[MF] My friends gf

Part 1:So about 10 years ago at around 20 I got my own 2 room place. starting building up a nice place. A few months later a friend of mine needed a place to live. I was happy to help as I had a extra room. He moved into the extra room, got a job and helped a little with the rent when he could. I didn’t mind not receiving anything, as I just wanted to help a friend.

But time passed and he got a new gf, who was kind of hot, but she never left the place. Me helping out a friend started turning into me supporting a friend and his gf. This wasn’t what I signed up for and it was getting out of hand my place became their place instead. Fights started coming up more and more as they would be very noisy, but I let it slide as he had nowhere to go.

Back then I spend my time alone as my gf as we lived very far apart and could only see each other every other month. A lot of my time when into looking after myself at the gym and jogging. I was a tall very fit guy. I decided to take my place back as my own and not care how they feel. She was at my place even while he was working, so I came home from a jog sweating and shirtless to stink up the place to make her feel awkward, it just caused us to argue but that was part of the plan.

She argued that we all share the place and I can’t walk around as I want. Which I ended up taking a step further and started walking around in my boxers, which her response was to do something similar. She walked around the place in small underwear, but as a guy who never see’s his gf, this was actually a good view to have. Until one day she came bursting into my room to yell at me for throwing my gym clothes all over the living room. I was standing naked admiring myself cock hard in the mirror, her eyes travelling up and down and locking onto my big cock. Yelling turned to gasping and apology, with her almost tumbling out of my room. I’m hard as rock at this time and she just crossed the line, so I throw a towel on and walk over to their room and open the door. Cock still hard, yelling at her but she just stares at me.

She says how sorry she is and to please not tell her bf and to make it ok she will strip for me also. next moment her clothes is on the floor, and she’s on her knees giving me the wildest bj of my life. yelling turns into a hour long exploration of each other.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gqr7a4/mf_my_friends_gf

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