I [28f] participated in a Blowjob Race while on holiday… [FM]

Aged nineteen my friends and I decided it would be wise to spend what little remained of our collective student loans to celebrate having survived our first year of university by jetting off together on an exotic and exciting holiday. We pictured sun, sea and sand, sipping expensive cocktails on flashy yachts, and being served our drinks by handsome guys wearing nothing but tight speedos. We very quickly realised however that our budget wouldn’t actually stretch to anything that could be even vaguely described as ‘exotic’, so instead booked a week in the somewhat less exclusive Ayia Napa in Cyprus.

For those unaware, Ayia Napa is (or at least was) considered to be something of a 18-30 ‘wild time’ paradise. And paradise is being used ironically. It’s a party-party-party type place by reputation, where the vast majority of vacationers will be sleeping through the day, and setting the world on fire by night. Also setting loins on fire. There was said to be no place on earth where casual sexual encounters could be found, indulged and dismissed so easily, readily and without comment or judgement.

For clarity, neither myself nor my friends were particularly party-girl type people. We enjoyed a drink (or seventeen), and as anyone who has read any of my other posts will know, weren’t exactly short of adventure and ‘fun times’, but we were far from the ‘party all night long’ revellers. Which was precisely why, in part, we ended up deciding to take the plunge and go for it. We’d all been through a year which had opened our eyes to much, and we’d all spent time enjoying the new found freedoms that university life can offer.

In short; we thought ‘fuck it. Let’s try it. What’s the worst that can happen?’

Five of us in total flew out, and were staying in a cheap and cheerful (and very, VERY small) 2 bedroom apartment. One room had two beds, one room a double bed, and the living area had a monstrously uncomfortable sofa bed. We decided the only fair thing to do would be to rotate sleeping arrangements so everyone had to deal with each bed. Arguments broke out immediately discussing the possible sharing combinations for the double bed.

Now, this is where the telling of this tale becomes challenging for three reasons:

1. From this stage forward and until the end of the holiday a week later, there was not a single moment where any of us weren’t either monstrously drunk or monstrously hungover. Sometimes inexplicably both at once.
2. An awful lot happened during this week and, due the reason one, it’s not always especially clear what order it happened in. It’s also worth mentioning that the BEST anecdote of the entire week isn’t actually mine but one of my friends, however I do feel that’s not really mine to tell. Maybe one day!
3. Due to points one and two, discussion of the events of the holiday were promptly BANNED from discussion among my friends, something we’ve all adhered to religiously. As such, it’s been impossible to confirm certain details with others, or to gain clarity on any of the missing pieces.

I feel I’ve now written way too much and will probably have lost most readers due to the lack of NSFW content so far. For those of you who have persevered, it starts now.


The first night is largely uneventful. We head out to explore the area and find a few bars we’ll likely settle in for the remainder of the week. I discover just how casual the attitude to casual sex is when upwards of seven guys opening lines to me are all variations of ‘Fancy a fuck?’ I politely decline as I explain I’m trying to pace myself. We do however lose one of our friends around 3am, as she clearly accepts the offer.

I end up blowing a guy on the beach at some stage before heading back. The details are incredibly sketchy and I’d be lying if I claimed to know how it came about. The only details that do linger are that we were one pair of about five within view performing similar acts, and I can only be certain that it occurred as I woke up the following morning very clearly needing a shower.

I also wake up that morning to find a guy in the room, but am relieved to discover it’s my friend’s issue (the one we lost at 3am), as he’d been sharing the bed with her.


We steel ourselves, now sure we know what we’ll be facing. The night starts well/appallingly with karaoke. This goes on some time. Drunk off our faces, we decide to find a new bar and end up in a seedy off-the beaten path establishment that lures us in with free shots. Despite the slight seediness, it seems a nice place to be, and we prefer the company of the slightly less party party type on the main strip. More free shots come our way, which we down without a second thought.

I have no idea how long we were in there – it may have been minutes, it may have been hours – when the music stops and a guy comes over the microphone announcing that it’s time for some competitions.

We’re drunk and cheer, despite not knowing what they are.

Microphone man announces that there’ll be free drinks for the winners and bonus prizes.

We all ‘ooh’ and ‘whoop’ and are very excited at the prospect.

The first competition is announced as a wet t-shirt competition. We all immediately lose interest and get back to the business of drinking. We’re encouraged to join in, but decline.

We don’t pay attention to who wins.

