[FM] Stripping games turn into a fun night of punishment

As I mentioned in my first story, my boyfriend Henry and I greatly enjoy fucking (with) each other. One of our favorite games to play is “strip anything.” Here’s how you play: you turn every tiny thing in your life into a competition and then you incorporate stripping.

I should warn you that Henry and I are incredibly competitive people – our casual neighborhood walks almost always turn into a race to get home before the other person, and our grocery runs inevitably devolve into a game to see who can find the best deals on produce. How do you turn these into stripping, you ask? Easy! You just eventually rip off your and your partner’s clothes. Our races home end in a competition to see who can get naked faster once we get there, and the other person has to go down on them until completion. Our grocery bargain hunting ends with the loser having to perform a strip tease and masturbate in front of the winner. We also sometimes play strip cooking, where we have to take an item of clothing off whenever we finish a step in a recipe. Preheat the oven? Off go your socks. Wash the veggies? Yeah, you take off that paint-stained high school theater sweatshirt, you dirty girl.

One of my favorite things to do, however, is to frustrate Henry. We’ve been together long enough that I know how to turn him on while pretending that I don’t know what I’m doing. And he knows me well enough to pretend that I’m not acting intentionally. So sometimes, after a long day of teasing with gentle touches and “oops I dropped this object and now I have to bend over at the waist and show off my ass to pick it up,” I can get Henry to initiate strip anything without suggesting it myself. And then the fun begins. Because you see, dear reader, I LOVE losing strip anything. I’m naturally fairly submissive, and the knowledge that I’m going to be “punished” in some painfully sexy way makes me wetter than a swimming pool after a hurricane.

One memorable game of strip anything involved one of these minor manipulations. It was the first cold Friday in the fall before we moved in together, about two months after the events in my first story. He lived in a city about half an hour away, so we usually didn’t sleepover on weeknights. That morning, I woke up alone but content, knowing I wouldn’t be going to bed alone that night. I hadn’t seen Henry in person since the previous weekend, and ya girl was horny. I shot him a “good morning, handsome” text along with a selfie of me pouting and reaching out to the empty spot where he usually slept during weekends. He responded with a shower pic within five minutes, water running down his body and his hand clearly holding his cock out of frame. I shot back a video of myself brushing my teeth, sensually moving my toothbrush in and out of my mouth before smiling to reveal a gallon light blue toothpaste foam and letting it spill down my chin.

“Gross ?” was the reply.

The rest of the workday passed with teasing back-and-forth texts. An occasional strategically shot picture that hinted at my hard nipples through my work blouse. A bathroom selfie of Henry gripping the outline of his cock over his slacks. By the time 5:00 rolled around, I was struggling to stop myself from rocking back and forth in my desk chair just to give myself some modicum amount of pressure on my clit. I shot him a quick “I’ll see you naked when you get home,” and practically raced to the bike rack in front of my office. The whole ride home I ground my clit into my bike seat, panting for more reasons than just the slight incline and shivering for more reasons than the chilly air.

Henry’s car wasn’t anywhere to be seen on my street, so I knew I had time to enact my plan. I hastily locked my bike in the shed for the weekend and raced into my apartment, shedding clothing the second I got inside. I heard Henry open the front door while I was in the shower scrubbing off the day. “I’m in here!” I called out through the open bathroom door.

“I’m starving! I’m going to get started on dinner,” he called back from the kitchen.

Henry was always starving after work, so I knew he’d be too hungry to fuck right when he got home. Every move was perfectly planned. Besides, we had all weekend to tease and play with each other. I wrapped myself in my towel and padded over to the kitchen where Henry was prepping veggies for a stir fry. “Hi sweetie,” I said innocently, standing on my tiptoes and reaching to kiss him on his cheek.

His eyes darkened as he looked me up and down, taking in the drops of water slowly making their way down my neck from the strands of hair that got damp despite my best efforts to pin them back. He brought one hand to the small of my back to pull me closer, dipping his head down to capture my lips in a series of kisses that got progressively less chaste. Eventually my arms came up to wrap behind his neck, and he brought his other hand up my leg and under my towel to squeeze my still damp ass. I pressed myself against his body, wanting to feel every inch of him. He tugged my towel until it fell to the floor.

Henry untangled himself from my arms and took a step back to admire my naked, freshly shaved form. “I’ve been waiting for this view all day,” he breathed.

I gave him another peck and picked up my towel. “I’m going to go get dressed for dinner.”

“Do you have to?”

“I’m too cold,” I pouted.

