Daddy’s Had Enough (mf) (punishment) (primal nc)

Daddy’s Had Enough (mf) (punishment) (primal nc)

*”Daddy!” I exclaim, frustrated.*

*”What, baby girl?! You’re starting to get on my nerves there, and you do not want to get on Daddy’s nerves, baby.”*

*I cross my arms and lightly stomp my foot, pouting. I’ve been standing there for an hour, waiting for him to finish work, but he’s still at it! And cherry on top of the sundae, he won’t let me leave or sit on the ground.*

*My feet ache and my body is starting to feel all tight and painful.*

*”Let me leave! Or give me attention, cause I swear to god, you fucking…”*

*I’m brutally interrupted by him.*

**I slam my fist on the desk, cutting her bratty tirade short as her eyes widen in surprise.**

**”You earned this punishment for not completing the assignments you promised me you’d do. Now you have the audacity to back talk me, to question my authority?” I feel my anger flaring and I stand. I feel her shrink before my gaze.**

**”You’ve forgotten your place little girl,” my voice is now low and menacing, “I’ve been negligent. I’ve let you get away with poor behaviour time and time again.”**

**I grip her hair to pull her head to one side. I bring her closer, pressing her softness against my body. I feel her shaking as she stares up at me. She knows fully that she’s crossed a line that she’s never crossed before.**

**”That ends tonight little baby.”**

*I scream and storm and try to hit him with both hands to get him to let go. Instead, he calmly takes both my wrists into one of his big hands. As he drags me by my hair to the bedroom I struggle against him as hard as I can. He throws me onto the bed. I get up, try to run away, but he slams me onto the wall and says behind clenched teeth.*

*”That’s enough, slut. You’ll do as I say or you’ll suffer the fucking consequences. And believe me, you don’t want to worsen your situation, it’s already very bad news for you.”*

*”Let me go!” I yelp.*

**Where once I would have laughed at such behaviour, the time for laughter is done, “I’ll let you go when I feel you’ve learned your lesson to my liking you fucking bitch. Now keep your mouth shut or I’ll fuck it shut.”**

**I feel her struggle against me harder, though she obeys me and says nothing, at least for now. I pin her wrists against the wall above her head and squeeze my head against hers to keep her from using it to hit me. I press my now solid cock against her ass, grinding myself into her. She groans in protest, her squirming body trying in vain to push me off of her. This time, I do laugh. Her desperate, wriggling attempts to get away are making me harder and hornier to fuck this whore into submission.**

**”Struggle all you want kitten. I know this is exactly what you wanted and I’m going to make you regret it very, very deeply,” by the end my voice is a ferocious roar. I throw her tiny body onto the floor. She has no way to fight back against me. Even though she’s free now, I walk calmly to my toy trunk, open it and take out a paddle. I haven’t used this on her in quite some time, having opted for my favourite the belt. Perhaps it’s time to shake things up.**

**I turn to face her.**

*I decide to change my strategy.*

*”Please Daddy, I’m sorry, I won’t talk back at you again. Please, I’ll be a good girl now!”*

*He smirks at my attempts to make him change his mind. He knows I hate the paddle. I shiver at the sight of it, and crawl back to the corner of the room. I should’ve kept my mouth shut! Oh, how I wish I did.*

*He chuckles coldly and closes in to me with each step he takes. Dangerous, predatory steps. Dominant steps. Not Daddy steps. I fear I’ve awoken the beast that lay inside him, and I have a feeling I’ll regret it deeply.*

**Seeing how she cowers in the corner makes me wonder why I hadn’t done this sooner. When I finally reach her whimpering body I look at her, the fear in her eyes a truly beautiful sight. I kneel down on one knee and look deeply into her soul. I soften my face and extend a hand out to touch her face. She flinches at first but begins to lean into my hand softly caressing her face, eyes closed. She opens them and smiles at me, I smile back.**

**“You really thought all you’d need to do is cower before me and I’d forgive you? Baby, baby, baby, you’re going to regret the day you were born by the end of tonight.”**

**Once again I grab a fistful of her hair and pull her toward to the bed. She cries and pleads for me to stop, to forgive her. I ignore her and bend her over the bed. My free hand grips her leggings and I violently pull them down to reveal a pert ass in black panties.**

**“Now listen closely slut, I want you to beg me not to punish you.”**

**Her entire body shakes in fear, her voice does the same, “please don’t punish me Daddy, I promise I’ll be a good girl! I won’t back talk you again, I swear!”**

**The desperation in her voice makes me hotter and more aggressive. Without warning I bring the paddle down hard.**

*I let out a scream and feel the deep burn of the shock spread through my entire body. Tears stream down my face and I swallow a sob. He was not smooth at all. Scared and powerless, I look to his face to see a satisfied grin. Before I can groan or frown at him, he brings the paddle down one, two, three. On the tenth time, I’m convinced this suffering will never end. My throat is sore from screaming. Finally, I feel his fresh hands on the hot, red skin of my ass, lightly caressing my cheeks, and then his lips gently kiss my wounds.*

*I sigh in relief. After the lashes, my sensations are heightened, and I can feel every brush on my skin, even the slightest.*

