wang on the wall [MF]

I’ve always liked nsfw art (and all art in general). I remember when I was in elementary school taking the N encyclopedia and looking up “nude” and being amazed by Marcel Duchamp’s Nude Descending a Staircase. I love all the classics: Rubens, Goya, Titian, Picasso, Botticelli, Gauguin, Freud, Schiele. I’ll even take in some Hentai from time to time. For some reason, I never really brought this up with any of my partners. I guess I was kind of embarrassed by it.

Then I found myself seeing someone who equally into art as I was. She shared an apartment with a long-term friend, so most of the time we were alone there was sex going on. One weekend she was away and we were hanging out, having some beers, smoking a little weed.

“Have you ever done a nude?” she asked.

“No, not really” I admitted. I had never taken an art class and never tried anything like that. “What about you?”

“I did paint a couple nudes but never from life. I’d get off painting dicks when I was a teen.” We laughed. “Well, you can give it a shot any time you want.”

“Mmmmmm…I’d like that,” I replied. I was starting to get worked up and I could tell she was too. “Maybe we can try painting each other. Not like a nude model, I mean like one of those paint-sex kits.”

“Ooooo… That could be fun,” she said. “I’ve never seen anything like that before.”

We brought up some picks of those “Love as Art” kits on her phone. All the while, our bodies were getting more and more tangled. Things were going to break any moment.

“You know, we could probably do this with my watercolors,” I said. “They’re usually washable, it would probably work.” Note: Yes, I know this isn’t always true, but this was my thought at the time.

“Oh yeah?” she said coyly. Boom! She leans in and we’re hungrily making out.

After a couple of minutes of this, we stumbled to her bedroom. We continued to paw at each other. The clothes were starting to come off.

“Do you really want to try it?” she asked. Honestly, I figured we were just going to go at it, but I was still down.

“Sure,” I said.

“Me first!” she said eagerly. She scampered to the table, grabbed my paints and paper, then got a cup full of water. My cock was straining to get out. She dropped to her knees and slipped me out. “Oh yeah,” she purred.

It tickled as she brushed me. It was a very weird feeling. She would paint me up, then press me, then repeat. In the end, we had a page full of dick pressings. When she was finished, I quickly washed off in the bathroom, then it was my turn. We didn’t think it was a good idea to paint her pussy, but I would stroke her clit as I would paint one breast or the other. These pressings were harder to tell, but she let me paint her lips and after we added a number of lip presses, I thought it looked pretty cool.

After washing up, I wasn’t sure what would happen next, but suddenly had a better idea. “So lube is water based, I bet we could use that instead.”

“Ooooh, let me try!” she said and grabbed a new sheet of paper. Immediately we could tell it was going to work, and wow was it fun. She would mix a color up in her hand, then stroke me nearly till the edge and finally make a pressing. They turned out a lot better too and we decided to just do one per page. I made it through three pressings and just couldn’t take it any more.

“Oh god, you’re going to make me cum!” I gasped.

She took me with both hands and within seconds I was exploding all over her bare tits. She rubbed my still painted cock all over her chest, then did one more tit press over her own, which I felt was super hot.

After this we both got in the shower which ended up being a treat, as it was super hot soaping each other up. She nearly had me cumming again with her hands, but I got a handle on myself and ended up taking her from behind until climaxing on her back.

When we got out, we looked at the outcomes now that the paper was dry. Some were better than others, but my lubey cock prints were the best. We left them on her desk and went about our day.

Later on, we would take the dog on a walk in the local park decided to collect some leaves to do some more, safe-for-work pressings later. We had some maple, oak, and other trees; I also found this big leaf and decided to grab it too.

We were making some leaf prints and they were turning out really well. Looking at prints of my cock, I had the idea to use my big leaf and make a print of it over top. Wow, what do you know, it looked great! It covered me perfectly and ended up with this large, heart shaped leaf, and if you knew where to look, you could also clearly make out me as well.

“Wow! It looks amazing!” my girl said. “I want to hang it up!”

“Oh my god, no! We can’t have my cock on the wall. Everyone will know!” To me, it was obvious, but she went on and on that no one would ever know.

We went back to painting and for a while I didn’t think about any more. The next day, her roommate gets home and we’re hanging out a bit before I go. She begins showing her roommate our leaf prints, and slips the cock hybrid in there as well.

“Wow,” her roommate says, “this one’s really great!” Sure enough it’s the one with my cock. How could she not see it? Looking at it, I couldn’t see anything else. The flair of my head, the ridge down my shaft, both of my balls…

“Oh really!” my girls says, giving me a look. “I love that one too. Maybe I’ll hang it up!”

“Yeah, that would be cool!” her roommate agrees.

I was still super hesitant, but it was definitely arousing at the same time. I had to shift around to hide the growing bulge in my pants.

We had a bunch of frames and within minutes, there it is for everyone to see. And there it stayed. She had numerous parties, she had her family over, TONS of people gave us compliments on it, but no one ever seemed to notice what was hidden. I always thought that sometime, sooner or later we’d get busted, but as it was a pretty flattering press, I decided not to worry about it. It ended leaving me in a near constant state of horniness.

In the end, after we eventually broke up, she took all that stuff with her and I never learned what happened to them. I like to think she still has it up, but at this point I’ll never know.
