He Kept His Mask On [MF]

Usually there’s a bit of a filter between the time I do a thing and the the time I write it up. Usually I wait a bit and decide what I feel about it before I decide to share it, or I have a minute to process the thing I did, or just have the critical distance on it to have some perspective. But this one was two weeks ago. Exactly, because it was also on a Wednesday.

Work has been really shitty lately with all of the shut downs; I’m in an essential industry serving other essential industries but the end products aren’t being made and my job has been very slow because of it. And so this was a day that was particularly dead, and a day where I was feeling particularly stir crazy. I’ve been fairly good about staying home and not going out through this entire thing but that gets really lonely and my normal outlets have gradually not worked. There’s only so much I can text or Facetime with someone before I need connection of some sort.

Due to a few minor calamities in my life I’ve been kind of in a new social circle since last October, and my social circle has been a little closed. So I was already lonely going into this and the isolation has really amped up my neediness. And on that day in particular I was on my phone, I was looking at porn, I was talking with people about sex and how pent up I felt and one of those people dared me to do something about it.

I’m not susceptible to dares normally, because fuck that. But he had a point and I was lonely and needy and I just wanted some connection. And so I texted a guy I had fucked around with a few times; he was the kind of guy who always seemed like a good idea ahead of time but that you immediately regret contacting afterwards, and I hadn’t seen him in a little while (read: I haven’t been booty called by him since December).

So I texted him. Just “Hi”. And of course he knew who it was, of course we caught up. If it weren’t for social distancing, he was interested in meeting up. He was interested in it today actually. And I was interested, too, not in him fucking me or even in getting off but in just feeling wanted, I guess. Wanted in that way that’s really objectification.

So we came up with a plan. A neutral locale. A place nearby. A carwash, we’d go through, I’d blow him, I’d get out, move on with our lives. Scratch the mutual itch, him to use my mouth, me to have my mouth be useful. Quarantine or not. I’m not saying I’m proud of myself, I’m just saying what I agreed to.

I met him in the parking lot and got into his truck. He was wearing a mask. I wasn’t. I couldn’t, not for what he wanted me to do. I’d taken off my panties and bra, left them in my car, my tiny tits not needing the support anyways. He was already playing with it, it was already hard. I leaned over, put my mouth on it. There wasn’t talk, we handled all the pleasantries via text; this was transactional sex. His hand was roughly in my hair, pushing me down on him, gagging a little and tearing up but in the best way, all the familiar smells and tastes, the tickle of his pubic hair on my cheek.

The entire encounter lasted maybe ten minutes from me leaving my car to getting back into it. I swallowed him when he came, we barely spoke to each other, and I felt dirty as his truck got cleaned. Afterwards I thought back on it and realized that he never even took off his mask, that I sucked him dry while he kept himself protected from whatever I brought into his life, and I knew I must have been good for him to have even risked being in contact with me.

I got a text a little later saying he’d be in touch and that we’d do it again. And as dirty as I felt being a suck slut for ten minutes in the cab of his pickup, it’s taken considerable restraint over the last few days not to text him and offer up my services again.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gnhh9k/he_kept_his_mask_on_mf


  1. Damn, this is a hot story. I need a suck slut like you in my life that I can use. Don’t think less of yourself for doing this, it’s alright to want to feel used like this, it’s part of the experience and makes it that much more exciting for both parties.

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