Claimed in a Parking Lot: A True Story [consensual non-consent] [creampie] [primal] [wrestling] [chase]

I needed it. I needed the pain, the fear, the catharsis that comes from being claimed. I needed teeth and hands on my neck, someone to pull my hair hard enough that I cry out in pain, someone to rape me. I needed to turn off the voices in my head, the self-hatred, the shame. I needed someone to claim me.

I was still fairly young at this point, scarcely eighteen, and living with my family. Due to a long series of events, a ton of my self-esteem came from my sexual appeal, so I used my body the best I could. And that certainly worked–I’m a 5’3 curvy half-Asian chick with glasses and long black hair. I discovered BDSM online at the age of fourteen, but I know it’s been in my veins since I was a kid.

I…also was not very bright. (Still am not very bright.) I went on a lot of misadventures–got into a lot of stranger’s vehicles, slept with a lot of strange men, and was occasionally paid for it. Looking back, I can’t believe I’m still alive. In fact, not long after the events of this story, I would find myself locked in a cage by a 43 yr old Dominant that I’d met maybe an hour beforehand, surrounded by strangers that largely didn’t speak English. And then wound up being his masochistic submissive kitty for four months. But, that’s a story for another time.

So, it comes to no surprise when I posted an ad on the app Whisper, asking to be raped.

I actually got a serious response, by a man I’ll refer to as Mister B. Mister B introduces himself as a tall bearded heavy metal singer, and he wanted to be the one to use me. I immediately jump on the opportunity, and when evening comes, I’m waiting at the entrance to my neighborhood.

I wore a silky black and purple dress that clung to my every curve, black flats, and nothing else. I still remember my heart racing, the nervousness. I had never seen a photo of Mister B, and no one knew where I was. According to my parents, I had just gotten stir-crazy and went on a walk.

Instead, here I was, defying every bit of logic and rules they had tried to implant in my brain by slowly approaching the black SUV that had pulled up ahead of me. I had the chance to walk away, to go back home, but I didn’t. I still remember this walk, the chill of the near-winter wind wooshing up my dress.

The sight of Mister B in the driver’s seat as I get in beside him, the wide smile on his lips, and the lust that dripped from my pussy. We talked a bit, went over the rules we had laid out beforehand. When I got out of the car, I would have thirty seconds to run. I had gotten an IUD not long before these events, so no condom would be used. Safeword was pineapple, or a triple-tap on his body if I couldn’t talk.

We drove to the man-made beach near my house, and parked near the back. You could see the road somewhat through the trees, but otherwise, we were alone. He reached over, caressed my thigh, and asked me one last time if I was sure. I nodded.

“Run, kitten.”

I was out of his SUV in a flash, heart racing. I darted to the rim of the parking lot, and examined the dark earth beyond. The light coating of snow was slick, and obscured the terrain. Fearful of being every horror movie heroine ever, I started carefully picking my way across the rough terrain.

Behind me, the door of the SUV slammed shut.

My time was up.

I turned to him then, my pulse racing through my chest and the swollen lips of my pussy, watching as he approached. He was a foot taller than me, predatory, strong. I was tiny, weak, and appetizing. It wasn’t going to be a long chase.

I started cutting sideways, trying to get to the parking lot so I could dart past him. His approach was slow, steady, and the only sound I could hear was the low chuckle that escaped his throat. The only thing I felt was terrified lust as my feet hit the parking lot and I broke into a run, praying I could get by and avoid being trapped.

It didn’t work.

He closed the thirty feet of distance between his path and mine, and waited. I whimpered, staggered back, almost tripping on rocks when I left the parking lot. His teeth glinted in the moonlight. I couldn’t run here–if I fell, he’d be on me in a second. I had to try again.

I made a desperate bid for freedom, and only made it fifteen steps before he closed in on me. His hand gripped my wrist, and I knew I was done for. I tugged, struggled, but it was useless. He pulled me towards him, pressed me to his chest, gripped the hem of my dress. I yelped, tried to hold it down, but it was useless. I found myself naked in a parking lot, the wind teasing my skin, in the arms of a stranger.

He kissed me, deep and hard, sinking his teeth into my lower lip. I moaned into his mouth, a full-body shiver running through my body.

I wanted it. I needed it. I needed his hands on my body, needed his teeth, his cock, his cum. I *needed* it.

But, it wasn’t enough.

I raised my knee into his crotch, and shoved him back with all my might. He staggered away from me, growling with pain. I only had a second to run towards the SUV before he was on me again, and this time, he wasn’t fucking around. He lifted my squirming and kicking body up and onto his shoulder, one arm pinning me there while the other slams thick fingers into my pussy. The sounds of my pussy’s squelches, my moans, and his laugh echo through the parking lot. I wanted to give in right then, let him keep carrying me to the SUV, let him take what was already his.