*Then, he brings the paddle down, causing another pang of pain on my butt, and brings my panties down, chuckling at my scream.*

**My cock presses hard against my jeans. Punishment is an art and her bright red ass is my canvas. Already I can see the blues and purples bringing more colour to my work. I rip her panties off of her. Holding them in my fist I feel how wet she’s become at the ruthless beating. Slut. As I wad them into a ball I stare down at her tear streaked face and say, “as much as I love to hear your screams I don’t think the neighbours would appreciate them as much as I do. Let’s do them a favour.”**

**I gag her with her own panties and begin unzipping myself. I think I’ve driven the point as deeply as it needs to go and now I need release. I hear soft moans and whimpers coming through the makeshift gag. I slap her with the paddle again.**

**”If you make one more fucking sound you stupid, fucking, slut…I’ll start this from the beginning. Do you fucking understand me?”**

**She moans in response. I slap her again, causing her to wince and groan.**

**”I said one. More. Sound. Will you test me again?”**

**She shakes her head.**

**”Maybe you can be obedient after all. Now get on your back so Daddy can make use of that pathetic little cunt.”**

*My wet, dripping pussy quivers at his last sentences. Being used turns me on so much, and being tamed is so fucking exciting. I can’t get enough of being his degraded baby whore.*

*Just to test him, I stay limp on the mattress, waiting for him to react. I don’t wait for long, cause he groans – no, he roars – and turns me over as if I weighed nothing.*

*My eyes cross his. They’re usually a very dark brown, but as I gaze into them, I see two black pools of lust and anger. I gulp and try to take the panties out of my mouth, but he quickly grabs my wrist and clicks his tongue.*

*”Baby, baby. I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Just lie still while Daddy uses you.”*

*Before I can react or even process what he just said, he spreads my legs open and plunges every inch of his hard cock inside me. I yelp, surprised.*

**I squeeze her neck as I fuck her pussy, staring deep into those green orbs. Every thrust feeds the rage inside of me. The flood gates are open and I’m going to hate fuck this whore into a perfect, well behaved sub. I lean toward her and order her to scratch my back. Her nails press deeply into my skin. I howl in pleasure, “is that all you’ve got baby, I thought you were tougher than that. Fucking fight me!”**

**She scratches me again and I slap her across the face. Angry, she finally removes the gag to say, “fuck you Daddy! I fucking hate you!” I slap her hard. I fuck her harder. Our hot bodies begin to sweat as our aggression rises. Her hand swings around for my face and I bat it away with a laugh. Her entire body is writhing around in a desperate attempt to get away. Her jaws snap at me, and manage to catch my arm. I yell in pain. I pull my arm from her teeth and my cock from her slit. I check for blood. Nothing. When I look up I see she’s moved away from me, further onto the bed. I leap onto it and roar, “You’ll regret that bitch.”**

*I smile.*

*”Fucking try me, bitch.”*

*He roars again, his eyes literally flashing with anger, and leaps towards me.*

*As soon as I see him jump, I get off the bed and run for the door.*

*But I see a movement in my peripheral vision, and I know I’m not gonna make it, so once again I go for the side of the bed, opposite of where he is.*

*We stare at each other for a few seconds, growling. His jaw clenched. My lips in a snarl show my teeth.*

*This is human nature at its most primal state, our most bestial and lowly instincts uncovered and dominating us completely.*

**I begin to move toward the foot of the bed. She moves to the head. She’s now further from the door on the wall to my left, though it’s slightly further on her side. I move further to the foot. She begins to look more worried knowing that I’m backing her into the corner. Catching prey is fun, but the chase is the real treat. We both know that in a moment I could catch her and do whatever I wanted with her body, my property. I step toward the bed’s head, despite the anger and adrenaline she allows herself a small smile. We both long for the hunt. I step again, giving her more space to move to the foot. We move slowly, the tension in our muscle getting higher and higher as time begins to move slower. We’ve yet to break eye contact. I take another step. Her eyes dart for the door then back to mine.**

**I see a single, minute twist of her body toward the door and I pounce. By the time I’m half on the bed she is already running toward the door. Her hand grips the knob and I’m over the bed. She throws it open and I’m two steps away. She flees. I hunt. There is no sound but our heavy panting as I chase her down the hall. The time for words is done. She is mine. I’ll catch her and fuck her until she screams it out to the world. I tackle her to the ground. She kicks and slaps fiercely, snarling and desperate to get away. Her powerlessness in the face of my wrath is intoxicating. Completely at my mercy. I fuck her from behind. Dominating my bitch with her every animalistic thrust. I pin her hands above her head and bite her shoulder. She moans and screams in defiance and ecstasy. I cum, pumping her full as I continue fucking her relentlessly.**

*As he cums, I can feel his seed fill me up. I lose myself in a world of sensation as he continues to fuck– no, breed, me.*

*After a few minutes of non-stop thrusts, he stops moving. He’s buried deep inside of me. Without pulling out, he flips me on my back. We look at each other, mesmerized, panting, full of adrenaline. I almost want to cry, the experience was so intense, savage, and yet so intimate. After a moment of hesitation, I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his hips. I feel so good in his arms, totally against him, with him inside me.*
