Naked project day 3 biology class

Sam’s pussy was still wet as she walked along the corridor to class, her friend’s ass still dancing in her mind as she joined the line into class.

She walked over to her seat next too Richard at the back of the room, chuckling to herself when she teased him, “dropping” a pencil and bending over to grab it, briefly showing off her already wet pussy making him snatch his textbooks to cover his growing boner.

Before she could get too smug though, the class was called to order by Ms Middleton tapping her ruler on the desk.

She stared at Middleton for moment as she waffled on about today’s lesson.

She didn’t know whether it wa just the day or something else but she started noticing how good looking her teacher actually was.
her purple polo shirt was hugging her figure, causing a few of the guys in the class to awkwardly cover their dicks with their books to varying success.

“Now I’m sure your aware about what today’s lesson will be about” she said bluntly, her eyes looking over the class.

“We will all be covering the basic points of both practical and safe sexual intercourse” she continued.

“As you are all aware from the letters you signed for the program, some students will be allowed to be involved in some of the practical aspects of today’s lesson”

Sam watched the news sink in, some of the guys shrunk back into their seats attempting to disappear while some of the girls stood up straighter looking surprising more confident.

“That is why you’ll all be picking names out of this hat” she said tapping the pink hat on the desk beside her.

“The student who’s name is chosen the most will be helping with today’s lesson” she said calmly passing the hat around the room until it had gone through the entire cast of naked students


Sam’s heart was pounding as Middleton counted the names drawn before calling the class to order again.

“It seems we have a tie for participants” she said going over the list once again to the classes surprise.

“The students taking part today are, Samantha hopper and Richard Pemberton” she said looking around the room towards the two before calling them both to the front.

“Samantha please lie down on the desk” Middleton instructed, as Richard helped her up, his rock hard dick throbbing slightly as she lay down, her pussy now facing the class.

“Now as you can see,” Middleton addressed the class.

“Samantha’s vagina is slightly pink around the edges” she said clinically, the tips of her fingers grazing over her exposed lips.

“This could indicate a number of things” she waffled on too the class.

Samantha’s eyes roamed over the students faces, her pussy practically soaked as she saw them staring intently between her legs it was only when she looked at Alice two seats down that she nearly gushed onto the desk.

She saw her friend’s fingers buried deep within her own folds, silently pumping in and out as Middleton removed a thermometer from a box, her juices dripping onto the dark wood chair she sat on.

As you may notice when I apply the thermometer that her internal temperature will approximately be 37 degrees” she said moving towards her ass with the long glass tool.

Before she could sit up she felt the slick end of the tool push past her tight ring, working its way deep into her ass, she couldn’t help but moan slightly as she felt her own orgasm building between her legs.

“Now the thermometer needs to be in deep enough in order to get an accurate temperature reading” she said calmly, a small smirk pulling the corner of her mouth as she saw Samantha’s tortured face so close to relief.

With one last push deeper with the tool, and her eyes locked on her best friend’s pussy,
Sams body shook hard as her orgasm took over,
With one earth shattering shake, her pussy squirted high over the class the first two rows of students getting soaked from the i unexpected shower.

With her cheeks burning she looked at Middleton who was dripping from Samantha’s water show.

“Class dismissed” she said shakily

Not needing to be asked, Samantha jumped off the desk snatched her bag and high tailed it out off their, the thermometer still sticking out of her ass, Alice following close behind her…

Hope you enjoyed

Let me know what you think will happen to Samantha next

Stay classy


1 comment

  1. I would love the class to be recalled & the lesson continue.Ms Middleton could just wear a lab coat or nothing at all, as her clothes were soaked?

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