Awakened by Dawn’s Cheating Light (MF) (Cuckold)

A fantasy of sorts that I wish I had been able to live out with my husband. Perhaps sexy, but hopefully entertaining. Enjoy…

Dawn walked into her house in a daze after work that day. She was later than usual. Her typical routine of changing into more comfortable clothes and starting dinner before her husband arrived home from work was disregarded. She immediately sat on her couch and stared blankly into an imaginary abyss.

That’s where her husband found her sitting. His words finally snapped her out of the self-induced trance that she had put herself in. “What’s wrong? Are you OK? Did something happen?” finally registered in her head when she felt his presence beside her and his arm around her shoulder.

She turned her head to look at him. Tears began to fill her eyes. “Oh David, I’ve done something terrible. You’re going to hate me.”

David looked at her with concern. He rubbed her back and urged her to explain what could be so horrible that he could possibly hate his beloved wife of almost 20 years. Had she robbed a bank? Struck a young child with her car and fled? Has she pushed someone off of a tall building?

“I… I had sex with my boss.” Her tears started to flow freely, and her face took on an expression of fear, “I’m so sorry. I’m a horrible wife and person, and I’ve betrayed our marriage.”

David just rubbed the top of her back and maintained his look of concern for her.

“He started making advances toward me after work today in his office. I knew it was wrong. My mind was screaming for me to just leave but… but I didn’t.”

“I told you that he was attracted to you. Remember? I could see how he looked at your body. I could see the lust in his eyes,” David whispered.

“But I had sex with him. I consented. I could have said no and I didn’t…”

“So you think that is enough for me to hate you? To despise and hate the love of my life? My most beloved?”

“But isn’t it?” she asked nervously.

David leaned forward and kissed her sweetly on the forehead. He looked her in the eyes and whispered, “Let me answer that question in a different way. I doubt words would ever convince you of my feelings in this matter, but perhaps this will.”

He slowly got down onto his knees in front of her. Was he going to re-enact his marriage proposal to her? Her sense of confusion turned to fear as she felt his hands start to slide upward on the outside of her legs and up under her dress. They arrived at her hips and waist, but he didn’t find what he was seeking.

“Apparently you neglected to wear panties to work today.”

“No, I did,” she stuttered, “but he insisted on keeping them for some reason.”

“Ah, a trophy for his sexual conquest perhaps?”

“Perhaps. Maybe. I don’t know…” she answered.

He removed his hands, leaned forward, and reached behind her waist. He began unzipping the zipper to her skirt and motioned for her to lift herself up so that he could remove it.

“What are you doing?” she asked him, a fearful quiver in her voice. He didn’t answer, he just proceeded to slide the skirt down her legs and tossed it aside.

He gently parted her knees with his hands and began kissing her inner thighs. Dawn became horrified when she noticed that streaks of wetness were present on her inner thighs. In her daze of adulterous guilt she hadn’t even felt her recent lover’s semen leaking out of her as she walked.

Dawn’s feelings of horror and humiliation turned to shock and bewilderment as she watched her husband slowly lick the wetness from her thighs. He said nothing. He simply looked her in the eyes as he continued to lick and kiss upward along her inner thighs.

Suddenly she felt her husband’s hands on her hips. He effortlessly pulled her forward on the couch, her buttocks now on the very edge. His hands went under her knees and she felt her knees being lifted upward and outward. At that point her humiliation was complete. The irrefutable evidence of her adulterous interlude was in plain view for her husband to see.

But he didn’t scold her. He didn’t criticize her. He didn’t say anything to amplify the shame or humiliation of having just cheated on him. Instead, he kissed her. Intimately. Between her legs.

She involuntarily sighed, closed her eyes, and leaned her head back when she first felt the pressure of his tongue gently lap upward against her inner labia and across her clit. The licks were gentle, loving, tender. Another sigh escaped her mouth when she felt his tongue gently clean and lap away any wetness that had flowed over her anus, be it her own wetness, that of her lover, or a combination of the two.

The gentle licks and kisses he performed on her sex soon turned to more firm, passionate probing with his tongue. She felt his tongue begin to penetrate her, his explorations shallow at first. Soon his breathing became audible through his nostrils as he began to explore as deeply as his tongue allowed. Her sexual arousal was causing her to produce a plentiful amount of her feminine nectar to consume. She could feel it flowing out of her, but it was much more than usual.