He sighed dramatically. “Fine, go ruin my day.”

I kissed him on the cheek one more time and turned towards the bedroom. “I’m sure you’ll survive.”

He gave my ass a sharp smack as I walked away. I yelped and scurried out of reach of his wandering hands, smiling to myself. He wasn’t going to see this coming. When I got to the bedroom, I grabbed an eyeliner pencil, prepared his surprise, and then began methodically putting on layer after of clothing. I lost count at some point, but I definitely had on multiple pairs of underwear, a couple bralettes, several shirts, and at least one sweater. I topped it all off with a pair of leggings, sweatpants, and one of Henry’s oversized sweatshirts with the name of some sports team I couldn’t be bothered to remember.

Henry looked up from dishing the stir fry onto plates and raised his eyebrows as I came out of the bedroom. “What? I was cold!”

He finished plating our food and wrapped me in a hug, rubbing his hands up and down my arms to warm me up. I nuzzled into his chest and stood there a moment, enjoying the feeling of his large hands on me. The smell of food quickly distracted me, though, and I shoved my cold nose into his armpit to shock him into releasing me. Henry let go of me with a laughing yelp and jumped backwards.

Dinner passed uneventfully, our conversation mainly centering around work and other mundane aspects of our week. We finished the food on our plates at around the same time and then stared expectantly at each other. Neither of us moved. “I cooked, you have to clean up,” he said finally.

“I’m cute, you have to clean up,” I shot back.

“I’m cute too, it’s your turn.”

I grinned mischievously. “One strip for each dish we clean.”

With a sigh, pretending not to be into it, Henry slowly got up and dragged his feet while gathering the dishes from the table to put in the dishwasher. I smiled at him, biting my lip, and peeled off the top hoodie to reveal a crew neck sweatshirt. “One hoodie? There’s two plates here!” He whined.

“But it only took you one trip,” I said innocently.

“That wasn’t in the rules!”

“We never set any rules.”

Henry scoffed but played along, making individual trips to the dishwasher for each fork, knife, and glass. I acquiesced, removing my wool socks, the crew neck sweatshirt and sweatpants to reveal another layer of socks, a cardigan over a shirt, and leggings. “Are you fucking kidding me? Did you plan this?”

I smiled innocently, letting my dimples show, and got up. After I washed the pan, Henry took off one sock. I cleaned the cutting board. He took off the other sock. After putting away the leftover stir fry and rice and cleaning the countertop, Henry was left in just his boxer briefs. We both stared at the one remaining dish: a serving spoon. We locked eyes and grabbed for it at the same time. My hands wrapped around it first as Henry shouted a horrified “NO!”

I cackled triumphantly, holding the spoon over my head like a trophy as Henry half tackled me into the kitchen counter. His hands went straight to my armpits and tried to tickle me, but I couldn’t feel anything on account of my insane number of layers. “You have no power here,” I rasped out in my best impression, tucking the spoon into my body and curling around it protectively.

Eventually Henry gave up his relentless attempted-tickling onslaught and let me wash the spoon. He was naked by the time I placed it on the drying rack. I wrapped my hand around his cock and pulled him towards me, enjoying the feeling of it growing in my hand. His hands cupped my cheeks and tilted my face upward to kiss passionately. I tugged his dick lazily, feeling myself getting wetter has he got harder. “Bedroom?” I asked.

He nodded and pushed me ahead of him to walk down the hallway. I stood at the end of the bed and waited. Henry closed the door behind him, a force of habit from when I had roommates. “Hmm now what do I get for winning?” I asked rhetorically.

“I’m sure you can think of something, merciful one,” he whispered with sarcastic reverence.

After a brief pause for dramatic impact, “I want you to undress me,” I decreed.

A grin spread across his face. “If I must.”

I bit my lip in anticipation, swallowing my laughter. Henry stripped off the cardigan and my first t-shirt, revealing a lighter shirt underneath. He raised his eyebrows. “Are you serious?”

I shrugged. He peeled away the shirt, a camisole, and the first bralette. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

I was actively shaking from holding in my laughter. Off came the second bralette and my underwire bra, leaving me topless but still wearing high-waisted leggings and several yet-unseen pairs of underwear. I kicked off my final pair of socks. Henry sucked one nipple into his mouth and palmed the other breast. I gasped lightly as he bit down harder than usual, clearly punishing me for cheating at the game. He nibbled his way across my chest and punished my other nipple as I moaned.

“Take off your fucking pants,” he growled, straightening up from his attack on my nipples.

