Playing with Stepmom II

Unfortunately, things did not go any further after I had held her breast and we kissed in the kitchen. Mum pushed me away in a bit of a panic and begged me to stop, so I did what she asked. Again, some time went by before things heated up again.

Dad ended up taking an extended business trip to an oil rich Island country where the workers were confined to a compound, and it became obvious he was messing around with several partners. Mum had known he had been messing around a lot but I guess the straw that broke the camels back was were several occasions where nude women were walking to and fro in his room, while we skyped. Soon after, the contact wtih him pretty much ended. He sent enough to her for us to live, but we did not see him again until years went by.

There was a baroque castle not too far off from where we lived that we had frequented when I was a boy. One day directly after school, I had come home to mum, who looked to have been crying. She asked if I would walk with her to the castle, and of course I agreed. We walked arm in arm together, talking and snuggling loads on the way. She told me that dad had basically told her that he wasn’t coming back, that she could do what she wanted, but he wanted to remain married for advantageous financial reasons. I didn’t really know what to say to mum as she told me all of this. She apologized again and again for blasting me with so much adult-level drama, but she also didn’t know where else to turn.

The castle was fantastic, as it always had been. I imagined my stepmum was my real-life girlfriend and I told her how pretty she was and how if she were mine, I would never let her go. Mum took my hand in hers and kissed it, telling me how lucky she was to have such a caring boy. As we left, we stopped by the wall encircling the gardens, which was very high. We had never seen the gardens before and she was trying to stand on her tiptoes to get a view. Without thinking, I slipped my head between her legs and easily lifted her on my shoulders. She sharply inhaled and grabbed ahold of my hair…..her hips were pressing downwards into my shoulders and I barely felt her saying “uhhh..” I asked if she could get a photo of the gardens, but she clamped her hands down on my head and hair and didn’t say a word. To our left, there was a very old couple sitting in a Mercedes staring at us with their mouths open. It must have been quite the sight to see this boy liting up his very tall mum as if she were a toy!

I let mum back down and she immidiately grabbed ahold of my arm and told me to keep her steady. “No Problem”, I told her, and supported her a while as we walked home. On the way back, there is a path of about 1 Mile where there isn’t a soul around, and I knew that mummy was all mine. I took her by the arm gently and spun her around into my arms. I bent down and wrapped my arms around her bum and picked her right up like a toy. Mum buried her face in my shoulder and neck and whispered “my big boy, did you know you made mummy come when you had her on your shoulders? That was so very embarrassing!”. I told her I was sorry, but began squeezing her bum, lifting her a bit higher and sneaking my fingers to where her pussy was. “I won’t do it again mum, promise!” I teased, as I slid my finger ever so slightly on her sensitive area. Mum jolted forward in my arms and began thrashing and moaning, cumming in my arms as I held her. My cock was so incredibly hard knowing that I had her completely at my mercy, and that I was making her feel good. I wanted her to feel better, like she was a treasure for someone. I needed, loved and treasured her. I could hardly stand being alone and seeing her sad and I told her she was the prettiest girl in the world. Mum cooed and kissed my neck and ran her hands down my back and chest and told me what a wonderful boy I was.

I carried my mum as far as I could along the path until we came back into the city, where we might be seen. Never did I want mum to be exposed, so I put her down, and she went back to holding my arm, like a gentlewoman.

As soon as we got indoors, I put my left arm around mums waist and bum and she jumped up. I was holding her like a baby and immidiately she began kissing me. She tasted like strawberry and vanilla and our tongues finally met with an electric shock. My right hand began running up her legs and to be stomach….mum gasped and told me how much she loved being lifted up and carried by her son, and that she loved me. My hands began unclasping her shirt and exposing her breasts. They were like lovely large strawberry apples with small nipples just begging to be kissed. Mum was undulating and constantly cumming as I kissed and cuddled her. She at one point seemed to lose conciousness as a very powerful orgasm hit her. She was completely still for about 30 seconds, and I was scared that I had hurt her. I carried mummy to bed and stroked her hands and begged her to wake up.

Her eyes opened up, completely glazed over. She stared at me open mouthed and said “My boy, what are you doing with your mummy? I can’t even see straight anymore, please give me a wee rest!”

I ran to get her a glass of water and a Cadbury choccie which she loved and sat at her side. Mum lay back and I held her head in my lap as she calmed herself down….



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