But….I didn’t. I needed more. I still felt the craving for pain and fear in my head, a siren call for rape. I managed to squirm off his shoulder, and fell the six feet to the parking lot. I landed on my back, every last bit of air whooshing from my chest. Gasping desperately, I rolled to my hands and knees, pushing myself into a run. His hands landed on my hips, but slid off from the melted snow and sweat that clung to my skin.

My freedom was momentary, though. When his hand found my hair, jerking me to an agonized halt, I knew I was done. I didn’t want to run anymore. I didn’t want to do anything but be his whore, his pet, his fuckdoll. He wrenched me backwards, into his chest. I put up a token struggle, lightly pushed on the hands that gripped my nipples and twisted. Holding me tight, he walked me towards his SUV, and shoved me to my knees. His knee shifted, pressed my back against a tire. I couldn’t escape, and I didn’t want to.

I watched, every pulse of my heart pleading for this, as he unzipped his jeans and pulled out his cock. It was six inches long, and thick enough my jaws ached as he pressed it between my lips. I started to suck and lap, but that’s not what he wanted. He started to thrust, each impact bouncing his balls off my chin, crushing my nose to his crotch. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t see, could barely keep myself from throwing up as he facefucked me. I got tiny wisps of air between each thrust, but it wasn’t enough, and soon I was struggling again. My hands bounced off his thighs harmlessly, and all my squirms accomplished was a harsh hand in my hair, keeping me still. I couldn’t do anything, couldn’t escape, couldn’t breathe. All I could do was be a hole for his cock. I could tap on his hips, safeword, I could stop this, but I didn’t. I needed this, needed to be used. I tried to press my lips and tongue harder around his cock, lapping as much as I could, and my efforts earned a growling moan from my predator. My lungs were aching now. My struggles ceased; instead, I gripped his hips, urging him on desperately. If this was how I died, being a fucktoy for a stranger….I’d die happy.

Suddenly, it was over. His cock pulled back from my lips, his hand released my head, and I choked for air. My vision swirled, my throat ached, and I could feel my pulse in my clit.

When I had almost regained the ability to move, he used my hair to wrench me to my feet. He turned me around, and crushed my tits against the hood. He spread my legs, before keeping his hands on the small of my back, admiring me. The cold of the vehicle, the ice of the wind, the heat of my pussy, and the heat of his breath on my neck. “Good, kitten. Now, just stay still….”

I felt it then, the thick head of his cock pressed against my pussy. My world froze and shrank, senses focused on his cock as it slowly slid its way into my pussy. A small orgasm tore through me, bringing a shrieking cry from his lips. Mister B chuckled again, and my pussy spasmed at the sound. Slowly at first, he started thrusting deep and hard, every thrust bringing another moan from my lips. My eyes rolled as he picked up speed, and I could already feel another orgasm building. His nails dug into my waist, keeping me still as he used me. Growls and moans joined my cries, and I prayed he wouldn’t cum soon. I could die in this moment, a toy, a fuckdoll, being properly used. He lowered the pace of his thrusts, staving off his orgasm, and a hand found its way to my pussy. A thick finger rubbed across the swollen bead of my clit, and I came almost instantly.

I was lost in a world of ecstasy as he used me, taking advantage of my body’s natural tendency to orgasm easily and repeatedly. Teeth found my neck, harsh breath and moans in my ear. His pace sped up and slowed down, pushing me to the edge and over again and again. I don’t know how many times I came.

I just know that, when the time finally came for him to finish in me, I was limp and mindless. Lost. All I could do was moan, and be fucked. He sped up, slamming into me hard enough each impact felt like it would bruise. I realized I was begging then, pleading, urging him to cum in me, please fill me, please please *pleaaaase*…..

He came with a growl, and his seed pulsed into me. It felt so warm, it almost burned, and the sensation brought a final orgasm. My pussy pulsed around him, milked every drop.

We stayed frozen, a tableau of satisfied lusts, until he slowly pulled his softened cock from me. He kissed my neck softly, and used my shoulders to gently urge me to my feet. I collapsed into his chest, and he held me as tears started to drip from my eyes as the adrenaline wore off. His voice, soft and warm, slowly drifted into my awareness: “…good girl, good kitten. You’re okay, you’re safe, it’s okay….”

I’ll spare you the cuddles we shared, the laughter and jokes as we realized we had a lot in common. I’ll spare you the nervous joy I felt as I walked back home, after he had dropped me off right where he had picked me up barely an hour before.

I’ll leave you with this: This wasn’t the only time I saw him, or the only time I’ve had misadventures. Maybe I’ll share more sometime.

I hope you enjoyed.


1 comment

  1. Hi hello, I very much enjoyed this story. I am a rape victim and honestly as fucked as it is, rape play has surprisingly helped me get over some of my PTSD triggers. I too understand the need for that adrenaline and rush of pleasure and pain. I hope to hear about more of your misadventures.

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