The Quest Part 3[femdom][pain][torture][bdsm]

The room was dark when Dane awoke. He blinked hard to adjust to the dim lighting, but he couldn’t seem to push away the fogginess that clouded his vision. The journey home had been relieving but difficult for the abused adventurer. It was a long trek to civilization through a rough and dangerous jungle, and every noise or slight movement that they encountered on their journey made him jump in fear. He had been beyond exhausted after his terrible ordeal, and his travel companions had been the ones to contribute to that abuse. During the days of painful travel through the jungle, he wondered if he could truly trust these two women that had raped him so mercilessly in that cave. He knew that they had been possessed by the tribe of monsters that had captured him, he had seen the green glow in their eyes, and witnessed their transformation back into the guilty human personalities that felt guilt and shame for what they had done to him. The knowledge that they had not been acting on their own desires was not much comfort to the tortured traveller, and every time one of the women reached out or touched him to help him on their trek, he flinched and felt ill imagining how they touched him in the caves.

After a long and arduous trip to the nearest village, Dane finally was able to rest. He slept for what felt like days, and when he finally awoke in the dead of night in the strange bedroom of his rescuers, it took him a few moments to realize where he was.

“Wh-where am I? Is someone there?” He stuttered, his throat dry and his lips cracking from dehydration. He jumped as a shadow in the corner of the room moved quickly toward him, but when the figure grew closer to his bedside, the light from the window revealed Jade leaning over him with a cup of water.

“Here, drink.” She handed him the cup and retreated back into the shadows. Soon Dane’s eyes adjusted, and he could see her sitting in a chair and watching over him. She must have been there caring for him all this time, Dane thought, perhaps they truly were good and trustworthy people there to nurse him back to health. Maybe he could feel safe with them, in time.

As he looked over at his watchful carer, the door opened and the slight figure of Veronica stepped into the room.

“I thought I heard- oh! You are finally awake, you’ve been sleeping for so long we wondered if you would ever wake up.” Veronica entered the room and stood next to Jade’s chair. They both looked at him in an eerie silence, and when he had swallowed a generous mouthful of water, he tried to speak.

“I, um, I am.” He replied, his voice hoarse and weak, “How long have I been asleep here?”

“Oh nearly two full days and nights now I believe.” Veronica informed him with a chuckle, “We have been waiting for you to be well enough to speak. Do you feel strong after your long rest?”

“Well,” Dane felt his muscles ache and his bruises stung when he shifted in the bed, “I don’t know if I would say I am back to normal. I suppose I am stronger than I was during the journey out of the jungle. Wh-what do I need to be strong for?” Dane felt uneasy as the two women stared at him from their place in the shadows. Their caring smiles seemed to shift in the darkness, and eerie grins stretched across their faces, their eyes narrowing in his direction.

“Well you need strong hands to please us. I think a nice long foot massage would be a good start, you know, to thank us for rescuing you from that horrendous jungle tribe.” Veronica tittered, taking a step toward the bed, “why don’t you take your place at the foot of the bed and we can get started.”

Dane was shocked. He wondered if they could possibly be joking, or perhaps his mind was warped from his terrifying jungle experiences and he was simply dreaming all of this. He looked down at his rough, calloused hands, his wrists torn and bruised from hanging from the cave ceiling. He squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head and covering his face with his hands. Before he could look back out into the corner of the room to see if the two women were really there, to speak with them again and find out if he had really heard Veronica say what he thought she had said, a familiar and frightening sound echoed through the room.


The loud crack of a whip made Dane jump, pressing his back against the wall behind him and staring into the shadows. There stood Veronica, whip in hand, and a devilish smirk on her face. She raised her arm over her head, cracking the whip again against the hardwood floor. Dane was shaking, his back aching as he dug his heels into the mattress and pushed himself hard against the wall.

“I didn’t think I would have to tell you twice.” Veronica hissed, “You would think that after all that training back in the jungle, that you would know your place by now. Now, get to the foot of the bed and prepare to pamper your new owners.”

Veronica’s grip tightened around the handle of the whip, her grin shifting to a demanding scowl. Dane was trembling so harshly that he could barely force himself to speak.

“Wh-what…what’s going on? You were…you were possessed by those demon monsters. It- it wasn’t you doing those things to me in that cave. You were controlled! But…now…” Dane was so confused that his head began to pound. The blood rushed through his veins and he could feel his pulse in his temple. He looked back and forth between Jade and Veronica, his eyes begging for an explanation.

