Trouble in Pandora: Part Two [NC][Voyeur][Humiliation]

*Make it sexy…*Easier said than done, especially under these circumstances. She let out a slow breath, letting her hips slowly sway gently from side to side as she mentally willed herself away to a dark room. A dark room where she stood by herself, safe and away from prying eyes. A dark room that effused low, sultry music…a slow, seductive beat that her hips moved to. Slowly, she undid the clasp holding the zipper together, pulling it down inch by inch.

“That’s more like it,” Grace encouraged approvingly. “Show us that ass.”

Still sashaying, Kelly turned so that her back was to the audience. Hands on her hips, she reached back to smooth her palms over the curve of her ass before pinching a fold of the fabric to tug the skirt down a bit. Slowly, she swiveled her hips and occasionally even twerked a bit – each rotation brought her loose skirt further down as gravity attempted to undress her.

As her panties began to show, she was suddenly hit by a bolt of embarrassment as she realized that Adam and Kurt were about to see her undergarments. What kind of panty was she wearing today? She definitely hadn’t planned on showing off her underwear to anyone today. She prayed that she was wearing one of her nicer pairs. The music in her head continued to play, a consistent background music attempting to quiet her own loud thoughts. At the same time, she was acutely aware of the stifling silence in the room…especially since it was only ever broken by Grace’s occasional sounds of whooped approval.

She let her skirt drop with finality, showing off the sporty grey panty covering her ass.

The music in her head lapsed into a ringing silence as she stood staring wide-eyed at the wall.

Was it over now?

“Oh, that’s it?” Kelly turned to face a perplexed Grace. “Well, it ended a bit more abruptly than I expected. I’ll give you a solid four out of ten for performance though!” Grace proceeded to give Kelly some light applause. Roger joined in and it somehow made it all the more demeaning. Grace kicked the leg of Adam’s chair, jostling him, before doing likewise to Kurt’s. “Don’t be rude, clap for her!”

Kelly’s hands bunched into fists at her sides, gripping at the edges of her shirt as halted, hesitant claps joined in.

“Now the shirt! And tease it out a bit longer this time.” Grace’s words made Kelly’s heart plummet. It…wasn’t over? Kelly had thought only the offending skirt had to go. What was wrong with her shirt?

Grace leaned down to rest her elbows on the back of each chair, causing both coworkers to stiffen and bristle at the close proximity. “Alright boys, this should be where the show gets good. Ahh, you lucky bastards. Show us your tits!” Grace gave a little shout of *whoo*!

Kelly’s fingers fumbled numbly at the buttons holding her blouse together. It took Grace clearing her throat loudly to prompt Kelly to start swaying to an imaginary tune again. She tried to concentrate on her buttons, tried not to make direct eye contact with anyone in the audience. Kelly was painfully aware of Kurt’s dead-eyed stare hovering somewhere just over her shoulder, of Adam scowling darkly down at the floor determinedly.

As her buttons came undone one by one, the top of her bra soon came into view. Grace’s earlier demand floated through her mind, an echoed reminder: *Make it sexy*! She let her hands smooth over the swell of her breasts, cupping and squeezing them together to show off her décollete as her tits threatened to spill out of her shirt. She made a show of teasing her nipples through her padded bra.

With just two buttons left, she slowly slid her blouse off her shoulders. Letting the white fabric pool around her elbows, her simple beige bra was left on full display. She leaned forwards a bit to show off her ample cleavage, bending at the hip while her left arm held her bra in place. She let her body sway as she straightened, shrugging her shirt back up before letting it fall to her elbows again.

Slowly, she turned, using her shirt to cover her derrière before slowly pulling it up again inch by inch. Her fingers struggled with the last two buttons – finally, her shirt was free. Still hanging from her arms, she turned back towards her audience while her hands slowly traveled along the sides of her body before she finally let go of her sleeves and let her shirt slowly slide down her body, off her arms and onto the floor.

She suddenly didn’t know what to do with her hands and instinctively hugged herself, partially in an attempt to reassure herself and partially to awkwardly attempt to cover her exposed lingerie. The air felt cold against her skin, making her extra conscious of her lack of clothing.

“What do you think Roger? That was a pretty solid five, right?” Roger motioned a brief thumbs-up from his seat. “But what is this? Intermission? Stop stalling up there and get on with it already.” A thoughtful pause as her eyes landed at Kelly’s feet. “Ah, but leave your shoes on.” Grace’s nose crinkled with disgust. “Aptly named, those things really are *bl-Ugg*.” She retched, repulsed. “Leave your shoes on, your feet probably stink and we don’t need that. Honestly, Kurt,” she reached over to muss Kurt’s hair fondly. “Letting your employees wear Uggs. What *were* you thinking?”

