Reder the Rogue [MM][NC][BD][Fantasy]

Reder felt like a fool as he walked down the cobbled street on shaky legs. He should have practiced walking in heels before tonight. If anything was going to give him away, it would be falling flat on his face. But, as he stumbled, he had to support more of his weight on his companion. He clung to the fat noble’s arm and giggled like the vapid, silly whore he was pretending to be as he wobbled.

Lord Harrod was a man of vice. Gluttony, obviously. But, the sins Reder cared about were lust and greed as the rogue could abuse the first to get at the second. Lord Harrod wore his exuberant wealth. He was dressed in a gown of the finest died silks. He wore gold and gem covered jewelry on his neck, wrists, and every finger. The only thing the fat noble liked more than lauding his wealth over others was spending his evenings drinking and whoring. That’s where Reder came in. He knew the noble had a particular taste for Tieflings.

The red skinned, half demonic race are rare, but luckily for Reder, he was one. He had the crimson skin, the black hair, the glowing yellow eyes, the slim tail. He even had slender horns sprouting from his forehead that curled over his scalp.

The only problem was that Reder was a thief, not a prostitute. And, of course, the fact that he wasn’t a woman. But Lord Harrod, didn’t need to know either of those things.

Reder had spent hours making himself look the part. He, fortunately, was rather slim and lithe so he could pass as a woman. He wore a loose violet shawl around his upper body to hid the fact that he had no breasts as well as a pink veil to hide his face. He wore a short pink skirt to hide what was really down there but he had to show off most of his legs as well as his toned stomach. He needed to entice the lord after all. Still, he felt like a proper fool dressed like this for all to see as he walked down the populated evening street toward the lord’s home.

As they approached the gate to the Lord’s manor, Reder had to fight the urge to stab the fat man. He was not shy with his hands and had been rubbing his sausage like fingers all over Reder’s body with every step through Capitol’s streets. But now, so close to his goal, the human lord’s hand seemed glued to Reder’s ass. Luckily, Reder’s veil hid his scowl.

Approaching the front gate, there was only one man on duty and he immediately opened the steel gateway for his lord with practiced efficiency. “Thank you, captain.” Lord Harrod said as he walked through, Reder on his arm. The captain was clad head to toe in steel and barely even acknowledged the lord other than with a slight nod. It appeared he was used to his lord’s nighttime guests and he glared at Reder with a clear look of contempt.

The lord led Reder through his manor to his bed chamber, a large room with a low, huge bed in the center. Around the room on various tables and stands glittered gold and silver. Golden candlesticks, silver cutlery and plates, gen encrusted goblets, and more! Selling half of the items in this room would mean Reder was set for life, now he just had to take it.

Reder was shocked out of his greedy gaze with a hard slap on his ass, he quickly fell into a high pitched giggle to stop himself from growling at the fat lord.

“Come now, pet. Let’s see what I’m paying for.” Lord Harrod said reaching to Reder’s shoulders and beginning to slide away his shawl and the straps of the tight top he wore underneath. He could feel the lord’s hot breath on his neck and feel the hardening bulge being pushed against his backside.

“Wine!” Reder started. “Some wine, my lord? I imagine we are going to work up quite the thirst.” Reder said, making his voice high pitched.

“Hmm, good idea, pet.” Harrod said. He gestured to a rack half filled with dark bottles and he marched over to his bed after giving Reder another hard spank. Apparently the lord expected his whores to get him his wine, but that worked perfectly for the rogue.

Reder walked over to the wall and picked a bottle at random. He was sure they were all expensive vintages but Reder didn’t know anything about wine. He grabbed two of the most expensive looking goblets he could find and filled them both halfway. with his quick and practiced hands he pulled out a little piece of folded parchment that was filled with white powder and dumped it into one of the goblets before turning back to the lord.

Lord Harrod waited for him, laying on his bed, completely naked. Reder had to stifle the urge to gag as he saw the lord’s fat and hairy body. His eyes snapped to the half erect shaft for just a moment and despite himself, Reder blushed. It was much bigger than his own but that only made it look more vile.

“Your wine, my lord.” Reder said, handing him the goblet. Lord Harrod drank deep and Reder lowered his veil to drink a sip of his own. He watched with glee as the lord drank more and more until his goblet was empty. It should only take a few moments for the lord to fall asleep from the powder. Now all the thief had to do was wait.

With surprising speed, the fat lord reached out and grabbed Reder, pulling him onto the large bed. His goblet clattered to the floor, spilling the dark liquid across the stone floor.

“M-my lord, surely we should take our time.” Reder stammered, voice still high as the lord held him down and loomed over him.

“Enough teasing. I want that tight little body.” He said and he came down, thrusting his mouth onto Reder’s. Reder tasted the wine on the lord’s slimy tongue as it invaded his mouth. After several moments of the foul lord’s tongue raiding his mouth and his hands groping at his body, Reder felt the lord reach between the rogue’s legs and grab at his crotch.

Lord Harrod paused and pulled back, breaking the kiss and as he did pushed away from him. “Get off of me you fat creep.” Reder cried, his voice no longer disguised, and he brought his heeled foot into the lord’s face.