I turned around and bent over, giving him a bit of a show. I slipped my thumbs under the waistband and slid it down slowly before snapping it back up. Henry smacked my ass. “Get on with it,” he hissed impatiently.

I pulled down the leggings in one swift movement and turned slowly, exposing my stomach to him for the first time. His eyes raked down the words written there: “Property of Henry.”

He let out a strangled laugh that caught in his throat, but I saw his cock leak delicious drops of precum. “And what will you do with me, sir?” I asked, batting my eyelashes.

He pushed me roughly to the bed, letting out a low growl as he climbed on top of me and pinned my arms above my head. “How many layers of underwear do you have on?”

I smirked and wriggled against his cock as much as I could. “More than one.”

Henry rolled his eyes and leaned up, hooking his hands under all three or four waistbands and pulling them all down roughly. “I’m going to make you regret pulling this stunt.”

Without warning, he shoved his cock inside of my hot, tight cunt and started pumping. I let out a squeak of surprise that quickly turned into a moan as he roughly slid in and out of my dripping pussy. Henry shoved his arms under my back and held me tightly as he fucked me, my legs wrapping around him and my pelvis tilting upward to meet his thrusts. My moans turned into quiet screams. I reached a hand down to play with my clit, but he grabbed it with his own large hand before I could start. “You don’t get to cum yet,” he growled in my ear, his rhythm never missing a beat.

I didn’t protest. Instead, I cupped his face and brought his lips to me for a passionate kiss. He shoved his tongue in my mouth roughly, our teeth scraping together slightly because of his frantic thrusts. He groaned into our kisses. I could tell by the way his fucking became harder and harder that he was getting close. “Cum for me, baby,” I whispered in his ear.

Henry let out another moan but stopped his movements with great restrain. He gave me another deep, rough kiss while pulling out. One hand grabbed my chin and forced me to look him in the eye. “I’m not done with punishing you yet.”

He got up off of me, and I suddenly felt very exposed and very cold despite the sweat pooling around my neck and behind my knees. “Stand up,” he barked.

I did as I was told, and Henry moved around me to sit on the corner of the bed. “Lay across my lap,” he ordered.

I knew what was coming, and I was dripping in anticipation. I rested my stomach on his thighs, let my arms rest on the bedspread, and planted my feet on the floor. Henry’s hand brushed across my ass, feather-light but somehow with the promise of pain. “I want you to count.”

/Smack./ “One.”

/Smack./ “Two.”

/Smack./ That one hurt. “Three,” I winced out.

/Smack./ Right on top of the stinging from the third slap. “Four.”

/Smack./ I moaned in spite of myself, my pussy all but soaking Henry’s thighs. “Five.”

Suddenly, Henry’s fingers dove into my cunt. I let out another moaning yelp of surprise, but he brought his other hand to cover my mouth. “You will take your punishment without complaint.”

I nodded lightly, and he continued his relentless fingering. My legs began to shake slightly. His fingers curved in a come hither motion, stroking my G-spot. My legs buckled, and I moaned loudly into the hand covering my mouth. Henry removed his hand to slap my ass on its sensitive cheek. “Did I say you could move?”

Small tears leaked from the corners of my eyes, and he resumed his fingers’ exploration of my G-spot. Feeling the wetness on my face, Henry removed the hand covering my mouth. He brushed the tears from the sides of my cheek and paused, leaving his fingers inside me. “Is this too much?” He whispered, cupping my cheek and turning my face to look at him.

I shook my head, kissed the palm cupping my cheek, and pushed my pussy back against his fingers, encouraging him to continue. “Good girl,” he groaned.

After a few more rubs, he removed his hand, ignoring my whimper of disappointment. “You’re going to count again,” he told me.

Henry began spanking me again, this time on the other cheek, his slick fingers wet with my juices. I counted along dutifully, clenching the bedspread in my fists. After five slaps, he dusted his fingers across my ass, the sensitive skin tingling with pain and pleasure. “Do you think you’ve learned your lesson?”

I nodded. “Tell me.” He ordered.

“I’ve learned my lesson,” I whispered.

“And what lesson is that?”

“Not to trick you.”

“Not to trick you, sir,” he growled, lightly smacking my ass with the backside of his hand.

“Not to trick you, sir,” I gasped out.


Henry gently reinserted his fingers and resumed massaging me from the inside. My legs turned to jelly. His hand that had been resting near my face brushed my hair away from my face and stroked my scalp gently. “You can cum for me now.”

