[F]lying with Special Cargo

My Lord – that is, my Master – has always pushed me to be bolder, naughtier, sluttier. Limits are constantly tested, and over a year and a half of play has expanded my naughty horizons exponentially.

So when I was preparing and packing for my last flight, I wasn’t surprised that he assigned me a task; my Lord does so enjoy giving me a naughty to-do list when in public, especially if it makes me squirm a bit from embarrassment ir nerves. After all, he knows my desire to please him is even greater than that, and he always gets what he wants.

This one made me nervous – fly plugged? Going out with a plug is not new. By now, I’ve been out shopping, at work, and even exercised with one in thanks to my tasks. I figured I could not go straight to the airport with it in; it would be so long, and then the security screening machines and detectors; surely they’d see it inside me?!

So I went prepared. My parents dropped me off, unaware of the stainless steel gem plug and tiny bottle of lube I had tucked in my purse. Having said goodbye, I made my way through security. I was sure that I’d be pulled over to explain the plug and blushed at the thought – “Oh, nothing at all, just my sex toy,” I’d have said. The moment I dreaded came, and my bag slid along the belt to be screened. But nothing was said, and I was off to the ladies’ to prepare myself. I took it out, lubed it up, and slid it in – all there, just steps from other occupied stalls. It was easy enough; my Master had turned me into a little anal slut with all his careful training. I told my Lord I was ready.

I loved walking about with it in, being a little slut right under everybody’s noses. The flight was uneventful, not even a little turbulence to feel it even more. I took a few naughty pics for him in the bathroom, plugged at 30,000 above for him.

 Having arrived, I set about my business, waited for my pickup and was whisked off to lunch. About 5 hours or so later, I finally had the chance to take it out. The plug came out perfectly clean, and the metal was warm from having been in me so long. And so the package arrived at its destination, in perfect shape, along with one extremely turned-on submissive.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gpwu9m/flying_with_special_cargo


  1. I had a gf put a remote egg in her pussy when we traveled and I had the remote.

  2. Love this and your writing style. Its clear you’re so subservient to your lord

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