“You’re a man, you’ve got a c-” Harrod stammered before he stopped and stared into space with unfocused eyes. His body wobbled for a moment before he collapsed onto the feather stuffed mattress.

Reder took a deep breath and quickly got to work. The lord should be out until morning but he didn’t want to take any chances. Reder took off his ridiculous outfit so he was only wearing a black crop top and a pair of tight black shorts. He didn’t like it but it was all he could wear underneath his disguise. His shawl was turned inside out and quickly stuffed with the most valuable of the lord’s possessions, including all the lord’s bracelets, necklaces, and rings.

Now barefoot, Reder snuck out of lord’s bedroom onto his balcony and dropped to the garden below. His score clinked loudly as he tiptoed into the night. Reder quickly hit a wall, literally, the wall to the lord’s grounds was fifteen feet high. Reder could climb it easily but it would be hard with the sack over his shoulder. Maybe he could toss it over first? No, it would be too loud. Maybe he could strap it tight and-

Reder’s only warning was the soft clink of metal behind him before he felt something hard hit the back of his head and he knew only darkness.

When Reder awoke, his head was throbbing and sunlight blinded him. He groaned as he tried to get up but as he moved his arms they didn’t obey. Panic shot through him as his mind cleared. His arms were bound behind him, cuffed together at the wrist at the small of his back. I struggled to get up onto his knees and realized he was back in Lord Harrod’s bedchamber from the previous night. He tried to bolt but he choked as a collar around his neck caught and pulled him back. The collar was connected to a chain that was attached to the ceiling, allowing him to move a few feet before he ran out of slack. Otherwise, Reder was completely naked. He struggled against his bonds as his panic rose and rose.

“Finally awake?” The loud voice of lord Harrod said from the shadows of the other side of the room. “Good, I was starting to get impatient.” He said and Reder saw the overweight form of the lord approach him. As he came into the light, Reder saw that he was also naked.

“You really are a fool.” He said. “I pay my whores well. If it was gold you were after you could have earned plenty. I don’t really care that you’re a man. But now, now I still get to have my fun and you wont get a single copper.” He said with a laugh.

“Get this bloody cuffs off of me you fat sack of shit!” Reder growled. “Let me go or I swear I’ll cut for fucking throat!”

“Oh good, I like it when they struggle, it makes it so much more fun!” Harrod said as he approached the bed. Reder tried to get away but his collar pulled tight at the edge of the bed and the lord easily pulled Reder’s slim body back, tossing him face first onto the bed. The lord’s heavy body crushed him down and he could feel something hard and hot poking at his backside.

“Get off of me! Or I’ll- I’ll-” Reder stammered as he saw the lord reach to a bedside table and grab a small bottle. He poured a slick oil from the bottle onto his hand that quickly disappeared behind the rogue. He felt the lord rubbing the oil over his large shaft and then jumped as he felt the man’s thick fingers rub at his ass push against his virgin hole.

“Stop! Stop right-” Reder stopped as he felt himself being penetrated by a thick finger and his entire body shook and his fighting efforts doubled. In just a couple seconds the finger came back out and he instead felt something hard and hot poking at his entrance.

“NO! No no no no no!” Reder cried as the lord’s thick tip pushed harder and harder against his virgin ass. The pressure built and built until with a painful pop the thief felt the tip push inside of him.

The Teifling’s only response was to let out a painful cry as more and more of the lord’s thick cock sunk into his ass. Tears formed at the edges of his eyes and he could do nothing but tighten every muscle in his body as it was penetrated.

“Oh, fuck!” The lord cried as he slowly lifted his large body, his cock slowly pulled back until only the very tip was still inside Reder, then he plummeted his body and pushed deep inside of him.

The fat lord continued, slowly increasing his pace with every awkward thrust. More of his thick cock penetrated the Teifling’s tight ass until Reder felt thick hair scratching at his cheeks and felt heavy balls slap against him. His hands gripped at the mattress as his body was rocked with every painful thrust.

Faster and faster, Harrod went, his heavy body loudly slapping against Reder’s ass with every deep thrust inside the rogue’s no longer virgin ass. Reder heard the fat lords panting in he ear and felt his sweat drip onto his lithe body as the lord worked himself to exhaustion fucking the thief’s tight red ass.

Reder ground his teeth for as long as he could until he broke and started to cry out with every thrust inside of his bowels. His painful cries only seemed to excite the lord more and he slammed into his tight ass faster and faster.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the thrusts inside of him that stretched his abused ass impossibly wide slowed but got harder until all of the lord’s weight was slamming into him and every inch of the lord’s fat cock was buried in Reder’s ass. The lord’s body shook and his heavy, hairy balls pulled up as he flooded the thief’s ass with his thick cum.

Reder could feel the thick cock spasm as he was filled with cum for the first time of his life. He felt it overflow around the shaft still buried in him and leak down his thighs.

Lord Harrod panted and collapsed on top of Reder for several minutes as every last drop was drained from his balls. He felt the cock buried inside of him start to soften and mercifully, it was slowly pulled out as the lord climbed off of him.

Reder just lay on the mattress, broken and exhausted as thick cum leaked out of his raped ass. All he did was pant as tears and drool leaked from his face onto the sheets.