“Hmm, well, you are right about that,” Jade replied, her eyes staring at him with a fierceness that chilled his bones, “when we found you in that cave, we truly were trying to save you. We saw you being taken in by the tribe and we wanted to do what was right. When we came into contact with the creatures that captured you, something came over us. Our souls were muted and we were possessed by the monstrous spirits of those, those things. We couldn’t believe what we had done when we came back to our senses, and we were in shock at the things we had done to you. The true shock though, was that we came to realize how wonderful it felt. The power, the control, the thrill! Oh, how erotic it was to use you and to get what we wanted from you that way! We realized that we should take what we want, give in to our inner power, and take control of the weak little toys like yourself and squeeze out every bit of pleasure that we can get from you. And that, my dear traveller, is what we are doing.”

Dane felt his cheeks flush, and his heart raced as Veronica climbed up onto the bed next to him. She sat back against the headboard, stretching her short legs out over the bed and wrapping the whip around her wrists. Dane couldn’t move, his nerves were paralyzed and he felt as though he couldn’t breathe. His vision blurred and he thought he might pass out, when he felt a sharp pain against his cheek, snapping him back to reality.

Jade had produced a leather riding crop, and was now mercilessly beating him as she grunted and moaned with pleasure. He shielded himself with his arms, and hurried to the foot of the bed to fulfill his captors command. When he was in place, Jade showed mercy and laughed, watching him reluctantly begin to massage Veronica’s feet, his hands trembling and his eyes filling with tears. He kneaded her soles with his thumbs, praying internally that if he obeyed their commands, he could avoid further abuse.

“You, you better not fight back puppy,” Jade panted, clearly exhilarated and aroused, “I’m going to do whatever I want to you, and you…ha! You are just going to fucking take it!”

She clenched her fists, walking slowly behind Dane and slapping the palm of her hand with the riding crop. If her goal was to intimidate him, it was working. Every clap clap clap of the weapon against her skin made him shiver and wince. When she stepped behind him, out of his line of vision, he felt a fear like he never had before. She could beat him, strangle him, and he would never see it coming. His entire body tensed as he knelt there at Veronica’s feet, doing his best to please her and not incur her wrath as well as Jade’s.

What came next was such a shock to Dane’s system that he couldn’t manage even to flinch or scream in pain. Jade’s hand crept between his thighs, purposeful and aggressive. Her fingers wrapped around his shrivelled and frightened testicles, cupping them and immediately squeezing with a vicious hostility that was so intense that the muscles in her hand began to cramp.

The pain shot through him like a lightning bolt. Stinging, piercing, throbbing pain that paralyzed him in fear. He couldn’t move a muscle, he was incapacitated for fear that if he moved in any way that the agony would be so much worse and could even cause irreparable damage to his manhood. His body was already bruised and sore, but this was a pain that truly immobilized him both physically and mentally. He wanted to cry out, to beg for mercy and to scream for help. He wanted to burst into tears, to sob and whimper and pray for the benevolent release of death.

In this moment, he was completely helpless. When he hung in that cave he could dream of being rescued, of returning to a loving and humane civilization where he could be safe and return to a normal life. Even when his supposed rescuers had tortured and used him in the most sickening ways, he knew that it was because of the savage essence of the Tolop tribe of creatures that dwelled in the wild and unforgiving depths of the jungle. But, as he knelt here on this bed, in a familiar home in a town that he had known from childhood, he was not safe. He was with people, true humans who were acting on their own sick impulses. Two women who wanted nothing more than to keep him captive and torture him for their own twisted pleasures.

Jade’s fingers locked, her fingernails digging into his sensitive flesh and her knuckles whitening as she squeezed him hard. After a few seconds of silent turmoil, Dane’s terrified mind reset, and his body reacted.

“Aaaoooh!” He let out an inhuman sound, a loud bello that almost made Jade and Veronica jump. His whole body froze, and when his thumbs discontinued their work on Veronica’s soles, she added to his torture?


The whip laid across his back in a rapid snap, just missing Jade in the process. A red welt formed on his shoulder blade, and his bello turned to a frightened yelp. His survival instincts set in, and he told himself that if he just obeyed, he would be ok. He rubbed Veronica’s feet, doing his best to please her, while the pain in his testicles began to numb. Jade didn’t have any demands, however. There was nothing that he could do to make her happy or to earn her mercy. She only wanted to cause pain.

