyes.

Lily gasped and her body jerked as the woman started to gently stroke Lily’s outer vaginal lips. “S-stop!” She said again. “Please!” Of course, her begging only pleased Roesia more. As her fingers entered Lily’s light pink labia, they were already slick with forced arousal. “Look at how wet you are, you little slut. You like this, don’t you?”

“I’ll do anything, just ple- hah!” Roesia started to slowly circle the girl’s clitoris, wearing a devilish grin. She did this for a couple of minutes, every once in a while flicking her finger across the sensitive bundle of nerves.

To Lily’s horror, every time she would do this, the pleasure grew more intense. It didn’t take long for a small ball of pleasure to begin forming in her pelvic region. “Stop, stop, please stop!” She begged, her inner thighs beginning to tremble. Instead of showing mercy, however, Roesia plunged her two sharp teeth into her neck. The vampire’s eyes rolled back as she tasted the girls sweet blood, her finger moving faster. “No, sto- o- ah, hah!” Past the point of no return, Lily’s body betrayed her, and she started to cum into her captor’s hand. Her poorly suppressed moans mingled with Roesia’s- she seemed to be getting sexual pleasure from this encounter as well. Soon, the tears she had so desperately been trying to hold back came pouring down Lily’s face. Her moans gave way to sobs that racked her body. Lily was so, so ashamed. This monster had forced her into an orgasm, and she had never been so humiliated.

While Roesia’s fingers eventually stopped, her drinking did not. She gripped both sides of Lily’s body as she drank and drank, seemingly becoming drunk on her blood. Lily’s sobs quieted, her moans and faint struggling dying down. Only when it was evident that the girl might die if she lost any more blood, the vampire stopped feeding.

She stood up straight, licking the red blood from her lips, but leaving the drops on her chin alone. She shivered in satisfaction, taking one last, long look at the pale, unconscious girl. She knew that she made the right choice in keeping her, and she knew exactly what she was going to do with her next.


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