Somehow, Grace’s words always managed to be both infuriating and disparaging at the same time. It evoked a strange mix of cold anger and hot shame in Kelly. In a sudden burst of stubborn rebellion, Kelly reached back and unhooked her bra unceremoniously. Sliding her bra off, her panties followed soon after and she stood before them trying to look proud, dignified and unruffled by her naked state.

While a good effort, it was easy to see that Kelly was struggling. It was easy to see the struggle flickering over her features, her determination wavering as embarrassment battled its way across her face. She felt ridiculous standing on display in her Uggs. She could feel goosebumps rising along her arms as the cool air caressed her skin. She was *very* aware of her nipples – hard, round pebbles jutting out of her breasts. She wondered what Adam and Kurt thought of her. God, she wanted to cover herself and hide…

“Well, that wasn’t much of a show.” Grace’s perpetually friendly tone of voice had turned icy. “But I suppose not every slut’s a good stripper. I guess we better hope she knows how to put her mouth to good use then, eh, Roger?”

For the first time since they’d been separated, the three employees suddenly made eye contact. Adam’s anguished, Kurt’s concerned, Kelly’s panicked. They shared the same mental wavelength. They couldn’t possibly be planning to push it that far. Where was this going? When was it going to stop?

Roger unzipped his pants and pulled his half-erect cock out. Based on the piles on the table before him, it seemed like Roger was making steady progress in his sorting. Adam jumped up out of his seat in protest, angrily barking, “This is not fucking happening. You *cannot* make her–”

At the same time, Kurt also objected sternly. “Is this really necessary? You’ve already made your point. Just take what you want and–”

They were both abruptly cut off as Grace’s pistol whipped across Adam’s face causing him to stagger backwards, stunned. Kelly gave a little shriek of horror, her hands fluttering up to clap over her mouth as she stifled her own cries.

Shocked silence, interrupted by the occasional muffled whimper from Kelly, quickly enveloped the room as everyone stood frozen, staring wide-eyed at Grace. Her gun was pressed firmly against Adam’s forehead, fingers wrapped around the grip of the gun so tightly that her knuckles were white as her index finger squeezed tightly against the trigger guard. Grace’s dark eyes gleamed with a crazed fervor, a fanatical grin stretched across her red lips as she stared down the barrel at Adam.

Adam who was scowling darkly back at her, battling to control his own rage. Adam whose cheek had been lightly cut, the beginnings of a bruise already blooming across his cheekbone.

You could practically see the wheels in Grace’s mind turning as the seconds ticked by. See the beginnings of a wicked idea forming as her eyes glittered dangerously. Grace’s nostrils flared as she sniffed disdainfully at Adam, the tension in her body easing as she let her arm fall with a smug smirk.

Grace’s eyes never broke contact with Adam’s, her gaze steady, intense and full of deranged fury. It was a cold fury, a controlled one, and any icy shiver snaked down Kelly’s spine as she realized why Grace was so frighteningly compelling. She was fearlessly self-serving and reckless…but not without calculating her risks. It’d be better to say she was a gambler: one who made sure the odds were *always* in her favor.

“Well…,” she sighed softly, breaking the tense silence. “You really *are* just a handful, aren’t you?” She started pacing back and forth behind their chairs as she thought out loud, gun waving as she gestured; Kelly could only watch uneasily as she stood awkwardly, still conscious of her lack of clothes and her coworkers’ eyes.

“Rambunctious little troublemaker. When will you learn to ask for permission, hmm?” She waved at Adam with her gun, motioning for him to get back in his seat. She watched him as he did and *tsk’d* as he sat back down. “Now wasn’t that easy? Life is painless when you do as you’re told.”

Moving to stand beside Adam, her left hand cupped the side of her face thoughtfully. The gun in her right hand tapped lightly against her left elbow as she spoke. “I was going to make you watch while Kelly sucked Roger off, but I’m starting to think the two of you need to be taught a lesson.” Her steps slowly brought her circling towards Kelly until she was standing behind her.

Kelly’s arms were wrapped around herself but she hugged herself even more tightly at Grace’s approach. She fought off the urge to shiver uneasily as she felt Grace hovering unseen behind her, dread settled heavily in the pit of her stomach. She stopped breathing as Grace leaned in, her breath warm against Kelly’s neck as she quietly commanded, “Get on your hands and knees dear.”