She suddenly realized that the semen her boss had so copiously ejaculated inside of her was also flowing out of her along with her own fluids, and her husband was lustily, hungrily consuming it all.

Dawn didn’t know if she had ever been so turned on in her life. She had never loved David more than she did at that moment. The sexual pleasure she was experiencing and her adoration for him ignited the fuse that set off her orgasm. It was powerful, washing through her like a series of repeating tidal waves. Her thighs locked her husband’s head between her legs, but he wasn’t making any attempt to pull back. As she rode through the pleasure of her orgasm he continued to lick and suck her aroused pussy clean.

She didn’t black out or lose consciousness from her orgasm, just temporary awareness. When she finally opened her eyes she realized her husband was sitting beside her and staring at her intently.

“I hope that convinces you that I love you no matter what…”

Dawn interrupted his sentence, but not with words of her own. She swiftly pressed her mouth against his and desperately sought his tongue with her own. The taste and smell of her own sex and the semen of another man in her husband’s mouth and on his breath was intoxicating. When their kissing finally ended, he touched his forehead to hers and whispered, “Your boss apparently has a very large cock.”

Dawn leaned back and looked at him quizzically.

“Sweetheart, I’ve never seen your little pussy so dilated and inflamed. He does have a large cock, doesn’t he?”

She sheepishly nodded her head yes. “Quite large,” she murmured, “actually enormous. Easily the largest cock I’ve ever had.”

David grinned devilishly, “Well, considering the sampling size of all of the cocks you’ve had, he must be one for the record books.”

Dawn playfully slapped her husband’s shoulder, “That is NOT funny. Or nice…”

“But it’s sexy. It’s sexy to me. I’m not jealous of all of the sexual pleasure that you’ve had in your life, nor am I resentful that you’re the only woman I’ve ever been with. I’m glad that you were uninhibited enough to satisfy your sexual needs before we were together, and I’m glad that you took the opportunity to experience that which I can never give you.” He paused, and continued, “I’m assuming that you climaxed?”

Dawn didn’t respond. David smiled and added, “Well, knowing my highly orgasmic wife, the question probably shouldn’t be ‘if’ but ‘how many times’ she climaxed?”

“Twice,” she replied.

“Good girl,” he whispered, “He is obviously a very virile man, and was very turned on to be inside you.” Dawn once again looked at him with slight confusion. “Sweetie, that was a lot of cum that flowed out of you. More than I could ever produce in a single ejaculation, probably more than I can produce in an entire week.”

“Speaking of you, how about I return the favor and satisfy you?” she flirted. This man, her husband, the love of her life, had just consumed the cum of another man from inside her. She wanted to sexually satisfy him in return.

David took her hand and placed it on his lap. She felt no erection present in his pants, but only the feeling of wetness against her fingers. “Unfortunately I somehow spontaneously ejaculated at the same time you reached your own orgasm, so I’m unfortunately… spent for a little while.”

“It’s probably for the best, anyway. I’m kind of, well, sore down there. Very sore in fact.”

“But in a good way?” he teased.

“Deliciously so,” she admitted. “I’m surprised that you, you know, went down on me after I was just with another man.”

“Does that disgust you?”

“Not at all. I actually find it very sexy. Sexy as hell.”

“I surprised myself at how much I enjoyed it, too.” There was a long pause before he continued, “Would it make me an utterly and completely horrible husband if I were to want to do that to you again? If I were to want you to have sex with him again and let me clean you afterward?”

“Would it make me an even more horrible wife if I were to jump at the opportunity to do so?”

“Not at all,” he reassured her.

“Forgive me?” she asked David lovingly.

“There’s nothing to forgive, Dawn. I’ve known that you have needed the pleasure of a large cock for some time now. I know that you’ve experienced that in the past, and that you must miss it. I love you enough that I never want you to be deprived of sexual pleasure and fulfillment, even if I’m not the one that can give it to you.”

“Am I that transparent?”

“No, but I know that’s what you must be fantasizing about when you close your eyes when we have sex and you climax shortly thereafter. You go into your own little world, and I’ve suspected that’s what you miss and crave. I also know that you climax more easily from my mouth than my own small penis.”

“So I am transparent.”

“Let’s just say I know you too well. I know you’re a very erotic, sexual creature whose body is made for sex, and that I’m damn lucky that you are with me and love me despite my shortcomings.”