The second competition is pole dancing. This spurs the interest of one of our group who participates and comes third. This wins us many more shots.

Then came the third competition. I can’t say with any accuracy how much I’d had to drink by this point, other than by quantifying it as a LOT. The competition is announced and I can distinctly remember – though with no idea why – literally sticking my hand in the air immediately to put myself forward. (Pointlessly too – you had to approach to be considered, but I did it anyway.)

And what had I just volunteered for? A race, of course.

A blowjob race.

There were a surprising amount of volunteers, but five or six of us were selected (including another from our group!). We were then invited to ‘pick our guys’. This was basically a free-for-all as every guy pushed his way forward to try to be chosen – some even delightfully going to far as to get their cocks out right there for a preview.

I don’t know how I made my choice, but I do remember I chose very quickly.

Volunteers were then picked for people who’d stand in front of us on the stage holding up sheets to mask our actions from the crowd – but were told they’d drop them occasionally to make sure there was no cheating. And to give the crowd a good view of the action. It was clear this would be something of a spectator sport.

We go into position and readied ourselves. But before we started the guy on the mic asked for more guy volunteers. If we finished and wanted to carry on, then apparently there was an all time ‘leader board’. By working our way through multiple guys we could be immortalised forever and win many bonus prizes.

It’s times like this I hate myself for being so competitive.

Microphone guy blows a whistle and tells is to commence blowing. (He made a joke about it which was shit. I remember thinking it was shit, which actually delayed me from starting). I then grab the complete stranger’s cock, put it in my mouth and begin do what needs to be done.

It’s at this point he introduced himself, which I find weird so I ignore. He also asks if him talking and encouraging would help. I pause for long enough to tell him to do whatever he needs to to finish.

I’m very drunk and I know I wasn’t doing my best work. I went to hard too fast to try to rush to a finish, which wasn’t getting us anywhere.

Intermittently I’m aware of the sheet dropping to give the crowd a view, though I’m not really paying attention. I’d like to say I was concentrating fully on the task in hand, but I was also glancing around to see how I was faring next to my competitors. I wanted to win, knew I wouldn’t, but also knew I couldn’t lose to my friend, who was two people further along the raised stage.

I’d give a blow by blow (pun intended) account, but I’d be guessing. The only facts I can be sure of are these: At one point the guy suggests I play with his balls. I grumpily tell him I know what I’m doing. (Though I do then remember to play with his balls). I also recall a point when he started thrusting a little which was ruining my rhythm.

We didn’t win. Somewhere further down the line I was aware of someone standing and shouting ‘done’ and there was a cheer. Mic guy suggested she could go for the record, but she declined.

The rest of us were encouraged to keep going as there were still prizes to be won. But I had no intention of stopping as I didn’t want to fail.

Second place finished soon after, but she volunteered to take another to go for the record. Cue an even bigger cheer as a second eager guy stepped forward.

By now though I’d found my rhythm, and the guy was actually enjoying it. I’d found a specific tongue movement he responded well to, and was now using it excessively to bring this to an end.

I spy the tell-tale signs of his body start to tense, and I continue to lash his cock with my tongue until he erupts in my mouth. I stand up, shout done, and spit the cum into a glass (Competition rules to verify you weren’t both just faking it).

Now stood up I can see my friend is still going for it, and looking like she’s not getting anywhere. Her guy looks like he’s trying to hard and not enjoying it.

And I wonder if I can get through two guys before she’s finished her first.

I tell microphone man I’m going for the record. There’s a cheer and another guy is sent over. I distinctly remember thinking ‘I’ve lucked out, this one’s hot!’

The details of this one are lost to drink and time. I know I enjoyed it and I know I was swift and efficient as we made incredibly rapid progress.. I know I enjoyed it because, as he finished, I had to remind myself not to swallow.

I finished him before my friend officially gave up on her first. I also decided two was enough for me, because I was far more interested in finding out more about the guy I’d just blown.

I’ve now written a stupid amount and only reached night two, so I’ll save the rest for another post!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gmqqv4/i_28f_participated_in_a_blowjob_race_while_on


  1. As if it weren’t already true, I am now committed into reading every single thing you write on here! ♥️♥️♥️

  2. An amazing read, thank you for sharing! Just went from not knowing what is a blowjob race to wanting to be in one sometime.

  3. Hot story and hopefully you can give us a hint on what craziness your friend got up to

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