[MF] I gave my best friend’s girlfriend the best sex of her life

It all started at one of my best friend’s college graduation party back in 2017. He had been dating this girl we knew from Elementary school for about 3 years at the time of the party. My friend (we’ll call him Chris) and I had been in the same friends group since Middle School so we were very close, but no one in the friend group knew his girlfriend really well. At his party, I made sure to include her in our friend group and even went as far as having all our friends add her on snapchat. She was very touchy feely with me, would laugh at everything I said at the party and this was the first time I had met her in person so I thought it was normal of her. Anyway, after the party ended she would snap me everyday, and it would be consistent, back to back snaps, all day, every day. I thought this was normal, I was trying to build a friendship with her, she would tell me she was going to marry my friend and I would always be supportive. She was a very attractive girl, long dark brown hair, a thing waist, about 5’6 and very busty. Whenever we would snap at night, she would always send me pictures that completely revealed her cleavage and I never said anything on because I credited it to her bustyness.

As we continued to talk more, she would start sending pictures when in the shower too that would reveal all her cleavage and up. I never made any advances, just acted like a friend. At this point I was starting to get suspicious, so I asked my other friends if she was still snapping them since the party but it turns out she had never started snapping them after it. It was a few weeks after the party and we were becoming really close friends, we’d always flirty joke with eachother, and I’d receive the same snaps she always sent. One night, when I received a usual shower snap, cleavage and up, I replied with a picture of an eye spying on her jokingly. She replied saying she would like it if I was peeking at her showering. After this, I was convinced I was being set up by my friend, Chris so I decided to proceed forward the way any rational person would, I decided I was going to say something extremely risky in order to just get this over with. After she was being flirty about needing a massage, I decided to send her a long text about giving her a back massage that would lead into me kissing her neck and massaging her boobs and butt. She told me she came from reading the message alone. After this, things started becoming more interesting every day with saying sexual stuff, sending risky snaps and talking about hooking up. Skip forward about a week, shes saying she wants to meet in person and kiss me once just to get this tension over with. OF course as we get closer to the date we decide to hook up, we both pushed the boundaries further and further to the point of agreeing, no sexual acts would be done but we wanted to see eachother naked as well as kiss. I was pretty excited for this as I still lived with my ex at the time and things were nearing their ends rapidly with her. It came the day we finally decided to hang out, she came over as soon as everyone had left my house. I was contemplating if this was right as she sat next to me on the bed but before we could do anything she lunged at me and started kissing me, this ended up ultimately leading to us being naked and going down on each other. We continued to do this for a few more weeks. It went as far as inviting my friend Chris down to my shore house with her, and hooking up with her multiple times in the night as he slept. We made a promise that she wouldnt leave him and this would just be a temporary thing.

Whenever we had finished hooking up, we would always cuddle and just talk. She opened up to all the issues in her relationship such as the sexual aspect being dead because my friend was terrible at sex, and many other problems. She said she loved him and I didnt want her to leave him as is so this was working for the time being. She as well began telling me about how he always spread rumors about me, and our other friends to strangers and her to the point that she thought I was this huge piece of shit (which I kinda am after this) up until meeting her. At the point now of disliking my once best friend Chris due to his words, I found even more pleasure in hooking up with his girlfriend now. Especially when we showered together, did stuff, and then she would crawl back in bed with him in the room next to us. He was clueless to it all.

Finally, it came to the fateful day, we had been hooking up about 3 weeks now and we decided we wanted more. We decided to have sex that day. It was a Friday and they had plans to hang out at night (he lived around the corner from me), so while he was at work, she was at my house. The sex was great, some of the best I had ever had/done. She decided to break up with him that night, after only being at his house 15 minutes because she couldnt stand the sight of him anymore. She called me crying and came back to my house, where I decided to cheer her up to take her out to dinner. While driving to dinner, our other best friend from the group saw us and texted me inquiring about the girl I was with. Moments later, Chris texted the group chat saying his gf had just broken up with him. My other friend instantly connected the dots. I filled him in on everything and asked if he was going to tell. He said he wouldnt, and thus I told everyone else in the friend group. I decided they deserved to know everything Chris had spread them behind their back. AS this point, almost everyone knew about the affair except Chris. He was pretty broken about it, so we all hung out and helped him as we could, despite knowing all the things he said. I, being the asshole I am, kept asking him if he thought she cheated or was seeing someone else, and the whole time he swore that she was loyal and would never do that to him.

Fast Forward – After they broke up she became very clingy and dependent to me, calling me every hour of the night just to hear me say I still liked her. She decided we wouldnt be able to go public for at least a year in order to protect her appearance and Chris’ feelings. I couldn’t take her constant need for re-assurance so I ended things but we continued to sleep together for another year and a half until we went separate ways. To this day, Chris still doesnt know about the affair. Soon after everyone saw him for the bad guy he was and ended their friendship with him. I don’t regret it, and would do it again if I could. Just thought I’d share as a confession of what I’ve done.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/grs1x8/mf_i_gave_my_best_friends_girlfriend_the_best_sex


  1. Good story. I just realized that stories like yours is soooo much better than stories with shitty dialogue.

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