“I adore you, you know,” she reassured him.

“And I adore you,” he replied.

“In my defense, I did try to resist him at first,” she explained.

“So what defeated your resistance?”

“He pulled me toward him and began kissing me, and my hand accidentally touched the front of his trousers.”

“So you felt it was large through his pants?”

“I did. I almost laughed in disbelief because I thought there was no way he had a cock that large…”

“…or in disbelief that you were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to have a large cock again?” he interrupted.

“Perhaps.” They paused once again, and she continued, “Since you’re spent, could I ask you for a favor?”

“Anything, my love.”

“Would you take a hot bath with me and bathe me? Then take me to bed and make love to me with your mouth for the rest of the evening?”

“That’s not a favor, Dawn. That’s a privilege for me. Of course, love of my life.” They began kissing again, and he began speaking after he broke the kiss, “If you do, hypothetically speaking, start having sex on a regular basis with your boss, do you think it would ever be possible for me to watch at some point?”

“Does the prospect of watching me have sex with another man turn you on?”

“The prospect of watching you have sex with a large cock turns me on. As much as I know you, as much as we know about each other, I’ve never seen what your face looks like during the ecstasy of an orgasm with a large cock inside you. It’s something I’ve often fantasized about myself – what you would look like, the sounds you would make, the things you would say to arouse and satisfy another lover who is so well endowed.”

“Perhaps I’ll think about it,” she teased with a mischievous smile, “but would you be willing to do something for me to earn the privilege of watching me have sex with a large cock?”

“Of course,” he said.

“You obviously enjoyed the taste of another man’s cum, a very masculine man’s cum, a man who can ejaculate much more than you can.”

“I did, more than I thought I would.”

“If, hypothetically speaking as you stated, were allowed to watch, would you be willing to prepare him to fuck me? To make him hard with your mouth? Would you be willing to lick and suck his large testicles that are filled with the sperm that he is about to deposit deep inside your wife?”

David looked at her with surprise. Dawn thought he looked like a deer in headlights.

She continued in a soft whisper, “Would you be willing to lick and suck his softening cock clean of our combined sexual emissions in appreciation of the sexual pleasure that he has just given your beautiful wife?”

“I would,” he finally responded after deep thought, “I would do anything for you, especially if that’s something that you would enjoy watching me do.”

“It is. I would,” she said before passionately kissing him. When she broke the kiss she began whispering again, “When I close my eyes during sex, do you want to know what I really think of? It is about a large cock, but that’s not all. I fantasize about me and you, both of us naked and on our knees, licking and sucking a big, hard cock together as husband and wife. Earning the gift of his ejaculate together. Licking and sucking his cum from each other’s face. Tasting and swallowing his cum as we passionately kiss and share it with each other.

“But even more than that, David, I want you to enjoy it. I want you to enjoy it as much as I do. I want you to experience the feeling of your mouth wide open and your lips being stretched to accommodate the girth of a large cock. Experiencing that will give you a great deal of appreciation for just how large it is, and even more appreciation for me being able to receive it inside me.”

“Your boss really did have a large cock, didn’t he?”

“Yes… and to be completely honest with you, it was amazing. Perhaps, just perhaps, you’ll be able to decide how amazing it is for yourself one day.”

“Then it will be just one more thing that we share together. One more thing that we have in common, and can do together as husband and wife. Yes, my love, I will do that for you, with you, and whatever else you want me to do that will bring you sexual arousal and fulfillment,” he responded before kissing her once more.

“You don’t have to have a large cock, or even an average sized cock to be sexy. Because right now, you’re the sexiest man I know,” Dawn whispered.

“Even though I am willing to taste and swallow another man’s cum, and willing to suck another man’s cock?”

“Especially because of all of those things, and especially because you’ll do it to please me despite any reluctance you may have.”

Dawn stood up, wearing only the blouse and bra that she wore to work that day, nude from the waist down. Her hairless, meticulously shaved pussy and pubic mound were at the eye level of her husband. He looked up at her and she reached out her hand to him, “Come draw me a hot bath and bathe me. Take me to bed and eat my pussy while I fantasize about having sex with a large cock in front of you, and sucking a large cock together with you. Eat me until I can orgasm no more.”

They began to walk together toward their master suite hand-in-hand. David humorously uttered, “If your boss is a man who enjoys collection trophies, we’re going to have to buy you a lot more panties!”