His thumb pressed against my clit as his pointer and middle fingers continued to stroke my G-spot. In less than a minute, I was cumming hard against his hand, my legs shaking and my screams barely muffled as I shoved my face into the bed. Henry slowly removed his fingers and gently rubbed the surface of my sore backside. Tingling shivers raced up my spine. “Get on the bed face down.”

I did as he told me. I felt the bed dip as Henry climbed over me, and I felt the tip of his cock press at the entrance to my pussy. “I’m going to fuck you now. I’m going to cum inside you. And I don’t care if you cum again.”

I knew he was lying – he had a rule about bringing me to orgasm at least twice every time we hooked up – but the idea of being used for his pleasure turned me on even more. I reached behind myself and spread my cheeks to make his entrance easier. We moaned in unison as he sank into me, his hips brushing against my sensitive ass when he bottomed out. Henry’s hands moved from where they propped him up by my shoulders to snake under my body, gripping my breasts and pinching my nipples between his fingers.

He pumped into me slowly but steadily, the pressure of his weight on my body providing almost as much pleasure as the feeling of his cock inside of me. I moved my hands from my ass to hold onto his biceps. I turned my face to the side and held on as he increased his speed. Henry buried his face into my neck and kissed me there, whispering sweet nothings into my ear. “You feel amazing.” “You have no idea what you do to me.” “I love the feel of your tight cunt.” “You’re mine.”

I pushed my ass back against him as much as I could for every thrust. “Whose pussy is this?” He whispered.

“Yours,” I moaned.

“Do you enjoy teasing me? Do you like toying with me and turning me on?”

I nodded, my eyes shut and my hands grabbing onto him for dear life. “Do you like it when I punish you?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Are you ready to cum for me again?” He asked, one hand detaching itself from my breast to snake down my stomach and start circling my clit.

“Yes. Oh fuck, yes, Henry, don’t stop, please don’t stop, please let me cum.”

He placed his fingers flat against my clit, each thrust of his cock forcing my pussy to rub against his hand. He began fucking me harder, his heavy breathing and low groans revealing his own proximity to orgasm. “You’re mine. Never forget that you’re mine. I’m the one who makes you feel this way. Now cum for me.”

On demand, I erupted. My body spasmed as I came, my pussy clenching around Henry’s dick, waves of pleasure washing over me. I couldn’t tell you the specifics of what I screamed, just that I called out his name and moaned utter nonsense. Henry was not far behind. A minute more of thrusting and I felt hot spurts of cum shoot up my cunt, his low groans leaving hot breaths against my cheek. We rested like that for a moment, his cock still twitching inside me gently and our heavy breathing finally slowing down.

Henry kissed my shoulder as he slowly pulled out, allowing light drips of cum to trail out of my spent pussy. He flopped down next to me with a groan and pulled my exhausted body against him. He kissed across my forehead, nose, and cheeks, whispering loving words and stroking my back gently with one hand. “Are you going to keep cheating at strip anything?”

“Mayyyybe. Are you going to keep punishing me like this?”

Henry kissed me gently, but bit down hard on my lip as he pulled away. “Absolutely.”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gq3ksh/fm_stripping_games_turn_into_a_fun_night_of


  1. Spin The Bottle
    My wife and I use to meet at our house on some Saturday evenings with three other couples,to play Spin the Bottle. This game was obviously sexually enhanced! First we drew straws to see who would be the first Bottle Spinner. Here were the rules we established!,we took off our shoes sat in a circle on the carpeted living room floor. We then drew straws to establish the first Bottle Spinner, he or she spun the bottle when it stopped spinning, who ever the Bottle Pointed,the Spinner ordered that person to take off an item of clothing, then he or she became the Bottle Spinner.

    This went on until everyone in the circle were naked,, (of course, one or another player, would sneak `sexual touches’or kisses with a player of opposite sex! Now, Let The Real Fun Begin! By the time everyone sat around the circle totally naked and aroused to the point of no return! We would sneak off with another player of the opposite sex to enjoy ! However I could just about know where in our house my wife is having sex, as she starts ‘screaming when she is starting to cumm! I have never ever been with any other woman that enjoys sex much as she dose, and I will never complain! I don’t want to give anyone one the expression that my wife has sex with just anyone, or anytime she wants go out and get screwed! Niether one of us has ventured off in a sexual adventure in over many years! However as of lately we have been talking about it, which by the way just talking about it gets us both very horny!

    Yes we have been talking about how it would be to start establishing a sexual adventure with another couple, but so far the thoughts and talks stop when we enjoy sex together! Anyway times have changed and we wouldn’t know where or how to start!
    Caballo Chico

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