Kelly dropped to her knees obediently, shaking with nerves as her pulse fluttered in her veins. Her heart began hammering nervously in her chest again as she wondered what Grace had in mind. In this position, with her breasts swinging freely, she somehow felt even more naked and vulnerable.

“Now then gentlemen, why don’t you make yourselves presentable? Time to,” Grace giggled, “*present* yourselves to our dear, lovely Kelly before she crawls over there to show you both a good time.”

Again, the three coworkers found their eyes instinctively glancing towards each other. A silent exchange of quiet panic.

“A good time?” Adam scoffed with false bravado. “I thought you were teaching us a lesson?”

“Oh, I am dear.” Raising her leg, she planted her foot firmly down between Kelly’s shoulder blades. Kelly let out a surprised cry as she found herself pushed roughly against the cold linoleum floor, the bottom of Grace’s boot digging into her back. Unseen by Kelly, Grace’s pistol was pointed straight down at her head. “Because,” Grace snarled, “if you don’t whip your fucking dicks out by the time she crawls over there as I count down from five, dear Kelly over here is going to have a really *bad* time.”

“Is that understood?” She asked sweetly, flashing the boys a winning smile.

The boys nodded mutely in return, expressions grim and resigned. Kelly also nodded from the floor, cheek pressed against the ground.

“Go~od,” Grace cooed with delight. A moment later, relief flashed across Kelly’s face as Grace lifted her foot. As Kelly straightened up, Grace purred softly. “Then let the fun begin! In…*five*!”

For a fraction of a second no one moved, then realization quickly dawned as they realized their respective roles. Three eyes met again, still afraid but resigned and determined now.

Kelly started crawling across the floor towards her coworkers. She could feel the hot blush of shame flushing across her cheeks as she approached them; she fixed her eyes on their feet and tried to squish down the panicky feeling of embarrassment swelling in her chest.


Seeing Kelly crawling towards them seemed to jolt Adam and Kurt into action. Turning their attention to their belts, they quickly unbuckled, unbuttoned and unzipped. Or they attempted to, struggling with their bound hands. Even though their eyes were focusing on themselves, the sight of Kelly’s bare breasts swaying…the curve of her ass and dainty waist as she crawled…their cute coworker’s luscious body was very much distractingly emblazoned in their mind’s eye. Despite struggling due to the duct tape binding their wrists, soon they were both one step away from completing their task.

“…*three*…” Grace smirked as she noticed the boys’ hesitation. It only made her count a beat faster. “…*two*…”

The quickened pace didn’t go unnoticed and the boys realized it was now or never. All too soon, Kelly was suddenly in front of them. Kurt fixed his gaze straight ahead as he pulled his semi-erect cock out. Adam was struggling with himself, struggling not to look at Kelly, struggling to deal with his own whirlwind of emotions: white hot rage, seething resentment, scorching humiliation and sizzling lust underlying it all.

This didn’t go unnoticed by Grace. Nothing could escape her sharp gaze.

“…*aaand*…” She crossed the room swiftly, standing beside Adam with just two or three long strides. Reaching into his pants unceremoniously, she grinned with amusement as she fished his half-erect cock out. “Enjoying the show so far?” She whispered the words softly into Adam’s ear. That muscle in his cheek twinged again as his teeth gritted.

None of them expected what Grace did next.

The feel of her warm breath tickling his ear as Grace’s hot tongue licked up along his earlobe had Adam pulling away in shocked surprise. He let out a cry that sounded like a cross between an aroused grunt and a strangled gasp as her gloved hand was suddenly gripped tightly around his balls. Smirking down at him, Adam squeezed his eyes shut and turned his face away, refusing to meet her gaze.

“Such a naughty boy you are,” she murmured while rubbing her hand up and down the length of him. “You’re quite the disgusting pervert, aren’t you? Getting hard like this.” And he *was* getting hard. His half-erect dick was quickly being coaxed to stand at full length. Seeing Adam’s bronze complexion color as his cheekbones darkened with shame, Grace promptly stopped and straightened with a laugh before gleefully barking out, “One!”

Hands on her hips, Grace surveyed the scene before her with a look of approval. “Go~od job team! See? What a bit of cooperation can achieve.” She licked her crimson lips briefly as she eyed Kurt’s semi-erect dick, noticing that it seemed slightly chubbier than it had moments before her rough handling of Adam. Meanwhile, Kelly was kneeling before the two, staring determinedly at their feet.