And that is exactly what she did. Over the next several hours Dane was tormented and punished with no cause. Jade clawed and crushed his tender, bruised gonads, laughing behind him as he squirmed and whimpered while trying not to move for fear of her fingernails tearing his delicate flesh. She forced him into various positions, beating him with her leather riding crop and torturing his flaccid cock with an angry and purposeful obsession with causing him pain. Veronica joined Jade in the beating, cracking her whip against his flesh. The stinging leather left raised red welts all over the adventurers back, chest and thighs. His pale skin was dotted with blue bruises and flecks of blood streaked across his body. Jade made sure to focus her aggression on Dane’s manhood, varying between squeezing his testicles with her strong hand, beating at his limp, frightened member with the riding crop, and slowly crushing his pained testicles under her heel. She would keep his legs spread, taunting him and making him beg for mercy as her foot came down hard on his shrivelled package. She tortured him that way for hours, all the while being forced to focus on massaging Veronica’s delicate feet.

Unlike Jade, Veronica’s focus throughout the night was more on her own pleasure, rather than Dane’s misery. She would occasionally use her whip when his intense pain and anguish got in the way of his performance, and she seemed to enjoy the unending verbal abuse that the two women spewed at him constantly. Veronica threatened him with her whip and her friend’s wrath, demanding a deep and thorough foot massage and detailing what she wanted him to do.

“Deep and hard, mmm, that’s right you little worthless piece of shit! Dig those thumbs into my arches, pamper your Mistress and spoil me, or you’ll pray for the days of whips and riding crops!”

After several hours of torture and pain, the women were so aggressively aroused that they decided to use Dane’s body in a much different and more humiliating way. Dane was so beaten down and exhausted, he couldn’t imagine trying to fight back. He laid whimpering in the bed, the early morning sun streaming through the window and illuminating Dane’s black and blue marked body. Veronica and Jade each laid on either side of Dane, groping at his thighs and nuzzling against his neck. Their hands slid around his manhood, fondling his flaccid member and stimulating him from every angle. He wanted to fight, to climb out of the bed and run for safety. He tried to move, but his tired muscles ached with every movement. He was too weak to protest, but the constant unwelcome stimulation resulted in a slow and reluctant erection.

They forced him to get hard, slowly ensuring his shame and guilt as he looked down at himself with a tear in his eye. He felt sick to his stomach as the two women proceeded to ravage him. They took control of his helpless body, taking turns riding his cock and smothering him. They each moaned and cried out with pleasure, occasionally asserting their dominance and inflicting pain on their powerless victim. They cackled and wailed, whipping and beating him only to force further stimulation on him, causing his erect cock to reappear for their use.

They used him for hours, smothering and grinding against his face and beating and humiliating him when he could not stay erect for their sick pleasures. Dane suffered through this ordeal through the night and well into the morning. He wanted to cry out for help, but his voice cracked and he couldn’t force the words to come. He lay there motionless, until Veronica and Jade were finished with him. They had gotten all they could from him, and when his cries of pain faded, and the fear in his eyes was replaced with a glassy blankness, they left him there to stew in the memories of torture and humiliation that they had inflicted on him throughout the night.

His muscles burned, his nerves all but numb to the sensations of the warm sun shining through the window, and the slight breeze that came from the opening and closing of the door. His skin was pale and clammy, spotted with black and purple bruises and streaked with red welts. He was speckled with tiny crops of blood, brought to the surface by the lashes of the angry whip. His testicles were visibly blue, and they stung even when Dane remained motionless. His hair was wet with sweat and matted, sticking to the pillow beneath his head. His eyes, once damp with tears, were raw and red. His lips were cracked from dehydration, his face and neck moist with the feminine juices that had been rubbed forcefully against him. His member was withered and over used, sticking to his mound with the fluids that the women had drenched him during his non consensual night of debauchery.

His mind raced, the memories of being used, abused, beaten, and worst of all raped, invading his every thought. His last moment of consciousness was filled with the knowledge that this would now be his life. As long as his captor’s continued to torture him, he would never have the strength or will to escape. The light drifted away, and he fell into unconsciousness, only able to manage one last thought before fading into darkness.

I just wanted an adventure
