[F4A] Currently wearing nothing but a brass toe ring… and seeking the writer of my dreams.

Yes before you ask, I am a proud gamer girl and adore 2K, get to know me further and maybe I’ll share my gamertag!

So my title rings true, I’m currently sitting haplessly across my bed in my childhood room as my parents watch a re-run of Wheel of Fortune downstairs… and I am as bare as the day I entered this world… well, save for the brass toe ring given to me from an ex from high school.

I may seem young, naive even but I am far from anything you’ve ever seen or known, and once this tongue begins talking, you’ll give me anything I want and you’ll do it with a sly grin on your face. Plus I’m young so that’s appealing too, right?

My ask is simple: I’m a huge fan of erotica, not roleplay or telling me how you’re “gunna fuq me”. No, I’m talking about long, eloquently written tales meant to dazzle the mind and excite the extremities…. and I want them to be written all for me, based on the fantasies in my head. I want every environment richly detailed in luscious paragraphing, down to the last crack in the floorboard. I want every character fleshed out for pages until we get to the dimple above their buttocks, and I want everything described in the most expensive vocabulary that will have my toe ring slip off before the night is through.

Are YOU that talented writer of my dreams? I want you to make me yours, I want to belong to a brilliant wordsmith of fine erotica and be their muse until they are absolutely spent and can lift their pen no longer.

I want to be seduced, message me boasting of your talent, how you are the Shakespeare of written sex, and I will be only yours as long as you provide me stories of my choice to please me…. The longer and more eloquent the message the better.

But don’t keep me waiting folks, eventually my clothes are gonna have to come back on…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/go9fdv/f4a_currently_wearing_nothing_but_a_brass_toe